The bloody Brdl and lnqttijition of Pope Martin. 741 {!:~~} ~~~:IT~~{r~~)~s~hofcrb~t go on Pilgrimage to holy ~~;~;[~ifsrr1\~~inL; 27. Ium, Whether he bdteve, that by ~uch grant thc pbccs of your Du;xcfs, where COilVtmmdy you may, Pilgrims that vilit thofc Churches, and gtvc du:many under our Authonty, and thttcro deJIOUrK:e.and caufc: thil~t·.n;:;:,b~~;~~~fl~~~ ~~!~ o;,:~~t ;Jl Bifl10~ may ~~ei~A~7::~~~: ;~v~:e!1 :f["~hci~u~~7c~~e~:~ksErr~~~~ grantunrothcirSubjeds, accordmg:lStheholyCanonsdo ofwhacfex or kin d ~~er, thatdoholdand dcfm:l.rhe r£~~~;· ~~~~~§~~~~~~;~:~~~;;:~~~;:~~~~ ~~~:~I:~JJg~~f~~]f~~~t_~~· .. ably brought in of the holy Fathm,or not ? Defcn~crs, or Rrcch•as of fuch Htteticks, or fufpt{tcd. to •;;; V ~~-~~ltlEif diet, and to c:~ll!Or the Sccultr Ann; ~nd that the fJme or cOnd.ttJo_n (Otv«. And fuch as )"OU ihall find m the fond S«ubr A~ or P~wcr ought to b..: olxdtenr to the Ccn- your Inqmlluon, either by thdr own '?nfdlion, or _by furcs,by d11:1r Jnfcnors called for? any other man to be defamed, or othmvifc infcdtd with 33· Ium, \Vheth_a h~ bdievcth:tt thcPo~ and othrr the fpot offuch H~relie or Error, rou thr.ough the k_ntcncc ~~~~~~oo;x~~~~~~i~~c-a~~~:~~nd~~~~~~n [~~~ir~:: ~f J~~~ 0~i;~~/:,1~~:<~~~r~~.1~~:r~~~~~i~c~11~;;!~f fiubbom and dtfobedltnt, from thctr Office, Benchcc, or the Church , and Fees which they hold cf any Church, entrance into the Church, and from the Adminillra- MonaHcry , and other Ecdcii.lnical PlacG, alfo of Honors tion of the Sacraments of the Ghurcl1, alfo to fu(Jxnd and fecular DignitieS and dcgrers ofSciences, or other fa- them? culti~s., asalfoby other painsandcenfurcsoftheChurch, ~t.~ ~~~~:f.~;~i~E'a:~~1~d:[~~;~)~;,~i ~~~:~g1i~~~~;:~f~l~~f~:~~~~~~~f fromthem_bythdrauthority; but~therthat fuchtlkers onstobeuftd; a~1difrheybe Clerks, bydcgradation, do awa_y and mcroochers upon Ecclcli~u:al goods arc to be corrcd :111~ pum~? :1nd caufe them to be corrtd:ed and pum!lted as Committers of Sacnkdge, yta, although puniihcd wtth all dihgeuce. IUch fukfuflical Perfons live naughtily that have fuch Furthcrmore, that you do rife up floudy and couragiSH brre ~:~~. ;~I-l~~,~;~{~~::;:ot~7!~:~:i~~,:·,~~:~h~h~ g~~~{i~;~~l.~f)f):1;~:g:~~~ §l~ 36. Ium, Whether he believe that 11 is lawful for Lay- be: fubjcd. And alfo fuch ~~fons 3S !hall be infamed of men of whether Sex foever, that is, men and women, to theHerdi~-sor Errors aford:ud, or any of the premilfcs, pteKh the Word of God, or not? !hall be bound to purge themfelvcs at your arbitrement: Tk (lapt .37· Irtm, Whether he believe that it is lawful to all but the other, which cith n-. by Witnelfcs! or by their own nohhtr Pru:fls fredy to preach the Word of God whcrcfoever, C?'lfdlions , or mher allcgattOilS or~uons,lhall be con· !:~~(,'':..,, whenfoever, and to whomfocver it flull plcafe them, a.!~ vtd~ of the forcfaid Herdics or Articles., or o~ any the =w~~~ tho;~.b ;!;;:,u~,V~:t~;th~ ~t~ve tlllt all_ mortal fins, and t~~~l~~~~ ~~~~r1~;1~ 1 ~ccf~c)~~i~~e:~l~e E~r~:~~r: cop«ut. cijxctally fuch as be_ mamfe(t and publick, are to be cor- fuffer cond1gn penance and pumllunent, yta even to perpereded and robe cxtJrplte, or not? tual imprifonment (if need be) for the fame. Furthermore, wewiU, command, and decree, That if of~;~~~~~~h~~}~~.t ~~~~~~y"~;t~d~ed~~~~ll~:A1~::~: ~~~:J, ~rr~1rau~dt~~~c~h~~:c31o:17ttr;!d:J~ra~le; ~Udii~~f; ~~~di1:!dJ~~~,~~~\~rt~:c;:{:.~v~~t~~~ kind of t_he pdiiftTOus Sed, He~dic, and Dod:rine of the forced ~o put in f~lfficient Surety. Who,tflt fochance ~hat moll pdltlcnt men, John Wick.liff,'Jo"': Hu1, and Jmme they wtllJ_lOt pubhckly and fokmnly rtnounce and abJure of ~r~gur, the Arc~t-hcreticks af~tcfu.ld, or of favouri1~g, their Arttcles and Errors, :md take at your hands conrewvmg, or defcndmg t!le forefa1d damned m~ whllll dign Penance, tho~gh it be t? fX1:petual _or umponl they lived on_ the Earth,thm falfc FollowCIS and Dtf~iples.,or punifhment accordmg to your d1fcreuon, nett~er will be any that beheveth their Errors,or any thataftr;r thm death contented t o put in fitffident furety that they wtll not h~ pray for them or any of them, or t~at nommateth them ~fter hold or nourith thefe Errors and Hcrelics,. neith~r will to be amongfi the number of Cathol1ck men, or that de~ m~uc~ other by word or deed privily or apertly, d1r~ly fct~deth t~em to be placed a~10ngll the_ numlx:r of the or md1redly, or by any other mann~-r of colour ro bclteve Sauus, ctther by their prcachmg, worlh1ppiug, or other the fume, that then you fhall proceed againfi them, accordways, whmitl they dcferve to be fufpeded; that then ingtothequalityoftheirerrorsand demerits; yea, and if they by you or fome of you may lx cited perfonally to y~u fee it fo expedient, as againfi Here~icks,and as inftd:ed ~~~;~~1;tw~; ~~~~l~~.}~~o::hnb0~l;~~l~.~~ S~~;d~~~:~~~m~~-~~ry~~:!d~lZpl;:dd~;~~~~~:~;~ft~~~~~ ~y them as IS afordiud, to (peak the plam and meer ve- & ftgur(l Judicu, and ofOffice, all Appcbrion or Appclla- ;gir~~~I~:~g:~Y~i~f.~~:~7~:~~;f~~ ~;:~:~~1f~~~i~~!~~~:.~~~~:fg~f cordmg to thdc prefents, or othcnvife C:mon.ic:lll)', as you Jaymg the Cenfurts of Eccleliaflu:~l Excommumcatlon, aU fballthinkgood. Appd!ationfet alide, alfoinvocatmg,ifneedlhall require, Alfothatyoudopubli.fh folcmnl}', andcaufetobepub- aid of the fer ubr arm; The Conflitution as well of our Predecclfor.