Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

The Examination of Nicholas Canon. 757 toliftuphis righthartd, an~ to cro!S himfclffrom the Nico/115 Canon of Ejt• crafcs and affaulcs o~ the Devil, forfomuch a~ he dcfmed thedoingtho:eof, hlsMothertookuphisrighthandand Ill«<" C.., N 0 W to proceed in our fiery of Norfolk ~nd Suf- croff~ him, faying, _In nomin:JatpiJ, filii, & J}iritus {~;;}in the{~ ~f1o~~~~~g~-~~ ~~~~~e0~;~ ;;;_·~ ~;! f1:c~'; d~ridi7;g ~~h~~t~~ndbieffit.~~. C::t':;~"h~~~i;~ was broug~t lxfore the.Bifhopof NmvJCh for fufp1tion of hand of.his own accor~, and _bldf~ him ml~vtfe, as his Heretic:, wtth ccnain WltnefftS fwom to dcpol(: againfi him advttlimrs report of h1m. Tlus Art1de the fa1d Nicola1 actouch~ his nunnt_rS and convnfacion, wh~ch witndfes k1iowltdged tO be true. · appoinong one WilJ1am Cbriftopb" !0 {peak m the name Ium, T~at UpM AlhalJowHlay, in t~ time of Ele- Niffl•• C'.. of them all, he depo(cd in manner and form follow· vation of Hrgh Mafs., when <1!1 many df the Pari!hioners or;rbn.rkn~ : ing,. E.!e liglu«l many_ Torchts., and '?lrritd them up to the~~~.: F1rfi, that on Eajftr-day when all.the Pari!bionas HtghAitar, kna:hngdo_wnt_hm: mrev~cnceand-honour.QlCPl· went about the Churd~ of Eyr Colemnly m ~rocefiion, as of the Sacrament,_ the fmd Ntc6la1 ca~rymg a Torch went :~ :~ndcr~gt~~~a~1:c~~n~::;,~~1;·~~:~~; ~c~afa~i~gt~a~,~g~ ~~:~~ ~~~d~~a:~~mf,:~~:~~ t~~ r;~ ~tlom ChTh~ ~~ic~~~;~fcfi~,a~~~tdma%r~J:~~n~hought ~L:t: ~~~~:~~~~~:i~~~tJ1 i~:~1 td;h~oPr:~:r~~~ he did we\1 in f~ doing. unto the Sacrament. This Article he ac~nowledg«l,affirm-, of ~;~;hJ~U:~~~~~~cr 35 ~,7,~!. ~~:; ~~ ~~:~ ~~~a~,~~~;~r~;c!~~~~~~~ut~rt~~~~P~ the Sacrammt of the Altar ? To whom the fakl CDlman out WOid Cor word, and eo be fcnt unto Malltt WiUi(lm anfwered, NicDltk , 1 think that the Sacrament of the Altar Worjltd, Prior of the <?-a_rhtdral Church of NllTWicb, _and ~/~~}:t~cYh~r~11~n~~~ v;,~ ~~ma~ ~:dbl:J ~~i~~~~~~ ~g~~v~~b~et~~~~~~:;,f a~fu:~~ Wine. Unto whom J:.,Ti(()ltn in di.'Ti!ion faid, Truly, if the their minds between tlut and Thurfday next following. %~~:;·~Yt~~l1~~ ~~r~~~n)efi~c~~: c~~~~ · ~~~;~~:Z~~r1~~ ;,~~~/~va!a~;~1 ~:~~~~:d ~= AnoihruK. :~"~crls~~~11~ri~~nr:~~h,bct~tr~e~~~h11i;~;n~a& ~?:~~~;~},~:h:dc~~t~~e~,~~j: ~~~~~wN:~;~: ~~d ~~2~~ And why may not we fimple mm as well r::~t _fkfh upon TbDtnas Gtrujlm Bachelo~ of Otvmity,•-a~ld others.Whtte· tftbcSa· Fridays.,anda1\otherprolubittddays, asthePrtell t? <:_at ofthefirfi:Article:msthtS, That the (atdNicolal C(lnrm m-"'jl;~ to: the fle{h, and drin~ the blood of our Lord CVI.'TY ~y Jtxhf- bring of perfe8: 1"!1111d and remembrance, co.nfdTed du e he ;.: the' faently ? The winch Article the f:Ud Nice/m demtd that, doubttd whether m the Sacrarncm of the Altar wtre the t.'~.';.~ he (pake unto Mafier CDim(ln,but unto a Monk of · very Body ofC_hrifr or no. This Article he confdTM bc:- •hy. my, and furthermore he thought he ho.d fpoken well m fore the Commtifary to be true. ~hat behalf. . . !ttm,That he bemgof perfed mind and remembra~ct, !';1~<'1oh-- Hi~::;,al~~:l~1t: ~n:e ~a~~(~~~:~ :~dt~th~.~~~;e~ ~:~.~vtr~~~1!~t l~e~~(~«e~t~h~~~:~~u~itsc~~;,~ Prtell. }< knC"ded down, holdmg up thetr_ hands, and domg ~eva- Now rem:uneth to d~bre what thefe D..:4ors aforefaid c~ce unto the Sacrament, the ~a1d f.!ico/a~ wem belun~ a conclud«l upon the Altldcs ; whofc: anfwcr unto the &me Pilbro(thcChurch, a1ldturmnglns faccfromthe Htgh "Was this. ~':,~:. moc~ed them thlt did rc v ~<!tlce unto the Sacn. t~:~~i~l~ ai1 1 1; t~ ~!,:~~l~s~;n:a;;:~~~J~,idist:~ ~t~~ ThiS _Amck he alfo ac~nowkdgmg m1irmed that he be-- hmply an Heref~e., but an error. . o..aoro "P' lieved h1mfdf to do v.d\ m fo doin& /ttm, As touching the («end Article, the Do....-'"tors agrtt :i.!h "'"' ]um, When his Mother would have the fald Nic()ftn as in the firft. Sff lum,