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The bloody BuD or l11quijitio1l of Pope Martin. 739 {!~~~} ~~:~::Xa~~~~: ~~de~2~i~~'trha:r~.E~:s':~\~ ~~ry~:od?]:~:~~U~!::~~u~~~~~~ert~k::~; ~~~~ ~~~ htn:lirs, and mofi pefiiferous Sdl aforrfa1d; and alfo dmals be not the true and tna111fcll. Succdfors of the ~:l~r::Z ~o~~a~~~~~c~~~~J1roi: ~~~~~t~~;al~~ ~~;3;~gof 1~Ictl~th~~=r~tf1~hr~t~~~:r: 1~1cy f~~ oftheCrimeconfc~,orof~xcomm.unicauo~,fufJXnlion the .Commandmtnts and Councils of our Lordjd"us ~~~;~:~e::~~~1rc:~Zc~~~~~ £g;aTI_~~~r~~~~l~~~~t:l~~a:~3~~ C!~;~~· The Dodors :dledging aman, w~ich will ~~~£~~ ~~~~c~~\~~~r0~~~~tl~~ah~~r~~:~gt~J/1~:1 ~~~~~o:k~!~ ~~~v~c~~~~~~: f~u:!~e :::.~*fl~~l ~~~r~\~~~ 1~i~~~ Oath. l1qucsot &.mts,orup~m the_lmagt of tEe CmcJh:<>according the B1fhops, Scnbr1 and Pharifoes, .rhat dehvered Chrift to the obfervanccs ot certaLil pla~cs, and accordmg to the to rl_u~ Secular Power (faying, Ir " not lawful r~r Nf !;~t~r~~~~~o:~~~r:.~. mF~; ~~1~~;~:ta~~~~~l~~~~t~.::1~; ~~~ ~h~n;~ :~d) t~~f~~~:•e~~~~~~re1;0~=id~e1~h: Archbifhops,Btrhops,EcclcfiafticaiPerfons, or Jnqut!icors, P1lau. whidt ~all rhew themfdvcs negligent and rcmifs in the I S· ~he Eo:JcfiafiiCll Obedience is fuch an Obedience extiry:mon of the leaven o~ this heretical praviry, and as the Pndls ~f the Church have found out, be~des ~he ;r.E~E~~~!.::~~:~~~~J~ror;~~~:~5 ~~~:~:~Ei~,~7~ .. ~r:~!;~j,~sz:;~~: theirPonohcalDignitics, and !ball fubfiirute (uchothn-in then ~othhe1t vmotlllr, and 1f hebev~nuous,anddo(h {~~~~~~~~~ ;:~i~y~~nd1;nx~~ ~oa~~r~~~~:ai~~ ~n~;td:~~t~ff~~~; ~~v~~~~~:~0~1~e(l~,;;~e;;:;~ (uchbythe ~wshmited, andf?other retmorcgrievous m~ of a vmousman; (o Vcrtuc doth quicken all the (if need rcqwre) w_eour (elves wlllp~ and cau_fe w be: dotngsofa vertuous man .. proceeded, accordmg_as the party hiS Fad-, and tilthineiS 16. A Priefi of God hvi~Jgafter his law, and having of his Crime committed , !hall dcfcrve. The tenor of the knowledge of the Scnpture, and a defire IO edihc thofe A~t.icles whereof we have made mention in this our the pco~le, oughc to preach, nocwithllanding any Exown wntmg are in words as follow. commumcarion pretended of the Pope. And further, if the Pope, oranyotherMagifiratedath forbid a Pridl (~ di(pofed to p(";lch, he ought not to fx: obedirnt untq C The Article1 of Jobn Hus to be emptired Hpon. ~i~fih~: ::fve~l:e il~'~ha~~ettl~e~~~~~ ~h~~~h~o~ 1 • THU~~l~e~;~~ ~~~}~J~ 1ip~~!n;~~~c~ n;-;;;c~ft~r 1~ E~:~~~~~~i~:i~~~~ ~~~~~~~i;~:~~~J~~~~;,~:~~1;,~~~: declared. wtthfianding. 2. Theunivcrfa!Chun:h is only one; as cherc is one '7· By theCen(ures&clefiafiical, as of Excommuni- ~~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~~v~u! ~:,~:!e~~~~;~~eOevil, although he ~~i1~ 11ad~~~~:~~~~~f~~~- ~~h~r:_·~lcc!;rg1d t~h!