7 I 6 Comfortable Letters of John Hus. A Letter ji-om London to John Hus. : :J l;~~e;b~or:J:';p,:~:~f;:J;. Adoption o~ the Sonr : ~~rir~c;r!;ct~~.~:: hi~~:!:1r~h:1~~ :~?t~r~;aS~~a~~r~f {!:~~} 'I am grotly comfort«! in thofc words 0f our Saviour, .' Chri ft with di\•crs and fir.mge kinds ?f. afflictions. And : ;:;:~n~fo;U ::fuke ~'o~~!'j:!Jjt,:&~,";Jto:~t;:~ ~!;:a:: : ~~~~~ ~~~~~)~~·t:;o~;~gl~~~(~1~1 :~os~l~~~~~~ i~ 'tXtcrablt , for the Sm ofmm:: RetQ}&e and be glad, for 'put;~l«l! a_nd that red Dr:tgon h:tving fo many heads (of : ~~t:1~:~:~~~~f~1:~~~[{~~=~:~~~.::ot:~:~~~ : ~~T~~}:~~~:~~it~\~£~~.~::~~~~~~~:~: 'Leff'on_. . 'God will clehvcr fOr ever his only and moll faithful 'Th1srulcSaintJame1, with thcothtt Apofiles, d1d 'Spouft. Let us therefore com!OrtourfclvcsinthcLord : ;;;:b~;!c:\~1:;, ;:lifl~~j~i~;ll~::t J:;t::eet::~~f;:(. : ~~n30~; 1~;;~, :~~~i~~s \~~;~~~uf~~!~ t~~:~~~'to~~p~:~ !t~J";;ift: !~m{e/~~t~:~c~rb:~;u:~Jr{t~! ~;.i wf~!t~:~~~:;; : :~,~~i~~~.~~~!~~~~~~;:M~~ea]\1~~~~.~:hP~fo~; 1:~~: · : :~:;~:~m,'~~TJ:i~:~~:s;~~~: ~r~hi~:; : f~;.~r-£1£~;~;~~~;.r;,~~~;~~~~~~?£~~~~0~ ' to fulfil it. For why? our mofi p:uient and mofi vahant 'this for a furety, that whomfocver the Lord \·ouchfaferh ' Champion himfclf, knO\vin& that he 01oukl arife again < eo receive to be his Ch.ildren, thofe he fcourge.th ; for fo ' the third day, overcoming hiS Enemies by his death, and ' the merciful F~ther wJII have them tried in thiS mifaable ' n:deeming from ~amn~tion his Eltd after his l~ Sup- ' life b}' perfccutions.,that af~awards he m:ty fpare them.For ' per, was troubled m Sp1rit, and f:~.id, Jv!J Soul "htav; ' th~ go:d t~t t~ highArnficer hath ehofm,he ~rge~han? '1111to dtath. Of whom alfo the Gofpel fa1th, That be be- c tr1erh m thiS J1re, that he may afterwards Jay 1t up m Ins i E~~~:o~:~~~:;~.~~~.~~·~. ~~, .. ~M.t~,;fb:~r,~~ :~~ \ ~ff~;~~~~:~l~~§r~l{i~:~~{~:~~~~ • cr~lty of them that ptrfuutt you, for you jl1ali have me 'vine{$ and .fadnefs, and that which is moll grievolli of all c ,;mh you af~"'JI• that you ma1 O't1trco"!t the !JrannJ cf ' to the Fanhful, too much abuling and contempt of the 'JOIIr Perfecutors.. WtJ(Jeupon thofe Ius Sou\dJ~rs, look· ' Law of the Lord ? let us thertfore endeavOl;r cur fel\>('S, 'mg u~lOn the Prmce :md Kmg of Glory, (ufumed great ' as much as \~e may, to lay ~10ld oftl.1e thmgs that are 'ConA.tds. They paiTcd thorow fire and water, and were 'etemal.:tnd :J.b1ding. defpiGn m our mmds aB tranfitory •fa\·ed, andrecdvedtheCrownoftbeLordGod, ofthe' · · 'which Saint Jamts in his Canonical Epiflle, f:tith, Blef ' : ~~~;~eh~p;~k"~%~:/~'f:t~::;;n~{ ;:p:n Jhi~a~;j : ~h-:~F~" or 'hath promi{tJ to tht'!' th11t lll'tlt. 01 dus Crmm I trufi 'not fome of the~ cut in piec(S, othnfome fioncd, and M:on)ro. ' fledfally t!Jt: Lord WLII make me a partaker alfo with you, 'other of them k1lled with tht· Sword ~ fome others of • which be the ferYent Sealers of the Truth, and with all 'them went about in Pdtsand Go;usskins, as the Apofile 'them which fiedfaftly and conlhntly do \o,·e the Lord 'to the fl(brtws wirndfeth. Surely they all walked thait~ ( Jdi.lSChriH, which fuffered for us, leaving to us exam~ 'ways, folluwingthe lleps ofChritt, whkhflid, Ht that 1 : /!