732 Certain Articles againfl the Bohemians. ril•f•tr•· ~ro~~~. 0~l~~~:·tl~l~~ili t~~~ d~~:~~Y~f;r~ y: d:ld~ r~: t=~~~ ;;:~b\~ctl;n1:~cilict~!kr~1cJ~d~a:~~ij~ {~~~} fence of tl_u= ~ai~ lord Cobham, :tgaJ ~Jfl: A/anus Co~m. Church of Romr, &c. W_h~rc agam, tt IS to be noted, as I fa1d before, and by Alfo the Coun?l hta~ng or (earfug fomc fl~ to rife~~ tl11s it appt:arcrh, that th.c_ Lotd Cr,bham w~ nevtt cxe- mong the &hem1am, did make Laws and Arnd~· who:ecutc:d by force of thc imhd:mcntor Outlawry, bc:caufe if bytobrid!e them, tothcnumlxrof 14. hehad,he!houldthcnhavebeinbroughttotheBarin ~~ ~~~~~~~~-~;~~,~~~ ~~~~d c1111;~~u1a~r ~~~t~a~~~ld~~~ fir:~Ze!~~:.rha~~i;~gd~c~t:~iau~!:~f: ~h:ch ·:~~t!~ h~~c died ; :uld then 110t fh~wmg fil!lictcnt caufc for the of Rome: . ~:;::!!:!. dtfchargc or'dcb.y of cxccutton, the J udg(S fhould h~ve _That all Mafi~ DoCtocs and Priefis fhall be fworn.w. Eol~thH awardtd and _gt_vcn d1e Jndgmcnt of Trcafon; whtch abJure the DOC.htne ofWJd./ifand Hur in thJ.t Council w.,.'""' bdngnot tb, it tsclcarhc was not executed upon thc In~ condemned. ' diChnent.. Bc!idcs, ro prove that he was not exccutcd u~ Th:~t all they wh_ich bcingcitcd wouldnotappcar,fuould on the_imhChncnt and the Ou_tlawry, d_1e manner of ~he: alfo ~(worn t? ab)tUC; 2~1d they Which would not a~ ~~~¥~;~o~:o~l~; \~~ ~:~~h~lcw~~~:~~~~:s:ta:h~x~f~~~ ::a:;~fs~~:~~~~~h~~~~ndcn:~~f~. Keys, .fhould haxc nom~cl-d By the Judge,~s by ducordt:r ofLaw_wasrequifit~. That all ~uch Lay~mcn as had dc:fmdtttthe caufcs of Fmally, as I fa id bclore, here ~ repeat agam, that albeit John WicJdifJ and J•hn Hr11, fhould (wear to dcfc:nd them the: fafd Lord Cob_ham wasatt:!mtedofTrc:afon by the nomore,andt?JPPJOVethedoings ofthat·Coluu:il, and Ad, and that.tbeKmg, the l..ords!andtheCo.mmons af- the condemnation of.'Jobn Hur. . fen:~d. to the Ad: yet all t~at bmdc:th not m foch fort That all fuch fecular ·mtn as had fpoilcd the Clagy (astf tndccdhewcreno Traltor) dratany nun may not lh:mldbefworntorefiirution. ' by ft:arch of the truth,utt~r and ftc fonh fincer~ly and jufi~ That Pridls bcing expelled from their Bcncficcs, fhould l}:theverytruc:aJ~d cerca.m C3ufew~reuponhisexecution bcrdlorc:dagain. d1d follow. \VhKh feef"!leth by all_ ctrcu~fiance a~d firm That all,prophanm of Churchts fhould bc pwillhc:d af. argumc:nts, t? rife princtpa.lly ~f Ius Rehgio~t, whtch firfi ter the Canonical Sa.ndions. b~oui?ht him m ~med ?f the Btrhops ; tht Bifho_psbrought That fiJCh as had been promoters in the Council againft 11~m m h_atr«l ot the Kmg; the: hatnd of the: Kmg brougt 'Joh:'HusJhotlld be permitted f:tfclyto return intOBilhtme hm1 to h1s Dt:~th a_nd Marcp·dom. And thus much tOr the agam,-and to enjoY their "lkneficcs. Doth and ExecutiOn of this worthy Servant ofChrill the That the relicks and tre3.furctlkm out of the Church of l..ordCobham.. Praf{ut,lbouldberc:fioredfullyagain. f~:;.:·;~· :,~:;!~:.:f~::;g\:~~ ~:~~~~:~~~~:1~~:~f.