762 A General Com1cil above the Pope. AJ(ing u not of more authority than hi< J(ingclom. &t.J ~~;J{~~:ciiftk~aft:"n:%i~ c:r!z:,~:t;!j;i; ~~g~~;~~~~~~v~~l;;,ov:. ~~th:;,~pr~~ ~~~(cl,~{~~~~ } ~(fir~· Ul:r~ ~~t~i~~~i~i:~r::J?;i~nC:~~ch~~! tili: ~:: ~·h~~~ a~h~~~~~~~;,hhls~~~:d:, 3j~~:e 3t~0ai;;~ lusVJc:t~have~nyDominion, or be call«l l?rd, as you ~rgo, neitheroughtthePo~tobeabovetheChurch.For Panorm:rar.ewrllaffinn? forfomuchashispifciple is not hkeasoftemimesKings wh1ch do wickedly govnnthc above hLS Maficr, nor the &rvant above hrs Lord. And ~monwcalth, anda:crcife cruelty, are dtprivcd of their A. ~t~n1 h the Lordhimfelf(aith, B~ytn(l! cal/eJ Maft~'·ff)TfrJ" K~ngdoms; ~cnlo,itis~tottobcdoubted, but thatthc~:ih:!::wm mrd MJOur cnl; Majftr u Cbrtff, anti he wh"b , _ tht B1fhops of Rrnm may bedrfpof«l by the Church, th:tt is to rban h l1r ti~~eg;;;;;;t 'dif~t~~b~t%"i:::tfi~r, ~~:M"C:;cii fayN~rd: ~l;:!e~~them which a~te foarnplc Kto&dOUio hr3keupanddep:trted. andlargeauthonty uncoKmgc;, that they wtllnot have ~~;~b T he next day tl~re was a General Congregation, a.nd them bound un~o: any Laws; for fuch as fo do fay, be bafbdor. they renrmcd all agam. unto the ~hapttt·hou(e after Dnt· . but ~at teras, whtch do talk otherwife than they think. For ~~ ~~~r:ct~f~~~ :in~o;tiath~e~~~fby~;: ~:=~~~~~~~~fay, !:t :h;~~~r;ti~usof:J~;~d~~= and~wtdry reafon~ provea ~ug~nmJ to _be an Hc:r~tck, thatwhen.asreafon ~U perfw.:tdc,_he ought to digrdS!n.~~~ndayt. he b!tterly complamed, dctc:fhng the negltgtnce and •gna· from the ngour_of the: Law; for ht JS caTied a King,which vy of thofe that h:td pref~rud fuch a. Man unto the Papa· caret~ and provtdeti_J for tht Commonv.:nlth,_ raktth plea· cy, :tnd fo moved all th_etr b:eartsw~tch wae pr&nt, that fure m thecommodtty and profit of hiS ~ubjeds. and in ~v~~~~~~:~th htmd1d bew.Ul the calamitks of the ~~~~t~~~t~h:hwt:!f~ ~~ ~~~~tO:,t~~~~ "fhen the Rifhopof B~rgm, the Emlnffador of Spain, ~a King but aTyrant, who_re pro~ty it _is, only1o feek What 1 !]'~!~~n~P div1ded the Conclufions uno two ~ItS~ fome he called ge- hJS own profit; for in this pomt a Kmg ~Jlfaeth from a Kllltlt. ' neral, a~d othtrfomeperfonal, dtfputmgveryexcdltndy Tyrant, rhattheonefttkttht~comrn<xhryand profitof ~ t~hmg t_he thrtt firfi ConcluGons, affirming., that he thofe whomht ru1~h ,and theotOO ?'1ly his own.The which d_td m no potnt doubr of them, but only~ that the addi· to make mm:e mamftft, the_ caufe IS .alfo to be alledgtd non, whtch made mcndon of the fault., feaned to wherefore Kmgs wrre ordamtd. be doubtful unto him. But .upon this point he flayed At rhe beginning (.as Cic~o in his Offices f.Urh) it is much, to prove that t~ Council was above the Pope. The certain, !hat the~ was a certam time when as the People which, afrtt he had fufficiemly proved both by Gods law, ln•cd wnhout Kmgs. But afterward, whm Lands and and mans law, hc~ught it alfo by phyfie:t~ reafon, alledg· . Pof!rllions. btgan to be div~dcd acco~ding to the cufiom of ing AriJ!orlt for. wune(s. He_faid, T'h11t zn tVtTJ wtU or- 1 ev~:r y Natton, the~ wm: Kmgs ordamtd for no orher caufe, Th•C~cn :;~ ~t~1;:,p,;:rJ1!to;Jt:4~r~f,~ ~t:';b;~~ th~ l ~: ~~~:~~~k JU!:· ~;;~\ b/~~ea~gi~~h~ • bo•e 1lle -u;bub iftt hap~~J cl7flrrary, 1t Wtrc nat ro bt ca07J a ! men, they rnnby aml by to fome good and nrtuous man, Tbtlaflllllo' l'opr. ~~:~;;~h=;~~:i1~~:% :r~:!':~r::;~ :!':nb:z: ;!~!: i:!',~~\~:!