Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

722 Jerome o[PragHe his Oration in the Council o[Confiance. dc.:clarcd th_at by ll!e fay i n~ of the wimdfes it w~ a\rady F~m thence he came to the t~atnplrs of the fhbrtws {lUNG :~~~~~~du:~~ilh;!.~e,~ua~r;;;rdT~~~~~a~~~~~h~; %~~ :I: ~~;~~~w~f~~e ~ft~:~r~ro'~~~JJ~rah~, ,:::·s.} Fatr. wit· ~:~~~~hl~r ~~!:~n~~cttcl~~~~~~~i~ ~:ee~~\~~ ~t~~l(:?:i~hah:to~:v; 1~a~f~~~fh:~~~ilir~~ l•f•th• ~•f• agol•l\ hurtful or falfe, and affinnmg that tOOfc wHndfes had d~ foi fillfe fufpnion of whor«iom was can into b:mds.&fides H ...,_. ::ta:~et~=~:~~~~;~f:alfll~ta~~~ flr::~~~~~~~~!~~ ~~~ ~::i=~~t:~~~t{~t:~~r;~~~~~~ ~~anot yet proetcded umo death, IX'Cllufc .that the noon-un:c wm opprdfcd wtth wrongful condemnation. From thence pbctt. drew (o fa(! on, that he could. not anl~er unto the Aru- he proe«ded to the judgment of Sufanna, and of di,•crs S•fc\es. W.hcrcfore for lack of ume fuffictent to anf~er un- otha ~ftdts, who being .sood and holy men, }'et were ro th( rc:hdue ~the Anicks.. there was :ntOthc:r nmc: ap- they unJuftly cafi away w1th wrongful (c:nttr~5e. At the ~:h~JW'o~~h~hAfc~~~~~~~~~~~friu~f'o:tra~h'~h~:~~i;es;: ~e;l!d~ ~~~:?s!:i!~:t1;:~~~~: ~~;:~~~~~ l•hB.,~~. ~;~~r~l ~h:cl~~~;~~~·c~eu~: ~t~ltt rJ~~e 1~£ r:h~ ;#aJ~:~~~~:~~~e~w~::;:,:~. ~ifmJ=~ ~Zt~ ~;~r·~~~;. Ar~:~l:t which Articles, as well thofc ~vhich he had an- ~:~~~~~:~~;{ t;~:a~:~:~t :di~w r:~1 , 1hbt1t:f~~ ~A~ ~~;r~;~ ~~::;:: ~;~(dt~er~ai:~~~~;{;u:~ h.~::~~(~~~ ~~~e~~ ~~~h~n~1(ai~~d~nt:j~~~~~~ had. no Gtufe, but o~1ly .of malice and dtfplcafure were fee demned one Pridl: of another, an.d yet.~ proved that the ~~~~~~~.~~~i~e~l~: ~:~~;d~~~n&n:~~~~~!~~~ ~~~~*h~e ~h~:dt't;~};~~l~:~~~~t~ uonofthe1r tdhmoniesbrought againll him, and with vdlousdoquence,andwithfingularadrrurationofa1lthat ~dmJe:~~!~ ~;r~i~~v~a!i~~~JCt~'ibtw~yc~~~~nSa~~ hcaA~i~fmuch as all the whole fum of the caufe did ?f the Altar, he anfwered, Btfore confccrat~on (faid he) refi only in the witndfes, by many"l'eafons he prov«< that nt £alfc ~~~~~ ~~~~~~Ciu~~e; ~~~~~u::~~~~:~~is~~~dst:~ ;~~l\hi~~oorn~;~~h:lt~l~h~~!'y~Jf~~J~in~~?, ~Z:=· «l~dmg to t.hdr C:nhohck FaLth. Then another nling up, and cnry. And fo profccuting the matter, fo lively and ex- ~:c~~l~~~ ~6Jd1;~j:!~e~!i~tu~h~~~~~ t~~ ke~~d~l~~~:d~ili~~ ~f~i~c;;~: ~~~~·tt: whom he plt:~famly an(wercd, faying, That h~ bc:heved hatred was detdl:ed, that almoll no truft was given to !~~~:.ot:: ~!:,~keF;ic!fu;l~~ ~:~;:n~nff:i~ ~~e!h:tA:d~~~~~~f~;:~:~ua:~ '::; Wh~t, doft t.hou dt1.1y, that. which no man doubteth ~? hac were moved and bending ~o mercy towards him; for •Whofc JXCVL!h faucmt{s Hmomt with thcfe words d1d he cold th~rR how that he of his own ~<:cord c:lme up to well rtpre!S, Hold thypace(faidhe) thou ~onk, thou the~ncil, and.topurgthimfdfhe d1dopcn unto them hypocme : And thus the Monk bdng nipptd m the h~d, all hL~ hfe and domgs, being full of vatue and godlindS. fat down dum?. Aftcr whom fiart~d upanother,whow1th This was (Gtith he) the old mam~er of ancient and learned a loud voice cncd out, 1 fwea r (fmd he) by my con~den~e, n:en, _and moll holy Eldns, that· m matters of Faith, they that tO~ true, that thou deny. ·~o ~horn .raid Hu- dtd differ many tim(S in arguments, n?t td dtfu:or the ::j:;a!;~;,/~~n!