Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

A Propbecyof]eromeofPrague. TheSenterzce of!Ju Conclemrzation. 72-3_. {~~~;} no~n~c~fe 'f:~~;:; !~i~~~~ tr:& ~~~~fr~~~ ;d~~~sh~~gh~0~1~:~~~~ r~!~~ly;h;v~~:n~r~ ~~~~~;:!u:~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~tC:~~n~:~~:r~::r:~ :=te~f'~~ ;~;dc%1:i~:ef:~,g~!~~ r;~~~~ ~:.j~~ hispretix«<.fe~UC'l'Kt, fecmi:ng tocltfire rathcrdcaththan readbeforchlrll. :~~? :~r:~: ~!~ih~ ~~~vt~e!~:~i1~~1:~;~in~ea;!~ ·· . . ~~~r ~ct~t~~~~~e ~~~~~~h~;rfd~; ~~.a~~~~fs ~~~ I ~!~~~~~:~~~c 1:.;'Viu~h~~or~fa~rr~ 3r1! S~a~ir~ ;Tr~~:';f ~::t~ ~f:!mr~~ht~et~r~u:h~nifur o~~~et~~1~rc~~ ~~~'}:~~::~: if~~;t ~~~~~~;~~~~t ~~d~~,'/e~t~~~ :c:~~ u........ w U~'7 thirdly to therq:arations of the Churches; it was a grtef ou, 1114k~ghorbYimch.pnd ltt h,mwtther llt~J Jry,&~. to that good man (faid he) to ftt the fame mifpcnt ana The DoCh-me and .precepts of which mofi excellent Do- ~fia:;J:U;!ar:r~~ca~t;:dt::~~~ ~~~~~ndaJ~af~~o:~:~~ ~~~;~e•:t i~~~f:nn';;~ unbd"n;ming Chriilian Religion. And hc:rrin he !hewed Hmcicks, ~ing moved by this fai~ Sacred _Synod,thro~g.ll himfclf marvdlous el~umt; yea never more:. . IeJX?rt, ~bhck fame, and open mfamatton, proctcdmg Kh·d~ div~~£;1~ h~~~~~~ ~:~~=::h~~ i~~ t! ~~~~~;~~'~f:.~~~~fe 0~tA:~~~~~~;~t t~~ E'i'!t~r:"' 10 ing, yet was ;here none of all thofc that imerrupt~m fu_1d Ma[tt~ l;lltrome.hatb holden, maintained, and taught which fo.pcd unbbnckt, but he brought them all to con· dJVO"S Articles hrrct•cal and erroneous, la~dy reproved and fulion, and put them to filencc. Wbc:n allY noili: began, condemned by the holy ~athm, fame bc:mg very blafphe- ~'0~~~~ r:;de:iri~~ga~~m~r;:~i~ ):V~i~h;;~ ~~~c:rJdTt~l~ff~~:~lfh~:t:~~ffi=e<~~~~il~~n;:~ to fpcak, ,;horn they hereafter lhould hear no more, nei· ed, prtachc:d and taug~t by the mc·n of moll da'!lnabl'= tha yet was his mind ever daihcd at all thefe noifcs and memory, John ~"Kklijf, a~1d 'John Hw, the which arc tumuhs. alfowmtcnin dJvc:rsofthe.rWorksandBooks. Which , ...., '" And this was marvellous in him to behold, norwith- Articles of Dod:rine and Books of the (aid John Hus, and ~::,~ ~:;,i~h~:O~~~~~~;=~[:ra~~r~o~~r~f~~~r:~ea~o;l, ~~f':;:;~~f!J:~e::,w~~r~~; ~~h~~·fu~~h;y~ ~~~,E~ h~\}1: th~fei~~h~f ~~n~i/eri:~~~ :di~:~~~ ;~~~cl% ~~~;;~~e~t~~rt~~1i1./c:•:~~~~fmof ~~~~;i: much grieve him, as he ~1d wonder rathcr to fee their un- (JtJOn, acknowledged: 111. the faid fam:~ Syn~, and appro-- kindhumanitytowardshim, vcdthe true Cathohckand Apolloh_ck Fauh, thereunto When be had fpokm thc:fc: and many things as touchi~g confc:nting; accurling all Hmfle, fpccially t ~t whereof he the praife of Jo~ Wickliff, and 'John f!ru, they whtch \\>:l.S mfum~, and confdfrd himftlf to be mfamcd., and ~:~d:~:a~:~~~~~~~ ~~S:~i~t ~~~ghi!YreW.~~~ ~~:n:~~-~~di~?r! tt;~"w!;~,S:!Z:,:nf~{ b~~c:eh~~~1 :~~~J7eJ:n:h ~~~t~~tC:~,;Jk~:;! ~~i:h~~et:d~:0~~1!er~1~/~h~ fa'i~eta~ed~~~ oflron. nod as heretJcalcondemnc:d. The condemnation ofaU ~:~·,:• TheSat~nrlayncxthc:foretheAfcm.fiorKlay,c:.ulyinthc: which_ the prc:miffcs he did openly profc:G aJtd allow, rb!~dL ~~i~~~ ~~~h~t~l:!~~ ~;t :h~;nofCo~ f:!~·~~~~r:: ~i~h.w~~d 1r!"h:~hc~o~dnt~: ~~~·h~~~1~ ~~ortr;t~~~ ~:t.a?