{!!:.~} ::c;(:;· And if! kmw ;:{r!{:j}~~' ~~ :' :;f:; ~:f;~~~g~~l~~~i~~:dw~~~:~:~~~h~h~~;:efof! r.heirtut()rs, comforurs,. (()Unfi.:~~,:~.':;".:'~:: ~~~~~.t:JeJ.i'ff;iejf.l ' {~~':Jit~.T1:~: :.~t4r1il" fi!;t, ;p,:£"£:~;o;,;z:;:cit~t:,;;:::/oJ;;r; !:j:Z::i:::=:t''· ;~:'!;;~"~~!:~. r.... '"1'"'•hft•"· "'"'D'"'t,••• J o,J,..,.,, if 1:/ 5-'Joa• buWifr. I 'l· M""" b. Wifr. ;:;;'/::,~~ ;htjtt:'b =;;hJ/byh:~ b/Jig0,~'t ~: J;.ui;;e;t~~Jtn. ~~: ~:~;;Z:!J:: eJ. 8. Sttphm &bm. 16, Laurmce Cokt. After this Rrotntation at the CrolS thus publiChtd, arid . Th& being citro up together by th_c Bifhop, wou!~ his fubmUftOn made, the (aid Granrer then was by the ad· not appear. Whtrtupon gmt Inquilitt~n lxing ma~e vice of the Prelates put to (even years prifon~t, Wldcr for them by his Officers., they were conflr.uned to fly their the cuflody and charge of the Bilhop of LonJm. Roufes and Towns, and lhift for themfdves as covtttly JS ~~~m- Ri;fa~j ~on~~lloA~ ~~~~~thth~~tt:l=t{;o: ~~ihemif~hrn~~~:dl!7::;!o~~ ~o~abeO~~'~I~e~;J:! :~;;.fBu~~~5tU0~?:%:'rcl,rtd, many anddiversthm ~~~C:;;~~:rc~t~~~h:~ol~* ~o!su~h~~ be in the faid ~egifitt rtcordtd, who likcwife for their thty did iuhabite, appointing them a day and tam when Faith and Religton were gretdy vexed and troubled, tf. to appear. But notwithfianding, when as they yet pecially in tht DioccfS of Kml, in the Towns of &m· could not be uken, neither would aPJ'(3r, the ArchZJ::7/aU'm~:C%~'Je~. ;~~~:,wt!!1!:h~; ~~~~~efi~X:m~u~~~:~a~~ Ced~~att~ft~~~ Houlbolds, both Man and Wife, wae driven to forfake ward happened to them in the Regificr doth 1\0t 3ppt'll' i theirHoufesandTownsfordanger of Perfecution; asfuf. but like it is, at lmgtb theywerefomdtofubmitthemficimtly apptaretbin the ptOces .ofthe ArdlbifhopCbi· felves.