Articles againjl Popifb Bi}hops and Priejls. 743 {!~~~} ~~f t~~;~ ~!irh00 ~t~i~~~ :::,ty ~~~~;~~~~::J~\t!~: ~~~~;;~1.?rJ~;h;o~ :J:~\~~~:~~~i~~~: :wf~~fr~~b and our Faith be found untrue, we wEll rC'CC!VC f:CIUilCC as .thcrr.fc!lmg of Praym a1~d MalltS tort he d«d fOr and fatisfadion, according to the Gofpd. But 1f your ~lfts, IS no fxttn:: than Hypocnf~e and Hcr~fic :, therefore .Bi!hops and Teachers be: overcome of otu1 by the holy 1f we do fpcak ~gamft them and d~flro~ the1r MonafiC"rifS, Scrip:ure, then do ye repent and h~rkm to ~· and hold we do no.t the-rem ddlro~ the Service oi God, but rathtr wi th us. And if your Bilhops and Tachm wdl ~rafc ~rom the ~vtcc of the Dev il , and the Schools of Hertticks. their Spiritual Pride, and rc~nt and make fausfaCbon i A:1~d 1f ye knew them as we know them, ~c would as then we will help you ~ccord1~g to our po"--rr, and will dJ_hgemly de!lroy them as we do. For Ch~ift our Lord compel them, either eo pyn w1th us, or dfc ":'t will ex- d1d not ordain any fuch 9rder,and therefore 1t mui\ needs !h~~:::· If~~~: ,~:;~ r~~. ~~;:{t'i~~~; la~;~~ /:r )L:;.,~~ 0t~ ~~~~ f~~h~~~0t~CCr~f~~f~~:;cfh~a~h~~:roth~p.~;uk~~ M~t.t s. ~;~~~~ ~~~n:~Jo;~~~~~d0:0t~~~t~~f~:~~:t~~ : :1 1 t 1 :: t~;yf~~ur~~ \~;d:'fi~';o:~_id;',t;t h;:b~:~u)~~~j~~i~~ 1tj:~ ~n~~~:J :Jf~ ~~~~·~' ~~:~~ tt;k~trcc~~~a~t~~e~u~~d~~.~~~~~~~!~~~,~J~~· ~~itl~~~s here w~LUen, where m your B1!h~ps and Pncfis arc doubt they would dclirc that every man fhould har it, The firfi Arttde is, That when your Bifhops \V ill ordain Th •~>?" :;::~ t~:b~nt~i~0n;~d~ =t~~!i~t;r~~:1~ ~~~sf~~~t0 ~~v::~. c~~: ~~~~~~~:a~~ J~r ~~c;~i~ ~~~:· And ifyour Bifhops and Teachers counfcl you to come to Parems, or of ~ndicts: whcreasnotwnhfiandlil~Chnfi 4la•~l:c. no hcaring wirh u,, then do it whether they will o~ no., would that Pndls fhould be poor, foraf~uch as it is andfuffernot yourk:lvtSatanytimcto be: fofoohfhly cnoughforthcSc:ho_IartobeashisMafier~,and~the ftdurnl with their foolith Pardons, ~ut tury at home in Scrvlnt to be as hiS Lord is ; an~ t~c Bi~llps Will that your houl"es with rour WiVtSand Ch1klren. And let the they fhou1d be: rich llfX)Il Earth, \\luch ts UllJUfi before the Pope of R11mt come to us with all his _Cardinals and Bi~ lord. lhops, and with ~11 his Pricils, with hiS own pcrfon and The fccond Article is, That Bi!hops take ~y offuch power, to war wnh us, and lct thcmfdvt:S ddcrve the ab- as arc tO be ordained ; but S:lmt Ptttr dtd therefore {olution of Sir~., Grace and Pardon, which they pre:~ch tO fharply. rebuke Sim11n M~g'!1• when he would have you(forthcyhavcgratnccdof forgivmdSofSins, Grace given htm money, as it i3 wrmcn in the eighth of chc Ails8,) andPJrdon,) and by the Grace of God we will g~ve them Allr. Pardon a 1ough as they fhall nc:l-d. But ~heir fub~tl ex~(c The Thir<l Arcidc is1 That they that come .to be Pridis TM 1hl$r ::r~t\itW{"J~~~~~~t !~~~d~:~r~!~~;~c~~~tr~\~~~~g~~;~~~ ~~~ irlh:~c~~~~ri;~h~~hn~~~~~~i=r~i;"i~~~~~· ~~; ~~\iF~:ft :.~~in<~ f!f.~;d ~u}~:t~!~~;~ ili~;~~~- t~~:c~:J ~i1:h1~~t~h~~~~i ~;~~~a~:~~~\~;rffo:s ~~ci~~}~,ma~;d~~~~~~h~ya1~a~~~ dtn. ::a"!.'k· to the &m~nr, and in the hfth to thcGaltdians, That aH well and drink wdl, Jnd chat they may be honoured and R11111 , r. th~t d11 [ut b thin~r are worth] of t'Vtrlafting dt11th. reverenced u~n Euth. For every one wait~h uP?n h!s tha~~~~ i~ J:, ~~~n~~ot~:t~h~~~ltw~ld'~·ea~k~t!h; t~~ :~:~:: ~l:a~~~f and a Robber,· as John wnceth m Ius to our hdp and his truth, and we will defend it to the The fourth Article is, Of Excommunication, which death, and we will not be: afraid for the Excommm~ication rhc Pope and all his Pddls take to thcmfclv5, and thttcorCurfecfthcPopc, or his Cardinals, or of thcBifhops, with fetter and bind all Chri!lian people as they will; btc:mfe wc:knowthatthc Popeisnot God, ashcmakcth and they think that who(oc:ver thcyExcommunicarcor !