Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

714 Book} of goodmen burned in all Ages. Godly LettmofJohn Hus. :~~~~ah~~~o fa~d~Ol~ek~%:~· ~~~~u~ t~:r ~~ ~~~<:,[,~ {~~~} * Another Letter of John Hus, wherein he com· : /(t hun gtvt rhe Smtmu agamff ?ope John; Thm !::~~~leJjo~r::::;~;;:n7~:~; ~~~e'Bo::;.'::~ '~~)~~ a~;~t)l~~d f~h; d\~~;~e~f~~~ ~uk~~~h;:~~~~~ Po~ J.M affo decliJrtth the rPickednefi of theC/erg,: : n;s:,~orho/~li~a~tr~!lftt~:~ h~e~ecta~n~;~~~~ ~=~~na ' Aller 'John Htu, in hope the ~ant of Gcxl, to : ~~~~~; ~~~ta ~~~k~ S~n~ee:,et~~~·w~~~~ ~~j,:;s ~~~~~~Y ~~~~ .. ~ M all the Faithful which love hun and his Statutes, 'have found in hun ? Why did tl1e Chardinals choofc him 'wifhc:rhthcTruth andGraccofGod. 'to be: Pope, knowing lxforethathe hadki!!«<.thc holy ~Beloved, I th?Ught it needful to warn that you fhould 'Father? Why fuffertd they him to meddle with holy 'not fear or be d1fcouraged, OO:aufethe Adverfo.ries have 'th!ngs, in bearmg t~1e Office of rhePopedom? for to ~~~·: ~~~a~~:/~~!:k:h~;~e~li~~f~i-th~.~~;;~J~~~ ; ~~~~~i~~i~~~f ~~t :~li~~n~~:~r: ~:: ~~~~~~e:= ~!~id" : ~ph~~~e~}hi~~ t~~~ 'f~ra;g~ :~~y t~~~~~b=,"~h: : ;~~~:C~~h~2 t~~~~~~c:uli~ ~~: :n~tt~~et~~~: : ~:~~~~a~:ht~ 0w:Sri~~f~hJo;:~f~roy~:!:;~~:~:~~~ : '!~h~~ ~fls ~hea~:,be~~~:~~ ~hha1£:~~~~n:t~ 'prifonfpake,. and f!M~«h.wh.ichwas ready ~this hand, 'but as (0011 as the fccularpower, by thefulfm.nce of 'wrote. T hiS is wmre~t e1tha in the thirty lifrh or ~orty •God, h1d hold upon him, thm,..and n~er afore, they • fifth Chapter cf the V1fion of'Jmm;. It is alf~ wncre.n ' confpircd all together that. he fhould not live any l'?llga ? e in the Books of the Mtuhabus, That tht wtcluJ dtti • Surely, even at this day IS the ml.lice, the abonunl.rion _ <burn the Law of G 0 D, Anti kiOtti them that had the • and lilthineiS of A11tichriftreveakd in the Pope and othas ~:.~ 'fame•. Agai~, unde-r the New Ttftamtnt, they bumcd • oft~is Coun~i~. bool<o to ~ ~ the Samts, with the Books of the Law of g 0 D.. The ' Now rh.: faithful $(_Tvants of 0 q D may underfland .,,.,;rlmJI. ~~':" 110 'C~rdin:lls 001~dcmned and committed 10 tire ccr~m of ~~what our S:~.viour Clmf\ meant by t~us faying, Wbm 1 ou d~7J!i.'\t;" 'Samt Grtgorm Books, and had bumt them llllf they • Jha/J foe tke abomination of dtfolatton, which it JPolun b~ rural~d : ~~!r,~~~g~~ ~~~ft\:~H~~i~ ?n~ ~Jil~~\&,~:~o~: : t~fc ~;~t~~~t~~~~~ ~i~t~:~~~~f;,fi~~~~: 111 tbe Port. 'eyes, takeheed.leftthrough for yoa on:1t torCJ.d my 'littmgmafolita.rypla~;that!Stofay,inaDignityvold 'Books, andddJVe~them to theA~verfanes tobebur.m. 'ofgoodnefS,, and other .vertutS) as we do 'Remember the f:~.ymgs of our memfu! Saviour, by whtch ' now dt'lrly fee m thofe thlt are con!lttuted itl any Office 'he forewameth us, Mart h. 24. Tbm Jhaii be (faith ·'and Dignity. 0 how acceptable a thing fhould it be (if : ~~~hb!or~!~t no~'"fr~fn ?;/1;:::;nfe:,:,rr;t7;a~;: : :~~~~;wO\~l;~~~~~.~h~~.