The Bohemiansfem for by the Council of Bafil. ~~~ an~a~1~1: ~t~J~~~~~~~~~o1 ~~~:~~~~~~7~ ~~b~~J~l:: t~lC~~~~~~d!~;h~n!,~~~:mt;~t ~ { !~~} =~ M~qudS of Brandmburgt:~.~inttd Gcncr.l:l oftlut War, touch1~g Rd1gion he v.'OU\d be: ~lUld to dodut which the whiCh !hould follow the Cardnu\. He t'lltrW. into BoiN- Council of Blljil lhould dercrmmc. r:j~~y ~~c ;~},.~;~t =c~;~:~~d~~rU~~d ~~~:; to ~~~z :~~~~~:;;h~~j~~:n~~~ ~~~~turi~~ T~~ tht~~~~;J~ion w:lS Albert and Chriftopbtr of B(Wil- ~~eh;;lm~h~~~~d ta:~li~~!~tu~:~~~~!:e\~~~:::~~~ : l!•fil. ri~, and FwJmck Duk(S o~ SaxrmJ, Jolin and_.Albtrt td ~paor, hew~te ltttc:rs unto the Noblcs of Bcbtmia, tt..~:"' ~~~:l~f~hof:W:~e, A~~t~~l~h~\~h:~th~ ;;;;~~1o:~ :1~!1~~~~:,~:t~~~~~o~~,~~!dti~~ed:oaa~;h~:;~~ ~:~ :'~::. ~:~7~~k1~11!~~{j~tl c~~rc;;:~~~n~1~~~:~~~.wea~d ~~:~~~0~16~:~~~~: ~.hew;h~c~h~0h~~~~~fu:1!~r~tfobe~ the Magillratesofthelmpuial Cit~es, theBilhopot Mentz, renown ~o the BohemJans) whom to advance it hath lxen Thrrn:u'lllo<f Treverr, and Coltn fent their ards, and with them the always his fptcial care. ~~Chieftains of their Provinces. lt' is (aid that the number Alfo, how that through his endeavour the ~nfd was g•lnlt_tflt of their Horfemcn were above forty thoufand, but their btgun at Bafil, exhorting all fucb as were ddiiOUS tO be u...-:"· Footmtn were not full fo many, for the Gtrmam for the heard as touching Religion, tha.t they fhould come thicha, m~~~r~bt:~,:/rp;~l:g~f l:~:i~~~~~r;~l~~c~:; to ;~: ~~~t ~~h:~~~ 2h~~~i~lt:l~t ~;;: ~;:,~=~0~~ thcfcWars; but btmg k:mdbyhis Crvr!Wars, forfo- mglyandgcmly hearthcirreafons; thattheyfhouldonly much ashewcntabouttO vanqui!h the EarlofVantU"!t , end~nx.trthcmftlvtSroagrcewith the Synod as touching he cou.ld not k~p ~is promife, and the County Palaune R.chgion, and .refave ~nd ~~ a quiet . and peactah!e of Rhmu, which drd aid and f~ur the Earl of VanJomt, Kingd~m for.lum, agamfl !ns r~n; Nettha !bould the could not go againfl the Bobtmtam. The Cardinal flay- &htmtans think to rrfu{(: h~ Rewment, whofc Brother, ing for them dd(rr~ his joumy until the Calmds of A~r Father, and Uncle had rcrgncd m•er them, and that he gujl. In the mo.n t~mc Albnt lo.di1~S his Army out of would reign.over .them aftn: nootha mo.nor(ort, than .Au/fritJ, WJd~:1.ndmg that the c_arduul was not prefem other Chrifhan Kmgs •uftdto do. :at the dayap mtcd, and fceing hrmfelf w1ablc toe:ncou.n- ~he Council of B•ftl alfo wrote. their letter to the B(i- TbtBol.>t..;. · btmttmr, that they fhould fend thetr Ambalfadors which •ou rmt for Clr<!bul fhould flttw a rtaiOn of their F:~.. ith, promifing (afc con- ~~thcU. {:_"; :l: . . . dud to go and come~ and free l1~ty to (peak what ~e.Y s~f• con. ~::;ru: ~~~~~~,n~~\~hfia~~~~~h~~~::~~. t~:~~;1~=e~;~c:~d ~~dfo~ ti;~!:i::~~~ !'~~~~~s~n:~l';~~:c~~n:~n°~ ~~:: ~•I>Jbtrr in the uttermoll borders of Ro~mta, for h1s ~prams fear· plc faid,rt wasJJOt good to go, al! th~ examples of :.·~fi C::J;:!..che : t~;~~d ~~lt~~~~~t~::h:t en!~~ ~~~~=: a!~~~ J;!;e~~:ld~d ~~0&fco~:,:d:~t,of~~~\~~~~:~to ;~~ ::t1~:~ readr and gathered t~l~rHofl with all fixed, .and laid liege there openly burn~. But the Nobility follow~ng the mind ;;,b•:rrto to a Tower called SlllrJvtrgt, and brought Jt WKicr ful>- of Mapardus, Pnnce of the new houfe, fatd, that they r~CU~njcd:ion. oughttog?untorheCouncil, andthattheyarenott~bc:!:' of~fiJ :!a~~; li~!