Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

7o8 The Selltence agaiujl J. Hus, ill theCouncil of Confhnce. iif!~l~~~ ~{fi~~~t~l 23 , Afterward du~ i\wclc was repeated, how heap~lcd d!cncc, before this holy Council, h:uh<onfctfcd to be i n~:~. r<~4 • ~~~E::! ~~~r~~~~n Joh~,:dH~a~:lw~r~~ 0aL~~J1j~r~se~~~;~~ . ~~~:h~~b~c ~~~~cc~a~y ~at~~~~k;r;1~~:~~e~~;:hlo~~ ~rE~i·~:L Z:~ 10 ;~~~fct:e~ra~~~~~id!Y a;;!~7~~ic~e~h% ~~~~uc~~~,~~ ~~e~:c~~~c:~~~~~~d 0f~di1t1ii;~s, t~~~~~~ ~~~tc~;:~ ~k\ ·~· vil intrcatcd of thine enemies, diddcft appeal unto God of them notoriouny Heretical, and even no~ of late by thy Father, committing thy caufe unto a moll jufi Judge, the holy Fathers and general Councils reproved and conthat by thy Example, we alfo being opprdfcd with ma- demned. And forfomuch as the faid Anides are expref1:~~;. ~r~~t~!i:~:£~~~~~::~~l~r;~~~h~~~~:~: ~:2,~:~f~~::::;~~{~:;,irs:.::~~:~:,kt:~; :~:.:!' 1~·JW~ anfw~red as before, that he was excu!ed by his Ad'i'~ phrafe foever they be, or whether they be rnnflaud by::":~~·· .. cates m the Court of RAmt, wherefore he did not appear others, and doth determine and decree, T ha t they all fhall when he was cited i and alfo that it may be proved by be . folemnly and openly burned in the prefence of the the Ads, that the Excommunication was oot ratified; ClcrgyandPeopleoftheCit rofCtmflancr,andelfewhefe; a~d finally, to the intent he might dear himfelf of ob- adding moreover for the premifes, That all his DoCtrine fimacy, he was for that caufe come unto C11n/fanct, un- is wor_thy to be dcfpifed and efchewed of all faithful der the Emperors fafe ConduCt:. When he had fpoken C~rifbans, And to I he intent this moll pernicious and thefe words, o_ne of them wh_ieh was appointed Judge, Wicked DoCtrine may be utterl y excl uded and fhut out read rhedefininve Sentence agamll him, which followerh of th~ Church, this facrcd Synod doth ftraitly command thus word for word. that dtligent l nquifition be made by the Ordinaries ofth~ The Sentence or 1Jtdgment of tbeCouncil of Con- ~~:~s~y:.~d ~~~~f~-~~~ca~sce~~~r;~u~~J ~d~~1 1 r:a~~~ :~~ france againfl Jobn Hus. burned w1th fire: An~ if there be any found, which !hall Tk(m- contemnor~efptfe rh • s Sentence or Decree, this facred ~~~ n., T~t:;~~fibc~l~~~~:re~~~e~or~~:~~~~o~~~!h 0:r,c::: ~J;1.~a~;~~~~t~l~ntnq~~fi~~~~1~l~:;e;:~~ 0ch~i;1~~~~e~J prefcnting t~e Carhohck Church, for a perpct_ual Memo· agatnll every fuch perfon as fufped of Herc!ie. ry of the thmg, as the Vc rit~ and. Truth dtd witnefs, AneviiTreebringethfonhevt\Frmt ; he reupon. itc~- Wherefore, after due inquiGt!on made againft the eth, that the man of moft damnable memory, 1obn Wrck,.- faid ] 11h1JHu1, and full informatiOn ha.:J by the .comIijf, . through his pelliferous De>arine, not through J efus milfuies and J?odors of both Laws, and al fo by the fayChrtfiby the G~fpel; as. the Holy Fathers in times pall ingsof the wt.t ndTes which were worthy of credit) and have begotten. fanhful Chtldren~ but contrary unto the matty other thmgs openly read before the faid J ohn Hut, wholfome Fmh of Jefus Chr1ll, a5 a mofi venomous andbefore rhe Fathcrs andPrelates ofthis facred Counroot, hath begouen m~ny pe_fiilent and wicked Cbildrcn, cil (by the whi~h Allegations of the wirneffes, it appearwhom ~e bath left behrn~ hun, Su~ors a~d follow- eth, that 1h~ ~atd J ohn H~s hath taught many