~~~t ;\~fai1~~ .f~~~dwu;~~r:ffthC::~~;r;;::";~~ : ~;~-n:~:fr:e J:;•!: 1 a17~;\{~~~a~:fu~~{£~~~ ' the Membcrs may fuffcr togcthe.r with the ~C3d . Fo~ he ' g.J\·cn us of the .SanltS that WMlt before us., laying away, as ' 13ith, If an; num 1J!lfl comt afur mt, !tt h:m Jm] h1m· ' much as in us herb, the ht"avy burden and the yoke .of (in 'ftlf, and takt ''P. hiS Cro(s, and foUow mt . 'which compaffcth usabout,ntn fon~d through pa.tLence, ~iE~= < t~~~ 0?o~~~:~~. ~~~~~~·~~~~~\'\~~~\.;ar;:~~~~~~ : r~~~~!:~~:::~::1JtJ~:~~he'i:~t7t::~C:t~!Ca~~~~~:. 'to follow thee. GJveusafirongfpirit, that itnuybc 'fetmgthe,oythatwasfctbt:forehim.,fuffercdthepainsol 'n"ady, and although the Fltfh be fnble, yet let thy 'theCro(S,defpilingdeath. L:rusc:~lluponhim, which • Grace go bt:forc us, go with us, :1.nd follow tlS; for cfuffcred fuch reprooch again(( himfclf of Sinners., that we 'without thee we can do nothing, and muchlc:fsemer 'beno~ .wearicd , fainting in our hearts, but th~t wen;tay 'intothecrud death for thy fake. Giveusthatprompt 'heartllypray!Orhe!pofthel.ord, and may fightagamJl: 'and ready fpirit, a bold heart, an upright fa ith, a ~rm 'his Adverfa~ Anticbrift; that we may love his ~w,and ' hope and perfed dmity, that we may give our hves ' not be dcceLdlll Labourers,buc that we may deal fatth!Ully 'pati~ntly and joyfully for thy ~a1ycs fake, Amm. W~it- 'in all thin.gs, :tccording to that which ~ bath vouch- ' ten m ~rifon in bonds in th~ V1g11 ofS.Johntht B.aptift, 'faf«l t() g.Jve us, and that we may Jabourdilig~11tly in the : :~k:~~!.i~J~h~d;d~ m bonds for the rebukmg of : ~l1~~~~~e;e ~~~the~~~~~~~nd~lrl~ibi~ed~~~r~h~: 'althoughinfaceunknowntome,yetnotinfuithandlove ([ Amc.ng divers other Letters of 'John.Ht~s, which '(fordi!lanceofpbccs cannot feparate thofe whom the he wrote tO the great Cor~folation of others ; I tho~ght ' love of Chrifi doth elfedually knit together) ~comforted !~ ~~~~~Q~.m~~ a116~~~f{.l~h~i~f~1rf'i~~Jff,w;t~; ; ~~Ji~~fe2r~;~~~j~~~~~~~hi~~:~~~~; \~~~daai~r: peareth WltO 'John H111 and the Bobemiam, wh1ch for the 'example, and eaU as many as thou .canfi to the way of "Zealous affrCbon therein containrd, f(emeth not unworthy ' truth; for the truth of the Gofpd IS not to be kept in tobcrc:~d. 'filmce,becaufeofthefrivolousCenfurcsandThwlderbolts 'ofAntuhrift.Andthereforetotheuttcrmoftofthypowe.r, .A Letter to John Hus, and to the Bohemians 'fircngthenthouandconfinntheMnnbersofC?lnifi,which [ro111 London. 'are weakncd by the Devil; and if the Lord will ,•ouchfafo 'it, Antichrift lha\l.lbortlycometoanend. And there tJE!:= : G~:r~~~ in ~h~ ~~~:~~~tb,~~~ r:fi~~\~~r d~~~; : ~~;~c~~~~dsil~~~:h:~~~G~~~~h1f~~ ut~at~~!~~: lom "'"" 'beloved in the Lord, whom I love in rile truth, and not 'of fome men that rher can gladly fuffer, for the Word of d"'• (I only, but ~l(o a\l.th~y that ha\·e the Knowled~e of the 'God, Imprifonment, lhni!l1mcnt and lx.tth.• 'Truth; wluch ab1de!h in rou, :~.nd fh:tll be With you 'Further, beloved, I know not whattowrttewi.toyou, ' thTOI.Igh the Grace of God for evermore. I rejoyced ' but I eonfetS that r could wifh to pour out my whole ' above meafi1re, when our brlm,ed B1~ethrcn c:unc and ' heart, if thereby I might comfort you in the l.:J.w of the 'g<l\·e te!limony unto tiS of your rmth,and how you walked ' Lord, Alfo I fa!ute from rJ1e bottom of my heart&::~}~!