The Bohemiaos Anfwer to tbe Cardi11als Oration. Tbe death of/(. Henry the Fifrb. 747 {~!=~} tfui?~~etre~~:~;~~~~~~~1 ~~I ~~~~1e~~~rh~oc;1t: ~7~ ~~:; ~~i;~~i~~~ iuvcn~ion of the order of btg- :h:: 0~1~ ?sh=~~~~~n~0f~~;~;o~~~~!~~~r {t,: f~~~~ci;h::~;ft,~f~~~thu: ~f~~~~~~~h!5 ~=~ :a~~1(Caidrh~a;c :~~,;;~~i~~~~ Po~~t~! ~;~a~~~tah~~':~~t($~;;~~~f~7~.[~h: P 1r~~~l:~; have lxcn many in times pa!l wbich have forfaken thtrr F nm : . Who doth doubt but that 1t was an m.vcntion of ~;r;;~13~1~~ ~~~~:g r~~~of~:!~~ ~~ :e~n:~; thc~11~~=e: '~rkp~~'~;I!n~~ daidcd of them all. as were without the Ark pnifhed; that the Lords Pafso.. And CardmalJulunms w~nt about to prove., Thatnotonverwastobee:~.tcninone Houfe; th:1.tthereisno5a!va- lyt~DccrmofthcPatrwchs and Prophets, andthofc :~~~: ::fr~!>~o~~l~:~ ~i'~~a~~~~.;:/~i~: ~~~~~ib~rca~~~\~~~ ~t fu~~= ~~~n:~r~h= :;;;,~! t:~d~~~~ ~rt~;~~~:~a~~~~t;t~~~: ~~or~d~:l:' ~~~ ~~t:d~~hcH~~d~~falx; ~~!~i~~ F;~;t~~~;g~~is:~~~ea~1~~~~a~~h;~ ~g~~;d. mt-;1~f~~~~:nsta;~feo~roff~:Ue.r::i~~ =!d ~ Now all hatred ought to ceafe, all Annor and Weapon is which fhould ~~~re their Articks to be takm out of the!':.~ ~~~aldr:U:hc ~~~h!0:~~1J~t~~~;r ~~~eria~~~~h;: =::J· b;1~e;~~tc1r.e c~hl:rbir;r;~~~ ;~:~~~ gc~:.w whatfocvtt there they would fay m their own caufe or fifty dlys, whtte m:1ny thmgs wm alledgtd on eJthctp:ut, ~:;;~b;;~u~~~~lyco:~e~1?:td'd~;~r:~~~i~~ ~7~~~ ;h~:~) .~~e ~!i£~~he~0:eh~o~~ert~ ~~et~~f Gcrcd. Synode ; whereunto not the &!Hmums, but that Council. alfo all other f.tirhful Chdfiians, ought to confent and a· In tM mean feafon, while the BohtmitUIS were thus in grce, iftheywillbcpartakersof Eternal life. ~c lhM. This Oration of the Clrdirul was hmd and very wdl (.,;:~!";. allowed of the Fathers. Who:eunt~ the Bohtmians an· cudlnab fwacd in few words, That they neJthtt had contemned OntloQ. ~O:J!,~,ha';~e~~~~~t=ct'd~v~~~~ could a~ee among th~fdv~; as thefe tlli~1 ( ~r~) ~'::t4 ~t~~iF~t~hh:~h:f~:~~;~~ed a:~)~~~~~~: ~C:i1:~~ ~:!:::;~~-fa;"!ftk~r:n;~~~ n!f ~e~~~:~ e!: ~~~~~.; ~dc~~~a~~~~;:~:ea!f~;i1;~ ;.~!Cfikvea~!~k, ~~rec~:ks~: ~d'trsR~~tis t; ~~ that they are now come to manifdl their inn~atcy before ronation. This King in life, :md in all ~is doings, was fo the w~!e Church, and to require open Au,hence, where devout and ferviceable to the Pope and hJS ~haplains, that thelatty mayalfobeprefmt. Their rcqueftwasgranted he was called of many, The Prince ofPrtefrs: who left t~cm.; and being further demanded in what points they !Xhind him a Son being yet an infant, nine months and did difagree from the Church of Romt, they propounded fifteen days of agt', whom he had by Q!een Kathtrine~ four Articles. Daughter to the Frtnch King, married to him about tv."O rh<Artl• Firft, They affirmed, Thata1lfuchaS wou!dbefavtd, 01' three )'eaiS befor~J. The name of which Prince, Cue• ;!~;~ought of nccdlity to receive the Communion of the ]aft ceeding after his Fatha, was Hrnry the ftxth, left un- ,..J.,.,dJ, Supperunde:rboth~ndsof Bread and Wine. . da the Govanma1t and Prot~ionof hisUncle,named f:t~~ Th~ fecoud Anu;Ie. They affinned~ll civiltuleand. HumpbryDukeofGioujhr. or~tooo •• domiruontobcforblddenuntotheClergyby the law of God. The third Article. Th1t ~he preaching of the Word of The tiRF'1its of the Archbijlwps of Canterbury in thit God is free for all Men, and m all places. Fifth Book C~ntgin,J. The fourth Arciclc, As touching opm crimtSand of· fmceswhichareinnowifetobefuffo:cdfortheavoiding ofgreaterevil. Thefeweretheon\ypropolitionswhichthc)'propo\md· .ed bd"Ol'e the Council in the name of the whole Realm, Thm another Ambaffador affirmtd, That he had heard of theBohtmiansdiversandfundry thingsoffenlivetoChri· fiiaucan, ar:nongltthe which this wasone point, That 54 Sinwnljltpe. 56 SimonLangh11m, 57 W:lliam WitltfiJ· 58 S'm~S·~bNry. ')9 Wi/!Jam c~ln't1Jt}o 60 TbJmtJsAr•nJtl. '1 Htnr]Chirbtf/}o" The End of the Fifth Book of Martyrs. Rrr 2 THE