Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

752 Pe>fecmion in Suffolk and Norfolk. ~~~~~~·eq;:;1 ru;:£:d :Ji~~fu~e~'fr~:i~~ m1~t~~; ~~Y'!h:risd~~'!oh~~~; ~e~~~~~~ {~~!.} ~~ a~7J 'f:r7~~ !c:Jd = ~~dk~;n~~~~l~~:ra:~i~~ ~~;;,, That the Popc is Antichrifi, and his Pre!at(S the as here by thefe $-ood Men of Norfolk and Sulfolle may Dil'ciplcs: of Antichrifi, and the Pope hath no powa to well a~;>pear. For tf the knowledge an~ the: good tow_ard- bind and loofcupon Earth. ndSot thofe good Mrn ha~ had the ltke ldxny ofume, . Item, That it is l:twful forn•e,yChriftiantodoany bowith thehc:lpo,f like amhonty, a;> .we_ have n~w, and had dily work ( fin.o~llyexccpc) upon Holr-days. not bun reltramed.through the Jlllquny of tunc a~1d ty- lttm, That Jt LShwful for Pridis to have Wives. Imtdi:of rnn.ny of Prelaus, 1t hJd w~!l appeared how old thiS Do- Item_, That Excommunic:ttions and Ecc!efiafiKal cen- ~~::;'11~btr ..,_•...,. ~me would been, wh1ch llCIW they cont~mn and re- fures gll'en ?Ut by the Prelates, are not to be regarded. ERQIIt. ~~{~;, ~f~ ¥f~~ts~1~§:;ili;.~~i;~~~~;~,i~;}~~i of f~=~~~1i~i\~l~g~~~~~~:rJ.i~i'im•g~ ~c,a.bomandSujf"o/k, _wasthmfoundfi1ch plemyofthefame Pro- btm, Thatthe lm_lyw.~ter, hallowed in the Church by fellion and l1kc DOChine which" we now profefs. And t~ Priefi, is not holier or of more vnrue than other run-- dlUs much for the number and nallkS of thtfe Jl<:rfons. mn15 or Well-water, bocaufe the Lord bldfed all WatCIS in thetrfufl:crcation. Now as touching their Articles which they did maintain ltt~n, That the dath of Thmw Bulur was neither ne dratlt :d ~~tfi~~~f:! r:!; ~~d~g':!:~~f~rt,~ !~ Hoze~:r~~~t%~i_cts, as dt>ad Mrns BontS, ought not t.. ~ ~~:nth~t ~~';1~hd~,;;:! in~~~~i:~~ ~~1,~ ~; I~ ~r~ipped or d1gg«< out of thei r Gr.tvtS, or fet up was the Doa:J•~ of all t~e other : what their Articles Item, That prarm made in all plms are aca:ptable UJlo were, partly 1t IS /hewed m the Leaf before; and partly to God. hm follow~1 ts> be dedmd more at lu!?e· . Itrm, That Mm ought oot to pta}' to any Saint, buc Ahhoogh1t 1S to be thought, only to God. tl1at many of them either wrn falfly objtdcd a~amn ltrm, !hat the Bells and Ringing in the Church them, or not rn1ly rep:mt"d of the Notni~ accord111g as was Ordamed for no other purpofe, but to fill the Pridls the common manner is of thefc Adverfanes, where the purfes. mauo: is_ good, there tO make Herdie, aud of a little oo:a- !rem, That it is no fin to withfi:and the Ecclefi:dl:ical Uoatofhrup great matter of fhnder, as they did before Precepts. br the Artidcs of .JchnWickli!f and Jchn Hu1~ a~1d o- l!tm, That the Catholick Church is only the Congre-I11thhA.c· ~~~~~~~:tl~eh~~~1:. ~~;l:~;e:~~n~k~:;t~h:~e~~~~h11~1~~; · ga~;&f\!~;he Arti~Ies whi:h were g~erally objtded :.:~~ faid, .or mifimderllandmg that wl_uch they mtam, efpec1· ag~inlt them all, whuem they did fo agree 111 one unifonn ~K ally l;ll tlJCfe two 1\rticles concermng Baptif~ and paying Fa1th, .that whatfOt:vn one did hold, a~ the other did d..u:t., ~~~n ~o~~~h:~d fu;rfl:~~~.f~~~ro~~~~~ :ftt~ ~~~f~: ~~~~~~~ ~~~~Pr~~h~· -rf:Jt r~h;h~~h r!