Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Articles of Faith divided i11to three forts. Difputatiozls i11 the Cowzci! of Bofii. 761 { ~~~} reY~kc~h~mj;;rot:;~~~ ~~=~~Id~~ ~;~7~~~~ ~~~~~i ~u~~icn~~~h~~~~;ou~~~~~0ch!' pl~~~n~1~!:~1i1~ft 0L:~Jfo ~~~~~~ %~~~~:,[. ~~~~~o~%b~i' ;~~~ r::::: ;~ ~~~ ~fd~h~~:~'a~~trhco~~~cor~ltlh ~[:~. · ~gt:~~~ lhcwcd himfclf thereby obfiinatc. mnruct and tea~h all men._ But 1f fo be he will nor, then . he lh~ll be: ~w1dc? for bc:mg de:~d, bcctufe he cominucd ~~~~~~f~~r~;:~f~~:,rb!f~.~s [i~:£~gf~J~:~~~;,~~:f.:~~~~i}~:~~~~{:j~ withfbnding, Patwrmitant Arc~bdhop d1fputcd much_ a~ m the fame, as .'t mamfd!ly appearcth by the !aym& ~f gain!\ th~m. Likcwifc did the Bdhop of Burgtn~ the Kmg r;:ttn:mt oftcncnnrs_ all~gcd by Panortmtmu, wherem Jt rl;r1fi~r~~~~~:~~· bt~~~~~i(;h~~e~~~i~~#~;a~u~~ ~~~g!J:~s1~c;~;~~h~~~~~~rr~~:i;~~~~il ~;~~~~~~,~~1~:: ;;~~S·i g~~;t, nim "?' to"'h<d. m P.-~m"""• $)>< ~" cubnl , fo gd~f:~~~:~~~g~ff:.r~:~~:;~~~~!;~~~i ~;~;;, ~::~t. ~~~f;~~~~~~s~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~ [~I:l~~~~~tE~}~f~~~~fg~~~~ his faith in his tirlldiiTOiution that he made, lx:ca.ufe 1t IS momfhcd the Pofethathedtd agatnfitheFalth,and therenot contained in the Crw!, neither yet in the ~ctcrmina- fore i~ ftcm«< that afterward, when as Eugtn!m Icvo~cd tionsofthtChun:h,_ that the: Pope cannot d~olvc the the_diJTolution, hehlforc,•okcdt~ecrrorotfltthcomamCouncils; and that 1t fccmc:th not unto him to nfe of the c:? m the fame. There arc al(o d1vc:rs offences frrung and determi112tion~ lxforc made, but rather of the Ikcrtc:S of nfc:n through the mor of_ faith : for fome fay that rh_e the Council ot Cmjlanft, And further, that this as a cafe P?pc is under th~ Cou~Jctl, othcr-fome deny tt, and thts omitted is rcfervc:d for the. Pope to be difcuffed, forfomuch d1v~rfity of Dod:nne brmgcth o!fenc~. Alfo it is rxpre~y as in the C lupter beginnn_1g Frtqut11J, it appearc:th that ag:unll the authority of the ~ncil, tlm the Pope did :~ft~~y';::~o~, ~~~~u~~t~Po:i1~~~h~~~e:0 a: ~c:vA~dt~~~~~tif:h~:~~~i~~~r ~1~~n~~le and order of ~~;!lfu~ ~ff~~~ti~11t~':~~~ di~~~:~~~~;,~~~la~d- ::ru~e1~fcis ~~l:cl~b;~~~· ~~~:~~r~~f~Ul~r~~;~ha~~- mg he ou~ht to be holden excufed, ~ufe he did it by the Pope ~ itl ~vh1ch cafe ~1ly tl_1e truth is to be ?bthc Counctl of the Cardinals, rc:prcfc:ntmg the Chu~h of frrved, neither IS the Co(nKtl fub)c:Ct nnro any J?OfitiVe coondll Rome; whofe a~o~thority he (aid to be fuch, that the )l.)d~- Law, that it Ollgh_t to obferve any terms or JUdicial ~~!;oiiQ mc:ntthcrt:Offhouldbcprefc:rrcdbeforcallthcworld. Ne1- orders. A!fo he f:ud that he utterly contemned thatL,w. ,.,,.,.,;r.~t thc:r hJd th~e bce11 any facrc:d Council_found to have _pro- ling~ar G!o(s ":hich_ did prefer the Pope before all the :;:~.