The Death of Pope Martin. Pope Eugenius mz Heretic~ !rp~~ ~~rr:~~:3£~d:.~~;~~~~~ :~~~c S~t tiC:~ ::~"~;~~;;t."~Cr~ ~~~~~~;Zr:~~ ~~~~; {~!~~.} ~;~.,,. ~~:tz~~~:~~~i!~n~~~r~~~~r~~~~~~~~ ~~1t'k~~ ~ ~~~rsofr~~;m~:Xrcl;o~~1~:~~d~:g~~~O:~~~~~!~d~ Fwrlh. ~~~. ~~~ c~~ ~(f::~~:l;[cl;:::~;,~d~~ ;~~i~~ a7~ ~~~ ~=~r~~et~~~ ~;);1~~ ~~~~d ~~:~ fn1d the fatd Synod. After the Emptrors death., Pope Eu- obfervtd. 1;~~";h:~~~~~~is ~~~.~~n;:o;:;~, 31~~~f:~~;~Y 'h~~~~ra;t f~~~~~c~e~a~~ ~.~~~gsd~b~fu~uQ!:~:~ ~~;~~~t'h~h~~ ~~~tf~~f1 ~:~~~:t~ a~~;!a~;tach;/~;!:. ~~ ~~~~~~; H=. \:~!11 ~ foh:~~i!{yl;~~c~~ aft~ the doth of the Emprror s,gifmunJ, there wn:e no the comma.ndmrnts of the Church, Hmup:>n they gaPnncrs; nor Nob~cmen that had aJJY cm or rrgard of ~he thttcd thcmfdt·es t?gttl1a, difpu!ing long among!l than- !;~1.::/:b ~u3~~;k~~~hn:~f~~~r~~~~e::~~g~Ki~,t~~1~h~ ~~~:~~~~U:"::~i~e~~~ir;~~~~i~e t~~~:i~~~ht~~: nru ~ :~:~~:•, ~{.;i~,~~~~~Zi~;~:i~~)J~~)':!i:~~:~;1 ilt~~:1d~~~~:~~~d:~;~~H:~~~~~:~: :~:::. being fo long a )ourne~, and that all his men might have relap{e. Amongft thefe D!vincs, the chief and princieal eafie accefs unt? Bommra, and that am.ongfi the Gmnans both in kaming and ~uthonty, ~as the Bithop of Ebr,;n, . (which in thm own Country are f? mtrafuble) nothing Ambalfador of the King of Caff_slt, and a ~ertain Stotifl 1 can !x: ane~pted f?r their rdormauon : whtteu~n he Abbot : whi~h as two mofi vahant ~hamprons, fubdued cited Car_dmal 'jul111n, and the Fatht rs of the .Counctl un- all thtir t nemtes, fo that all the reft d1d ei ther conft11t un· ~~!~o~bc to Bo~onr4,1111der great penalty_. They again Cited rhe_ Pope to thei~ a!f?Uments, or gave place unro. them, and fo their cour.f:il of that e1thcr he Chculd come h1mfclf unro the Counal, or determmanon took place, and &~mrm was pronounctd ~· ;:,~. ;f~';d~~~~~rsof1~%;~eJ\~~~1~~~- R~!~,:~isal~u~f !:~ d~c:~~edk31ld~~~;:~r~~on$~h~~~~~~~:~.~~~ d1c other Princes of Grrm4ny, alfembltd toge~hcr firfi at they ca1Jed verities, _the copy wherrof they did divuJgar"c Normb~rge ; and when as they could detenrune nothing throughout all Chnilendom. t~tte, _rhcy alfcmbl«<. again a~ FranckforJ to appeafe the When the Ambaffadors o_f the Council were returned l!~ d!ITenuon between the Counc1l and. tl~e Pope : for 1t was from Mtnl<J:., and th:tt ccrtaut report was made of the al- turn t ro111 thought that _the Ekd-ors o~ the Empue llU_ght befi affem- !owing of t~cir Dco-crs,the Fathers of the C~ncilthought Ml~,., blc and. meet m rlut phce, 111 the mean time the Empe- good ro d1fculS the Condufions of the Divmc:s mOTe at rors Amba.tTadors, and the .Ambaffadors of the Elcdors large. Whereupon by therommandmatt of d1e Deputies went inro Bajil, an~ having confc:rence with the Ambaffa· aU the: Maficrs, and Dodors, and Clergy were called t~ dors of the other Prmces which were there, they did. ear- gt:thcr, with all the refidue of the Prelates, into the Chapneflly exhort the Fathers of the Co_uncil, th:tt thc:ywould t~r-houfeof t~Je great Church, there openly todifputeand Th~~~u~d of~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t~~eyFa7~d "~!1d ~iih: ~[l;;~i~~:-~1~ ~e~sh~~~h~~~o~W~!k=~ tranfport the Counal, and gp unto another place ; the the depnvat ion of Eugrmus, the: which, as he (aid, he had Tile Bll!oop which only thing Pope Eugm111~ feemed always to fctk and always Jetted for fear of aSchifm. Wherefore he etafed. of MiiW.. ~~~~~~~:'~;~~k~~:~~~~~ef;t::~~-vide the Fathers of ;: 1%~~::~~il~! :~ ~h~:~:; a~f~~by ah: ~~ ~;:.;. n~ Pre- Notwlthfuu~dmg this facrcd Synod thought good n.d· and encouraging thofe that were prefmt by his words, to l"c!ri!iD. ~:'n~ ';: thcr to deny the: Princes rcqucft, nor ·eo grant that wh1ch thc: clef en~ of Eu~miu,. 