The bloody Bull and lnquifition of Pope Martin. ~~;:;~~~~!:nk~cainorsrt:,.~~~n~~ ~~ ?:::;;~f'n?~::;'~~Zed~~ i~ha7!:~~~ {~~} made thdr EleCtion, it bthovrth us to bdi"e the fame by and manifdl rht fame, for the purgation of thdr Faith and !: ~:~~~hi~;~atm~r~~:ny ;~r ;~eth;,~tatof~ c:x~~i~:;,tf~ny let the learned be examined, wheChurch, he hath fo much the more greater authcrity from thtt he bthev~h that the Sentence of the holy Council of ~~a~~~rr~ ~5. There is not fo much as one fpark of appcm11~cc, ;~h:'~rl:; ;teti:; o71!~~~~~:c~~t ~~r:~ ~~~~~~~f;h~;~it:, ~u~d~h~'h1s(b~~ ~':a7s't! fu!:h~;~ ~~:~f~War;bc~~:'fom~a= E;J::dt :;vC:~t~~n~~~usc~:;s,M~~t~~~ ~~~~ ~?ci~~esw~~~ f0t~2~~t:~V~=·he~li~!~~:~J0a~~nht1~t in through the whole world, could better a great deal Rule no cafe 1t is lawful for a man to_fwcar ~ his Church. 13. Ittm, Whetha he behevcth, that at the Com26. The AJX>fiks and faithful Priells of God have mandtn(nt of a Judge or any other it is lawful to take au right worthily, 1n all things oo:dfary ro falvarion, gove~nttl Oath to te~ the truth in any convmimt c:aufe, although it !~~~~;i~fb;e~t~ =~'::ti~~~~=d: jJ~~ bt ~ i,;~:·\~~m~r;l:~~ that Perjury wittingly mmt, if the Otfice fhould fail. CQRlmitted, upon what ca.ufe focva, whdhtt it be for the Let NJtrJ ont th•t is fofpelled in theforr{flid Art~ ~~r~;~ i~~~~ ~;en~~(ea~~;:Zceot7r::F~~) ~~ efts, ortlftothtrrPififoundwiththeajJtrtioncf tinoruot? '/::,h~t examit~td in manner and form as fol- Rit~·J~I:C~~~ J:3~=JC~~ Catechlfm, andtheconfecrationof the wataofBaptifin :;;;:n I MJ;:1imWJ~~~,:.~n:d1i!:!~¥t:~~~:; bt ~~~~~~~u~~~~e~ he believe, that afra the confecraPa:c.ra. oft~r:~ and how he came: by the knowledge of them; rionofthePrid\,inthr:SarnmnltoftheAkar,unda the 'llllflliOD. whether t~at during the lives of ~hem, or any of than, figu~e of Bread and Winr: be no material Bread and \\o'int:; theyhadettherbttn converUntwtththem,orfoundany butmall points thefamcveryChrifiwhichwascrucificd friendrhipatthcirhands? upon the Cro!S, and iitttthupontheright hand of the 2. Ittm, Whttherheknowing them, or any of them Father? to br: excommunio.te, did willingly participate with them; 17. Jwn, Whctha he believe, that aft« the confecracReeming and affirming the fame their participation to be tion made by the Pridl:, under the only form of Bread, nofin? andbeJidestheformofWine, be thevery FidhofChrifi nroer.tto 3· Ium, Whelllerthat aftertheirdeatllS,!\eeverpr:tytd and · his Bl~, his S~l an~ his Deity, and fo who1e ~.?.. t;,,*.: for them, or any of them, ?penly 01 privily, doing. any Chrifi as he lS; and in like: w1fe, under the form of Wine, I;JI « 1tb,. work of mercy fur them,affirmmg them to be either Samts, without thr: form ofBread, lx: the: very Fldh ofChrifi and H.. ,v~. or tlfr: to bt favttl ~ his vr:ry Blood, his Soul and Deity. and fo who!r: Cluift, 4. lttm, Whether he thought than, or any of them to and tht fame body abfolutdy undr:r C\'try ont of thofe br: Saints, or wh~hcr that ever he fpa~e fuch words, and kinds lingularly ? whethcrr:vahedtdexhibiteanywodhlpuntothemaswt- r8. Tmts., Whether he: dothbelieve, that thecuflomgtfri<tD to Saints~ of houfding of the Lay·p~le undr:r the form of~~ S· Ittm,Whethcrhr:bdieve,holdandaffirm,dutevery Breadouly, obfmttd.oftheunwcrfll Churdl, and allowed genera1Council, asalfotheCouncilofC(;11jlll1JCe, dorhre- by theonlyCouncilofConjfanct, be to be ufed, and not Horcflt 110t pr~C:~r~~~u~~hc:r~~u~~~ believe, that that which the: (~!