Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Tbe Cotmcil of BaG!. Tbe [burcb ane flefh wi1b Chrifl. { ~~~£ fon ~f~m~u~~:~;~~f~:g~~~ ~'&y:11i~~~~ ~~-~~~~~~~~~~r:~~~;~a~:1d1~~~ :~~~~~t~~: ~::~t d::fr~~~~rr~M~tr~~'?~~h:~;~; ~cr;~k~ tr~~rfo~~h~~~~~~~r~;~::~~~ri c~~ ;~r~~~~i~e1; ~~ ::~~'im. of the Pope which is a ~ona.lman! forComuch as it i; be witl~t ; which is fo far from my meaning, chat , written, Sromtimts inth1 Jaytbt ;uft~an dotbclfmd. Idovt'rJ!ythUlk_thc COIU~ry to bcmofinuc: For I fi1pJ.fdKChurch be without fpo_t becaufelt.cannotbede- ~e,thattheretsn~manu~theC~urch, bcingdothtdin filed with fin who is it that wdl prtfer a hn~ul man be- dus more~\ fldh, wnhour fm. Netthtt do thefe things Th. cburdi :.~:;;~~· r~:i;,~~~.~'f:fi;g2:f}:g~~;~§5~~ ~~l~t~:~i~~~~zi~~,~~~:~frff:s~~;~ ~~;~~ o£ 1hl• thu, t~t thy Faith fboultl not fail tbtt. For as S.A~gu- ~b}ed unto ti-Jg1hty, notwuhllandmg they have r~~~~~~~~~~~~: ~!d:Ycf:r~nr;:~::~~~~t:~~J!:r~h:'~= Z7,;~ 7m~rC:~~~~~o! ~~~~\,~r.i~~~~~~lS ';~::1~ ~:~of ur all others are contained. For in another ~\aceofS.J.,.bn, 1 1Mm> /)(J Jl ~ut J:nrn~~. (faith he) wh11r the Scr:pzurt :lai:~;/!&rf;/~~e;!::t~fl,!U~f·;;;; ':i//:,:. ;~:;h,~ ~;;;;/~if·~;:~;t? ~.:;f~"';;,~,0:h;; Whereupon wedv o(cmumes by the ~me of Ptttrundtr- htnJe flam tb] Praphets,~~nd J•u,eJ .kwn thtne .Altars, and ~d!,:\~l:~~rcP~';~~:::~ :h~~~~~~ ~~ ~:~: .~h~:":n{:er'~;ei:;; ;;e~ff~!dt~ h:~f'j~: u~:; ~\>Jt~~~~ ~;~~: de~~~~~~;i~~:U~:~e 0Jafr~~ ';Z;f'fn;:: ~e;;ms;!;~fo~J=tt~~~h~:ad;,~u:~~~~; theChurch, who(e pafon!Pmr did ttprefem, dtd always Cwer of~ d~larc:, than that tt is a foohfh opinion of -pa{cverc inviolate. . them whtch thmk rh~: Chwch ofGod r.o be breughr unto BH'hoptoi' AstooohingtheBtfhopsofRume, iftime woukl~uffer fofma\la '.mtnber? We ought to bche\'e the words o( ~~1r:1: ~~·~;::~f~::;::~7:~~,~;~r:~;z~~:;~~E~~~ r:r~:.~~~:r~:~~~:~:~~~d~~;~::·:~:~:~~; rors com~and~mnt, dtd _facnlict; unto Idols, and that ano- Name whum thou haft gwtn ·~e, that thq may be one fli ther(whtchismorehornb~c) d1dat~in un:o the Papacy Wetm0u. Whm !was WJtbthun, Ihptthem inthj byduilirh fnmd anddo::e'lt. Notwtthllandmg, -the tdli- Name: J have kept thtm tbnt thougnvefluntomt, anJ =~(a~~:.