J. Hus a11d Hierom's death Rroe11ged. War betwjxr rbe Pope a11d Bohemians. 745 ~-~~iiit~~m fccret •k(S and hcrcfies wnh the cloak of hypocn!Je, and tmfing 1f there were any caufe, whtch did :dtcnace the Bob~ ~~1'1r:; 1,~~~~~~~: r;~!~tfuru~~~[s~~fe~'fid:l~:~hd:~ig:~~~: ~h:;;~fi~i;t~~~;~~~ ~ 1i 1~h;~~~~a~~ ~~~~:r~3~~at3~yh:~ that they will not make an Holy Aifembly, but the con- made war upon then~ without :1. caufc, ~nd that he h;td grc:gatio11ofSatan. Andt::tkeyehttdth::tt itbe.nordonc: fulfercdthcir Countnmcr~, contrary tohts pro_mife, tobe P~~~:S,d~n~ Zfft~n;l~~m';~~~!~~~~~e~ ~~~i~:S 3~~ ~;~~~~{:;{; t~~~;r~d~~~~~~·~~~~~~~esK~fg;~;m:~ ~ !tb wtlbdoved and hotK"Il Lords, .if ye find any thmg 111 thc:fc to be condcmntd by ~he Church of Rome as H«rocks ; :J'!".!:.' ford"aid ArticlfS or words wmtcn fomewhat lb:nply, we and that he fhould dunk the force and power of rht: Brr ln~ d.iditnottooffend or contemn you, but to the end that htmiansnortobefofinal!, bmthatthcywouldprovidefor ye fhould dilignuly oonfl<ler and dt:vifc, ho~v Chrillnldom their own honour. Whaewlto the Empm?r ~ufwmd ve· ~:!r~je{~1~~~nb~:Y~il:h~~ d~~~~;;c ~t:: ~~ge:~l~rat~f!~~~c~~~~:n:;:1 i~~~~.;~rX Amm. Jntheye::uofourl..oJd, 1430. nutthemfdves~otheJ~gmt:ntof the wli~erfa] Church: bur theBCibtrntanswhich werelxcomt:vahant Vidorsin =~~~ Pr:j~h~i~.mabflrs, ConraJus, Sam/Jmolich, CAptains ~:: ~~dfu~;~=~t:~wE~~0~1dre~~ NO'>v to profecute the wars of the .Bohemians again. .Tht:nPopt: Marti, perceiving tl~e Gorpd ~o nneafe TkCatdf· After Zifta was dead, whereof we dtd ~ntr~t betorc, daily.moreandmore, fenttheCardm:ll .of Wmchejltr an ~~<!:f.:';" ~§f.4ff,~~~~ ~i~!~~~~ Zifttt; whereupon they choofing out certam to ferve the ntans, was under the conduQ: of the Marqwfsof Bram/enwaTh~at~~Tt~b:~~~:be~l~i~d'ed into tw.o Armies, the bu'fi1e third Army was led by Otho the Archbifhop of God rtiCa.l ~g,E~~~z:~,~~,~;~~~r:~~;,~~~,~~:~;~ f?.'Fsf:!o~F.~r.~£:t!£t:~;:,~i.~,~~~;; ::::1tr wasdilfentionbctwcenthem, yet whenfoc':er anyforrain ~edtheW~, tlu:ypynedcogttherandpltchtd lxfore power ca.mc tow;.rd~ them, they joyned their powers toge- Mi[nA. Tlus Tov:'n _a ccrt.lin lea.med an~ doqurnt Prother in one Camp, and defended themfclv~ They fd· tdhnt, nam~ PrubJCbiJ, the mght belore had .,.,'Onn dom ":mt unto ~ny fenctd ro,~·us, ~xccpt: tt w~ to ~y f~om the Papifis; w~erefore the Army was determined 1t«dfancs, but hvtd with their Wtv(S and Children m hrll to ro:over that Ctt)', before they would go any funha. their Camp and Tnns. They had amongfl them many But whn1 as news came unto tl1e Hofi , how the Proteftlnts Cams, thewhichtheyuftd3SaBulwork; For whenfc:r hadgJthntdanArmy, andcamew!thall (~ tO\vards ever they wnlt m1ro baud, they made two wings of them, them ; they flal!xfore they faw their enemu:s, ::rnd went t!w Poptt :~;~~::t~~~~f~l~~~~~~:.~:rE,~:~~~ ~~r;:;,:~,t!~,?.~E~~~~;~~::~£~~~ ~~~ ing forth unto the Emperors Srandlrd, an~ compaffing he ~narvelkd at the .coward y fhght of fo many Noble an4 ~:~~:~~~~~~~~~;:r'~~;;~~ cll~~~e~·~l~i~~~~~~t~~ef~ ~~~t~~~~:e~;em~~:rt:~~f~;~~h~fu~d~h~Jer~\·fu~.d ,,:~;~era~~:~ that they could not be refcued, theywere .p.mlyby the th~y. Which thing when he h::td. long~r::tvelled :~bouti11 Footmen, and partly by the men that were 111 the Carres, v::tnl, he was fuin to be a oomp:uuon wuh them in their withtheirDarts llah~ •. Tht Horfemenfoughtwithoutthe Aight. Theywere.fcar<ely entred the Wood, when as Fonificatiot.l ; :md tf 1t h::tppcned that they :-vere oppreffed the Rohtmians .oomtng upon them, ~t upon the rereward. The ordu or put to flight, ?Y and ~y th.e Carres o~nmg tht:tnfelves Then W3S thm flight .much more dJ_fordere<l and fearful ~f~ :::~~~:,~:~~:~:~:\;,}~~o~!h ~"~h~&:: ~~~t:0:;,o~~;;:~~;~::i~~~:~~~~n~:~~~!~,F~~ cur.. Thefe two Armies ~vent lrth, the one into Sl~jia, ::tnd tamtd grtat !lore of wlrlJke Engllls, they dd'troyed Mifoa. the other into ~orav1a~ and rtturned. again. Wtth grc:~t And when they would h::tveumrned home by Francqnia , prey, before thc:1r merrues knew of th~tr comm~. After they hld great fums of mony ftnt mlt? them, that they this they ~liegcd the Town of S.uml; ~n Aujlru.h, where fhowld not wafle or defiroy the Countnes of Rambergeand the ThabortW and the: Orph41U two mghtscontmu:llly af-. Nmmbrrge ; whc:reby the Holt of the B(}htmians was fa~ted the Walls wi~rctafin~ ;but Al~m Duke of Au- greatly eJuKhtd. {;';t ~~~r~:~~:~d!h~ev~~~~~~~t ~·r~;g;:;J~1::Ut:~e ~:r,:;g~,a~1~1f ~;~~~~~~~~h~ ~~~:u;~~t=~~~ir~r ~~~ ~h~~:11ta~~t~~;~;b~~; ~~ ~fd1S:l~;; A~;~ i~~r~:;;:~:/~~Il"~~,;,~ba~~~i~ i~1t} ~~?::: ~!§~§~;t~~~::P1~~~yt~~~ E~~~~l~t~1E¥J~:~J£~~i t.i.±~ Rbttmm was taken by force, fackcd and burnt. The Burgrave of Ma!J"burge, Lord of the Town was alfo R 1 • 'thtn