'But at the hfi there \'Y.IS a great ;;. ~~ ~~bata~~~!~l~~~Ps ~t~~t~~::b~~~:ia~l~i~~~ ~~;t~~y a:~d ~~hJ~~:e;~'~:r;: rTh~ ili~~~ti~;t~~ltt~ muchrcqwrcd.and ftirrOO thereunto) aPJXlintOO a noble nuedfixdays, both forenoon and afttmOOn, amongft ~::;~~~~ ~~~~~ed~~J;li[;l~!.;&;·o~Yc!~~c~~ :;~::;~iJ~t:~d~bic~t~~0!oo1;t~fr~ti~ cil, and the Fathers. Whereby as the cnem1es pcrwv~-d who bdide:; many other notable vnrucs, was bol:h val iant the Emperors mind to lx: aliellltc from the P?pc, (o the and con~nt. Nitholm Amici which was alfo a ProteCtor Fathers of che Cow1cil underfiood his good w11l towards of the Fatth, a famous man amongft the Divines of Pa· them, forfomuchas h~ woul~ not have fem t~m 3. ~ro- ris,.d.emandcd o[ e.veryman whatthdropinionwas.7olm tcltor, ifhc:hadnot judged 1t alawfuiCounal; neJthcr Dtmltfiff,pubhckNoory,wrotee.vcrymansfentmceand. again ,youkl he ~Javc judged it a ~unci! in Bajil, if he · judgment. The Condufions of the ~ivin~ which were bad gtven credit t~ Pope Eugtnufl. But by means of the ground and. foundation of their d.1fputatton, were thcfe a great Pdl.ilence wh1ch began to grow, the affembly that here foUowing. O;ould have been holden at Fra11 orJ was tranli rted un- ;~~t::~::;t:~;r~t~~~~g~[i!~::~~:~~i~~~~ I r. It is a verity of the Cacholick Faith, that the &.crcd CO!J(Ior.on. General Counc l hath power over the Pqx-, or :my other ~~~~\!!r. Prelate. the Council. 2. The: Pope carmot by his own authority, either difnc Prlncu The alfembly was very f:tmous, for there were prefcnt folve, tranfporr, or prorogue the General Council being 11fcmbkd the Archbifhops of Mentz, Col/en, and Trevm, EleCtors lawfully congreg:ne, widlOUt the whole ccmfent of the: !~ ~:k~"' ·~~- of the Sacred Empirc,and all the Amb:ttTadors of the other Counci l : and this is of like verity. nlrt " '\ E!edors. Notwitht1anding, the An:hbifhop of CoHtn 3· He which cloth obfiinatcly rdifi thdC \--erirics, is to ~;;:*.:cl ~:~ot:t~~th:~= :d.1!mig<;:~1~ei:~1 a~t!;~~ be ~~r;:;;g~::i~~;e Fourth hath re~fied. thd"~ verities, the mmer unto a good end. Rabanur the Archbilhop when as at the tirfi, by the fuinefs of hiS Apofiol1ck pewof Trtvers fl1ewed himfelf fomewhat mor; rough. T he er, he attempted to d.ilfolve or to tranfport the Council of facr<t!Synodal!Othoughtgoodtofendthithcr their Am· Bajil. hl!Tadors, and. appoimcd out the PJtriarch of Aquiltilf, . 5· Eugmiu1 being ad.monillltd by the Sacred Council, ~~~f~~~~i~~If~~2@:f~~ ~~~~i:~~ri:~;it1~~:s~ Council, and alio out of.Fiormu, the which albdt t~ey 7· Eugm(tu, i1_1 goi1!g aOOut to diffo~ve and tranfport hadf\vomtothcconrrary,yetfavourtdtheymoreEugemm the Council ag:un, IS faUen ' into b.1S before: revoked than the Council. But the HtrtHlfl of •!l the E11gt- errors. S, Eugtniur