Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Godly Letters of John Hus to tbe Bohemian_s. _ ___ _:_7_:1"5:__ i~::.~} ,' r~~~: t~fiG~'ti.~io~;!sc;;~r,s~~;a~{~ rh:~ ~~;~ :Z:fo rf:t e~i~~lfui '!~~"~;a?:,fo'j;;/z:'o~t!'7s if 'will fcrvc thc:ir M:llkrs faithful!y.And hkewJfc_ du:School- tternnl jo7. Prttuh _crmtmflt~liJ., bHl be Jl~t •ndfruitful, : ~~~c~d~o~~~~;cu~~~;;x~~~v;~~~cl~~~Yf;r1~~~~:g fiJ: £~1;::t~~"4:J:::rd;ffi~:,:: a:~~;~{n~i~~fi;£~:: ,tf: 'to learn to ftar God; then for the glory of God ~nd the be unctr/11111 Anti ~cubifH.J, left that you~ .Adw~farm take 'publick utility of the Commonwealth, and thm OWl! hold 11pt1 ycu, whuh r~Jqcc m J~p~d'Vmg thor ~rethrNt, 'health, and not for avarice or for worldly honour, to em· whtrtbJ thty may brmg the Mmiftcn oJ.God ~nto con·_ <p]oythdrmindsrohone!l:Arts. I befecchthcSrud_entsof tempt. ExJx,r!mtnto the ~wftjfum ofthm Fatth, anti ;:y ~~~ii~c~~~~~n~\~~~~ ;t,~~:l a:~~~~[~tt~~~~fh :~ ~/:j :j~h::;;~':u!t~;}uct:;1;,o !:~~nt:r!;ftg0~ t;;:i; : ~i~;i:t1f~;d~hj- ~~~~b~~f~J.~~~a~~e~~t~~~s ~~~~~~ 17;a~~o:t:b:';~t;:t:~"'!n:: t:: ;;~~;:;;~~u1;~ cas we\! of thcmfdvrs, as of other mt11. Together I be-- and bt not • comn:&n Compa_ny-J:uptr. For the 11Wrt a 'fecch and pr:1y you all, that you will yidd moll: hearty Pw~chtrlurpabb,mfom the compa,.yofmm, tbtm~t : ~~~~~ t~:~~:,ri~~/1::rat~l!~~~e~:~,w{:; ;;n;,~'f:/,:,7~_v1r 1~;:• ,;;;' pr":j/:t::~ ~Jn;J/ft;;f;; c lfl'tlio, lord Vilt m Zagaio, Lord Nicholas, and oth~ lujl prt~cb co,lm'"'".! ~~~that tvtr .JOII ca'fl> For that u ~:~~~~ : ~f;~~~ !;:;;;! ~~;·~a~~t~fJ~"'!rl;g:f ~~~: 'Jkfl~a';jn~h~t;/'J/Jj:},r~ev;n~~if';/;;,.tJuW:,:~ b~ :~r~~~~~ : =u~ft!~:~:rfe~i~~e:~:l~~~~~~fti~~~Jh~~:~j '::~~:~~~~~~:~ t~/:!J l;'o::t;h"~ ~his wt,~;:;,th : ~~~:~~e~~~'::m~~t~d~h~i~·;;~7 1~ta~(~;~; ';~ b;,~;~! · m;",h;{r e;J}!fto:h; ~;P;~~tl;;;Jt/h,T;: ~ E£f~:;£t~f~~i~~~ft~~fi;g~ $;~;:~1~i0f~~J~7b~~#.:~~~~¥1~~) • ~nd h<?wmany falfe and na~er~us things c~cy brought tht_C6wvtrJA.tion of tbit W~rld could 'fltvtr hlemijb 11/Jr b~ ~.Mr;.·f~ of • m agamll me, and chat Council cncd out agamllme, and l."de. 1dmrt no fVomm mto JOUr !Muft, for '"Nlhttt c~r11ft (OilS. 'how I :tlfo anfwercd to all things ":'hereof I was def!tand~ j~tr tt bt1 R~d have ~~ much _talk wub tlmn othu~ • ctl. 1 bef«eh you alfo that ye wtll pray tOr tl~ e Kmg of 'vift, for avoulmg of offmu. Fmally, bfJ'W[ot'Vtr you : ~ 0 a7~ ~fdhf~rn)~~~ ~'~~~~~~~t~: :f~~~~;u;l~:t ;:;~:r~~~~fl,:]f,!t;ri~rs; ~fo;Jt~~!J4:l/e {he ':J1~ 'you,both now and henceforth m everbfl:mg hfe. Amtn. 'fflftmn the WDrld, 11nd O'tltrcomt tbt Devrl; fo jiJa/l you 'This Epifl:le_l have writ~n to you out ofyrifon and put fiJJ God, fnd lift, Rnd confirm other, and J!'"il t;r~n • in bonds., lookmg the no::xt d~y after the wntmg hereof pttr ft!f »JJI~ the Cruw" of Gkry, tbt wh"b tlu ;uji 'for the fentence o1 the Council upon my dnth; having Judgt jl1all g:vt you. Amen, 'afUI\trufi that he will not leave me, ncitherfufferme : ~i~~~~~~1~~i~fl~ 1),~!