~d~~ldri~~e a~poo~~~~lld~e~:\~0~: k~~f ~~;;;1;:~;~~~ ~~!:~::Z;·a~1;:\~:cl~h~~£r::.1J~ ::n~~~c~:,trLa~'~ ~~~rd~~~ ;~d =~~ ~ndtd ~pon hun, and defired rather to have him contmue the w_h•ch fhould judge neither for hatrtd nor favour, and Ius Ora non, th>in to have an end thereof. give hke ear unto the poor :;s unto the rich ; whenby we The roi'Ct But when as he tntred ~nto the other Conc\ulions, he do u~erlland and. know, not only th: Proplr, but ~lfo ;:~~~:Uo ~~~~:~ ~~e~o;g~~~;l ~~~;~~;h~nd; ~~~ ~~re6~~ ~~:;~~~:Ju~~:~t~h~h~~~~;:!~e :r~~td~ t~~~[f the £~~:~~~nu~!~~:~:stf~t~hac!frJ~;~U~l~~~l,f~~~~~~: ~~~t~~~~~~~~~~:n; ~;~g:~~t~;~~~; ~~~~ 1:s-th~1dN: =~ :~-! fr_Jf, he would peradvrn_ture greatly have marv:lled at b!es of the Kingdom affanbleto~ethe.r, depofmg h.im from ~~a. ~:~~tt ~·~~orc~r~~~~~~uth~1~~~-ha;~~~~;~~ ~~ea~~~~:~~t;.~~Jdy,h~nS!a~e~x~t:c = hed<al~ matterunto h1m, folongashcfpakemthedefrncethtre· the laws~ Vertlyasreafondothpnfwade, evm fo doth th• f•mr. of. But whtn as he htgan once to (ptak a~ainfi htr, !he the ufe thtreOf al(o ttach us. It fcemtt~ alfo agreeable Wl· !:bt',T Note .-.b•t took away evrn hisnatural eloquence from htm. Notwith· to re:tfon) that the fame lhould be done m the Church, that M 'f<lll.irtl ~~.r~~:~R ~h~~i~~~~~f;~~;ny~1~7a~~~h~~!~~~~d·n~e;: ~~~~~~ !~i:hf~~:~;;~~~~~ !h~~n ::CY t!::~fu~=~ ~;d;~o ... ;.~~s ~re;~~\:,~'~~~~ ~:1~~~;i~~~~ t~:1Je~~~~wof!31]~~ fru~u~ht~~\~~:mi~~~~~~r~~~~~~~ttivinity, the unto their opinion, which were but mean Dit•ines: but foundationofthemattcrwhich wtdointteatupon,artthe ~t~~au1~5t~~m~~~:o::i~~t~ef~~~i~~ er'!£~~ :~1~~~ ~~jyo~:eSa~~trt,;~t~:~~i~~;~~~ t:c~; ~:,:: not cltr:!Uy difpute ~pon the Conclufions, but picking ~ut & fuper h~nc Pmam t£Jificabl1 Ecchjiam mwn) & p&r· i.M:,P::~~. htrc :tnd thm: _ccrta.m Arguments, fought tO let and hill· t t£ uijtrm nan pr4vale_bunt advrr_Jur tam_; that is, Tht;N npollad(d. dcr the CounCil. Againfi whom an Abbot of Scotl11nd, a art Ptttr, and:n th11 Ro,k 'Jl!lfJ I bu,/J my Church, maJtofantxc~llmt wit, dif~uted very much; and T1»- Mdtb.t gaw Hrll jl1aO not prwail againifir . U~ tn_l1fdt CorceUq, af:tmousD•vine, allcdged.muchagainfi onwhtch wor sitfeemeth gooatobegin this Difputa· bun out of the Decrets of the facred Counctl, and with :t rion, forfomuch as fome were wont to a/ledge thefe words~ ccnaiu modef\ fham~fintfs, always beholding the ground, to extol theauthoriry of the Bifhop o~ R~me.But (a!i it lhall did vtry brgdy d1fpt1tt in the clefmce of the Conc\ufi. by and by appe-l~;) the words of Cfll'lll had an01her ~fe otts. . andmta~tingthandivmofthemdothink; for_ he fat~h, dec~r~~~~u~~~~i~~\~~~;r~l~~s,~n~~:i;~l~e~rocn~n~ ~~~:!t[ra:a~1 $o~~~,~~frh:£:~~! :f~~»f~~d ~~~~ Th<Con· andconhrmed, I~Ot mutdmg to intrtat of the ~ve bll great import:l.nce.Forwhatgreaterword couldthttehav_e c1o6oo>o of Conclntions) wluch ~onccrn the pc:rfon ?f Eu~vma, ~t lx~ fpoken, than that the gatts of Hell fhould not ~all ~~;~~1"1· only upon the thrte hrfi, whereunto I w11l_ adppt catam agamltthc Church ? Theft ~tts of Hdl ,asSt. Jtrom.ef;uth, Sim arrthl f~~~~~ A;~~~~etri~rt ~~~~~K)~~~~~:h~r~ie:~~~~f:~~d ~0h~~~:fi~~~~~r:;~~~;rl~t~:~ {p?r~~~t :::::i1 f :~;~g~~~ f;.~~ or firf\ to be difcuffcd ; touching dte which, two things are f:tmt, which ha\·e no powtt at all ovrr Mankind,bm only 10 be required and examin~. The one, Wbetbtr the Gt- through fi~1. And for that e:tufc, whm::1s it is faid in Job, TM 6 , 11 ntral Counctl have nuthM"_IIJ over tbt Pap_e. The ?ther, that there IS nO po~ver upo1~ the ~~th that may ~compaw:l c;.. ~J~r.n. J¥/mbtr the Catholick Ftmh comnumdtth '' 111 be /,eluved. unto the power of the m:thgn fpmt, thtrcby lt followeth, As touching that tb.c Pope is fubjfct tO the Ccnml Coun· that the pi)WCr of the Church is :tbove all other powtr\.Ve