Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

712 John Hus his Letters to the People of Prague. : ~~v~:tb;£~~e~~~~~;t0wJ:Chr~~~~h~~~hn~ ~h: ~: : :h~~it!~~~l f~~~n~;o~~;~ tx:or ~~[;'~h; ~~n~k~ {~~} : vf~n, but r.:tthtr .do extenuate and d1minilh them; : e~·t~ fn:a nt of his to btthclord of all hispc:Jffi ffion, : ;h~~~~~~ ~h~~~~hns~~~~fi~0tl:~~~~:s:0 tn~;~i~ ; ~:~11~i~~~:;:~d!nut~~~fu;rs:11~~i~~gi:f~~~u~1~J~hj~rJ c b:nrcl~~:~o:~~~~~~0l~~~h~~il~~e1~n°;~.;~~~~:~1~ • ~~n:!. fQ~:P~~ 1i~i:~; r~~~~;~il~h;~h ~h:1:~:~~ ~ ~fufs~~i~~~cd~31~;~~~o~~O~~~~~o~~(~~~~ur~lft : ~~\~hofua~j ~;c1i~~1\t:tdl{;;~~c~~lor~jfJ;~y:hc{vh~': : ;,:~;.s A:~~~:{:nph:~!'Jsr/r;~r~~ ~h~n;~;;{ov~di)if- ; ~~~g ~e}~!o:e~~hdfu~J~db!~e~~or~ {~:fi y~~~h~ : ~~!;kt~~h~~~:~e1~oe;~ !ft;::;s :l:h~~: t;;~:!J:!~ : ~rc:~;oa:t~ilsal~~f~~fg~~ry~is ra: )~~~:Jh, ci:xi li:k : ju%;. ra~:.';£~h'f:i~: :tfi:t~h~1ra~:i~l ~t~~!~fi :~: : :~%~~~,t~ ~a~u.p~~:'ili~~t~~g:i~~;u0} ~~ : r:~~~"f::~~,~~;~::;;:::;;(,['~~tr,;:1h~"~d1h,J%: : ~~;;~~;:r~;~:',~"~!sh7'1 ~~ ~;~~ .br;~ ·b~ ' if it were poffible, tha\1 be brought into error. Where- ' s,gi(mun.d hath done all things with me d(C~itfully God ' fore my wdbdov«l, be ~rcumfped and watchful, that ye 'forgsve him, and only foryourf:tkes. Youalfo ~d the ' be not circumvmt«l wtth the crafty trains of the= Devil. ' fentenc~ which he awarded againfi me. I pray you ha\·e 'Andthemorecircumfped yeoughtto be, for that An- ' nofufpuionoffaithfulVitNt. 'tichrifi!J.boureththe moretotrouhlc:rou. Thc:lafi judg- ' ment is near~~ hand: fhall_fwa!low up many, but Another Let ler t o the Lo rd 1 ohn de C/11111. ' to the dell: duldrrn of God the Kmgdom of God draw- , . . . : :t1;t:~.~~~::~~~:~~~ea~~l!~;&~~i~; u~: 'M 0:v~~,~~~ ~~;~':c 1~ ~t~~~ J::6y ~=ira: ="or : !:~~~ga:~c:~~~;~~f~ud~:~ '~'!i!ys~f~~ : ~h~~I 1r~':i~;d~;~~da/~ ~~d:r{;nd~~k~u,;~t~~; 'Job H••· c yOLUeyes, that~·oulinnot; and alfo the joy of etcrnal 'mlqwtyof.the great llrumpct, r.hatis, of the: Malignant : ~~i ;~~:~rt~~ou&~k!r~d::~~~~t ~frt~~~~~~~~ : ~;~~~:o~~w~~i~~~~~!od~~~~iWi~~~c:rJ;~ 'that you may bear with him, and for him gbdly, what- : firut!lpt~ the ~~~1gs of the commtt .Fornication, 'foever fha\1 be laid upon you. For if you fhall conlidrr fo.n~tcatmg lpmtually fromChnrt> and .as IS thrn: faid, , · · · ' fhdt ~Ig back from the r.ruth, andconftntmgtothe lics of : : ~:~:i:~~h~f~~j~e~~:,cc;~ 1~~~il~~~f1g;o:;~~; 'lballnot doubt to~vetoyour l ivesmorcovafor hisholy ' nour. . Stcondly, I JXr? h·«l by your Lrtter ho~ the 'truth, ifnc:tdr~qwre. K~w ye,,welbelovttl, that An- 'Eneml~ofthetruthbc-gmnowtobetroub!o:! •. Thmlly, : :~~~. 