Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Comfortable Letters of John Hus. Hu Vijions and Prophejies. 717 l !:;~~} : ;;~.~:} ;~~C:ai~:,~;::~~:heo~t :;;.~rrt~~Jh; ; ~t·k·~·~· ;:,; t·~:;r;~~b'.:;c,;:.:~;,~';!;;:;J 't : ~t~ef:bh~~ t~~J-':~~ ~m~fi~~e~;;t~1~r~a~t~~u~ < ;:: h;!;~~~~~;t&:.e fa,th ul Doctrin~ whi,h 1111 'from the l:lcad the Shtphad of the fhecp.thc mighcy ~rd : L~~~~;?,~·Y~;~~!co;~fc~i~~~ ~~~(~;1~0i~0~1$1;~!: unc: t~;~ ~~~t~~e:o~~e~~inqi~:;o!f ~~f~db!'.~~~ <All your Frimds falutc: you whtch have hnrd of your poundcdcouchmgtherdorflnuonof the Church, wnttcu ' confiancy, I would dcfrrc alfo to fee rour Ltttas writtm in his forty fou rth Epifilc, the Couttnts whmof be thefc. : :ck to~~ for know ~'c that they !hall gn:atly comfort Another Letter of John Hnr, fent to the Lord AtLondcnby1ourSrrv_•mt,Jtjiringto be 1ohn deChun. F~UITW with you '" 1_011r l..Rbtsm R1cus Wkh~inc,Pruft unwmhJ. { ~::t {h:t t/'!m';~~::';t ~B:;hf:he!~t: ::::: t; (:~ Anolher Lmer cf Joh[J Hus lo hir Friend! of and put o111 11fl rbt Images of Cbrijf, anJJiJ put them Boheme. out. . Tb~ nt"t Ja1 afttr I aroft a'!Jfaw ma111 Painttn, ' He Lord bod be with you. I love the counfcl of the ~~;~£;;~Jh:J~on~·tfo7::e£h~~~ f;:Je:sJ ~; :az c T Lordabovegoldandpreciousfione. Whe!efore l gladand;v,[u! tobr~old. Andt~ePamtm,w_lfbmucb c trufiinthemacyof JefusChrifl, that he will gl\'e me peopleabouttbtm, f•1d, lett~e Bdhops a~ Pn~fiscome • his Spirit tO fraud in his truth. Pray tO the Lord, F~r the now, and put us out thcf~ Pid:urts. Wlmb .lwng Jone, : t~~e;:r~':1r·r:::;;~~;g~ ~;'~!dZh:~hd~~fi~~~i, ;,;tt ~~;!:. ft~n;,1 ~o ::a~/;:£!~~~rr:rtfo%UJ~~ fiif,! • firmly and faithfully do ftand for ~ghtcofi1ef$; to whom laugh, &c. c the Lord God fhall give in the ~mgdom <:f Bobeme, to ([ This VHion lord Jolm dt Clum, and John Hus 1•~ :. • know the truth. For the followml? of wh1ch truth, ne- him!(\f in his Book of Epifi~cs in the forty filth Epifile 'ceffaryitisthat they retuma~in mtoBDhtmt, fc:rting fctmethtoexpound, and appl1eth the l ~!3.gcs ofChrifl ':~put all\or)', and followmgnot ~ mo~tal and mi- umo t~e prcachingo~ Chrill an.d of his hfc:. Thewhk~ : ~ek.ble King, b~t the King ofGlory whiCh £1Veth eternal t::~~;~~fu~~l~~:;u~~~h~:h~~~~idh~~fo;e(~da: 'Ohowcomfort:tblewasthegivingofthehandofLord dccbrc, th~t the time fbould come, wherein thellmc ' Jobn J~ ell~"' unto me, which was not a!hamed ~o rrach DoCtrine fhould .be revi\:ed again by others, fo plentcoufly, <forth his hand tome a Wretch, a~1dfuch anabj«l: He- th~t thcPopt.wnh allhiSPowtrlboukl ~tbeable.topr~ : ~~~·~fv~~t:e;s~::tf~~~::: ~~f~!~~i7~ J.'~~~~~in~\~~~~ru~t~u~~thcl~~~~ ~::;r~~~~ t~~~~;f~ ' ~{ • ~·ou: Therefore falute in time as ~cu !hall fee them all JtTOmt o~ Prague, printed in theCoincalledMonttiJ.'H~qi; <the faithful of Bobtmt. . . of. the wh1ch ~in I have my !(] of the Plates having .: ;!