742 AChrifliall Exhortatioll of the Bohemians to Hi11gs a11d Prir1ces. ~:r~·'~ ~=;i~~i:d~~cd~~;(~~~ ~~nE$~~[~~~ym;rmO! ~~,i~~~:;~hJ~!f~ .:~iC:,p~~ ;:: ~~~::~ {~~~.} r;:;~o :~~~n1:1r:~ui~1tl~~!vh~:;~h~1r,~~~~~~~. 0~l~a~ ;vc r: ~~gi~~~\:t~f~·ll1~!:~i:;:a,:r~=et ~~7e :~~ ~~·~-:? E•abtb•• called into JUdgment, ::md that nomand~pnfwneto~e- pardon, to this end t~at youfhould War upon us and de- foobfam. ;,~~: ~~eJi:~& ,~:c ~~~Y~:reA~~!~·~~v~~~~~1h;g~:;ft !~~,; ;~c'L~~~~rs~~ftd~~~nro~~ ~~~~do~ ~~to~: any; and do prc:fumcto cormmt their authority to any of~llthemthatbdttvcthc:m, andputthcirtrutlin them. other perfon orfX.rfons,or to fetch and .rem?ve any man be- ThiS we wo?ld prove unto them., and overcome them by n t p~ ~~ljle~~:eo~~is,!~r~~~ ~~; ~~~~~c~.~ i~~~f~n~1~~~!~ ~~de~~~~~~~~~~~ \l~~~~a~~(h~~~~ ~"!;rir.tha~o;v1~,~~; f~~~~d ~~~i~~~,~i~~~~~~~~~j~d~~~fl:l~~~~:~ ~;fo~~~f: f,~~ea~~; ~:d~iso~;r{~~tJ!r~i~~~~~. as ~f ~h~~w~~ ~r~r: or called to .l~ment beyo~1~ a certain num~; or dfe any writ~th m_ Ius fomth Chapter, T~t _he brought him UfOn " 11110 'Jlot. f~~~:;r':tf~~ ll~~v~;,'h~li~~ S:~fo~~:~yg;;fo~, ~~ ~~e~~~~i\~~1Ki~~~:~w~~a~~;~ f11;~1.:1~~~;7si~l!~~ ~n~: perfons ~Jot to be h~terditl:ed, fiifptnded, or excommunica- and (aid unto him, I 'uill f.vtJt thu, r?'c· ?o the: J.?nil ted, 01 Cited up to Judgment without the coropafs of cer- deceJveth the Pope-, and all the Priefts w1th the nd~ tain limits, or elfe whatfoe.ver thing otherwife may hinder, of the World, and worldly fOWet; And they think they flop, or iroprach your jurifdiClion, power,and free proceed- can give grace and pardon whc:n they will; :md they ~~t~~~:~~~:~e~fur:~~~~~~~~~~~~~withfianding. :~~;\~q~~~~~;~ll~,~,~;~ou:m:~~e C~~~hzf~; •., (!. _This b_!oody and alx;>minablc Commi~on of Pope great deceiving oi C~rillendom. And how can they give M.rrtm, w.h~h I ha\·e copt«< out of a ccrtam old Monu· t~at ro others, "Inch t~ey themfeh:($ h:1ve not? So ~o ..u htt~~~ re:;;;:nfcc~~~l~ ~a~sd~~~~~~H;:':~·u~1 :~! ~~i~~~~ ~~liJ l~;~s~~ o:~il i~ ~:~~~~~a~odt~\,~ fa~~ fa:~lic:.1~d!~~fr~~~,~~ f~~~!¥1 ~~~c7;~£· ~:;~~~; ~~~~~r;;;,~~~~ a~;':e:tb~~ ~~~~~~~,~: ~~~: ~~~:,t;;' .An~ 1418. By the which the prudent Reader bath thiS for no caufe they fitr up Kings, t)mccs.,Lords, andCitlinls n~:<tb and · to note and confider, what labour, what policy, what COUll· to ~mke ·war ag:J.infi us, not to the end that the Chriftian ;~~~~hrtn fel, :J.nd what La\~S have b«:nfet, what ways have been Fa1~hfhould tl_1ereby be defended.,but bc:ca_ufethty fmthat ta~en, what fe~mty bath been fhewed, how me~JS power, the1r_ fcc1et V!~tS and Herdies fhall be ddclofed and made Wit, and au.chonty ~f the wh?le world have cunfpued roge- mamfdl For tf they had a true caufe, and :J. godly love to tl1e.r from time 10 ttme, contmu3lly by all manner of means the Chrifiian Faith, they would then take the Book~ of the to Cubvert and. fupelan_t the Word and Way o~ the Lord ; h~ly Scriptme, and w_ould come unto us, and ~vercome _us and yet notwtth~andmg_ man bath not prevruled, but all With the Weapo1~s ot Gods Word, and rhat ts our d~tef his force and devtfcd poltcirs hath b«n overthrown, dif· delire. Forfo dtd the Apofllcsof our-Lord Jd"U$Chnfl, patchc:d, and with the counfel of Achitopbtl and Ammon, who cam_e to t_he _P11gam and 'jtw~, and brought them luve been brought to naught, and contrary _eo the fury fro~ the1r lnhddtty to. t~ei.TUc:FaL_th· ofour Lord J efus of the World the Gofpel of Chrifi bath fhll increa.fed. Chnfi; and this they d1d mthe Spint of meekndS, as the !'