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744 Articles of the Bohemians layi11g open the Cormption of the Popijb Clergy. !;:d(~::a~~~\~r ~~~~~~~:c~il~~;c[~~~~.: ~ca~i~h~;~ ::11~~~ ~td ~.:~~~cl~~~ :h:yh~{~~r;~;e 1\~a~·e ~~~ { ~~~;,} ~. 1(~~01 ~gl~: ~~~~:~~~ hais ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~r~~~£~~ ~~~:~~i~~;. nor proof. Of (uch writcth John in the Ib~~ ;~c'v~ lb;~~.~ ~~~~~~a~~~;j,boW~~!~~~~~I r~\;~tt~~~~ or~~~~;~~~ ~h:i~:le ~~~ ~~ d~f ~~~r r~~~Y tfi'e ~?~tb ;.< ~;~;;~~ ~t.S:!i:~:s~~;;,~~ ~h~d: , 1~' ~·~e a~:d'ebt:rJ~t~\ ~~~~c~~b~~~;1~ftl~;D~~it,31h~~~~ ~~~~~ ~:~~~~~~ fc:mccs, Lord~, and all chat are willing to hear, ~i~~~h~t~h~~:h St~i::m;:n:t~ ;.~:e ~~i~:~~~: a~~ JuJ~:~et~~:ir:~:du:hc~r~;~tyis:in'!"!a~h~;eyj~dg~1 aJ;~:i ~.~~ EccL 19 . ~;~e[.':~:o~~·o~; ~~~!. ~~~ Jo as the Wifoman fruth, ~~~a;~·tak~ds~f~~c~~~ia1a;: ~~~~,1~1~:';~~hl~dS\~~i~~ ~t~:· Popllh Tht:fixth ~tidt is,_thattheyartfullof prideand of Gods light hath tht w~ngtU_I Cau(e. \VOt: ,be to fuch ~j~~h ~:~\~~~~~~c~:n:~~dl~;h~~~~~:h~~ :\k ~~~~~ ~~f~tr; ~b~~:&:' as it is wratten m E[a;t 5· w~ be to you -· to Chrlll our Lord, who h:td a G::rmt:nt without a f~m, The fourtttnth Article is, Th:tt they fi t hearing Con· fi.~:F ~f~~~~e h:~~~~~~d' z::~v~f~~~\~~l~!a~ld '::;:~~; ~~TQe~~ ~~~:;~ ~k~c~~~ ~t~~%~u~:~~u~~~:; em cmm. ~ho~:r~:y !t:~a~\t:g[~tyin~t ion~~ 1c:t ili~~et :t~~ g::~n~.n:v~t~1 e1~~dlit~~~e\~~~1~~:;~~~:S~~h~ none tha~ do fo much il:mder and abafe it, as the¥ therr:· notori~us Whoremongers and Whores, and they neitha fel~a, With their ~vi! Wotks, gay Apparel, :tnd w~th thm let ?r !ray them in their great fins., to the end that the eval words, · wherem thty pafs all o~her mtn. Samt Paul Scraprnrt may be fulfilled in them, which faith, Gifts nul I Tim.3. faith in the firfl to Timothy, the thlld <?hapter, Ut tht tht IDVc...of mmg dfJ Jraw tiJ Htfl, And Jq blind tht qo Ef~trJ that gDVtrn 'vefJ b~ biJnourtd w1th doubk ~mmr, if Judg_tJ. chujly they that labour m tht f!IJrtl and DqEfrme if The hftctn_th Artk~e is, Th:tt thty recdve Tychcs of !!omnr~tth ~~au~n tht LIJrd. Confider, that ht falth, They that gDVern men, and wall of R.Jg,ht ~:we them., and preach and fay rr~~~~!m~o;r ;::!::~. we~h~ fevtnth Artkle i$, That they are covetous from ~~:~ {~ 1falf{;. bof~~dtl~~ c~~~~~o;1;~v;b~~~h~ ~:!, ~~~~~~ ~it~~t­ ~~~~~i· ~~~!~~~~~y~oo~~(h ~e~!t ;nd11 ~a~~~tfic~~o~~~~e~lltl;~~ £ifc~p~a~~~~~:; ~~~~~~;~~~o,c~~~~~~1d~ i:ht~~tl~~ ~:~tl!! ~·Tlm. J · ~~~itd~~~:~t~~~}'\~:~d~g~v~rf~!e~~ ~d~:i~t[~a~;:;i~71~ :~i~ca~~~~l. to B;~:lt!fr~~ i:l ;~~ ?tld ~~~~;:;;~r~to;Y~ PriM~ ~hi~{, J:,~t~~~~~~ot%;~~~7:::eu~;;~ ;;~J-tk!';}f:e ~~~;; o11~~e~~~~~if~~~ta~~~~~~n~r;~:~e; !r~r )~: thq art ftparattJ from the Fatth, and b.::wt dmud the of our Lord Jefus ChriJI, l1kt :!IS the Prrcept c( Circumci· Tru~h. . . li?n• Wherc!Ore, bclov~:d , conlider and f« how your TboPopn The-e1ghth Arude is, Tha~ t~ey c~mmonlyar~ cal!td. Bdbops !(duce you and fhm your eytSwith things that ~d~~~ &!