Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

734 Wars between Zifca andSigifmund tbe Emperor. d~:xf~~~t~~r~::d~~a~~ir~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :~r~f./;;;1it:~~,~i~i~~d\\: ;~~~~: ,~~r~'!~f:j~ { ;:~~~} that the Protdbnts lhoukl have no plffage that way. ,ius was f!ed, and putUlricirrs and· all his Family to the: Thtn it h::tppcntd. that at the ljle ofS. BmediEf oncPmr Sword Caving one only. Stmmberge fought an equal or indifferent 1battc:l with ~hrn .rorafmuch JS he had no walled 0r fmced Town l.'bc:clc,of dKm. tomhabttc,hechofcouraccrt:tinplacc~fX1nt_hcfamc~ Inthemeantime, the number of theProtefrants being R.ivc:r? whichwasfcnctdbynatun:,aboutcJg_htM_il(Sfrom ~hl~:t:::l ~;f;'e~c~~cha~~u~~~t ~;h :~~r~:~e;t t~~ !:d ?~~~~a~tfa~c~h~f,~ar~hbu~:rk~edH~~h:h~~ length the H~itio wan the Bridg~ an~ the nrther part of they had pitched t~cir Tcuts, :md named this City Thaldfer Prague, the Qum~ part flpng. mto the upper part bor, an~_the ~nhabltat~t~ his Companions Tbaborita, bethw:of: where they tu~n~ng ag,ain hcrc~ly renewed the cauft: t~m City by all hke, .was builded upon the top of :r~:~ d~~~ fou~:Y~~;~~n~:,l;;a~~~~: b~1~h~!i~; ~~~~ ~!~~ ~~t~lca~~~ ~;~~~~bci~r :~;~~,e~~~t~ bmldings w('re rac«<, and the Co~ffioufe, which was wa\1 and vaumure, :md the Rl\'et of LNcimrim fenccth a in a low place, was utterly defaced and humed. great part of tbe To~n; the.refi iscom~ffedinwith a }?~_:;~. d~~1~~~~~~;~~1t~[~:~b;: ~~r;,: ~hi~m~~:~ ~:j~~:>i~t~~P;!·'~y ~~~~~r ~~~.~t;~~o.~~fv,~~;~ !f?.!:; rn:~,:~:;~~ith~~~i~~'~f'~~~;~:.~::~hi,':~di: :~:~:.~~',::~~: j~~~~th11w~~~ :i::S:"~f~i::2''Yt:;'~:; · tion, thattheC3ftleofVifftgraJebeingrcndred,itfhouJd untoH byhndlsfcarcethinyfootbrDid, for iris almott ~ l~wful for them to fend E1~b;dfadors to the Emperor an .Hiand. In this p!Jce there was a deep ~itch cafi, and Sr~ifimmJ to intrtat ~ r~chmg thc:~r Ellate, and that a wple w_all m~de, ~f fuch thicknefs, that 1t could not be Zifca lhould render P:h..mrt and Pujlawith theother broken with ~nycngme. The wall Y,"aSfuUof Tower~ Forts which he had taken. Thefetonditions thus agreed and Forts fet in the~rconvenicnt and me-et pl~ccs. Zi[c"' upon and recdved, a.ll the: foreign Proteila.nts departed was the firfi th~t bu~ldcd the Caftle, aud ~hofe tha~ came out of the City, a~d the Ser~te of rhe Crty, began to after him fortihc:d _rt, every man ~ccordmg eo hJS own ~~\·~~i~1;~ai~~e:~~~;~d~0 t~o~v~~~~~~P~i~~er~hk~ ~;~~~gn ~l~~~~a~~~~::rer~h ~::w~uN7,~~~:C: ~~~:~~f ' v.:eregonc:outof thc:Town,durll: not recum again, but th.e Mint (whom the Empe-ror h~d f~~ll imo Bchm•ia fhll looked for the Emperor, by whofe pre{(:ncc: they wrth a thoufand Horfemen to f~t thmgs m order, and to thought they fhould have: been fat~. But this t~wir hope withrrand ~he Thaborim,_ lodging_all night in a Villa_ge was frufirate by means of cert~m Letters whiCh were named V%nu) w~ furpiLf«_i by Zifca comir~g upon hnn fent from the Emperor, wherein 1t was written, that he fuddenly m the mght, taking away all hrs Horfc: and would fhortly come and R. ule th~ Kingdom, c:veh aftn: Ar_mour ) and fttting fi_re upon the: Village. Then the fame order and manner as hiS Father Charles had Zifca taught his Sould1ers to mount on Horfeeback , done before: him. VVhncupo1! _the Protcfl:anrs undn:- to leap, tO run, to rum, an? ~o o.fl: a ring, fo that ~~:tw~~~~r~10:l~g~1d1~i:1gfht~~'ic~~~ecl~~ :!