Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Depojitions againjl Margcry Backf\er. {!~Z~} ta: _thf~h~f~~cr:!r~~/T:~~(~t:n!~:ci~hech~~h~ &ir:JI; ~;&~al~~ r~;~ ~~ fhof %! F~T;.ti~u[~ doc:r,.ashewas~yi.ngaway. . ihou!ddunkhcrto_lxa wonllll of ~oodhfco and there·~~~~ rol;h:~~~ ::~~s~~~~ai~r;i~l~~~h~r~~ti~~;~~a ~h~ ~r!~:~J:ddh~t~r;rn~~h~th~d~~f~ed h!~: fdiom Bifhops, andfptdallytheMhop of Norwtth and _or~m toaPnefiornot. Andfheanfwmd, thatfhehad never that fuppt and maintain Hadics and ldohtry, wgnmg offended any Pric_!t , and thcn:forc Jh; would never confe1S and ruling ovttthe_prople, iha!l fhordy have the very hafelftoanyPndi, ncidJerobcyhun, lxcaufethqr have fame or worfc mifchrcf (all upon them, than that curf«i no power to abfolve any man from their fins, for that they man -TWmas of Canterbury had. For theyfalfc!y and offend daily mO~grievoutlythanothermen; and thac-' curfOOly deceive the prople with their ful(e fore dllt met~ ought to eonfc(s chemfelves only unto God, and Laws., toextortmoneyfromthclimplcfolktofufiam andtonoPneft. . · their pride, riotandidlc:nefs. An~ know affuredly thlt Ium, T~Jtthefard Mllr[,t'J~aid ~othis{)q:lonent, t~at ~~i~h~~~~1~o~f cr'::y ili~~~ ~he~hirdr~l~f o~r ;~~~ ~(~~~~~;o~~i;;i~~~~;~ F~111t~t~:,~rE~r~~ve~~~ ~~~tfO~ at3. ~h::;'J J~tnw,yiiWZJ:: ~i~~~~;:;c:~~f ~~lyla:e~~! ;:~kj'~,!~d~~l~h;~~~~:~d;JJ{~~~a?~l~;';:p~~~ h~.:~~ !blp. , w..u.,, which vengeance had come ~pon the fai~ Ca,aph111, d1e pmg thofe l ma~n: commit ld.olatr}'. BifhopofNorwicbandhisMmillers., which are members lftm, Shcfatdmorcm.thtsDcponent, thlt holyBrcad ofthcDevil, bcforcthistime, ifthcPc;:¥1ud.not fent?" andholy\VaterwcrebmtrirlcsofnoeffcClorforcc,andthat ~~;!;b:~ ~~ r:~~;~~t'~~.~~o~~J~:~~c~~ ~em~k~ ~~; ~~~~m~rca~~ea~~~~~ o~:~e~~~~~·~~~!that they • procdf100 for d1t lb.te oftl1tm and ofrhc: Church. WhiCh Morcov~, that lbelbould not be burned, although lht pardonsbroughtthelirnple peop!eto ~.Jrfcd.1dolatry. w~eCO!l\'td:ofLollardy, forthatfhehadaChartaoffal.. cvt~mhi~~ ~~~ ~rg\Vo!~ ~~~s1~:t~~tfa~ vat~k,i~~~[;i~;;~->nent faith, rh:~r Agnu Bmhtm ha Lmt, or other dars appointed for fafiing by the Church, fcrvam,being fent to tht houfe of rP;~ f:ud Margrry the~~ =~h~;;;;11:'(~~":i~a:~~~~r: ~~~1!t!~ ~~~: =~ti~, a{:,~,/!b~(:'f:!:a~~n~i~l~1~!dfe"{r;,otw~~ brtta to cat th~ fragments left upon ThurfJaJ at.mght on piect of &con at~ 0Jtmeal fffi:hmg in it) as the Jaid Ag- ~~~ ~tt~:~dl~ar~b~~a'fi~,g~n~:~;t~~~«l~t~:ft!r:;;; nesT~~~~~th;~f~~~~~~~rhis ~fX>Ilent, divmother Jum, T he (aid Margery faid to tl1is Deponent, that J 7;!;:,;:~~t~~~~.,:!;!;i,~;~;:.:::~~?o~~~~{~ Willi11m White was faUly condemned for an Herctick, and I} , that he wasagoodandholyman, and thathewiJIOOhtr tiOrLS. ~f:r7~~k :ha~0!~:lh~~w~ul~fJ'~~~;~~t~th~~r~~e u~: in~T~:r;;'~:~k~~;,e ~~~~~.;~~:~~~:edas C:de;he :t~:=~ fo,fkP~:~~~;ng:~ t~:· ~lo:h:\~e ~l~i~~:~a~ ;fre·r~~i1;11\~~;~~~;:~i~~~~e "~~~~~~~=~~~~cl: 111001111. mouth, that he could m no cafe dedar~ the will of God. m the fard Reg.t lfe rs, we are nOt ab!e to declare. h:t;;:;~ r!'