00~~S:=Y!ie~h1 ~~oh~~r:vi~~h~~verhfr~fi : ~~~~~jcfs [;th~~~~~ithr~ei ' hair of their heads, as by mine own coxampk I can td\i- ' perce1vcod t~t you mmd now to gi~·e over the vanity and 'fie, although hehath b«n vcohcol!lcntly incrnfed againll 'painful fervtce ~f th!s pn:frnt v.'Orld, and to fervethc 'mr. Wlu:rtfore Idelire you all , wuh your prayers to make ' Lo~d J cfusChnfi W!fetly u home. Whom to fco.rve is to : ~~~:~~n~~e: :~~heco~~;IC~~ ~~:t 1fen~~~~~; '( t~~Y:J~~~G~h~ijfh~~~~;?:~behe~/,;tj}:,V:j~;~h[~~; (from hiS divme veri ty. He hath brouoht me now to Ctm- ' mmifhr Nnto h1m, as ~e himftlf ~th, .iltffid is that 'ftanr:r. In all my joumcoy, openly an~ nunifc:filr, I ha\'e : ftMJant, whom wbtn tbe LDrJ Jlu•U rrmu, he foall (id 'notfcaredto uttermy tumc as lxcomcoth thefcrV1ntof I~J. unto ]~, that ht 'God.. In no placco I kept. my ~df (roet, nor ufa:l any dif- : mmijltr to h1m. This do • funulauon. But never d1d I find many placemo~ pclli- thar fcrvants; whom • lent and flllnife!l Entmks than at Conffanc~ . Which ' . arc profitable andQCCt(- 'En~mic:sntithtrfhould I havehadthcre, h~ d itnotlx:cn 'faryforclJerrcommodides, &c. : :v~~.h~ ra;r~~;fi::~;?~~d:> a~e;~Pa:~~th': Another EpHHe ofJt~hn HHJ, whcr~in he de~l:t- • vc:toufiJefS, with boafiing and braggmg have: pc:rfwaded reth why God fuffercth not hts to penlb, ' t~e pwple that I wrnt about to !educt them out of the bringing divers examples, wherewith hedoth 'nght way: But I am itl good hope, that through the comfor t and confirm both bimCelf and other. 'mercy of our God, and by your prayers, l llull pcrlill : ~:~~Y i~\~~~Ul':~~~:~: n~~'tv~f ~~g~~:ntc~erl:a~ ; TH~.!f~~~:b~~h~~d~uMF~~~ds~:~~~~~cd : :~~~a~~~J~~dc:,re;/l:t~~;~e~~~~~·t~ ~~~~~~~:~ : ~f~!~~~~~kY~~~t =~i~~: f:: ~:!aFo~ ~~~~t~~ ' ful Lord Jcfus.C~rifi, our t 1 ~e God, and the Son of the ' But now undcrfianding the fame to be d&rrcd, I ta~c it : ~~a~;:d~:t~\:r~;:W~~~~~ £:~~~ ~u':. : ~~~~~~~i~7:~~~~t~~ ~ha~~~ht~~e~':~k:; "from the Thraldomof the Devil, and from lin. < to )'OU, to d(Clare and tdhtic ~~ lcafr ~y gratirude and Frfm Confiancc tbeTtarofour LorJ, 1415. 'mUtdfulduty toward you. And:lS touching death, God 'dothknowwhyhe dmhdtftt it both tome, andtomy Another Lctttr oF John H111 to his Benefall:ors. ; ~~J~!~~edwi=t~ta:!:Jd~~,O:,~lf~t::'h;~»;~ ~~:~. : M ~~;:s):nb~a~~;~t~:r~tt:~~~~~h~; : :d~[~!~.cot~ha~~.:li~1!1~~~~!e~Yt~~: ~·~~~ 'n~w Y.e fewng alide the vamues of .thiS pr~~It world, ' call to memory our hns the better, and r~pc:m for the • will g~~·e y_our fcorvice to the: Eternal KmJ?,Cimfi .the Lord. ' fame mort: fcrvrntly. He h:tth granta:l us time, our : ~~~~l~~~ ~~~!h~f~r t~~r~~~~(~l ~~r::!dcl~bl:!~:~ : 1 1~~~ ::~ g~~~~~e:~f:~~~;l !~;~~l~~~.a~:~J, ~:0: • deceitful. To day thcoy are, to morro.w they peri!h, but ' time; whercom w~ fhould rrmemlxr the horrible rtbukes •God remaineth for evt r. Who hath Ius fervams, .not for ' o~ our mm:iful Kmg and Lord Jelits, and lhou1d ponder • anypecd he hath of thcom, but f~ their own profl t : un- ' Jus cruc.l d~ath, and fo more pat t~ntly might !(am robc::u ' to whom he p:rformeth that whtch ~e promifcth, and ' our affiiChons. And morem:n that we m,i,sht ~in reoJ. fuJfiUeth that which be' pnrpofeth to gtve. He cafteth off ' membnuce, how that the )Oyts of the llk to come :