~~ ~~~~~:J~~i~d t~tthJ;~~~~fna~~ ~:;1~!~~~~h~h :d~~;,~~~~; f;r;~fu!~:.eth;~~: ~:?contrary to this are to bepunilhedasHertticks,or andfalvation of Souls, is tobe3pprovedandallov.'edof 19. Ittm, Whethr:r hr: bd.ievttbatthofewhich con3ll rhe faithful Chrifiians; and that whatfoever the fame temn the rt'Ctiving of the Sacraments of confirmation, ()[ ~l;~~~~ndd~m;t:t!~: ~~:be'tJ:,~,h~~d:~: ~:~J!nd~:fi~ ~ ~! ~e folemniution of M~trimony, and affirmed for condemned, nr not? 20. Ium., Whrthct he bc:lievr: that a Chriftian manpver · 7. Item, Whether he bdic:vtth that the condr:mnation.~ and beftdcs the contrition of heart, being licenfed of a :Joh~ ~~~· J; t[;J~ll!;cO:~ Z~h:i~ ~ksa;71d ~~i~:d ~~!t~a:~y~~:~, ':~~~:e~ d:~~o~ DodriJte, ~y thr: holy gn1eral Council of Conft'!nu, be good, upon the necdli ty ofS.3lvation? rightly and Jnfilymade, and cfr:very good Catholick m~n 21. Iwn, Whethr:rhebelteve, 'that in the ~fcs before are (o to be holden and affir~ed, 01 110t? put, a Prid\ may abfolve a Sinner ~ftffing htmfelf, and Wi~kJ[ff"'J ',i'~;J!t~~te7~l~v~;o~t~~!::t~~~Jj~ ~!~m~~trite, from all fins, and tn)OPl hi~ penance fox rome ol Pragut, were Acrettcks or not, and for Hercricks :z:z. Ittm, Whether he bdieve,. that an evtl Priefi, with !h; r;:~~a~~da~~~~~~~~ 1: ~~·:}e~~=~ ~~i~~:~r:;;;~, r~;.; ;~~Y~br~rv~1!fo~h 0~:;;t~~ for the whtch, together with their ~nacy, th~ wm and doth vaily dtfpofe all other Sacrammts evm as the condemned. by the holy facrttl Council of Conjf,;nee for Chnrch doch ~ Haeticks? 23. Ittm, Whether he bclie\'e that S. Peter WlS the 9· Item, WhetherhehaTeinhiscuflodyanyTuatifcs, Vicar ofChrin, havingpowr:rtobindandtoloofeupon fmaJIWorks,Epifilcs,or guage theEarth? ofthefe 24./tttn,Whethcrftr:belicvetftatthePopcbr:ingcano- , or any nically eleCt, whkh for tbe timethallbc, byt:hatname he may exprdlybethr:SuccdTorof Pmrornot, havmgfupream deliver thr:m to the Ordinaries of that place, or his Corn- Authority in the Church of God? milfary, or to the lnquifit~ upon his <?ath· And if he ~5· Ittm, Whrtberhe believ~ that the A.uthorio/or.Jufay that he hath no fuch wnting about htm., bl,tt that they ~(dtdion of the Po~, an Arthb!lhop or a ~dhop, m bind· are in fome aher place, that then you fwear htm to bring tni} or loafing, bt more than the authonty of a funple thr: fame before hiS Ordinary, or ether afixmamed, within Prtdl or not, although he hav~ charge of Souls? a ~~i~~~:,\~h~~:t:~~;eth any that hath the T~- on 2:·J{~~d\~~~~fe ~f:evj~dt~~~~<>,[d ;Ln': ~£ tifes, Works, Epi(U~ or any other writings ofthr: aforefrud of Sini to all Chrifiian men, fxigg venlycontnte c:~ <~~1111"'"'"