~fved~~~}~tb· as,Oil,Spittlr, Taper, Light,Chrifomes, exorciling IO':fle one Infiruder, who wasWilliam Wh_itt; which of the Water, with fitch other, accounted them as noma- being a Scholar and fo!!owu of John Wtcl.liff, refotttd terial thing in the Holy ln!litution of Baptifm, the Nma· afrt:rward into this Couutry of Noif!lk, there infirudtd rits flandcroufly depraving this their affenion, to make it dlt"fe Men in the Light of the G6ff'tl. And now, as ~1::~m :f: ::~:~~h~h~y15~:;h::1ih;~ ~;~:~~~~f ;~1,hafoei~~::~~fc::'ha:~ ~~~~~e~~ ~JGn. ~~~";;~~1::ftd~ Church by Water is but a light matter ~u:hcy were handled; beginning firft with w;1J, 11, ;hl:~~~,~~~:~~:i~~~~1t~~~~;~£~~: Wiluam Whitt, Preifr. ~~~~~~~~0fh~~~;d ~~~;t t~~ri~~.;a~~p~po:~ffi,~ T ~!J,::;g;r:,';d ~:~~a. ~~:gafterf~~~!lr!: ~~r·. · cmly Bapriud in the Blood of Chri!l, and need no Water, of Pr1efis, but rather to be reputed among!\ the nuniler of{ 1428} ~!r~~;: ~~:!5tt~~~ci~~Jc~~:f~\ 1o ~~~;;::;e;~tst: ::~;,;~;~~~h;"~;J~ ifa~ ~~~t~/ ~~~a:= !f:':S: manifcll Word, That it is not to be thought ~ny ro be fo well le_arncd, upnght and a wdl-fpokm Pridl. He ~ave ignorant of the Gofpcl, that ever would or d1d aflirrn the over his Pridlhood and ~nc~e, and took unto hu_n a fame. godly young Woman eo hts W1fe, named Joan; notwJthMorcover, they ~hought or faid peradv<nture, That in Handing he did not thei:dore cta_ft: to leave ~m his certain cafes Tithes might be withholden from \\ickcd tOrmer Offic~ and Duty, but contmually la~red to_the Pridls fometimc, and be betteru(rs, rothe glorya_ndpraJ!i:ofth~Spoufe<>t:Chrill,byreadmg,_,vritmg, bchoofof the poor : Therefore they are fulJly fland~rcd. a, preach m~. T he prmtlpll pomts of his DoChme were ~j~~i~~t~:~:~~:;~~~t!~f ;~ 6~~~h~~e to be g••·tn to dte~h~~h~~nh~:Mfof~~ }~r:17or~i;:~~?rheir fms ~:~r ~~~:~i.~~~;~ti!?~:~.::~~~J::~~~?.~:if ;~y~~~ ing no other. Solemnizing in the publick Church, and all umo Chrifls bccaufe (asltislike) the:y deninl.itto beaS:tcrament. Truth. . Other Articles were objtd"e.J againfi them, as thcfe which That Ma~ ought not to worflup Images, or other Jdohcre.Ifterfollow: hnousPainnngs. . . That Auricular Confdlion is not to be ~de unto a That Men ought not to worlh1p the holy Mm which ~La;/1 Pridt but unto God cnly ; becaufe no Pncfl: any are dtad. apllJ ~ po;:~to~~~1.:~ ~~~11,:~:;1;0 make the BOO}' of Ch~a~;,~ea~~tf,~~~e~tt~tri~;~~v~:hr~~~ ~:1~ 0 Chrifi i~l the Sacrament of the Alt:l.r, but th2t, aher the of the tme bd1ef. Slcramcnta.l wor~ there remaineth pure nmerill Bread That fuch _as wear Couls,_ or be Anointed or Shoru, are 25 fxfore. . the lance-Km.!?11tsandSold!crsof ~t,Ciftr; and that they Gt~:m, Tha.t e\·cry tnt~ Chriftian-m:J.n is a Priefi to ~'h!:":su~~~~~rjn~iJ;~~ot burmng, lha!J be lhut out, Upon