~~. this he never led Army without his wings ofHorfc- . f~i~~;~h~i}lm.u the ~mpc:ror Sigi[m~~t~d came: to to~;~~:isth:aN~~~~tf;;;,::N~~~~~:~~:b~:~er~~~i!J[~~ §I~;,:.~h~r1;i:~:t~~%·:~~!i~~~{~:~~;~~~~ ~~~~:i~E~~::!~;,;~~;~~~,~;;~~::~~~"~~: ,..,.. R.ulersandMa!;i!lrates.Whcreumothewholc: Cuyobc:red, and there placed hunto annoy the Town. ThJSCrn- ~:~z~:.~:~,~$,(~:~~~:~;~~~i!~~:~i!E ~~~::?~f.i~~tti~£1?{;;:::~J;t;~ "~~; ~ycao~~~?~~~it{:J fl:::l7~~: ~:~t!fn%~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~f~ ~~ly~~~~~~~:~s, ~i~~.e g;:r,::":f L~t~~;~~: ::;eH~; :;f~·~~~- firat~ which his Brother Wmctjiatu had fet in:~mhority; Waldtjfent, with a few other Nobles. All the: refidue ~!~= f.i~:~~ ~~h!n:~r~!e:1::;;t~ a~~~~~~;, Zehe~~;:n;:~ f~bdeu~f t~~e ~~~~j~P~as 1~e~~:;~r ~~;r fl:~:~; Empclor. ~hr~~~~Jo~:\~~~~t~~~ ~~~:;::t~~v:;::;;lt~~~~~~~~ ~~~i~~Far~i~ec~~t~~~:u~l~~~1 ~l;c ~ka~~erw::~~P~: Cencho, on the1r part, which had the: government of the that no Vi&uls l'hould .be c:mic:d m. But the: Emperor ~;~~~~~~;~~~~fi;~1;~1;;1~~~~~ !~t~n~~r:h~~~~~~~~: ~rv;:~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~.:~[ t~~~~ :~~~~h:,~r~e~ff~:~ ~~.;:~~fHf;:~~;~:i~~~~:~fE~i~I.~!f~;~.:~~~ri~~ ~Jg:fi~~~~J.g,1~~3~;~::ffatJ~ 1:;g · not only fttffered Y()~ Hut and il~trome ofPragut to be was affaulted by the fpace of llx weeks•. The E1~pc:ror bunlc:d at th~ Council of Conftancr, but al(o procured the Sigifmu1fd was Crown((\ in ~he Metropol_lt31l Houfe m the fame, and w.tth all his m:lcavour did impugn the DoCtrine (A.file, Co11radus the Archbifhop_ folemmfing the ce~ernoand t3.ith wludt they taught and followed. Whi!efi th& nics of the Coronation. Th~ Crty was firaitly bci!Cgcd. :~:(~;~~~:h~;~~~!if:;ra'~~t~~gb~ivl~~ oE~c:~f~nab~~ ~h~;~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~f ~h{m¥hah;~,t~~~i~{g through policy he was always Vrdor. The plact_S whn:e overCo~ne in b}' Nicho/111 H111, whom Zifca ha_d ~~1!kt~k~·:d~~fs1 S:ud::110 ~~~t!~ ~~~h~csC:~d ~~:: ~~:hoFtl~; ~~:,w::;d f~,:~~~~=e 2~; n.pel\cy;ttherebe:myb.attclf~ghtbutonfoot: Whereupon when wasalfotaken. . cfZI/<&. his Enrmics were: a.lhghtc:d from their Horfcs, Zi[ca com· There is alfo abo\·e the Town of_ Pragut a lngh Hill, manded the Womrn which cufiomably followed the Hofi, which isca\led Vidtc/)qn. ~n this f:l!ll had Zifca ftronft TMM>'· to call their kerchk:ffs upon the ground, whe_rein the ly planted a garrifon, that hiS Cl!~l~l~ O!oul_d not poffc:fs ~;: .. ~~~C:;d~::~~~~t1e~. their Spurs, were: fbm before ~~g;;;;hfAl~~~~~~~S:~d?:~~~~;(~!1:! ~~;~U:J~;~~ ~b Afcrr this, he went unto A11{ca, a Town fitl13te upon had gotten the. top of the: h1ll, bemg dnven back mt/,~t~ ~;~j;~::h;er~u~a~~'hil~~1d~~6::~~~~:Pr~~: ~~~~n~{ICI~h~h ~~~ ~~~t~:~d~~~:; ~i~h~:JY ~~~ fbncs. This Town Zifc:~ took by force of !Urns the firfi vtolent force of thetr Enmues, ~'¥'of than wm fl~:&