754 The Penance of J. Bevcrly and J. Skilley. Tbe Story of Margery BKk{kr. 'r~:r ~!~::::['o~~-P;rtfo:?,;;;::~/;;,J:~:1:~~{hf:tf; ~a~~~ ~~~d t~~~::~e~~:l~.7atF~~ai~~Y(~~: fr'~,: { ~~~~} aJmonijl1 and br~ngJ()Ttb tbefaid Tl~m~ P1e and John y~rs next h:nmediatel~ after the fc:vm p:ars apircd, c<rcry Mendham to btgm ~rul auompfij/1 tbttr fasd Penanu, and Wcdncfd.ay it\ the begmning of Llnt~ and f:'\'C'Ir Maund;- fo fu.cct./]i'tltlj to.finijll the fame m mamm andform afort- Thurfday,~ !hould appar bct~u the Bdhop or h!SSuccdfor, t~ppomtul. But if tbg 1~1/l n~t obq ;our morlii_JMs, or r~- or Comm_Lifary for the time bcmg,in the Cathtdra.l Church :z~~/J;;~o~';a;;;~;~~£/:a:t:s~;:a!' 0 11 11 :d0{t;: a;:!;fr; d~ ~;~'~o~a~~r~;rh~v~~c~~~.othcr Prnitemiarics, 10 them pertmptoril.J, rh~t thty. or tithtr of tbtm appMr be- Betides thefc there were divets other of the fame corn~ f~rt m, or our Commi/Jary, m tht Chappe_l of our Palace pany, which the fame year Wtre fcrccd to like Abjuration '!t Norwtch, the twrlfth da; afur the Cttatton fo ma_de, and. Pcnanc~. And fo to procttd to the neKt year folif 11 be a ~c11rt daJ, or dfe the next Court daJ fo!IIYJJJsng, !owmg, wluch ~v:tS 142~, there cnfueth a ~t number todulare if thry or an1of them havean1 ctmjt1Vhjtbq m the(am~ R eS'fier, whiCh were examined, and did Pefoo~!J not be Ex_communicate for their manifrflojftnce in nancc Ill hkt: fort, to the number of 16 or 17, In the nurr.- 1~:::b:~j;r~'::e,:)r;;;;~:[£t,:~~J,=:~:n; J:ftt£ ~}!t,w~: fu~ J;i~l~ ~~k ~~~hi~cP~~N~t;;: ~h~1{/;:,;;fts:»~l:~~~b:f;fai1n4h~:;;;Jy;h~h~: ~~~ ~ffu~!~~'C:)~~~~~t:d L~:!~i:,ra~~~~t~~ C:e!~~~;~1/~:;;;o;:;; ::edJe1c~~~ti~~ f::;: ,~;:/::J :tfc:~h:~ra~~~r ~~~ ~~f;ft~;b;~~·a~~ef~:~u:P'; ou: fatd commandment f or rh~ txtcuti(m rhmof. Jo di· nance. as the othtt before h1m had done, jfin8 ly urtifj us bttwws thu nnd tht /aft da] of No-- · 7:1~;ao:;x~~:~lfari~aS!,a\ho:rs~r~~Y 0~~r;;:J::, The StorJ ofMargery Backfier. Ammlf28, This (gentle RcadG) was for the moft part) the order A N~~~~~t~w~h:gr;!~:fa~: ~;rfa: ~;!~~ ~;. of their whole Penance: howbeit fomc were oftemim~ cuf~; a~uillwhom_ one JMn) W1fc of Cli/JlanJwas mo~e cruelly handl«l ; and afro:r their Penance they were brought 111 by the B1~op, and com~llcd to dcpofe, and b:mifhcdoutoftheDiocdS, and otha fomemorcfiraitly · · · ufcd by longer lmpri fonment1 whaeof we will briefly AWomn rchearfe one or two for example. in Engli , Dame: beware of the lkc, for ev~~inCo !ill E~a 1ohn Bevcrly alias Ballild. ~~: ~~~~h:;b;o~rttaed~~e1d~Sby~~;~~k:it~:n~~ E'~~,. !,#,~.·~- J Ot1~ ~f:.::'t ~~~~;;~~1d,thcla~~~~~,Pri:~a~}a~t~~ :l ~~1~~n~~~~~j,Y· the &e will fling your Tongue ~tn, and a Lawyer, _and fo dchveral unto Mafia Item, This IXJ?onem bdng demanded by the faid M~~r- ~~~t~mth!"Ca~7of~~!~~1t~1~m~~;'pt:;~~~~ ~~ fuch~~~!;~d~;.:~~,/(Jda~~~~~~~!~~er~~::: where afterward he being brought before the CommtlTary, Oup of the Cmcifix, and as many Avt Mm-Its in worlhip :~~t h;~~~ ;.