~fur:hf~k: ~h~~~r~1Yt~~~e ~o~ldru~~~i~~elf r~ili~h t~~~J intheopen~udience, asisaforc:fai~tC~._~Chingthepraifcand truthofthcCa.nons, and be bound to ptrllf:tual pun~ commend at!~ of Matler J~hn 1Ysckliff, and Mafier John ment, And this his profc:ffion written With his own hand, ~:~:~:~~~~-~z~~~d;:~~n::;~~~~~~~~~=~~ ~~~v;:rc:RP~' :: f~r fpakc agamfl: them, and amongfi other things his vomit, to. the intent he might openly vomit up umo them, I take God to my witnc:fs, a1td I protell here the moll: peffilent poyfon which had long lurked and ~~d~:b'~~0fai~~ ~~~h~hal~1:0~~~i~t~h~~~ !hA~~~~~~ %~~~i~~:ly~:;d tfu~:h~c::c~.~fi~h~~hi~l~ :::~.~~~"' :;:~~~~~~a~t; l ~~~~~~~~~:,~~~)'! :: t~t :~: ~n~nt:e ~~lehi~~' at~~~~~kfyn~~~ Clnlrd>o demnat1011 of thofe moll_ holy and bldftd men afo~daid, together, that he ha~ wickedly confentcd and agrctd whom you l~avc: mofl: Wickedly condemned for cc:rt3m Ar~ to the kntence ~nd judgment of the condemnation of tic~ deteftmg and abhorring your wicked and abomina- the (aid Wicil!ff and H111, and that he had mo!i blc life. Then he confdfc:d there before them all his belief, lhamc:fully lycd m approving and allowing the faid fc:n- Th~ Eto-r and uttered many things very profolmdly and c:loqu~ntly, tence, netther ~s he afhamcd to confc:fs that he had :;:.~z.: .... infomuch that all men t~e prc:fcnt could not fuffioently lyed; yn, he d1d altO revoke and recant his confdli~ ccmmmd and praife his great eloquence and excellent on, approbatiot1, and jlrotdlation, which he had made lc.lrning,andbynomcanscould they induce orpc:rfwade upon_thcir condemnatioR, affirming that he neo.·cr at him to recant. any time bad rtad any errors or hc:reGe in the Books Th~1acc:rtainBilho~mc:dt~eBiiliopof ~JJ,made and Treatifes of the ~aid Wickliff and Hm. Albeit he a ca:am Sermon exhortative ag:unfi Maher Hurrmu, per- had befor~ oonfeffcd Jt, and it is evidently proved f~~;~~ :heh~~dl:{~~~d the faid Sermon, Mafl:er ~~e ,~t~:~i~~n~y~~rft :~~· th: aiec:l~~tl~ Hitromt . faid a&:in unto them, Yoo lhall con?emn me: many errors and hereftes. Alfo the liid Mafl:cr Himme wickedly_ and: unJufi!r. Butl-after J.nrdeathwiii leave a did profd"s as touchi~g. the Sacra.!Tl(nt of the Altar, r~morfc: m your confcKnce, a~td ~ ~~a1lm your_ h~rts : ~t and the T ranfubfianuanon of the Bread into the: Body ~c~~ cs~o :'"s omn~J, ut rrf~dtatu tmbJ coram alriffimo & J~· of Chrill , that he doth hold and bc:lie\'e as the t,~tZ.':-. .fliffi1tUJ'Judutpojf,mtumatm,J. Tha~is,Andherc l ate Church doth h~ld and believe, (ayingalfo thathedotft ~~1~~~\~~~d~~oy;~ore the moll h•gh and juft Judge, ~~~or;f ~~~tCh:h:a~~nA:ft:~i~,;z; ~~ ':J:~ No ~n on fufficteritly write,or note t~ofc things whkh It appcareth moreover by the premilfc:s, that t~c: faid Hit- he mol~ e\oqua~tly, PI?foundly,_ and Philofophically had romt is an adherent and mainta:iner o( the f:ud Wicltliff' fpokat m the f.ud ~Udience, IICither can any tongue fuf- and H11s, and their Errors, and both iS and hath hem a· hciauly declare the f•mc.; wherefore I_ have: but only fa~ourc:r of them. Whc:rt!"ett the faid facrod S}nod detertouched here tlte fupedic1al matter of Jus talk, partly rrumth (he faid Ma.flet Hur6fnt as a rotten and withered . fpP' br.n<h;