~i~ dtd ccrr.un acts like unto the ads of che Church Malig- they muluply their avanc~, tl:cy defend th~tr malice~ ~d nam. prepare che way to .Anruhrijf. And it IS an evtdent · 51~~ no ~ri~ft~:ra~~a~~~~~~~;r~~~t~~2~~; {h~~t~~! :;~~~h:~t~:~c(~e:~~;~~~oc;~m~:~~~:':'!'~~ is, wt~~~ Atdcl/u chanty of Pn:defl~nation, whiCh bindeth che fame Church Thunderbolts wherewnh the Cltrgy ~nndpally proc:eednvr. togethn-,neverf.uleth. edt againfl thofe chatdccbre the Wlck«<nc:fs of .Anti5· The two Natures (that is) the Divinity and the Hu- d1riff, who fogreatly for his own commodity hath abufcd manity,beoneChrifl. them. £~E~' aC:,;d~~et~=tteju~~~ ~e:n~~:e~';~'~f:~ ch~,8k ~~t~~t~~u~,e~i;e~~~::~ ~~~~~~~~er~:~~; out ;.r ~t holy Church ; and chc Pr~eflinate is ever a mcmlxr of the of Ptrdition, and is 1101 the hnd of the holy Church Mili- 'f!;:: of ~u~~~~' r:~o~~;o:rt~~~f~rf~~~~ ~: ~ti~;i:;~; ~~~:;~<>.f~:~:~::7P~!~~~!:~; i~ the band whtrC\~ith Church for the convcw:ation of the preddlinate, whether the body of the Church and evtry member of the fame is :~!:~~~~~~~~~~:~:~;~~h~~h~~~~::;r::~ ;,:i~~Bf~~~[~~:·~:~~:~~'~;;,d~~~~T~:;1 · 8. Pridls liVing viciou~y do d_efile the auth~rity of 2 ~. The Pope ought not to be ca_Ucd the mof! holy on_c J•!~ H.-t Pri;rthood, and fo, as unEuthful Children, do unfatthfully for Ius Office-fnke.,for tl1en ought a Kmg to be call~ by hii ~h~'::'~:~~ bcheve of !he kvcn Sacr:uncms,of the Keys of theChurch, Office the moll holy One ; and the Hangman, wLth other "i•h tl>lo ~} ~~i~~~~t~~~~~~~<;d~~~~~~~te~hh;;~~i~;tt~~- ~~~f~~~~~~:!~·~':,~J0h:y~f~~a;~u~hy~,h~~ ge~! :~~~:.; theChurch. Officer. '~'"'".f}i<fl 5fr pe~~ :!~~Fs~~~~~~tt~~~~da~~nft:~~~f;a~!~~~ di•~~· ~~ t~~ ~i~~~: ~~~t~:Jf~;uE~~:~~· a~~i~ ~ the~~~ro~~~o~~~n~~~fo~;ably affirm tither of him(df or h~e~:h~::;-; ~!b~h~~~'b; 1gh~~ :~~~v'i~~~~~~i~~~ ~~~~ !~E£b ~h~i::~~f ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ofth~~~~~g~r*~t~hat ~~.'he ~~J::;~I Ji'!ar~~:.~edi~l~rJ;;j~~~:rd~ ~~:f~:~ 11. A_manoughtnottobeheve,that hewh1ch ISB!lhop Chrifl Jcfus to hJS Bifhopnck, and )"et came not he the l>tf-. ~v~~~~~:~~~~~~~ every puticuht Church, utJldSGod fan:3~R~C::t~~~~t?:nu~~·f~~; ~~(l';~~les_of john 12, None is_the Vicar ofChrifi, or _e~fe of Ptttr, un- Widdiffby the Dod-ors madt is unreafoL~able, WJck~ a~d lelShe_follow hJminm:tnnersandcondLtlons, feeingthat naught, andthecaufebylhf":lalledged.IS ·fJined; that IS, ~~~et015 ;~~~!~~/o~~;~gls~:e~;~~~t~~~ o~~:~~~ t~!t'i:l:c!o:~~~:,~~ ~~~~::: but emy one of them to the ~fficeof a Vcctgertnt ofChrift_ is required thf 24. Norforthatthe El~rs~;~rthemo!i part. of them;';~i;"DCt ::;r~:, 0;o~';:,:: ':;: :"~:::1 ..:: ·::~:;~ ~~i~?::;r:~~i:J~;·~~:.~r:;;tt:~%~o~~i t~~rt·· of Ptw· the Pnnce of the Apoftlcs, if he live in mamtn·s manifdl ~uccdfor and ViC"Jr of Pmr the Apo!ile, or of