The bloody Bull axd Inquijition of Pope Martin. ~~~i~~.~;;~~~-~~·;:h~:}:~~t1~:o~r~~i;~~~~~ ;~~~ig{;~(Tn~:X:~:~~g~rJlo:~r:k~ j~~ ~~a~on~cl~ { ~~~} bcmg by the fo_rcfa1d SynOd of Conflanct wnh rhctr Au- h1m be Excom!~umcate, an~ fo long put out from the thors (as is fatd) damned and condemned, or dare prc- compo.nyofChnfHanmcn, u!lthatthcy {hall confume !;'Ublickly or 'privily to allo'7' or commend iuany digttfatisfad:ion; fo thatifbythef~ccof oncwholcyru- :~~c !he~~~~ra~cc:~~er~ ~~::,kla~J'~;~=~:s,inort~! :~c~~~~k;~~~~d~~~e~~commwucation, then kt rhcm tJ~~~~\~~~~!~~~~0: :~~~ ~~r~~a~ ~(~~: ~~I((~~~ of~~~~~:~~~· ;~~~~~~~~~~:dof~1cb~:~~~h!r~~~ Nou tbo ~~:: ~~~~:~;J~~:.i::~~t~:i~~I~~lf~ ~~1i~f:~S1~ig;,~t~~~:~\~t~~~g~~ li:~f•<>fbli· notw~thfbndmg thry_ netthrr bclrevr, favour, nor have meal for .thiS thmgbrmgmterdrcted,fha!l lail; let him be n>anlry. devotr<:n. tvwards_rherrErrors, but haply fha!l rrcriveor accounted as~ mancon_vifr,andasaronvid:perfonbythe entertam fuc h pelhfrrous Prrfons lxcaufeof o.malalfedion, Canons let hun br pumfhtd. b~ F~~~~a~~e'ov:1 ~~d ~~~~:~fa~~ ~~~~~(1!~~ rio~1~t:u~~~~0~( .::~ ip;~~~~~3J~~ ~t:~~gi~~~~~: ;~~:;. compc~ent J ~Jges, br fo aff!id«l; an~ for lo lmnous Ads Pope _B(!~ifau d_u: Erghth, whiCh ~gumeth thus, Ut in- ~ .. ,tF .t.-.•• ~~.::~2~~~:.:f'~:~~~::~~.:~r;~a:;:~; !~~:=a:::[J;~d~!·~~~~~~;d~}~~~~: ~~~. 0!·r~ebJ:;~it;:1f rh~Y;~;d~fci~~o~ n;~~hf~;: ~~ ~%:Sro t,h?;1J1~1~~~dn, f~13;heas;~~};~~fi~e~~ ~~~~ ~;;:~.~ 001~~~:ching the t~ird f~rt, which fhall be any manner t~~~~:n f~~~~t~~e~J~f:·d:f~~c~ 0o~e~!cfa~e t~i~~~d~~ :r; ~::~ of ways mfcded \ thtsdamnable StCt, and fhall after wt\1 obty, mtend~ give th.ctr atd and favourab~ help tO~'\!:.: [~~!~~,~~~~:; •!~~)d;,;p~~;~!::i~~::;;~: S:~3:7,7~i1;::t~~~c;J:~0;:,~~~~1~i~~ [~:~~:~ and fully acknowkdge and. confc~s r_he Cathohck ~·:uth pointed (holdmg the timh and o;>tnmunion ?f our holy .A/<c. 1 ~· towards them le~ the fevmty of JUfi!Ce, as the 9llli11y of Mother the C..hurch) for the fc:ar~hmg out, ta.kmg, and fafe the fud- lball rtqwre, be fomewhat tempered With a r.~.fie cuftody of all ;he afD!"cfaid Herettcks, their Btlicve:rs, thei r of mercy. Favourcrs,thelrRecelvrrs,andtheirDefcndcrs,whcnfoever ~~~~~~~~~~;~~~·~ ~~;.1 ~jt Cities, Towns, Ca.tllcs, Villa_ges, their Lands at_td. o~her Ot~te~ pb.ceor pia~ as ~ir_her )'Oil er they lhall command :~::::.; ~~~~:Ji ,;~o :~~~ .f~~~~ a~~cc~~\~~~!~~~~~~?t:r;~~~11~~ ~~~~~~;:~ ~,;:;1eby~~~~~~·m~~er:h~tc~:s b;~.!~he ~~~'••,17 expel out c;f the11 Kmgdorns, Provmcts, Cmts, Towns, Archbtfitops, Btfhops., the Clergy andJnqwfitors, or any ~:;,;,:;:-1• ~ Ca!Hcs, VrllagtS and Lands, and o_rher placrs, all and. all ot~er tlm !lull be by you appoint«:!, or :ue alrea~y apAn~ vown manner of fuch. H~reticks, accordmg to the eff~ an~ pom!ed by a~1y of rou, may be holden llnd kept rn fafe ~~r~~: ~~1~~fi:,f$~. 7~~~~~~or;· ,;~;a~btc~~~;n~;,~ ~:~lfefil; :~r~~g~r r;:~~n~.