A Catalogue of the perfemted in Suffolk a,J Norfolk. 751 { ~!Z~} ~jj,o;:~t?r#~%1£~;~ r;J;j ~h:::t::~:~;·;:.:~; 0:~:. manrf1cu, that 1e th!igently attm_J about tbt Prtmijts, ar.tl ([ John\VlddonifTenW:rt<n,inthe CounfJo[Kent, B.mholomew, Monk of Erfln1ll, in the CcUnfJ cf Norfolk, Comlcada·_, a married Mnn, W!lliam Sa>ts. {:'!,~~:,r;;;n~/n;:iar"t1~:~of1~,~~;:;{e;;e~ hf;bt~a;!;J~h~"~::;-::r:,"~~e;~;'£";~:.l~tc;:J ':;~~E;i~F.;!;;,~J::i:,;~' J:.::.~:;b:;~t :':ithi<> th,_ IDitX~Is oi!~~·f•i,bn~s_·Jf~·!k, lp<'i'llyin the Wimd5 m_Yfclf at Weftminjfer,the lixthof <July, the fixth ofourRe1gn. By vr.rtuc of which Comn11iffion we find in old Monu· ments, th:tt wilhhi fi10rt (pace aftcr John Exmr, which was appointed one of the Cornm_illi.oners_, attached fix pafons in the ~own of Bunga; m the DKKdS of ~~r '»mh, and commuted thtm tc WiOMm DaJ> and Wi/l,am R«, Conllablcs of the Town of Bunga], to be fcnt within tcndaysfollowing, w1dtr fafe cuflody, w1t? the C2fi!c of Norwich. \Vhofe namcs through the Anoquity oftheMonumentwcrcfodefarcd,thatwecouldnotattain to the pcrfcd knowltdgc of them all ; o~y thret: names putlyremaincdinthc Booktoberead,wh!Chwcrethefc: C[ The names of lhem that were taken and Examined upon fufpition of Herefi"e. =~:ra :;,~;:,;~ih::~;.r Harljlom. I~~: ~~j;t~(~;/::!.vergatt. 1 1 ~~ofi':s::;:;~t;;tt~~/~!;;· aD<IWOI!>Cn ~ohn Ttrr] of Erfham. Rtchard Clark of Sethmg. Rschard Pagt of Cl'f'JIJ· ;.r.t~~~ "'John Abtrt of Erjlllfm. ! The other wtTC more cruelly handled, and Come of them were put to death and burned, among whom we do fpeciallytlndmemionmadeofthefcthrce: · Father Abrt~bam of Colchtjhr. I Wil/iam White, Prictl. IJohnWaJJon,Priell. Cl;: The relidue, for a ~rat number of good Men and Women were forced to Abj~re, (ufiain.ing ft1ch cruel Penance as pleafed then the faid Btfbopand his Chancellor to lay upon them. The names ot wluch, both Men and Womm, huefollowwgctht:r inthisBriefC(lta/oguctobefctn: z'hn Bw"I'J· I w.ll.. m O•l••m•- I w.o;,,. Co.llin o.f Se"'""'"· ~'hn W"JM. John Rm• of B"k/". R"h"d Kmg of W.nJb,m. l;~i}?,f§.f?,;,_ I ~Z~i::f::Jfl:oo. 1 fg£~~;,::~ar:,t ... N~~:holtuCai'NmOf E]t· I{abtlCbaplamof Martbam RscharJGrnctOt Btcklts. Thomas Pit. John M~mlham. Willsam M~trfl, of Etjlmm J jr-bn F)Jrm of Buklts. 'John MiJJittcn. Tbomt1.1 CbatriJ, John Goodwm of Erflwn. I WiU,am HarJ1, Thomas Wade. Wiliiam Tailor. I HmrJ Utcbcoltl of Erjl11:~m, Wilham Bau. 1obnCupptt Vtcarof Tunjfal Hmry Broodcof ErPltlm .John Weft,n. S 8 i',',fl,,•g,hmP<w,;, .!'.,",',~ ·· ·. I R"h Hwn< of E>fl,.m. I K"bmn• Hob<, w7. .~, tKr 'John BelwarJ, Scn of Erjl1am. Jof!t, Dnw. Thomn1J•mu. 'John Btlward, }Wl ot Erfl~am. R'bert Grigs.of JV!artham. Jobn Foulmt; I John Sptre of Bunga]• I William Oalu, ~nefl. Btrtram Cornmonger. Rob. Colt of Turmmg Thomas.l'crt, Pncfi. Thomtu Swtrdtn .Aian11s Andrtw. The hcrd ol Sbeptmedow. Kathmne DavJ. Tf'ill1am Wnglt. I Jfabel Dn.v1 of Co{fu. ·1 Jaco~ Botlhom. e, and Margaret hi~ 1Vi0tam Evert/m Sib]!, Wtfc of John Godefel of Dt- Wtfc. . Wil/iam Tailor. cbam. 'John A1nnmnrr of tl!arton. .Av.is the Wife of Thomas Moon, and I 'John l)r; of Bartbam. . 11~h'.' c.,/1/ng,~.f Bumjftr. her Daughttt. John Balur. Mar!,t'] TVngbt. Ruhtml F!.tchtr of Btckles andMa~ Richard Fhttbtr of Btcklts. Thomas Bun:tl and h~ Wife. I 11/d Ius Wdc. Nicholas BtlwnrJ. I 'John Pm. John Eldonof Becklu. Thomtu Grtntmtrt. Edmund Archtr. Robm Cant/, Pr!dt. 'John Clar!t. The Clerk of .Ludnry. I Nicholt~s Drry. :;.::~:= ~;~:~ming. I ~~1:1n~1~h! ~~cSt~;j;f:;d, Wright. J;:~"~//;:7 of Mmldham. Theft: fort--named. Perfons aHCI Sokiias of Chril1:, being anl'\ver to their :gnoranct, who following rathtt blind af. much l:.catm with the cares and troubles of thofedJys, al- fcdion, than the true knowledge of Times and Anciquithoughtheywereconll:raincd. torc:lentandabjure~thatis, tics., for lack of knowlc:dgeblanltthat theyknownot,ac,; ~r/:~tathe7y~~=l~:~~~t~l~;~~ ~~~~~~~.~~~~:! :~~f~r ~;~rc!~c:d10 ~r: infirmtty c'b:ngas yctbut new trained. Soldlm m Gods thrcn. Who, If theydtd a~ well forcfccttmespaffed, as ~h!~Jly:i~~r :t~f:!~~~~?d~c ~:oc~~J;~f~:· ~~ ~:~er7ra~~\~l:~tb~o~\~Jc t~~;i~0a~ ~~:~r1t~~c~~: ~~:e ~~~~tfo~~~~~;~~;~7cs.fb~ui1~~~~~ {~f~i;~ ~~~ho~~n~~~~ ~~c ~~~~~~~~1/af~~~~~ ~,: ~~~qu~Ir: c1ther to flop the mouths of malignant ad.verCarics, or to and in fom~ places hath pm"ltkd , although m moft · phn~,