~:" hi_mfelf, that he can cur(~ and excommunicate when he Curfe, he is. accurf«l and cxcommm~catc before God, "olli~tg will, or blefs when he will; who hath now thcfc m~ny And we will prove by ~he holy Scnpturc, that they ~c,:,~ years. curkd and c~communicated us, and yet notwtth- thcmftlvcs are cxcommumcatc and accurfed bc!"orc God, c11rfrd. fbndmgGod.andhisgpciousblcffinghathbecn ourhdJ?· becaufe they keep not the Com~and~ent ot the love fiiflllo~ But pcradve~~turc ye w~ll fay, that though we fee that B1- of ~' whereof the Apo!l!e wntcth m the firfi to the ~rilE~~ !hops and Pndls be evil and wicked, yet we cannot lack Cormthiam, the fixteenth Chapter. If any man loveth commuo!·l them ; fo~ who lbould bapt ilc our Children, who lhould not our Lord Jcfus Chrifi, he is excommunicate in the ~~ •* ~:1 c;;r~c~~i~o~~i::i~hr~~h;~!!,~~~~:rim:1~~ :l;n~~~;\=i~~i~fa~~e~~·OC:~ a~~?e~~~~~~:~; 1 Cot.I" the Pope, and of his Bifhops. Wellxloved., ye need to take before God and his Saints; and therefore why fw ye their no care for thcfc mat~crs. The excommunicating_ of the Excom~unication ? Pope hurtcch you nothmg.. Fear _Ye the cxcommumcadng The fifrh Arti.cle is, That t~cy take Gif~ _to pray for Th<Po~ ~~~: 3~1t ~~c w~~~ b:~~~J:~~i1c~O~o:::dt~~~s~·;.~ ~~fsda~~ ~~;;~fi~ ~~t'o~~,:~~~:~:1~~~s~h~~~~;:,~~~~~:~ ~~·:·~= lbould have good Pridls which thould baptize your Chi!- to them eo this end, do wickedly, for that hereby Pndls 1' 11 j" th• 1 J dre111 he:~r Confcllioi~S, and minifier the holy Myflcri5, become Merchants of Prayers a1~ of ~alfes; and hue-- &~·~~~~~~ :~d ~~~~Y~h~~~c s~e~~~~~~~~~h~~fp~i~srrih~flf~ ~fict~c~ ~~rd ~~~rf~ro;,~od~!t~~~dc:tja;n~~f:'fo; cK: !~;!;~!t baUJthcd, then pl:ice _lba\1 be mad~ for good Pricfis and Souls, yet no man ought to hir~ them. thereto, forfoB~ops. AJfo, your Btthops and Pr1dls f~y, That we arc much as they ought to take no G1fts, mLthcr nol' Mifcreants and Hcrcti~ks, and that we bcltcvc not on Pur- great. And every one that takcth Rcwar~s to thts e11~, gatory, upon th~ Vrrgin Mil_rr, nor upon the Sain~s; eo redeemSouls one of Purgarory,do d1erewuhall (:lfi their :~e~a~h~c ~~io~~'~c~~Y~Q;!:h~~~~~~ :~ ~w~~~u~~j~d~ i~~~~.:~~~ ~(; ~~~ r~i~i~~\·~h~?~~~~~ to btlicvc upon Purg:atory, and upon Mar] the Mothtt of And with fuch dcv1h!h fubulty the Pope wuh all his our Lord, and upon his wcllxlovedSaints,thantheycan Pridls have deceived, fp:>iled, and dilhcrited Kings, tc11 us. Al(o they fay, That we will not be ~icnt umo Princes, lords and Knights, and ~ood Houfho!dcrs an~ "l:i(,';::. the Pope. Ttu.lywhcnhcfhallbccomcho~yandJu_fi, .thm many other, of their !awful Inhn1tances, btca.ufc thclf ~~N~o- ili~n':~~~::~ .~~r:.The~fa~0al~,Th~1~:J:fl%;C~'! ~~!~0:tda1th~u:f:t fh:; ~i;t ~~;~c!~i~~ £~~!~4 ~;~Sc;h~'t~i~~edha~;~d~~!;~u~n~~l;' ;:n~~f, ~~~:~ha~n~h~ :s ~~~ayr~:~~ ~~~~r~u~~a~:~ ~~~~~ thmktng?nc~that they were holy, that they didthercvc- And with fi1ch g:t, Bil110ps, Canons, and Monaftc- ~;~~t~~~:E:i1:£:~,~;~:r~~:~~:~~~j,';; ~~~~~:2~: ~~,~;,~;~F~~::::r~~~~::;~:: ~.!~·~· andSellcn: or Pardons and Ma~csforthcdcad, and~h they m the tirft that lxgin\Var; and 2S t ~ey~ 1:1~i~~i,t as devoured Ul tRcmfdves tht hns of the people. And have: fu'h goods, they will ncvu ceafo to be at ftt1\~~~~ }<,~d::n.,