~[~:~J'i ~~=1•tft?'Ti{~ ~';h~~f:~ y;~:d~ff~~~~:~~;~~i·di;~~t::f/;~~ (wear by your confdence IS the next way to dea:we. Ano- one from the otha> and yet without a11 fufpition of hethertherewas,afpitcfulandahitterc:nemyofhiswhom refic:. hecallcdbynoothernam.ethandog,ora!Te.Afterhehad All this while the Popes holy Council did wait llill, 1husrefured them one afteranOthtr, that tliey could find when he would begin to c:xcufe himklf, and to rttrad: nocrimc againll him, neither in tllismmer, nor in any thofethingswhichv.:ereob)ededagaiufi!llm,andtocrave other, thcywerealldrivC1JtOkecpfilence. pard?noft.heCouncil.ButheperfUtingfbllinhisconfiant ::if:._•il· This done, then were ~he witne!Tes called f~,who corn- OrntiOil, did acknowkdg no error, nor gave :nty fignifiGt- ~~~~~~fCl~~ert~~~ ~~~~~!fYth~1l!~~~~~~t~~~!~fbe~::· tioA~fWtW:!::~n,into the praife and commendation of Him., r6mt wasopprc:Jf~, and began in the Council to be con- Mafier Jolm Hus, he affirmed that he was a~. juftJ ::": eluded, Then Hseromt riling up began tO fprak: Forfo- and holy man, and much unworthy that d~ which be ll~•llll.lof. t.~~~~\~m ~~~~~l~f~:i1t7l~;~~'~;:!~:~~ i~ 1fs!ta~~:~~ ~~~r~~:~~~~ t~~~~r~:~ f~~~~~~.e!~t~~~ ~~:ft~e~~~~~~u~rwv~;! i~~~ •oH~ ...... hc:trmetofpcak.formyfc:ll•. \·\i hereuponw1~hmuchdif- pcrfon, but a dull and fobcrman, and a JU~andaue ;J.!~17. for ficulty at lall aud1e1JCe was gtven in the Counc1l for him to Prcachc:r of the holy Gofpcl; and whatfOI:Vtt things Ma6y his m it~ d•. \Vhi~h bc:ing ~m«<, he from morning ro fia Jobn Hu1 and Wi~:kliff had hulde11 or written, (P«"inoon concmumg, mtreatcd of d1vcrs and fimdry mattas, ally againll the abufe and pomp of the Clergy, he would with sr.tat learning and eloq_uena:. Who Jirfi lJ:cginnit~g affirm even w1to the death, that they wer~ holy and bldfed wi_c ~ hiS prayer to God, ~ou~ht him to gh·e h1m (pint, me.n, and that in all poin~ of the Co.tholJCk Faith he ~oth abduy, an~ uttc:ran~e, whtch mtght moft te11d ro the pro~t beheve as the ho~y Cathohck Church doth hold or bc:heve. and ~alvmon of Ins own foul. And (o entring imo hiS And Ji.nally he d1d conclude, t~t all fuch Artid(S as Jolm Onnou. 1Vil:k.liff at~~ Jolm Hm ha~ wr1ttm and fonh :~gainfl ~·Sr~~ .. I Know, faithhe,Revcrcn~Lords, th~tt1~ttehavebm1 ~~m~~~!J'~:J~~~fr~~~:~~~~~~~~?~~=~ .,,.,bad many excellent mtn, wh1ch ha\1: fuAercd much other- even unto the death. And kill of all he added, that all the :::::· ~:~~~; .. :~:£~1::;E.~I~hE~i~~~:~::~; ~;~i:~~~~·~~:~~!~:;~~;~~f.~~.~ jullly condemned. of his G?untrymen, nc:llha would he Gtntation he lu~ unJufily fpoken agamll that good ~nd ~~~s,w~~~tefe~;~~ll'1~:;~ t~~~~Cl~ :~ewf~o~~m~~ :~~ 1~11 ::k~IS~~~c:;ti~~ :ln~\h~tnf;t%~ fonmcnt and ?ath. Then he mfened the c:JptLvJty of utter]~ revoke and de~ that Wicked recantau?n. wh1ch he: Hu;::;,·~f:' t=:"'.,.. ~ ~a~~~~lt ~~~~~::t ~ t~:;t:'f:t• tj~~l ~~~n~fu~:~ :;k~~t~}t~~~~~a~d ~:'1~{ed~:~ :~~~~:~~~,~~~~ ~~~ ~~~.... l emnation of many Genulc:s, 3S the bam!hmcnt of Ru- whatfOc:ver thmg he hath fpok~n agamll that bldfcd man, l........ rli 11 , reciting alfo th.: unworthy dtat.h of Bottius and of h~ hath alr?ge1her lyed upon him, and t~ t he doth repent L hers, whom Bmius himfelf doth wrue of. htm with hiS whole heart that ever he dtd it. ~