~ d~~~ ~~:i:. H~~h:~~ Cl T/Jis Le_tter of J ohn Hus containcth a co»fi:ffion 'cifully 1heLordGod hath dealcwithme and was with of the mfirmtiJof mans Jle/!J, hot» wea~ t t it, : ;e~fi~~~~~h~~;~t~~"~: ~~:~;f:; :~~~ :t;i,;i~:n;:!;:fre'::~:~:&W:!e;t~;:,~~ 'mthcpyoftheWorkitorome. AsconcaningMarter : !~~r~~la~he1~ ~.~:~i~~~~~h~~~t!;~~~k~~~ fu~ : H ~~~~;t~~r;:J:~!~~7~n~~~~Mt:r:~~~~ ~~ ,::~: 'death as I do; and thlt for the Fanh which he va\i~ntly 'that I fhould not f~r the lhame of abJUration, bur to con- cbl•frft : ~;l:!·l~v:r;f~~n~~~~t! 0;~;~~C::~:t~~!d~1~r:h~! : ~!: ~~:)0:~~;~;~~:;;.;~ ~:~~~~~~~m~;;;~ E;s 't~:.emics,andintobands. I befcech you pray to God fur 'than tot~b;urc; and why lbould I fear then thatlhame? :t:.~~bll <rhem. 'But I Pf"lYY?U tell me pfainly your mind: Prefuppofe · ' Moreover, I befe«h ym1, n:!mely yo.1 of Pragut, that ' that fuch Arncles were h.1d to you, which you knew your 'ye will love the Tc:mpl_e of Bttblthtm, and providefo • felfnot to be_ true; what would you do in rhat CJfc? • long as q<xl fhall pcrtrut, that the Word of God may be 'would you abJure? Who anfwered, The caft if fore, and : tJce:ft~a~~~~~: ~l~~·gai~~·h_efr;:;epffc~t~~t h~:ilc~ir~~ : ::r,:h~~t~ich::tJ,~~:J,:h~ ~~,t~:h:o~edj~ ~1:j,:·!~d. : ~nPr~:~~r~ 01 d'Jtu~~~dgdi::~i:h~:ar t:~tl: hi:~ : g;;:;~: ~~:! i~~Tht::·c~~du:~Cl:~e \~e~~ ~ ~~:~~;i!~ '~that he will keep that holyChurch fo l011!?asit !hall 'b] the Grau o{God will burn this Hmrick. jlmtlj (or~ H• • ' p~fe him, and in the fame (hall give greater mcreafe of ' wbofi caufi I 6avt [pmt many F~ortns. But yet u~d"er~ ~~:~~r:: 'hts Word by otha, than h~ hath _done by me a weak 'Hand that 1 write not this to the mtmt to n:venge me of : ~dfJC~i:h~d~~ r: a:~t tp~e ili~l ~o~~i~e :{~':;;~ : ~~;nhi:,!fr~ ~~~~~~ f:;~itted to God, and pray to COO : ~~~ir:d h~1~~~f::c3~,~~~:~:ha~:;r:,n~: ~~~ • ~~;~. 1 F~~or~~har~~~~h :k: ~~h~;~ =~~~~ :rP1~=~e· lbncr,tb:ytar ofoJI'f'LcrJ, t 4 I 5· '(hallbefufferedtocome intotheprifon; no nor yet the Cl Another right god ly L etter of1ohn H111 to a : ~O\~Y~cJ~do~r;!~~~ri~~~~~~ 0h~ef,o\~ha~~ ce rtai n Prie~ ad~oni llii ng h_im ofhii Office, : hls~ 1~~rq~~i~u~:nt~d~~: !~:e~~~:~=~~,~~ 30d cxhortmg htm_ t o be f.nt bful ) worthy 'faithful people. t o be read of all M miners. • Almighty God fhall confirm the hearts?£~ Faithful, 'whom hehath chofen lxfore the confhrunon of the ~·l~j~r T ~r~~~ ;{ J:;,g;-:;~,?t£:~b~~i~~ ~{ptl~~,.7Jo : A~dkik:~r,.~li1:brij;l~~~7;:~~;h':~~l\~~\;~t0~:~~}~ ~~~i at~ ~:bo::r~7k1Aal!~t]zJo;,75::1oJ ~~~~et: no;:,;:;;:;~:;& : ~~~; ~~:ilo?~~~~~~~' ~v~t~hA~\ed~;fth}~ ~i~~ ili~~ and bot.IJ· Surm:llJ, t~ach fa,thfu/1; anti truly. Thirdly, <!hall t~e Creature be: delivered out Of fervaude of corrupbe an tx.""!Pl~ to orht~ mw~ll~domg,_ th:.Tt JOit·be nor rt· <ti?tJ, mtothe liberty of the glory of the Sons of~, ~s prchtndul m your faJmgs; corrdt Y:ct and ftt forth r"~ 'faith the Apof\le in th~ words fol!owin;. Wt a!fo 'JJmhm ~~Ill'