Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

71 o Tbe Martyrdom a11dbumi11g o!John Hus at tbe Cotmci! ofConfhnce. Tbr"Wirf}'r- Then was the Fire kindlrd, and Jobn H:H lxgan to tven the world it kif) the Motha of an Montlcn ~ domofbld; !Ulg with a loud voice) Jefus Chrif\ the Son of the living crutl Jkafls. This Story waewQrthy Come Olher kind ~:,;·h ~h!1f;~e~h(t!~:~~i~~:· rheA~i~;dhd:o~~ ~rA~~~ ~~~~~~fe ~if:n ~~~~~e~~u\ f~~~~~~ta~~~ (o u~n his Face, that it choked him. Yet notwlth· cordmg to the vay truth J as the th~ was indttd, fiandmg he moved a while after, by the fpace that a to commend the fame unto all godly nunds : ndthtt Man might almofi fay three timts the Lords Prayer. have I heard it report«! by others, but I myfdfwu When aU the wood was burned and confumed , the prefent at the doing of all thefc thin~, and as I was t:::~;:,a ~~r~~d~ ~~~~;he~~J ~~w~er~~:~~:~~ ~~~ ~~~n~h~~~~ :,~ I.~a~~J~~!,mho~;:,~~~ ~1r ~~rP:= :;,~r;'._of bh kmg a new fire, bumtd it, the Head bt:ing firfi cue m ferve the memory of this holy Man and excellent Dod'or (mall gobbets, that it might the fooner be con fumed of the Evangelical truth. The !kart uuto Afhes. The H(ll]"t, which was found amongll What was the name of dUi Author which wrote f1ob'"~d;the bowels, ~ing well lx:ltm with Staves and Clubs, this Scoryitisnothereexprdkd. C~Jt#lemin hisfrcond~h,., s~:'."', Jaftpnck~ upon a fharp Stick, and Rofied at ~~rmtr11Hujfitas, fupj::.o(cth his m~ to bt:Jo/xmMsUoq~~t to ~:~f::t:~~£r.0::~~ ;~~~::l~~~ .. ,J~~=~~'~; r~~~~~~~~"~!~~r~,: g~~; ~=. o£ ~~~~c~o:~la:,:\~;t:::~~i:;cca~!:~~~ ~~to!lr!:: ned~)~~~~~~l~ir :d~~~~~;:,~ of rhemu~dsof the so:dly, nrnhcrby Fur, neither by I4I).aboutthemomhofJuly. Water, neu1~erbyanyku.W.ofTorment, · · ohnHm was taken ([I know vrry well th:tt l~tt:fe things:tre veryflen- of Mor11'r:Jit~, hm-- Q.erly writte':l of me as toudung the hboms of this by their Lett(fS which Tbt Aat~or mofl Holy Martyr John Hus, with whom the labours t~cy ent by the Lettm ri Si· ir!*lrntG ~~~!J:;1'fl~:e anf:wro M~n~:fr~; t~:o~::t~~~:~;;~ '\~:::~~~!~1eb~~~~f ~j~ha: 'cu~ri~m~~roand~~ with a moft fiout and valiant courage, bath fubducd cufe himfdf of H11.Qes death. All*c he was not alrogctber