Tbe Perfewtion in Suffolf and Norfolk. John Florence a Turner. ~~~:;h~ :~~_r 0~r~~?~•rar~:c to confow\d and {~:~~} Ium, That the Sauns wluch arc i11 Hravcn ought in no ~=.~~~- J 0&~oc:~;r:;r;~~:r.·w~"(!~i~:~h~ z~t~h:: ~~· h~~~ ca(!t:,~{b;;~h~'fat~ ;i~~;~yk~~;h Schools of Lcllar· ~~~i:~~.:~;;~.:~~~:.~~;.~J;;;:.~·;~~:.~;~;;h;~h~~ ~~~:;:.~t~~~F~i~~~~~~~;!:·h~~ ~li':h:it~:; ro {~fk~~;s~oJJfr~~:.~~:~~k~s~ Cardmals have no !X)Wer wJ'~r::;1 ~~f~JJ;h:4~t~~~~c~fid~:;;j, ~~;~:;~~~ Item, TI_JatthereLs nodaytobc kept Holy,butonlythe phce of J~dgmel)t, .where the forcfaid Artic!eswereobSu~~~,w~~~~~t~~~~~:~,~~a~~of~~td~ oth~r rime, but of the ~f:;'eu~~~~:fl 1c ~~i~ht~1~p~b~r:d1hi,:~:~:~~~ ~~c~~~:~; e_,;:e::. tT~~~~:~~ges are not to be worlhip~, neith?" ~;~~;c~l~\~it ~~;:tJn~~cl~e~~t~~~~~f ]~1~,~~1 ;~~~::ga%~~ that the people _ought eo fer up_ any Lights ~ore them m f:u_d, h~ apponxl agam before the B1!hop , and brought t hcChurch~ncJ thcr w go on Ptlgrunage, ne1ther to Offer WJth lmn nmc of his Neighbours to purge him upon thok: for the Dead, or with \\omen that are Pnri ti~ . . Ankles, and there did folemnly ~ge himfelf. And af· Rt mHn- ~em, ThatCur:urs fl10uld nOltakc thcTithtS_of thcrr terward forfomuch as the faid Bdbop fufpcdtd the faid ~:!~~ ~~~~;~~'~: p:~~ri~i~:~!:s. TithtS ~~d be d1vided a- · t1'.~;!>cl lrtm, That all fuch as Swtar by their hfe or power, !lull uafuon. be damned, except they rqxnt. . Or dtfend ~ny Error or Hmfic, contr:uy to r_he Ch_urch of Upon Wcdnefday being the f~nd day of Auguft Ill Rcmt, ne~thcr aid, aflill, favour or maintam, pnvily or {~4n:~} ~ ,l;~a~d~r~4I~hi~: ~!!a=~t~~:Jicr~ ~~~:~~~~ ~~lll~f£~:~~ Ikfti! '';J~t(~!:!~ ~:~:a;j~l~:fi~{~;f~~ =~~~-~~~ t~~~~~~ ~7a~h~ ~~~Jjl~~r:'~{q:i!::':d:x?~~/f:istlr'J:ig,~;; \~hi~~; ~~ ~;~;;;~1:;1:!· ~:::.;:~,~~:~~[: ~~?~;,;,~ =~-~~J:~~£i;~};:,j·{~S~~:~:~~~;r:.~:'~~: E.~.:. ;~~~t:!~~\·;~~cJ:~~. ~~~c ~k:~~·IJ~~ ~~~~ l:~t~J: ~~~~ln~~~c:~;~ ~~~~~~~~~r~~~i~t~:;0:ha~J ~~~~· :: ~~i~:J~,!~~~~~~:b~c~~'~:~~~~:~~~~~et~~~u~;~ I ~;;:ah~ !:!':cm!~i1o~~·d~~;Nt~~~~~fe~';~ :;!!~~.~~~~~ ward he lhould not hold, tach, pread1, or WJ\l , n~ly de- . the year of our Lord J 4_2 8, when he was agam ap- ~~;dQ~~c~rr~f o;~~~.d;~c~1~ra;~af~t:~~.t~~:U~~;;:~~~~: I ~~ra~ci~,tl~~i~r;::~~~J~~~~~~~~~ )~~~eSi~1i;;lh s~. JUP th~t.fhaU telch or hold any fuch Erro~ or Hcrefies, either Pu a~!O, <:hap!:tin of Lllfincy m the DuxdS ?f Norwich, l't~Pdcft. pnv1ly or _aptrdy ; and for his offenc_e m this behalf done w~ ilkew1(e accukd and brought before the Blfhcp o~ NtJr· bcwasenpyned this Penance followmg: wuh the ~fth day o~ J~tlr, Anno 1424, for holdmgof Three Sundays in ~ Solemn Procclfion. i_n _the C:l.thc- thcfc Opimons followmg : ~'i!anner dral Church of Nmm.ch, he fhou!d be