~~h~fi~~ft:}h~d~:rz ~~~~~~h~ ~!a:~~~-~~~f:::h7~,:~k~; ~t~~r;o~ A~d year to his Cu~te) ~nd receive the: S.lcrament at ~fttr, dwellcth not in fuch Churches, neither (hall come down IIUJU• as otha Chrifi~atlS dtd ; and for his offence was en)O}'ncd out of Heaven, and will give }'OU no more reward for fuch that theFrid1yand S:lturda}' next after he lbouldf¥ton prayer, than_a <;andl_elightcd, :~.ndfctundn: the cover of ;a~l~:;~ Bread and \Vater, and Ufl?ll the Saturday to bc'f>whtpptd the Font, wtll ~vc hglu by 1~ght to thofewhich~e in ~::~:~~J~~cs~:I;;::;t:cf:~~~:~y11~o~~~~ ?:r: ~'f ~=~a~~;S fu.c~m)fu~h '~!«~;~,nd~;!~~~~~ bout the Markct, having in his hand a Wax·Candle of ~ftn that, lewd Painters glm thttn with Colours. ~ ~:J fot1l~eh~~~!~~;~ ~~d }~~:ht:IJ~~i:re;!e;~ £=~e~~~u~a:U~o i;~\.~:~ ~~H:/e.C~c~~~ he had catm fldh upon E4fter--day, and was not fhr~ven in ~ponent bcitlg dcfirou~ to ft~, the ~d M•rgtrJ, firtt~ alll..tnt,norrectived upon Eafter-day,thc Judge en)Oyncd mg out her ArmsabiOJd, f:ud to thts Deponent, Thists him_ that hdhould (afi Tuefday, Wcdncfday and Friday in the trucCrofs ·of Chrifi, and this C~IS thou oughtcfi :md , Whnfrm-wuk, havmg but one meal a day of fith and ~ maifi vcry day behold ~nd worlbip m thine: own Hcufc, tlltr white Meats, and after this Penance fo done he !hould and thtrefore rt is but vam to mn tO the Church tO wor~ dcpi!rt out of the Diocefs, and neva come there any fi1ip dead C~o!frs attd lmag~. ' more. /rem,TiusDcponent,btmgdemandcdbythefaidMa,... John S!~JIIeJ of Flixon Miller. f:rl, !Jb~/~eb~\j~~~ili~ 1 S~~:c~~C:;n;~~ %~~~}:; 1.'"""' s~t· . . . ' theConfccration,tobcthcvcr{>Bodyof Ch_rillinfonnof !::c~_:r JOC~~~;~/~~~e~~~x~~:~~f ~:~:~i~1~~~~~: ~~~~ ~~~tf ev;~ fu~~Sa:~:~{'~~: J:: a~~~eisv::= 1 . 5~11•1• ticles0~~:~:ri;t~=~·! ~~~~~~~~!::d~:~11~o~~;l;~ ~ur?%~~· a ~~~:dPr~;~a 1:;~i~~~r~d~~:: ~~~ abjure\ and after tills abjuration folemnly nude (which a Thoufand fiLCh gods, and aft~rward cat 1hcm, and \"Oid Tflt~ ~~;e!a::'idp~~:::~~l:n~:it a~i~~~~~.~h~ ~~ T~~hc~~~~ b!l~~~r ;~td~r:d ~t;%~=~gf~ :hoe~ whereof being briefly oo\lctled, was this: That frufomuch gods if you will fcek for them. And 1hcrcf01e know fer a<; the faid S!i//9 was convict by his own confeffion., for certainty, That by the grace of God it lhallncvtr be my holding 3nd man1taining the Articl~ bd"or~-,nit~m, and god, bccaufe it is 61/ly and drccitfully ordained by the for ra:eiving ctrtain good and godly Men mto Ius Houft, Priefis in 1he Church, eo induce the fimplc prople to Idoas Sir Wii/Jam Whitt Pricfi, and John WadJm 1 whom latry; for it is only material Brtad. ~~J ~~~;da~~~t;~~~~~~~~gdfi~~t1~1~;~rf~~~~h~ Th~~~~:~~T;; ~~~~e~:~e?w~~t~h~h~~~ ~~~k:- ;~~:~:~~:~~~::;':~:~~~J~~~:~;;~r.;~; ~£~~:,~';'i~·~~r~~~;~!~:~t~k~~~~~~!~ E;,~ Dioccfs of Nmvich. And for fu much asmt1mcsp.1fi fcducethchmple~plc; and th~;cforc if God bebldfcd,tabh~ h~ u(e<l u!XlntheF'ridays to c:atfldh, he wasen)Oyncd tht faid ThomartSaccurfcd; and thofc fllllii-Pridlst~: