728 The Martyrdom ofJ.Ciaydon _andRic.Turming. The Archbi]bops l nquifition. {~:~6} anJ'hrufon~ft1:,1;!~ ,1hbc~u~b~~~fa~h~:,;:c~o~~ : :~~CZ:,~~r;:re~~~Qffi~:C:6::fwasAnno 14-J6. the Prelates ofEntlanJ(wng the daily '{aries inthttt JUJifdid:ions,andcvayofthrit charges in encrtJ.fe of theGofpd, andfuring t~c ruineof thcirPa- 'their Country, twicecvcryycaratdleleafi, dodiligmtly Twlcc"" :d~~~=.:~· ~:~~~~J~:U&:.w•{tn~~cf~~~i~oa:~~ : :~:~~u~u~~,;:~~~hd:~~n~v~~~~~!h~ =z.t their fiatc and Kingdom furc, by StJtutcs, Laws, Confiitu- ' in is rrponcd any Hmticks to inhabite. they caufe thrte tions, and terrourof punilhmcm, as Thumat AnmJel, and 'or more of the honcfidl men, and bdi. upoxttd o~ to other Prelates h~ done before, fo the forrnamed Hmr; c take their Chth upon the holy Evang~lifl:, that if they Chicheflq Archbtlhop of Canterbury, in his C<lnvocation ' !hall know or underfland any fr~quentmg cithet in privy hold~n at l...linJMJ, maktth anothc:r confiitution (as though ' Convmticles,or dfc differing m life or ~nne:rs,fiom the A.plllllptfo thc:rc:hadnot enoughbetnmadebtfore) againfl the poor 'commonconverfation of other Catholick Men, orelfe!lcl~"~~o J...oUards.; the Copy and tenor whereof he fendeth abroad 'that hold any eithc:r Hrrefirs or E.rrors., or elfe that have To~ !hr~et!1~~~[~:~h:~;~~~.e~:~~;f~'::or% : ~i~~~Yr~~~;~hfu:&'~ if~~ ~~dt~~~:i. asfolloweth: 'i.ntotheirHoufrs, orthatbefavoumsof them that areDtn~~ ""'•;'. 'H E"'J by th< G<ae< of God AKhbilhopof Cant"lu- : ~~~~:~:·:n~~;~:;(.'~~~ ~h.~~';;!;'::X~.t:~ :;;.:""' ~~;~·JitJ :&-at ?r!:~ 1~~~~J':fr~~a1i~~t~~t ;t~b:t ; ~~C:S 0~=~~o~h!~ ;r~tifu~~:t':m~~ :~; ~d:; ~t, c by the Grace ?f God1 Bilhop of J...onJqn, health and bro- ' Suffragans or Archdeacons, or to their Cornmi1rarics, fo < thcrly love, wtth continual mcrc~fe. Lately in our lafi: cfoon, and with as much fpc:ed as poffibly they g.n; And c Convocation in S.Paul's Church m LonJon,bring kept by ' that the (aid Archdeacon, :md every of their Commiffa· c )'ouandothcrour Brethrn1 andCicrgyofow Province) 'ricsaforetaid, dodccl.l.rctheNamrsof all fuch pcr{ons cwe do remember to have made this Order underwritten, < dmounced., together widl all the circumfiances of them, <by your confmts: Whm as among many other ourwrs, 'the Dioccfs and places, and fccretly under their Seals cthis ought to be chit-f, ~hac by fome means_ we may take 'd~ fend over unto us. the fame : and that the f~e < thofeHercticks,which l1ke Foxcs,lurk and h1dc themk:lvcs cDiocdaJlS effclhu~ly dirrd: forth lawfu~ procdS againfi: ~~M~::ld : ~~~~~~~~~iili~:~~ro:~~~1{~~a~fif~~ ':~~~}~£ :~~·a~~~c~:~~~y0~i~~:n~i~fut(~~dt~x=te ~;! ~:~;;; ~;~;~;,~·~~~;~~'; ~: ~~;~~,J~~J."d;~~~;;~:~ 'lim<. •Ana