evil and M ltiJ lll •ll ers of ht s perverfe and wtcked Dod:nne, agamll whom offeofive,fedtt tous. and pertllololS Heref~,and hath preach- como In rny thi_s Sacred Synod of CAnjla11tt ~sforcedtorife up,_ ~5 a- edthefameby a longtime) thismollfacred.:tnd holy Sy- ~·J:t gatnfi ballards and unlawful chtldrcn, and with dtltgent nod, lawfull y congregate and gat hered together in the crlnmanJ. , care, withthefhup knife oftheEcddi11licalAuthori- HolyGhofl, thenameof Chriltbeing invocateandcai-M.. tr~ ty, to cut up their Errorsout of the Lords field, as moll led ~pon, by th is their Sentence whichhere isfet forth in h urtfu!Br:unbles and Bryers, ldltheythouldgrow tothe writmg, determineth, pronounceth, declareth, and dehurt and detriment of others. creeth, that J. Hut was and is a true and manifeft He. Forfomuch then as in the holy General C ouncil, lately retick, and that he hath Preached openly Errors and Hecelebrated and holden at R11mt, it was Decreed, That the re!i~~ latelycondc'!lncd by the Church o~God, and many Dotl"rine of Jobn Wick.Jiff, of mo(t damnable memory, fed1UOus, temcrar_w_us and offcnfive thmgs to no fma11 thould be condemned, and that his Books which con- offence of the D1vlllc Majefiy , and of tbe Univerfal tained the fame DoGhine, fhould be burned as Heretical, Church, and detriment of the Cath'ol ick Faith and and this De~ ree was approved and ~on firmed by the Sa- Church, ncgi~Ct:ing and dcfpifing the Keys of the Church, cred Authonty of the whole Counc1l; ncverchclef~ one and Ecdefiafitcal Cenfures. In the wh1ch his Error, he J11bn f:fHt here per fonally vrefent in this Sacred Council, hath continued with a mind altogether indurate a.nd not the Difciple of ChriH, but of Jolm Wick/if{. an ~1ardened by the fpace of many ye~rs, much uffrndArch-heretick, aftc r1 and contrary or againll rhe Con- mgthefaithfulChrillians byhisoblhnacyand fiubborndemna!ion and Decree hath Taught, Preached and af- nefs, when as he made his Appeal unco che Lord J cfus ~;.~~~~t:r~~t~1eG~,~~~~ifn,ti;~c~afiw~;e~~~~~~:: ~~~~l~~~i~~a~;.~h l~:~:{,w~~~~~~i~g ;~~~~h~i~~ :~~~ :i~~~,1dof~J.~;:s i~il~~~~~s ~~d~~:.b~~~~drs30o~ ~~~~~P~~fih~a:;:,~~~~r~o~,:~~t~!eE~~~fi~~~~~e~~ ~i H~ Divinity of dLvm Univerlities; _efpedaUy rcfillmg in furennd Keys. his open Sermons, andalfowith h1s~dherents and_Com- _Whereupo~, both for che premifes and many other ~~~soif1J~~;~~:;~!(te~~f~~;d;b~i~~1 i~f~~!1el;~d:0~~ ~~~~~k:h~~ddj~J~~ 'f~:~b~n~t;fe J;~;fe~~otbe~~~ !~~ verfity of Pr.lgu<', and bath declared h1m. the f~id Wick: d~mned and j~dg~ as an Herellek ; and rep~oveth the ~!~ [~; ~!1~!f;~u~;~~d~~f~h;~~~0r1~~fa~d ~~:n~~~ ~~~o~cr'~~~~t1i~{ri~u)u~i1~rgr;; , a~~d 1~~~e:h ~~~i~a~~ aCadmEck Man,and a trueEvange_licaiDoCtor. Hehat~ Hus.not to have fcdu~ed the Chritl_ian people · ali"o publifhed and affirmed certam and many of ~IS by h1s Wntmgs and Preachmgs, and fp«:tally in the Ariicles, worthily condellllled to be Catholick, rh_e whtch Kmgdom of &btmt, n~ither to have ~n a true Preach~ are nororioully contained in the Books of the fatd Jobn. ~rot theGofpel o_f Chnll unto the fatd peopk, accordHHt. mg to theexpolinon of the holy DoCtors; but alfoto wbercfore, after diligent deliberation and fuJI in- h~vebeenaSeducer of them, and alfo anobftinateand f() rmation fid\ had upon the prcmifcs by the Reverend lhfn~ckcd p~rfon,yea. and fuch an one as doth not de~;~ :~