~~::. :~:t ~~~~~~a~ifc<t;~~~ h~~h~~~~u~h~~~~~~ ~a~~ d~~~ ffo t~C:m'~ ~~ffo~~c:l!h:gs~ll~~dlil~!~~rhvyhi~~ ~;';"~'.of fwarved from the f:tich, 1_1eithc:r to have any occafion that be fol!o~·c:d of any man; ;md that he did much marvel at rou •11 1H he fhould be called Hc:rc:ttck for his errors revoked ; and Pan_orm1tant, and other Dod:ors of thofe days, which world.. that he him(c:lf hath ~ead the whole T c:xt, that the ~pc whilcfi they went about to ex roll_ the- ~uthority of the did not rcv?kc' the dtffolutiott as contrary ~nto the fatth, Gloff(S., do aOO.fe the fame by addmg a hngu!arity thm~ but as brc:edm_g offc:na: : Alfo that_ the: !aft dilfolution luth to ; for that GloiS is fin gular whidl is alone:. But who no fixh cJUfe m it, forfomuch as likewifc: he had done it would not more dl:cem a Glo!S conllantly written and aby the Council of the. Cardilll!s, and fur the Wliting of grttable in all ~laces, than that which in any one place ;:~~~ ~ur;';~ta~h\·~~~~h~~~rr~~~ ~h~l~~nbr~n~i~!:l ~:h:$t ~C:~i~~n~h:~:ry":~r=~ bcSa~ ~~~;m:n! ~:~~. ~%~11fiko~~~n;!g~;: ra;~~~rti~·l;~ra:u~~: ~f ~b~~hd ~~~~~;~~r,~ cili~~et~v~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~;:~~~~~~: ~~~~~~~~~h:~~~~:i:th~~~efi1 ~r:i%~~r~tr~; ~~!f1:.u(homy, 15 above: the Ci ty it fclf, that is to fay~ , ~~~~~~~~g~~4}~~i§ g(,Wll of Hrrc:tie, but defended more t~e firfi dJffolunon, frot"!llus purpofc:; y~t _they ~rocc:eded fo far, that they thm the fcco_nd, yet dep:m~ he n?t wuhout anfwer, ~m· palled the manner oi cltfputJtJOn,and did not abfbin from ;;~;::;:. ~~e~fr:V~':; ~~r:~~~;i{u~h r~i~~c:~ft~~~~~c:c:f~d~~ opp;t~ilie~~:h:P of Argm c~a.ncc:d to fay that the Bi~ -~~~·. ~~:;;: ~at\~;·~~~:~fe::f7h:"Fa~~~dit~:~f::c:;~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~o::~:~t~~ f~i:r ~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~h~:'~d ~~: (."3ufe it made ~or this purpofc:. _For if th?!e things arc to be got himfc:lf da~, ~nd his knowlcdg (which othc:rwifc: holde11 for Arrtd~ of Fairh, (Jtd he, whtch nny be gatl_1er- was grc:1t) did (o ful htm, that he was not arham~ to fay ~.~~~n~~:~~:Ef,~f:;;~;~~:~~~::~$;~ ~'!~;:T.i£:: ;,~~/7~, ~rr,kJ~~o,:1~~I~~;~:#,~ far, of the ~unc1\ of Conjlanu ; for 1~ therein th~ Pope: mic of the Bilhop of Romr, wherein he c:alkrh htmfclf Cbo.ucb.!d be_ tmdc: (ubjtt"l unto the Ge11eral CounCil, who~ it tl_ut the S~ant of tht StMJaniJ r-f. Gr-d. Which is ~thc:rc:d ~·ill Uy th~t the Pope hath power over the ~mal whKh upon dus point, when 35 Chnrl (aid unto his Dlfciplc:s, The' ~lB~~Ei~;f~Etii:~{ff[~.~~i~~:& ~~~~~~~i;,~~f.f~~~~J~~~I;~~. caufc there was no declaration made thcrcofJct him which Chrifi faid, FuJ lht flo~k t[ ~h;ijl whirb i.s tommi;;~