~:: r~~~~J::~£~~~f:~~~~~:f;;.S ~:~~~;1£,~rJ~~{fa~~~~~~::~E::t~ • Chrillwas born, than wasWicklijfand I. Alfo, G_od and to me. WhCJCof(God willing)morethaUbc 'That a/J fucb as came to b~ar my talle wert infeB'td wit$ liud hereafter. : :!i:h~;:{~:;::::J:t:'Jt:(~¥;':.ho% i';~t:~':di:,~t in~~~~k~~·:~~l~it~r~p;i~i~f ~~~J,· ~::h(%& : ~~~;n~e~:tJh::/;~r:,gr~:;;: ~:l~ra:;;;}t'/J,:ii ~~t:;~~ofo;t~ r~;f!tT'n~~~ft'bu;1 ;' ~;;~~;; fh~ trrt~,; .. • ptratlvmtllrt tomtnT(f}J) jl1all be burnt ; And what things which I have fpoken Within the houfe, hereafter c rtwartl ]hall bt mompmw/ to JOU in Boheme for y~ur lha\1 be prea~.tJtd upon the top of the houfc. ' /,bour: And bcca~lc: we are here in .h:tnd with the Prophdies of '~hiS thing per.1dventure I fhould not have, Jell: JtJbn H~s, t t !h:t~ l ferve well m p~ace, h~e morcovc:r to : ~:~~,~~::~i~~r~!~~:,o!,~i~~~~:g:1~l~!t~ !~ ~! ~::~o~:mw~t ~:n~~::;,;r:::~t~::b::~~~~Jon~~ :F: C::J tc:tutmy~:~:U~7~,h!ot ~~~en!:;t~:i R~r~;~~:/~~ ~~~~;~h,rk,~~~er\t!~~~i~rlo~i~~~ • how you return. CArry no ~tters wit~ you. £?ired: your E" i~is ulttrJu.s aJvtrtt in.dd~ntalittr, 1u~J Dti &cltjia • Books not a1.1 by one, ~t d1vc:rfly by d1vers Fnends. . nt'}UJ& at! priftmnm fuam.dtgnJtau'!' uduu, &c. ' Know this fur certain, that I have h:td grea.t ~nR1fu Tbat u m Englifl!. !r~.:.!r::: 'bydreams, in fuch fort :IS I had much ado to refram from Moreover, hereupon note and mark b~ the way, that the P,._thrU< "'d"""" 'crying out. Fori dreamed of the Popes cfcape before he Church of God cannot be reduced to hiS formc:r Dignity, 'wmt. And after the l..oid John had told me thc:reof, or be rrformed, before all things tirfi be made new ; The ' immediately in the night it was told me, That the Popt truth whereof is p!:lin by the Temple of So/omtm, Like as ' thould return to you again. And afterward alfo I dream- the Clergy and Pridls,fo alfo the ptop!e and laity ; Or el(e- ' eel of the appreh~ding of Mall er Jrnm~., although not unldS all fuch as now be addict: to av~rice, from the leafi to 'in full m:mner as Jt was d~x-. All the pnfonmen~whi· the moll, be firfi convened and.rcclaut~, .as well the p«>o- • ther and how I am earned, were optned to me before, pie :lS Clc.rgy and Priefis.. Albeit a~ my mmd now gi~eth 'althoughnotfullyaftertheCameformandcircumfiance, me, I beheveratherthctirfi, thatiS, thatthenfhallnfea ' Many SerprnlS oftentimcs a-weared unto me, having new people, formed afcer the ntw m:m, which is created ' brads alfo in their tail ; but none of rhem could bite me, after Uod. Of the which people new Clerks and Pridls :C.":' ':u;;,;~?thir;· ~~~~~.~~~~· efieemin; my f~l.f as a Pro- ~~~~ t~~~~~:~h~~~it h;;:Sn~~~:~~; 7:v:~;c~~~~~.: ~., ... of ' phet, or that 1 extol my fdf, but only to fi~1he unto you fauon. NotwJthftandt~g all the_fe thm~tball come to ~~s, "'"' ' what temptations I had in body and alfo m mind, and and be brought by hrtle and l1ttk in order o~ rimes, d1f.. ' what grm frar I had, lelt I fhould tranf5refs the Com· ptn(cd of God for the famt purpofe. And thiS God cloth ' ~andment of the Lord Jefus Chri!l. Now I r~member and will d~ for his own ~oo:dnefs and mercy, ~n~ for. the : ;:~ 77I ~~~~~J ,W::::o ~e~~~;~lth::~u~h~~~hfl~~~ ~~f~ ~rrr~~:~~~~~~~ ~~:t ):;~~~;gYi~~~~~ ~~~ ;:' }£~.: ~~a!~dti:ntO:~:.g:iTay.l~;,1:hic::U:~~~:g~~~~r~;~so~ ~h~et~~:~~ 'ii~~d!m~~ltth~~~~ ;ot;J~,~~~s::ZJ ,,..._, • me at !TIIgue, fpakc to me ~n thcfc words, God be with Pridls fuccdfivdyand in ume lhalJ f:~ll away a11d be con- ~you (fa1dhe)[~r !think. v:rslJ,mJ dear anJgooJMajltr fwnedaswitb themoth,&c. .Anothrr