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726 A Table of tbe Nohles o[Boheme. Tbe flory ofJ. Clay don mzdRich.Turming. J;;~h:'t:t:~j~~~t;:t:~ic~aj;::og~';w7/;7c~~";~t~ cen~~~; t~~~~~~~f ~~" t'~ar:ld 3J~~~~u~{tt~a~0u: {~~~-~} t"$• we tx~tbtting_ our due r:vumc~ and obedimce m the order of place and Country llQ:t would r~uirt, fmthful du/Jrm, m thoft thmgs whub Dt lawful, ho- confequendy to infer and comprthend the great troubl(S Ttllfc ntfl, and agruable to rta[on antl the Law of 'God wiO and pcrturbations which)happated aftC"r, and upon the t-7~:,_ ;:!~j;J)~1;:!, o:,;{/;~~f:;a~::/l!:/%;;j!Jc';/t:;, ~~~~ ~~ tt~:e ~Uct~1 t~: ~~~ry ii 0:n ~~he;;:h~ :a~t~~ ~nccto tht the frtmiffa, tUC0"th_nz _ro the Law of our Lord Jifiu ~ere of our own Country, which pa~ed in the m_ean ~~~~!~~~. ;,:;;;~~~a;t£J::t:;:":;:J{,;;~~ !~~r;;~fo~~ a~;e~: ~;n:~w~~Y~~~d ~~f~~· we W!ff1h (~~:~~f ~~j;;~g~kj: ;~~~bEjo ~~:;~::sr:::tt~/;0 ~:d j;J,:S'~ilt;~ a=:/r'fu"jev::;, ~~~bt~ :lr~~l~fuh~f~~~~~~:,r·~~hpo~~~hi~~ ~~~m of humble aml cmftam Preachers tbereof,even to the fluddmg bdid~, pcrtainm~ to the later (I"Kl of the CoJ.Utcil of C-mr~~~£~~ of Ollr Bioud, . ~~d~~~:1n!af:l:;;;~. of Popt Martin, as the order 0~ years mm. Dat«l at Sternbtrg, m the yor of our Ye heard btfore, how after the death of TIMmM A- Y.J.fotr~ ~~~Y~~f~uru~~dSJ~Z:Ctri;.s day, :u;;f,;, ~~cl:t~~~o~£c~:'J.!':J·~~~~=l(ff:{ ~;: ~~~~ dred and founttn, and fate twenty five yors. In whofe c-m,. RoundaOOutthefaidLcttcrstherewerefiftyfourSeals time was much trouble and great afffidion of good lunging, and their Nam(S !i.ibfcribtd, whofe Sea~ they m(ll hm: in England ; of whom many were compelled were. The Names nf which Ncblemen I thought 1t good t(l abjure, fomc were burned, divers WcredriV(Il to Exhcre to annex witha~ partly for the more credit of that ile. Whcrrof partly now to intreat, as we find them in whi~h hath been faid, panly alfo for examples fake, to Regifl:crs and Hillories m:ordcd, we will .firll: lxgil1 with the mtcnt that our Noblemen and ~ltlemm in this John Cla]Mn Coriar, of I.AnJon, and Rj,harJTurming, ~~ ~~;;;,0!:;f~~;~ir ~~~~;;~~~!de:~nd:~~a~i~~~~: ~~0~ea:O!:h:~~b; ~tr~J;,ffi~~dt0M~fl:~un~:;: joyn themfclvcs w1th the Gofpcl of Jefus, za.loufl y, and fuffcrcd, who indeed fuffcrcd not before the fccond year as they lhould do., yet tltty neither the firfl:, nor of Hmr1 Chicbtjlty bring Arc~bilhop of Canttrbury, the moft that fo have done before them ; if not, yet which was in the year of ~r lord, on~ thoufantl four bunthe truth may here remain in t~1e fl:ory to their fhame, drcd and thirtt(ll. The H1 fiory of whu:h Jolm Clajjun in or clfc to thtir infiruCHon, fetmg fo many noble and theR.cgillcrsis thus declared. worthy Gentlemen, within the fmall Kingdom of Bohtfui~~~~y ~n~~~~~~ i·~~~:~d~Jo ;:: ~~~: t~ 1~~~';~ The StorJ of John Clay_don Clr,iar, .tnd of with Chrift; ;tnd yet our Gentlemen here in fuch long R tchard :rurmmg Balzyr. continuanceofrime, bcingfodiligcmlytaught,areneithcr ' ~~k~~~ ~~~~ti~.;ca~~flt~~~~~i~~nd~r:~~~~~efi~} T~~f~~d~~:,0~it~:~~~; :;:nj!~~r~~~; !lj~~ thd"e~oblcs, whoCeNamesthcy mayfceand read here MnConarofi.AnJon (antlkd bythe MayorofthefaJ~:!f'::::J:! followmg: City fur the fufpicion of Hcrtfic) before Henry Archb1- ai'III R!•~ lhopofC11nt~rbury, in SaintPt~uPsChurch; whichJobni:k.,~ -1. A!Jfo.kabat de Wifo~""i ' ' f and with mtain Horfe- ( it bting objcdcd to him by the. Archbilhop, that in&<ru,,.,. Wttz. mencondudhimtoCon- the City of Londm, and other phro of the ProvinceofJ~~i., .. ;: 1;::."1;~7,:;:~. flan". ~::e;:;rurJ~!fic;:d ~~~C:1~~~~~~r~~~~~~~ 4· JojllwdeSc:xJtoiw_ez..l 132. Htnr. de Zrtn6- and Determination of the Church) did opmly confcfs, r; .P.n-dus Zwtranowuz.. wicz:.. and denied nor, but that he had been for the fpace of 6.'Joan,JeZiwla. J1 33· Baaz.,kodtCrmvalJ. tW(IttyycarsfufpcdcdbothabouttheCityofi..mukn,and• JeRgt.bmbtrg. 3-4· Pttr.diflusNitnidt. alfo inthcProvinceof.Canttrlmry, and ofth& 8. Wildo Sht-::.J1y· dt Za/t(Tro/dtck. common fort, for lAUardJ and Hcrclie, and to be contra9· DzM:.o de Bufll· . 1 . 35· Cunlw de MojJnfiW, ry to the Catholick Fa1th andDetermination of the Church J O. KosdeDolo;latz. 36, 'N of Rome, and dtfamcdof tl~ fal'fleaU the time aforeIf· J111n. de Stmlijin. 37· 12. DobtjftmusdeTiffa. 138. Joannu Je Pattr- .. Infomueh,.that in t~ time of Maficr Rohtrt BraJbrook 1 ,c1, 14 ,. 13. Draz.lwdrAradeck. . fwaU. B1fhop of l.Ant/ondeceaf~d, he was for the fpaec of two!lrftimpri14· Sttpb. deflmUrl:at. 39· Parfifal de NamJ- years, comnuttcd to the Prifon of CDmPtyforthe furc-=,z_,.. 15. Joa'.'·. D. 'V tie Ga· I •fo.:;.. fa1d dc~mation a1.1d fufpicion, and .for the f:tiM cmfe alfo b.oo~B!I~llp bo11w:. 40. Zodoni de Zwiet- he was m Prifon in the Flttt for duet years. Out of of '-~no. 16. Bt~rfo dtfllls Hlodtr :;.r,k. which Prifon he (m the Reign ofKmg Henry the fourth) 1 7:~{;;;;~7:,~rfdorfar. <I !~ ·. 1}/:nJ:':J;:::::?· ;~~h~ 1~i~~: ~~~h~~: ~dda~= s~rt~';r;; ~~dn= tS. Pfawka de Wilklek. 43 · Diwa Je Spjf[nia. And .the laid 'John C~aJd~ being asked of the faid I 9· Pt:r111 Mrg de Sczi- 44.Sujfko de DraczAw. Archbilhop whether he d1d abJure the Hercfic of which he t()WUJ· 145· Ijjleo dt Dracz..dw. was fufpcd before any other? did con£~ that in aCon- ~~: fi~;;j:tt !;: ~~{;;,eiJ:"ft"Nl~ ;~~11~a~t td:~~~~~f~h:C~i!r":j~~fu1h ?;r~'~ 22 . N. d~ Cromaf!ona. I wicz;.. DoCtrine, wh~<:h they ctllcd Hcrefic: and Error, contrary to jluN. 23JeA;~://:~l: Donant 48~/:::.ebhorde Tyrc:u- ~~d~~~o~~a~~:t~~~~tfumiiA:~~~e~~ '-+ Jotm.Donant d, P~ 149· RJnllrJ Je 1' 1 rcu- wherein ~ was de&mcd,bur alfo did ablbin fiom all cotnVmia. . wicz.. pany thit we~e fq[pe&d of (uchOpinions/o that he lhould 2 5· .' C::.:cz.ow. 50. Bob~~nh de U'ratif neither give a1d, h. clp, eounfel, nor favour unto rhclll. ~~: ~~fl;usJcN. 51~wUiricut de & , . At.:h~:r~f:b~hce~:Z 0tdo\':h!f!u'f!fi: ft:;!E.fl;~ :;: J;fft::i Jc r..r. j l52~r;I;ffaw dt N11li. ~J=;~ ~l!~~rr:.~:t:~:~ ,;~ ~~;~:~~. ~:f~~~ BoOn ~~: J::::J:~:t~:k.. 53~i!o:'esh de Frtt~t- ~:~~:~~~~~~~~~tb~~eh~=;~~~~:J;:nt~tJt:J':. ~his Nobleman d1d 54· Eyhl Je &iff~ for fuch books ash~ had, which books (as he d10ught) acOOmplny Jolm Hus, 1 ~ Wa11. wt'reinthcMayorskceping. UponthcwhichthcMa~~