dife~phned bcfot:c That ~he people ooght not to go on ~ilgri!113gt, diiCI;I!nit:e all.thcpcople. The hke alfofh01.dd be done about Ius Irmt, f hatthcpcoplt:_oughtnottO[;!VeAJms, but on- '::~;;:·~.; P-l_nfh-Church of Sh.lton, three other fc\'eral Sundays, he ly WltO !'itch as beg ar thcrr doors. rbrlccll!d bcmgban:·h~ded, bare-foote~, ltld bare-neck~, afttr tht: Irtm, That the lt~l:l.ge of the CroiSand other Jmagcsr.u,,.r ::;:;{~~·•h• ~nnerof apub~JckPcnitennary,his body lxm?;co~ert~ arc not to be worllupptd. A_nd that t~IC faid Httghhad ~o!~ Pu.ltcntl2· With a Canvas-flnrt, and ClnvJS-brttehtS, canymg m ht.s call the CroiS of Brcmdw/J uno the li.re to be burned, nodldfped ry. ~:t[J.apaof a poond weight; and that done he was :t~tS~~~kj:faid~tl~~ 0~~':d ~~a;uJh?~.~ru~i terlydenied; wherrnponhe hadadayappointtdtopurgc: Richard Bel ward of Eri~am in the Diocefi o ~ha~c!fob:~~w~';!o~~~r~~ ;a~h~~~'tf:: ;~~ Norw1cb. difmiJTcd. After this, in the rt':lr of our Lord 1428, King Hmry R Jc!:;t,_!~~~~~r~ff;r~~~~~ m~~ct~\~~;r~er:'&: ~=h~t~;;~d~~~y~~~g,c~;~~:~:~~;~filii~i':nr~1~f rors ~nd _Opmions hcrc under wnttett, contrary to the de:- Ulch~fter, for the apprehending of Sir Will:am White tc:rmma~tCI_l of the Church of Rem_~ . . Priefi, and others fufpcdcd of Hcrdics, the tenor whereof lit mu"~'h Impnmu, That Ecclcfialhcal Mmifiers and Ordm:rries hereafter en!i~eth. ~tj::d ~~:f:1~J~~!t1~~1~~~~:~:i~:;'d'~e~~o~~~~~~~~~~ The Copy of the Kings letters direlled to ~~~~ fio::7Jl'ar1?:~7~~~~~~~;;~;o~;:~:~~~~v~~~;;~1f~~: 7:!C~m~~tC~tcl;ft:~' f~e~~;i;pp~ee;:~~i:: ot,bflttlo and affirmed that S1r John O!tlcaftle was a true _Cathobck of Sir WillitWJ White Priell, and other (as ~~oTray· ~~6~~\1e~~fc.'ondemned and puttodeuhwuhour:my they called them) Lol/ards. Item, That fuch as go on Pilgrimage, offni.ng to ltmg~ ~~~~h~~:!ff~1~o ~~~~~~~~~a~';~~~:~rd'car~~ H EF~t!{, rtr:rir~a~J~ r~~f !(~~b~:~aj~~!~~ol that the Ecclcfta!Hcal MmiUcrs; tlllt IS to fay, the Curates Exeter, n11tl Jacolct Gcnmm,Kuptr if tht Caftlt ufColdo fell GoduponEaffn--day, when as they recch·eOf- chefler,htalth: ferin~ of fuch as lhould Communicate, before they do ~e fl1nll u:'tlerfttmd thnt Vlt JNI/.J ~rNjfi11g "'!to your fiMi~:!';, t~h~h~~~~~f:l~~~~~ Women, _that t~ey t~::a'i&dr:';~u:~:~~m;;r:fl~~V'il)f:t~'{~~~~ ~~7:). =~ ~~~~c:;~~~a?\~~eit~~~~~l:urch for the de-ad, neither wllh ~~;,d{V~Ji;~a~~:7h~n~~~~~:~~~;~!~~~i:?~f ,;;:,: T&ov•ordo Jttm, That he blamed divers of his Neighbours that re-- {oMm tbty ht that ar~ jufptf! oJHmfi~_or Lollardy,:u.okt- ~~~~·R• fufnl his Dcil:rine, fayiugun~othem, T ru!y ye arc foolS forotrthqmay hefctmJ,vubmthe Ltbmm.orwtr~ut~ · thatddly to le-arn the Do&mcofmy Sed:; for your andjfrn~ghJwt~;bungfot"ken,tofodrhemunto~•r~;~