~:~~~~1 :~l:1~£~~E~1%~f.z~;~·h~~d ~.::~:li~~= Powr.J m1~ht be thanked_ and rewatd ~d, acc?rdmg to the That thc_pnnc1pal Hcreticks and_ DoCtors of that Sed: Proc!armi!Of! mad~ for Ins gr~at tmv~l t1kcn m_ thcapprc- f110u~d befentup to the Stt ~pofiohck, namely, 'JohnntusThe rn~ ~~~~~o:~~~v~:;ds~fbtnhe~:~fJ.t ~~~~~t;\\~;r~~~~~. ~eh: ~e~:~~~~!:o:~;~~i:;u"!in;;D~~:f:~J7/n:~; J~;Ji~ E,:":l;. be noted : Ftrfi, how Sir John here 111 the Record IS call- mzl:s,~J~,J:.o de Lob~,Thc Prov~fi of Albnllows.,Zniflnm c:d_ •lPt Tr.~itor, but Hert:uck only. _Secondly, mark how JeSuurtttz-, and M"batl JeC%.uko. ~his Brother of Judat herem.veth_h~ reward for betray~ That all fc:cula~ men, which communicated under both mg the innocent bloud. \_V hmi1~ Lt ~s !lotto_ be ?oubted, kinds, fhould abJure that Hcrcfie, and fwc:ar to fiopthe b~tthatbislightfcc,andquJdvultM"!'h'dartmthtsworld, famehcrcafter, wt\1 havc:m hc:a.vyrewa1d hcrcafta m the world to comc, That thcy_which wcrcordained Pridls by the: Suffragan nt,sufn, ~~-~- n.-. unlF~:~:;;:~i,~hefaid Parliament, ACt 17. ic \~as ~:~d~~~h~~~~J:frh\u~~~~~:t~h~e~dA~fi~~:~·~ f .Aa'7. ;;/~~~·r,~~~i;~e ~!;;;:,~,J,~U~e:~i:J: to;:~~~=iZ hc\na_ttheTrc:a.tifesofJobnWirkliff, tranOatedintothe wtrb~··· ~h:}~:ifd:&~~f~l~ p~;1 ~r:~:~ePo:~~~,e:~:~~~~~~ ~;~;;;nt~~~e~r~fn?~:~~ Husand JarobtUf's, Chould ~=~ ~~~~by the common Law hmlexdudcd out of thts cil,~:l~h~\Ior:t~~!lcot~t~'6:~~;~edinthcCowt- z:-.;· t~:Li.'-· m:d: ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ncd~~~c) ~~~nC~:~~~::w~~ Je ~:~,h~~: ~h~~~~:~fc~~~~~uPo~A:~f?hr~~~: =~ the end thty fi.Jfpctted that thc:y weretheLoUardJ, He- dtremanmuapanr.J pojfcm{tcratJmem,!houldhkc:wifc:be reticks and Tmitors, with a rcquc!l that Commillions brought and bun"IC<i. :~1i~,:~~~\:~1rt~~~~s 1:d~~~;::! ;~:n~~~~~~t: c;h;~~for~v!:d~ eo~7~i~.~~n~~th:·~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~:tf~~:::fu~~~d lhould bc executt<l, &c. Thus the Clergy, Tnnquam Ieo-· be fo!bid to be fung in _Cmcs, Towns and Villag~ Wider g::" ~E~:~J::~:~r::;·~~:~E~cl~;:~~;~~~~~~3;~~~ :;1~:b~i~:~~;~;~~:~lo~r:t7~t~~~ th~ !i':"'' ~~~;f~.hiefs, if any were done, were ltnputcd to the: poor lho~l~a~10?r:,~~~~fn c~:at~i(;i~!~~~ Jyu;~~;-;:;; And now from our Englifo ln:lttc:rs, to return agais~ to power, undc:r pam of Excomrnunicanon. the: fiery of th~ Bobtmiam, from wh~JKt we have a hnlc: 'fhat all and lit~gular perfons [h~\1 ~commanded toodigrctTcd ; When as the Ne: M of the OO.rbarous cmelty ex~ bcdJrncc, Ul)det pam ofExcommumcatJ0\1; and tha~ whoercifed at Conft~nce againtl JobnHtts and Jerome of focvakno~·ethanypcrfon to favour any WickJMJijfJ, or Prng1u, wne no1fcd in Bohtmt, the Nobks and Gentle~ their DoCI:rinc, or diat kccpcth :om_p:my with f~fpctt per~ mtn of Mwnvia and Rohtme, fuch as favoured the: caufe fOIJS,hdhall ptefent thcfametohJSDioc~(ansorhLS OfficiaJs. ~~l~~ ~1~;:n~~~~~!~~~ ~~t~f~~~::ot~~;t~~~il ~h:x~ thc:~~~;eo~1.~~ed:t~e s~i:i~~~~~~hcn;~:;:i~ ~~~:in! i;'·~1f~~:~x:~~~ ~~~~? t~~11~vl;i~h rr~~e~%~ ~hu~~dR~1~'rh~~v:r~r'Jo~~~~~:kJ;;;m:1~1 were: :tl! citc-<1 up to the Council. Unt? thts Lc:tter Sigif- P:agut, and othc:r m the fa.sd COuncil condc:mncd, lhall be ;~:;~~~: ~~:\~;7~:,:~:~i~;~,:~€rr!f.~z~i~:i :~:fi;;~!i~;:,:~~ ~~~~~~~~0~~~~~~~~ ;:::=:- againH his will: lnlOmuch that he rofe m anga from the lhall be obfemd, and tranfgr~Jfors of the fame be pumfbcd. Council, and tl.~parted out ol Cvnjlance,.as is btforexc:m~m- Tlut