!i'~:f~ Ncit~er yet for all this will the Pope c~e to(~ and re. Apofile·Pa_..Jwriteth in the lixth Chapter of theGa/arimu, Gal. 6. ~~m ~i~~~ ;~;~a~~~~e~t~~~:r ~!c~~~~~~:o~~~~falJ !d~if'r1e;'[{er'::i;.~rt~:1c"cl~;; ~~~ j~ 0a~~~~~i:. ever prev:nl. Tht: Lord of Hofls be ITICICiful to hts poor And 1f we wou~ no< ab1de Jnflrudion, then t~ey ~igh t p:rfecu~ed F~k. -4mm. take to them Kin~ PrinctS-, lords, and Imperial Cm"' f~~- t:nA~:~~~~;~!s~~~~~i:::~l ~;:~~~tw:~~~:ep::~;~ ~;;~~~~:=r~~~s~h!~~[rifdc'f:~~~~~ ~et~~~ E:;~~ b:ro~~·:h~ ~~~~~dcfubfafpr:~t~}gp~!~~:, B;:;;j:;: ~~J;i~~et~~r~!1ic ~on~;~,:a~::~:-~:;~~7h~ ~~~Z~ and other Captains of the &brmiam; which feemeth holy Father the Pope, and" of the who_le Council. For not _long after the death of ZiFa to be written aga.infi the y.:. mufi underfiand .that. they were not ov~ome by ~he pelhltrous See of Rome, rhe tenour whereof here fol· Holy Ohofi, but unJuflly, with wrongful VIolence, wh1ch loweth. ~ g:: ch~rh~:!}:;- a~~~id'!1;er~~~ifh A::d ~~e~h{~ ~~u1f)l A frui~fid ami C~rijlian Exhortation ~~the Bobe- ~~i~~~Y{~~~/ 0r~~~Jfe;:t~:V ~~ ~~t t~~o~dh~rdt~~ ~~~; ;h~a::: 0:;z~sG:fre frhrus,.tojhr them up lo !:~~;~~f~~~~~ri~c~a~~;~~ ~;~t~~: ~e;i1~~~ ~~~ ~;:~i~; ":drc;:t~b~ bctterthanChnfi, norweworfethanthc:Dc.:vli, If they ~~:r·. THSot~Je~!hdu~~~; i~i~~erhofls;:it'~~~~~h~ ~v~)fla~~d ,~:vbct~~u~~~t:~~i,t!~~h;~o(~~~~£~:;, ~~~~ ~. Btl<,.~ ~~~~~a~~~~~ea~;~~vi% ih~UJi~~off~~~~~~a~~ ru;~ ~~jr!:l~t~l ~~ff!~~~J ~~'fr~~e ~~ir~a~~~::~ f zEf!::: ;;[~·:.· troufi~ and may make you to conttnue therein fwelr bel declared that truth is of all things the moll mighty, Job. S. dlablilhcd to the end. This we defire of you for your fal· and O\'ercomedt all things. For Chrilt is tb~ truth,Joh.t 4· vation, all )'e honourable, ,~ife, and honrfi Noblemen, and I tfm the WAJ,tbt truth, &c. And the Devil is th_e Fathtt all the.~mmunalty, yca R~eha.nd_Poor,hcarandconfider oflycs, ']oh. 8. f.Je 11 aL711r ji-1mt~ btg:n:mn_g, ~nd withdthgemhtedthev."OJdsofdus£ICfentl.ett~, which nt'tltraboJt in the 1ruth, A,Jt'!trtii1J()truth m b:m. is fent nnto you from the CoLUury ot the B1hem1am. It is Therefore, if the Pope and his Pnefis ha\·e the truth, let manifcrt and wdl known to you and many other Citks, them overcome us with the Word of God. But if they f?~~~" ~~~~~~n~~;h ~~;~tt~~f~~dv~r;:;~n~~d~®o: ~~e l{%~~~;<:he\~~~~~r:o~:~da~;~~ t~1~Jie1~;:j rJ:~:~~ ~ t~7~e;:;:o~1~-:~~ ~:~;:;rea;~~~~~~~~o~! ~~\k~K~:~f'C:\~~~~::fi~~ ~~~a:! P;r;h: ~:dr~~b~e ~11~n~b~~~ \,~~f~hfY~C:cl,~:~,~-:.en.Y: ~:,h~:! !~e~:~~~:~u~~a~.~~~;r;:Gc~ r~::;r;;:d~ · never hitherto have yem_anyparcundcrlloodourFairh ly, atfome_fuch place as_!ballbefitbothfor you and us, by our ownconfdlion, ne1the_r whether we be able to andbringwJthyouyou r Bt!bopsan~ Teachers,andletrhcm pro'"e the £un~ out ?f the ~Lptures, yea or no_;_and yet and our Teachers tlght. together With thll" Word of God, Aiuft ud m the mean ttme Kmgs, Prmces, lords and Cmes have and lee us hear them, and let not the ont overcome the t odlp.. fufiained great damage. And hereof we greatly marvel that othr:r by violeuce or falfe fubtilty, but.only by the Wo~1 l~;;t..;~~