~~;t~~~~~t~v;~~i~kj~·;~~~ 1 nuthtr Jh.tlt bt aft.trwar~t :. So that wen the Eltl'f of 'know them? I tru!l Ill~ that he will fend aft~ rot :r~,'tff.! : ~~1rfi[ak~: /hcr;~;;;fo;,j~;tfl~=~::rf!it~hotB;~u{~ : :~~d:~;~a~~~~~k~r~~~~~~if~tc~:e;;,a~~~ :f"~:~~~ '-:nembcr theferhings (belovcd)be notaf~id, forltrufi 'c~rift,andfh:lllgivetheirhvestothe deathforthem.tth 'Ill G 0 D that that School of .Anttebrijf !h:t!J be • cl our Lord ]di.1s Chri!t, who !hall give both royou and ' afraid of you,. and titffer you to be in quirt,. neithcr • me the joys.of life ~erla!lin~ This Epifilc was writtm 'lbaU. the Counc1l of Cmifanct extend to Bohtmta. F?r ' u~ S.'J~hn Baptijfs-JaJ. m prifon and in rold Irons, 1 z.llh~ It. ' I thm~, thac tmny of them which arc of the Cowtcd, • havmg thiS med.itatton w1th my fell: th3t J~hn was bc- ~~£~r: ~~ dfua~f~~~?r~~l t~~ ~n~~u :~ ~~cact~: • hcadc:d in his prtfon:~.nd bond~ for the word of God. ofC••Jf•"'' 1 abroad, throughout the parts of the World, like St(ffks, A~rothtr Lttttr of John Hus. 'and then they !hall know whtnf.finttr cometh, what , : ~~~lr ~~d i;~;~~;t ~~or~~~~~~~:t fu~%a~yvc-~~;!fb;! : J0ti/fui ;~;~&m:~cwt{c~a:~~~~h~ E,:l: :~hr~~ < Fl.& that he hath done. Go to now ; Anfwer to this 'lbnd and dk in the Grace of God, and at lafi to attain Tl>•&lat •yoo Preachers, which Preach that the Pope is the god 'untoetermtllife. E~E: : ~er~f ~~~~lyc~~~n~; ~~~; h: i; ~J~e ~e:'d'~1 ~}{; \~~~ • t~l~bcc~~:~~~~;dr a~~1fai~~t~~n:i~~~!d~f!~ ;::tch"i~ ' • holy Church, in venty wdl govemiug the fame ; that he • you, and admondh you all, thac ye will be obedJem unto Eg;~r ; !~a~\~c =h~h~~ o~:~~ t~~~\V~n~fprf~~~~~~ ~~hi~;fl~~~~~t : ~!: .~~~h~~~~~b~ ~r~~m~~:~!l,~~l ~·~~~:a~}ri~tt:h 'allvcrtueandgoodneJS: that heistheSunof.rheholy 'youfhckfufttothcvcrityofG.:xJsWor?, wh1chlhavc 1 Ghurc~1: that he is the Cafe Refuge to w!uch every 'written and preached umo }'OllOUt of hts Law, and. the ' Chrilhan man ought to fly for Succottr. Behold now 1 ~~:rmons of his Saints. Alfo I ?dire you if any man either • that Head is cur off with the S~vord, now the god of • m.pubhck Sermon, or in pr1varc talk heard of m~ an_y 'the Earth isboun:J. now hls Smsare declared openly, 'thmg, or haw: read anything writtrobymcwh1ch lS : ~:itthi~rP~~e~~lr~:~ ~~die1t~;ntl~~;~:, ~~~~·r t!~; : ~~~~t~~ ~:~~~~~~~~~f:!::~~~;~~~!rf~~~ 'man fhould fetk fi1crour rhtreat. The Counol bath 'fpoktn or written :my fuch dune; amongtt jOI.l· 'condemned that Head, and that for this offence, becaufc ' ldefirc you moreover if :my man.atanytin-u;?avc • he rook mont'y for lndulgoKes, Bifhopricks, and other • noted any levicy either in my talk or Ill my cond:mons, : ~::ik;·hic~~~~~~;~~~~:~le!chi~~rso:~dS:fl~~f ; ~:: ~;:~t!o;~tthfi~a;~~~?~~y~t~~2 t{; <the fame Mm:hand1fe. There was prefo1t John ~i!hop 'ye will love your Pricfls and Mm1!1as, whtch bt ofhontfi <of L1tom~(Ju, who went rwice about to. buy the Blfhop- • beh:wiour, to prd'cr and h0001.11 them before othtrs; ~~~· : ~~~~~~~:b;gd~i r~~; ~~~!fi~rrr:;~e~~~t~~mbea~ofi~~~:! ; ;~m~~k~ f.~ :i~!~tt~:S: 1 ;~;t~~~~~f~~~ denu>rtb • own eyes? Thrfe ffit'n have a~rfcd and condemned the e deceitful mol, and of rhefe WICked Pnefis of uotll••· < Sdkr, but they themfeh-~ wh1ch were the Buyers and ' whom our. Saviour .d6th fpe:tk, That t.blJ lf1't ~mJtr ~;~·; ~\i!~r~,~~:'~)~~~::~~:f~lSr~~:!1~;:;::~2 :%7J:~;~:~K;i,~£~:~t~'[i:€~S'~~~; S~~r : e~:;:1: f!ft a~t~fleB~~~ f~;l~l::~~~of1~rh11 ~~~}~ : :~~~ ~~a~!yin :lisb~~ctl~~~~~~:~o~~~a~:~tyaJ7~~~~~ 'Facts cook,Brilxs on both fides. It came fo to palS m 'eonfcimcc. The Artificers alfo I befc«h, that th'~x'::!