~~~~n';hi~f~;i~~~;!~~t~ :a~~,:~~~~~~~~ ~~e~1F:~~~~ 1:~ u:~e;t~n~ho; :Re:i;:~~~~~~~~~ ~~ :;:-At· =~y':g~1; ;\t~h~m.f~~l:~".:~~ ~:e~di ~ou~Ji::f!j Q=h:t a~t~~:U~~~h~e ~~~:}';l~~~ E~! ;~) ~~~~~~d~~~~;~~w~t~~h~ ea~:~e :~:~ ~~pnj~uf~b~;~h~!t~~~rJ~~~= t:~ i;E_ tng them to put on Armour, to or~er th~r battels, Wl~OBajii. TheduefwherrofwcreWil/tGmCofiaava· mrt~oftbe a~ couragioufly to abide their ~m!CS, farmg, they Vl.hant Knight, and Pr~opiu~, fuma~ Magmu, a man~~ d1d noc: llght for the glory of th~1r Kingdom, or for of worthy fame for his man.Jold Vrd:orics, John ~ho- 6&-~ tottao: Ratbetr. the poJ!ctlionoflands, butfortherrJi,·~, and honour, chtz:.4maprochuofPrt~gut, NicbolasGa.Juur, Minilla~~ !!;2~." andR~lr~n ofChrill, and~orthcfalvauonoffouls.How oftheThaboritn, and one Pctr~anEnglilhman, ofe~-nlh.,,a.,a~~ cic~rlrt. igJmlrumousathing is it(farrhhe) forthe Gmnansto celk.ntpiOmpt:and pregnant wit. Thepeopk camem~!,.~ ~~~·p~!· 2~:~~~~~1? ;;'~~~~=~e~7crv~~d;~~eCsr~!~:~o '';~~ r:;:t ~~~r~:~~~f ~~~et:~~~1'txf~e~h~Y;;~ 0[ot~~ ~~~ $!' t:::"1~ ~; ~bee to any enermtS before they wae ken ; fur they on coming of this vahant and famous prople :, othcrfome ga- ~=~~-hu pf;~0u~~::~ei~i~1e:~Y ~~~~~;c~::~~~ tj~ ~·:!~ t!~ch::a~~ ~:~ t~f~~h~:~~c:ltT1h;n~,~~~. t:a~~e!~~~f1ZZ tl1at defendeth a man and nor the walls, and except rhey filled the \Vindows and Hour~ to behold and fee, and to ili~'~:fd tho~11;tt~~~~;!:ci~~:~e,w~~r~1~~~:bf; ~:~e!~:nt:~~!~~~~~g_~i~~:d t~~t ai~pl~~ n~1:~~: ~h:h than any death. But tlus exhortation was all in varn, for was reported of them : norwlthflan.dlllg all men lxhcld ~~~da~t~w~~~~~!t:\~~or~~ ~~'t:;:~r~:t~~l~ ~;tf~~~fo :~:~~~~~~:~:~ ~~~:~i~~:~1at~~b~:Cjoa;:3t~; f.:.~l E:,t7' :~\;~~~~;:;:i:~~";:I~;.~0;;:~:.~~~E ~~~~~~~~r~~~~re~:t;~:~~i~a ~~1;t: ranaway,asthougbthclrenemrhadbeenattheu !ncks. notbeovercomewirh::my1error, labouror1raval!· z~~~~~}(a}~t/Jthough it Were again(\ his Will, WJS ne~~:~ ~~T~~~d~l~]~it:s:·r~~~~for~=~ Thus the Proteflants, by 1he fe.u of their enemies made the Council houfc, made a gcntlcJon~ and eloquent Orauthemorcboldandcouragious., purfued.thcm through the on unto them, exhortingthtmtOutll!)'andpeace,faying. Woods, and had a great prey and fpo1l of them. N~- that the Chu!"'h \\f3S the Spctt~ of ourSavi~ Chril1,.3.JKI withllanding, .Aibtrtr~l when !le heard tell that th~ Card1- the Motl~n: ol all faithful, !hat ~t !.lath t~e Keys of--hi6dnal was tntred into Bobtmia, with all fixed came again ing :md ICJ?Iing, and alfo that 1t ~ wlllte an~ fair without out of Auftrich\\ithhis Army, andbcf~tged the firong (potorwrmklc:, .and cannot err m ride pomts that arc Town of Prrt:.crabi" : but when he undcrllood how the necdfary to falvauon, and that he which doth contemn,:the ~::~~~ ~!::;,he~~~~h0~a~1~o~;.ir£~b~'~u~t:curh~~ ~:~~i~~:u~:r~~~0ca:. ~~~t;,:~r~t~~~l~~~~~~~: ~:!' ~ ~=kd~~~~~:~f::~~e~;f~~?f~~e,':~~~~ f~~~da;~~~:\~o:~ ~~1~:;:~~s~~~:d~;;~s~:~~~~~. c~:d~~~~;;~:~ ~~ ~~~~.AI· miuiug11eat murtheraJ!d ll.lllghrt'l·, :md (o affirded them cn·dit to the ComKII than unto d'oC Go!pcl> by wh~\:a:;~