~1~~n~£eg~~~a~~~~}~; ~f~;~~ ~~nF'· f5~~~:t ~~:t; fi~~d~::~~ ~~{;~rs~;:; i~f:~~hek£~~~1 f~c~ ~u~~ ~~~~~~!~~.fib~\~~~e~d~:~!~~: o~t~~~~~~;;~c~~~:1~~~3 :;;:c~,c;. ~~~; ~e~~_;:~:'}u~~~ ~~~1~suft~:s~i10Ydi;~~u;h~~~~~~ ~~:~;~~~~}~J~~(~~~cflf £~~~~~~~·thb:h~ ~%~~d1~o~ andcormmmtonot the holy Churchol Romt, they fha\1 mumon ol the foreC:nd holy Church of R.bmt) they be recdve other Order and countermand ; and that they condemned. fitlftt no luch within their Shires and Circuits, to preach The rdidue let the fortfaid Ttmpo_ra\lor~ Redors, Or to kttpeither houfeorl3.mi ly, eirheryerw ulCany Judges.,orothertheirOfficersandPurfcvantstakeamongfi: ~:~~·~rj~~~~~':i~~rc;~~~·a~;~~~t~~fi-~:u:~rr~~:~~~~ ~~:r~;\:;~ ~~~~~g:hcd;~~~~di~i~:~a~~~~~djaytl~~ ro;;~:i~ pany ofClm!han men. Cathohck Farth and Rehgion, through the prettxt of And furthermor~, iffuch publick and known H("feticks ignora1x;e, any man herein !bould br circumvent_td,or ~hat lhall chance to dre,(although notfodenouncedbythe anyfubulandcrafty mmfhould undtrthcverloffnvo-- Church) }:c:r in rh~ fo gn:at a. Crime l~t him and tl.tem lous excufc: cloke and ?iffemble in this mmer; and that as b:3~a2~~:~~~;~;;~~~·r:~-~~ 110H~~c;;df~~d9:~:i~~~: ~~~~r1ii~~~. t~h~~o~:~~~~~s 0:,~b:~~~f~vr::::~ alfo from the_ time of _his death, according ro ~he canonical lie\·~, :md Adherents; a_nd al(n of fitch a~ a.r~ fitfp<dof Sandions lxmg conhf~tc , let no (uch en~y them to Hmhe, and with fitch hke pcrverfc J?odrl!l~ m any. wife w~m they appertain, till that by _the Ecc~efia!hcal Judges, fpottfd., we might give more ~ftCI: m~ruCbon; There- ~h::11~irc;;~~:e~1~i~:h~;t~~e~~L$ l:h~~~a~~:e~~l~ u~; ;~~~;~i~~;ltrot~h;~m~~1~:~:;'ot~t~~~~';~;hrs~u::~:t:; mul~;ate; and let fuch qwners as be foundfufpcdor Dottrinebegan tofpread,wehavetho_ughti tgoodtofend noted with any fitch fufpmon of ~t-refie, before a compe- tbe Articles hereunder written o;>nc~Jmg the Sed of thofe tent and Ecckliafl:ical Jud!)~,accordmg to d~e oonfideranon Ard_t·Hm_ticks, for the better dTrt~hon of the forefaid Caandtxigcnce (lfthaciUfpm':m, andaccordmg totheqna· tholtckF~Jth. lity of tht perf6n, by the arb!trem~nt of fitch a_ J udgeJI:ew Touc/ung which Artic!rs, by vwue of holy Obed_ience, and dedart his profCI and own l~JT~OCt~IC)' wuh _devott_on, we ch~rge and commaud you and. all .other Arch~l~\0~ as bcfrtmeth in rhat behalf. An:J 1f m hiS purgauon,~ng 3Jld Bttl10ps, all TTI3.Tll~M". of CoTI:'ffillfart(S and ~qlllhto~ canonically interdicted, he: do fatl,or be not able can~mtcally that e~·ery of them w1t~1n the DrocdS and Limns of thrir to make his purgation, or that he refute to take h1s Oath JurifdtCbon ; and alfo tn_ the _forefaid Kingdom,and Dukrby damnable obltinacy to make fuch purgation; then ltt dom, and places ntar a_d)Oynmg, ~lrhough the fame pbcrs him be condemned as. an Here tick. But fixh as through be beyond the f:ulle the1r J urifdldtou~ in the favour of !he . Catholick