War between zifca and Sigilinund the E11tperor. Ztfca's Valour. 73S { K_ING} and fomc tailing hc::.1dlong from the H_il!•· wc.rc ~dlrored· by dJ< mu]tittidc and nuntlxr of his Horfemcn being broke, . ~M·S• ~~:dci::l~:b~~:t~~]f~~::i:'h~1::~~~:d~~~-~rd ~~~~~d ~.: ~c:~~ ~rurr ,:~~~~~.r a!f;m';~~il~ Zif~~de- :h~ifi:.;:. wuo Thabor,aud fubducd many pbccs ;a~ngfl: wluch he Idol eo be m th~ Churches, n~~htt ~1glu it to be born f~h llll!. '?'"rolfub (ubvcrtcda Town pertainingtodJCCaptam of Vifg1'a.k. Wltha~ thlt Putfls_lhould muililcrwuhCofl(Sor Vcfie:-Idotoln ~ .. 5•ie. &~~~ ~~c~~~~n~~~~r z;~~":at~:d, ~~;gi~v= :~~~g~ ~~~~;~:-~ohe::.heA\~d:cu~:~~Wr~~~;~~ ct~m". ;~~~ afd d:c~o-~/:Ch~~ dty,al!h~~xc~~~J~ !:~~~~:~ ~~~~-c~:o~?'~ ~~~m;(;:t~(~ ~:;?oft,~ y:dd it up. bm Ul_ld~ this condit!Qn, thou if the Emperor fuppo(td to be thcpnncipals of this faction inco the Council n. 'M1r. d1d come, they wnlun tht Cafdc lhould be no more mo- ~oufc, as though they would ~:onfer with them as rouch- :!;:,':::" of :~~~ :;f!:,Eci~~; .:;~ ;,k;:::' ,~~:~'~,~'!fi~:' "~~~ :~1:.~:~::=~:,~~~~~: i;:1,E~~~::~; ~!i,g~fi !!,.:d 1h< • neath the Caftle, was fi.tddenly ftt upou by the Souldlm of though norhmg had been done.. But their fervants bdng ~~;~~riM o•tttbrow. ~~a~~;P?ft~~~~~[~;~~cda, g~~~~1:;;t~~v, a~~1:0 ~~~;~~ ~~d:ir~~fl~~~:~lf~~~ ;(~t!£ !~% 11 d~; w<;u~ai~: ~~~= were flamm that confttCI: fourtct11 Noblc:ma1 of the M~Ya- thorow the S~nki or Chands; the whk:h being onccfeen, cv.t. 'Villm, and of the Hung'!rians, and other a gR:llt num- the ptop!e un<krftood what was doiK". By and by there bcr. The Canle was deh\•ered up unto them. Whikll W3S a tumult; the Council-houfe was firaightway ovn:- chefc things were in doing, Zifia rook Buflarn a Capt:J.in, thrown, and clc\'<'11 of the principal Citizen_s, which were which was _fumamcd Cixne~, by force, m _a very Jlrong thought to be the Amhorsthercof, were llam, and divers Town of his, and b~ght him umo his Rdigi_on. Who houfcs fpoylcd. ~v~~v=~tbdo1;:&~,~~:.~;J1~~~ ho~h~e~~~:.;tr~ EmA~ ~~Ja~~f~ti~(!7, g:~!fro~ ~;trir~~~ror~;~; the Territory of Peiz.mtJ many Mona(lcms, of the whtch Paptlls whh thetr Wm.'S and Children were fkd) was !;.~~~~~!!' Zifoa fubnmd._ and bumcd live. And forfomuch ~s the through n~gligcnce burned, .and thofe wh!ch .cfcapW out lubmt«i. Monafiery ofS:UntClare \V$ the fuongdl:, there he pttchcd of the. fire Wtll£_ unto Pelz.ma. After thiS diVers of the himfe~f. Bohtmum Captams, and the Se:n_are ~ Pr,:g~, fent A~ Thu~r alfo c:tme the Et_nperor wit~ his Army: But b:l~dors to Vitoi_d J?uke _of Luuama, ~ld made htm Zif" put• whetl Ziji:n. brought forth h!S power agamll him, he moll the~r K.ing. ThiS ~Id Z1{ca ~nd his adhert~lts gainfay. rt.~ to ~v;:~~y ~~;~~;fo~ ~:~ ~~~· ~. t:;t~l~~d~:f ~!