~r:a~~~~i!~ ~~~~~~~;, ~;~;;t~u~ o,};,~r:/;~:i;l~0a;;;~it~~v~e g~~~~:ISas~:c f~;l_ Lady of Walft_ngbam, n~toanrotherS~ntorplace. low~h. fu~r:~:t =1!'~~~~!i~:.:~ ~%r~rr Jof:~;,T~t~~ c~\~~· .:~u:£1~hn ~~~a1to~~ f::J!: /:r~~f~t :d m;h~~~d;:~ t= ~c!~dw~: :;~~~';~[~;r~~::c:~~~:ZnB~j£;,' t~;tr~l ~~~~ VJm• Law was writtC!~ in a book that ha Husband was wont to men of Martbatn .whkh ~·m fav~ers and helpers to read to htt b)' mg~t, and that her Husband is welllcamcd that good man Willta~ Wbtt.t, arc e.v~] troubled now ain the ChrifiianV('tlty. days, and that the f::ud Wi/J,am Whttt was a good and AlfothatthefameMargtryhad.talkedwith a Woman hofy.Doel'or; and tha~ the bell ~r afttt him was named ']oan ~eft, and that the fa1d Woman is in a good Will11•m EvtrJn,, w!uch wrought With the faid William wayofSalvauon. . TtJJhrofLuJnq,bythefpa~Xofone ~uh,andthat AJ{o that the End M~rguy faid to this~mt, Joan, the firfi SunJ11y ofrhe fame month, the liud William E- !~ofr~~~~a~i ~~: {a~~;n~~~~nc;~t~:~t:0~c~!;; ;be;1:td ~~~~~~! ::;~~~h!~~1e'::~l~~o~~ ~at~~~~ w.£orr4t~; fwtar that the would nevtt drfclofe it, without the faid to !htw himfelf a Scnbc or a Phanfee ; and the fecond =~~S:"'Ifhth:d~~~f~~;~,;~~ ~a~;g;,n~o ~~~ :;ta{o1;~ar~~~~~o~~~~~~~n~ilio~~;:Je~,isar~~~~ ~fed~~ ~unto thee as I did once untoactrta in Fnera.~rme- poorChrill:ransthere.mprifo~l. hte of Tt~rtnouth, whic~ was the btO: learned Fner Ill all Alfo the bid Willtam Wngbt depofed , that Jf'illiatn 1 "' 'f""' t~ Country. Tiren thLS_Deponem dcfiml tO know what Tajlo~ of ~dnt'/ w~ one of the Sed, and went to Lm- o£L•in11 fhe had done to the Fna. U nto whom Margtry an- Jrn: wuh S1r f!t~gb Pu,, and had converfarion. oftmtimrs fwaOO, that !he hadtalktd with the faid . Frier1 rebuking With Sir Will~nm ~Jtt, having often conlcrcnccupon himbecauf~ hedidbegg, faying; that it was no Alms the LollarJs Doehmc. to give him any good thing, except he woold leave his Ittm, T hat .Anift, Wife of Thomas Moon, iso( the TbtWifl! !::: ti:~u~~~~~~>off~~~~t~~~~::e -fh: ~:~~he~u~l~::~=~s~=~;~l~h~~h~~~~ :z~~Tf.· ::c~~fm~~:Ota~~a~~~a;f31,;'~~?a~d ~a~ ~~;:xiT':t1e;;!,~;~ilbF/etchtr of Buklrs is a mofi per- 1UtM4 (~lbeaffinnedtothiSOcponent)dedared tothiSFner the fedDOClorinthlt~,and canverywellandptrfcdlycx- Plmb.r. ~~!~~ !~t~F~~da~f~~~f~d !e;;er~o~~~ctr:: ~:glti~, ~~~;i~J:~S~:g~a~i:s ~~of tht new Law andlheurx!~ndU.Jgthatthe Frier had accufedha, ac- ltt'!', ThltNtelwlaJBdward, (onofJohn BdJJJilTJ, Ni<b.t.. :f~;t~J~~f~ ~':~~e~:~~~~;eu~~~~:~~ ~~; t{~h~~di1;,;~ ::~~~ ~cff:~!:~a\~hi}~h~1~~~h~h:c ~~~;;:.~T~ F rier had accuftd ha OfHeref~e •. And morC"?va !he [aid) J~n ~or four Mlrks and forty ~~e, .and raught the (~id ~!ft"'f';!:hut that htT HtlS~nd would. lnvc. killed the Fncr therdorc; lflil/u:mlf~rlghr and /11argtrJ hiS Wife, and wrougi:ttwu~ !lurk> ond 'lnd fothe Fntrforfearhddlus pe3.ce, and went his way r.hem comltlu:llly ~~~ rhe lpaceofone yrar, and ftudJ~d d1- for Jham~. hg~m!y upon the Jaal Ntw Tdlamtnt.