~;~~b'i~::~;JC~iti;:;l, ~~:~h~\~~~~u~~~~~~~; a;;1~~: ~ai:J1if~J4{"rh~~~i~~-~~it~t::i~ ;c~~~~ ~Lt~:: ~~: d~:q. fight, andnuke ~llJny_m~ns W1vtS \Vhora, o~corrupt theTenthol theGocxls whichycpoff"cfs, butg.\'eAlms. their 0Jughcers bcmg Vugms, and mak( them PneHs Har- But when they hear the Word, they may fay as the La.wrer lots and ~ibalds. . . faid to Chri!l, Majftr, whm tl»u faJtft fo, t!xu givtff T.l>rPopn The mnth Ankle is, That they are full of dev!li(h IJffm,t, l uke 11. ~=:d ~::~,a~d1 h~~:ia!I~~~~~Jn ~~~~kfv:es~~fth~he1~:~; m~~; ~~x~:d~ ;~r~~~~~ ~r~~: :eti~::rv~7./!~';~~~~ ~:~· :t:~oa~~•ll· t!ung is given or dafpo!Cd to ont . Monafirry or <;o!!ege, in Cities and Towns_ yearly Paymaus and poperual Re- vntt> Wilf1o llhta•r· then thw:areothers thathateJt,andenvyatlt,and venutS,a.<>grea.cPrmcesand lords. Whaemtheydo would more gladly_ hav~ it. themfelves; Like as among a~infl thtGofpcl, which faith, Do n~tyt Fffifs G1JIJ mr Dogs, when any dung IS giVtl\ to tht one and not to the St!wr. And whereas thty lend for gam and ufury, other, _which eh~ other feting envieth his fdlow, ~nd the againt~ that fpcaketh the lord, Dtut tronomr the four and ~~:;rt~~~~v;~~~~~~ ~~~~~~f~~u{t~~~;~~~~~~ cf~~n~~;cwa~~~ ~~~;~-~~~t~irct~:r: a~td '~v:{trov~ r~rg~or~r·rh~;for:C~~- brought fro1r: that great fin of Envy, giVing nothing unto Arnclcs we Wlll_prove agamfl the ~ope, all hisPriefis, w1th them i And at were better thJ.t their Poff"effions were tJken many Teflimomcs of the holy Smpture, which fer brefrom them, and th:tt they fbould do that which the Lord vitics fake we ha,·e not hert ma1tioned. But note ye chiefly fp3kc to his Difcip!esJ faying, Go ye ~tntl prt.:cb the Gofptl thefe four Articles, for which we flrivc, and Jclirc eo Je· roallmm. ftndth~:mtothedtath. The Popn • The temh Article is., That they arc i~l t, a~d chi~Ay the The full Article is., That all publick and. ~illomable ~?:JI~~ ~i~~g~~~~~\lo~h~ a;:~l;t~i~~:;~~Y~~~!~i~llltJ~; ~~~h~ ~?:' ~:~ ~~~~~~ ~c!r~:~:~~ :;11: cJ'=~~~~~~t~ bell_,-d>nr. cure the miferies of ChnjltnriiJm, whereto ther have the holy Scripture. bound themfclHs, and they t":lt the bread rhmof in id_k· The fecond Anide is, ~~ Riches ought to be taken ~j"n11~ ndS, becaufe when cthn: men watch and hbour to ma~n- from the Pope :tnd all his Pncfis,. fr9m the highefl _t~ the ~~=-- ~~~ t~~~:~. a;d ::r;~;,~~~~a~ll~~ f~:~l cj~tl~~;_:~~ ~f~e:r,~tJ~:&~~o~~~~h~d l~t.~~go:~:: ~;~ Hawks on their tills, or clfi: they lit at the good \Vme own, neither Polfdfions m tlus World, ueuher wor!dy ~~~~a~::~~a~~~~f~hea1~~~t~n1~~:;f~ca~~~ ~~~~y~~~ PoT~~ rhird Article is., the Word or God ooght to =r:J:o linglybringandgive to them, fh:illbemadc Parrnersof be freeforeVhyJ~nappouucd an?ordamedtherrto, toprcxi>,IDI'J' that Curfewhich is giventhemofGod, ~uf~ thtyeat pr~ch 11nd read m all placts wlm~er they ~all_co~e,fb:.,7,'" ;~~~ ~~cl~ Tl~ffZ~::::::~~~e~~~/Ci;:t;;:;~tl;;;1tl~~ ~: ~t~l~~~~rre~~~ti~~~o~;~)L~~;~' ~:.~:~o~~~~~ ~~~:;~ ~ U: bowtthnot, lttbimniJtMt. fcfi!y. Tl~ eleventh Article, That they are notoricus Lyars, Th<