~fe~:JJu~;~t ;if,:::"~v?:·~:Jh:!:b,~ ~i~~ :u"a; ~t fomfmuch a!! h~ (aw the Ctty ..fo !Cnccd, that of t~e inhabitants of Prag11e. At his coming rhry dehe was Ill dqub.t of .wmnmg the ~me, he ~vent from tert_nmed tO lay fttge unto a Cafile lituate upon a Hill, thence to CommlttfPI.IJa a famous City, the whKh he took whtch wascal!cd Charles Sror~. byfurce, burning all the Prieftsthtrelll.. Here Sigifmm~Jns had left for a Garrifon four CenruV/r• Aftmvard, when as he lay l:xfoze the Town_of Rab.J, rions of Souldices. The T n1ts were pitched in thrtc =~~·~ID ra111~h~~~~:ka:;~~t ~~~:;:;~ro~~~:'te~rh:~J~ F·~~ ~~; c!d ~~r :dti::~~t.fix ~~;~~;-~li~; ~~::~ ~~~~~ ::;e~~cdw~I:::U~~:~~~hisblr~~;~~~~~ J::k:~ Jili ~h~::£;~~'t&k:r~~;v~~~~\fiN~ a~~ha= ~~~ -..id. aot fi#Jr, and for all dut he would not forfake hH Army, but cafe. and oche~ excrcmcn_ts, were ~aft in amongfi th?fe !';~";:hit fiill took the charge of~· which wcre ht!Je~cd : whJCI~ thi~1g did fo infed them with ~:~~r•krth wl~r~c~h!~;s! ao;!~Ga~~i~:a~;et~~~~~~~r~ ~(c~t, ~~:w~~~~~a~!f,~~1 t~~~ c:~i~!t~irh0;1C:~~u2r~ To>"'l" took it by force, m1ny being llain of either p.m. Tltey ag~ •. and continued their fight Wltilthe winta, havin;f; Sttncb _, alK>-tooktheTownofBroJa in German], and flew the pnvdy r~civcl medicine out of Pragw, to fallen therrb..nflll f« g::~,co':~~~~!~~:r~~:::~h;;~dili~i~ ~:~; T rl~:~~~~a~~~;ln time FreJeric! the Elder, Prince of Bran-- tile Tc!lb. ne ~ .."1 ~:~~ l~~~~~m~7~g~=~~~~a::~ ~~fe~~ ~:~';f• ;;~;~~g~~lt~ai~ 0~;e~~~!~ a f~~t ~~~~;s~~u{: nlil't. durfi not joyn band, they rcc:mted back. After all this, ~ll of UlaJiflttHs King of Pole, which had talked the Emperor apP?intcd the Pr1nc~ Elc~ors a dJy, that wnh th~ Emperor in. the-~rdcrs of Hungary, called Cor;... at BartboiomtWtJde they fhould With therr Army invade b11tur Ius Uncle, wtth hrs whole Army, out of BQ/xmt, ;:J:!~:d :1t~t:t:~~~e~~aT~! :m~~'; ~i~:c;:~·~t:hd Ero";!;~'Afd:~:~~hat~~'fc:;;rfo4j;~ ~~~;~: :;{ ~~::,t~~D:~~tL~:r~het~~~en~y :;a;::~ ~m,:Jt~~~te:r ~~!~~~t 6 ;f ~t:! ~~bd~~d; :~ EI:h~~q ~h;b:;Tief~~1drh~';';u~iJ~hcr 8~~~~~1b:/o%; t~ ~~;r~:~~;~u~~J,:~~}~~~~~·wh!:tisasa!~e ~=!~~ J~;~{d 5b;':• .~!:;1'uW:~\·ell,£:~;cdc!~~;ry w'!~ ta~~d ~~?erh~~to~~ea:r~h: l~~~ :,~;~:~l~;:. :r11~:f:fi~i. ~u~~~e.aooT~a~·:~~~ ~~~e~~~~:ll: ~~fb7es ~~~d ~~~.!e;t ~7),a~nc?a~~~~:;~ ~~~~~~~n~r:; ... caure t~e Emperor was not: come at his day appointtd : but fide, and kt"pt them there (o long, "?ting them, and Anooho:- ~ havmg gadxnd [Qg~thc:r a great Ar~y of the Hu,ga- caufing t_hem to roar out _and cr}', unnll that the ~lttd wu.Jik~ 'ne F.na~ ~~;~:t:da~~~or:~;::• -r:~~s~~~t;::,s ~~d~~}h~~ :~~r~i1 ;~et:t~3~j~nhfid~~~;l~~a::~~;t~!~1~f~~~; %£~~,::,. ::'~~- wasy~e~cd unto him. But_wht~tZi.fca (although he hke dJd(wJm O\'tr the R1ver; by themranswhtreofhc 11111b. ~ blu~)came towardshun,andfttuponhim,he goranddraveaw1yagrratbooty. ~ri~~ ~~~~~KIC";;:~~f,~~:i!~~;,~~~~Y~~~!u~/;~ un~':ts~~ i1~a~:t;;~~D~~ro~~ufi:f:,'7::<!;; SI!Ver·Mblei, cal!edTbeP~cbo[AntMJrift. Zifiapur• tryof Moravia, bccaufeit fhvuldnocwanta Rukr. Ac A no<'ll- fun~ the Err:tpuora days JOUtne)'. got great and rich chefamc'timealfo EriciusKing of Dmmark, and Ptttt' ~if.' .. or ~~ th~v~i::n~~:':~~Bb;J~~~~~~;/fc!: !;';:::;, ~:~~~llt 0o:lkSa~.i~gE~j~bf:f:~= ~~~~! Y.e~rs, remantcd ~thnhabitcd. The Emperor paffcd by a Em~ror, being both very ex~rt mrn m the a~us ~ Bn?geovertheR.tver?f Iglari11. And Pifoa Flcrentine, War, which did augment the Emperors_ Hof\ Wlt~theu whiclt had brou&ht fifteen thoufand Horfemcn out of Aid and Power. Whereupon they flra tghtway pnch~ lilmg~r1 to thrfe Wm1 p:tlfe.! over the ke; the which thrir Camp htforc: LHQ~~l'; a Town of Mor"~:~