Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

724 Jerome of Prague goetb finging to bu Martyrdom. His Burning. up~~.!ru;as~~~r~:g,th~1~::r;:Joo~~ wasw~~~m:~~ :t~~e~~;:m rus:; ~=-er:: ~~H:·.~· ~!~~~\~=~~hL~~::·~~~h~~~~~~~: ~~~~~ ~:n~:kn!!:ft/~~~~~~d~: ltmgt1ikt faf\wJthcordsandchaimoflron,tothe&id_ImagewhLch lymoved, andlhaked his head and mouth, by the fpacc toJ.H••· wasma.dcfaHuntotheearth; and fofiattdmg upon the almofiofoncquanrrofaLthour. So burning inthefitt, M. ffirr.,., ground, whot as they began to lay the wood about him, he livtd with great pain and ma.rtyrdom,whildl: one might ~h~~~:~~B- he fung Salve fefta dies. And ~hen the ~ymn was end· cafily have gone from St.Ciemmts over the Bridg unto our ed, he fung ag:un with a loud vo~ee, CreJIJ m unum D(um, Lady-Church ; he was of fuch a flout and flrong nature, T~r word• unto the end. That being ended, hcfaiduntothepeop!e Aftathathcwasthusdtad in the fi re, by and by they ;!t~!;;; in the G~rman Tongue iu effect as followetb. Dear!~ be- brought his Bedding, his Straw-bed, his Boots, his Hood, plc. lov«l.childrcn,e~enaslhavenowfun~ fo do J behe_ve, andallOlhcrthin~ thathcha?intheprifon, and burned and ~~one ot!~etwife. And this ~reed IS my whole Faith, them :~.11 to alhcs m the fame. fut•. The which aChes, after ~: .. ~~ ·~·u;.,_, notwtthflandmg now I die for thiS ~ufc, btcaufe I weuld that the fire was out, they did dibgmtly gathtt t~ cal1taro ~iofltl- not confcnt and agree to the Cow1ol,and with the~ affirm and carry them in a Cart, and cafl them into the nver of~~=~ or 'Job,.Hor. and hold that Ma!!rr John Hm was by them holdy and RlHine, which nn hard by the City. jufilycondcmncd;forldklknow wdlcnoughthat he was That man which was the true rrportcr hacof, and nwtwi a true Preacher of the Gc(ptl of Jcfus Chrilt. which tdHfitd Wlto us the ads and doings aboot the con-~~~~"''" After that h.:,was comp:Ufcd. in with the wood up to the dcmnation of Maflcr Jtromt, and fmt the fame unto us crownofthchcad, they cafi all his garn:tcnts upon the toPragueinwriting,dorhthusconcludc. Allthck_things \v.:xxlalfo, andwithati:rc-br.mdthcyfet 1tonfirt. The (faidhC)Ididbehoid,fcc,andhcar tobcdoncinthtSform which being once fircd,ht-lxgan to ling withaloudvoice, and manner. And if any man do tell you the oonrrary,c:lo ~:~:::l'ldcd,~:Ji~~hcm;;~~:~;::::J;"~·~l,h~ hf~~~~~~:~~~~rt~~~~:~~,~~~~rra:~ UZ:: Tt.t, !all (aid in t~c vulgar Bohuni11n Tongue, 0 Lord Gl;xl. Fa- coming uuto Conflance of his own free will, and a~~ ' '<>«!•or thcrAhmghty, h3xcmcrcyuponmt,andbcmtre~fulun- ward when he was.broughtbounduntoCrmjiJV~Ct, as IS M.H'"''""''to minc offcncts, forthouknowefihow fincacly I ha\'C aforcfaid, Imyfclfdidfccandpafcdlybehold, and fora }o,·cdthytruth. Then hisvoicebythcvchemencyofthe pcrpttualmcmorythercof to be had forever, I have direfire waichoakcdandfioppcd, thatitwasnolongerheard, Cted.thc!ameunto you, not lying or fullifyingany p.::~int but h~ moved continually h~ mout~ and lips, as though he thereof, as he which is the fcarcher of all mens hearts can hadJhllprayedorfpokcnWlthinhimfelf. bear