~~:;,;~;fo;pbr:1~:m~~~~:;:,~t J~fr~T;: 7jo o~h':J:J,:;ijl:~:~ b;~';~~~!U:1~Jt;J:t: ou1~ c}JQt rs to fay, wtth wtckedncfsand fin. Alfo the tdl:tmOL)ltS the. Wur/J, but th111 thou jlwulJeJJ- prt[tMJt thtm ftwn :~~:~i~~=~~~~~~;b:;~:~l,1 ;e;::i~~~~ w~hold, Chrill prayerh that his Difcipks fhould not yrm evtn uwt() the end <l{ theWuriJ. The which wordswat: £a; but fhould be preferved from evil, and he fo praying, Tbeefluchnotonlyfpolunto theApofiks (fortheycominued.not wtthoutdoubtishQrd; for he faith in another plau, 1 tn.. !u..!t untotht:.endofdte workl) butalfo unto theirfucceffors; how that thwhtareftme. But how is he heard, jf all ~;-'tiro neither would Cluill then fignifie chat .he was God, dif- tbofe tOr whom he prayeth> (\\"arved at~~ tirn~ of his finon.'--.,asi'k:tS al~o perceivcdto Paif10n? Asfortxampk,bywhatmcansdtdChriflhang- ~r~;;~l~~;:;;;;,1\:~~:~~~~fdrra:;r!~ tc ~~; ~~~J~:~fTot'.::=t~~i:h:~~~:: MO:~ tCimrch,conlitlingamongll hi~ Apoflles 3.JJtheir fuccdfors, by and by afra have f\\'3.rved from the Faith? MorCO\'er, ;~\ways immaculate and undefikd. . ~td not the C<nturion by and by cry ~~and fay, truly thi1 ·he.~~~r~~;:. :~:;~~ ~::j.,!t~~i:~Q7~ew::~r;;::;: &:~~~~::: toC::"J:,!}a~t~:w~~~~b!;:flh~ ~~~~i:,~f~{ Wllhyoufor tvtr, tvtn rht Spmt ef7rllfb whom the andaifofavedbytbeirfauh;fecingthat(astheApofilefalth) "'W.briiJ c•mtQt ruei-ue, buaufi •tiJt w(Jr'/J fietb him nor, men are bound unto the Gofpel, afta it is once known and neifhtr J:~er~ him, but youJhalt know h!m, bwmfo he rcveakd.unt.othem, ~ut let us leave t~efe men,and fpcak of jJU~/ w11h JOU· The which words bemg fpoke umo that whtc~ IS more hkely, and let us JUd~e that there hatlt ~:~:i~;~;~~~l~ft~~~~l~~:~f;~~~ :he~~h:1 ~~~~ ~e~~;~:, 1 sa: i';a~~:~u:~~~ 0~~~m~~::1 ~~:~~:~/r1J~~ ~:!;~~:~ ~~:lhd~~l[:[ t~~~~:g;~~nhu~J~)~h~l t~hcCO~i~~;.~!~~~:fif~~~ ~h~~~7~~~~:V~;l! j~~~~~::te, ~~~ ~~~j~h:~~~C~~!z~~~e:j ~s:~~~d I By the {ame authority alfo that Chnfi: is called the Spoufe unto a Net ~hich JS call mto the Se:!>and gathered together Mat. zo, ofthe.Church, whofeethnotbutthatthe Church isun- a\lkindofFJ!hes. detiled ? F~r the HmbanJ tmd the Wife (as the: Ap:10ie And again, it is compared unto a King., which made a Tkt"':ta,ri fairh)ar~IWQinrmefitj!J,md(ashedothalfo:l.dd)ntJman Marriage~'orhisSon, :mdfentfonh his .Servants ro call :"::tl>arvt. btlttth bu rtWn fofo; tOOeby it comrth tO pafs, that Chrifi thofe whtch were bidden Wl.tO the \V«<d1ng, and thef.gac:mnothatetheChurch,forfomu~hasfheish.lsSpoufe.,and thaedtogetha good.andevtl, a51Jl31l)'~S thcy couldhud . ~~~;~~o~t~~o:~~ ~10r:fti~hl~:~ ~~~~ ~'C::1 ~:r~~~t:~,~~:~~~td~'~h:t~~~~~~;~~~:;h~:~!t Tbe CMrck ~:~~~~i;~~e~~:~r~~~~~~~t~~~h\~~~,~~u~~~~ ~~~~~~~~:J i~r~;~. ~~~~~h:~~~:::~ ~:~~l:a:~~~;~~ ~~,:~ 1t vokbout COt~fd"3 that the Chu.~h of God bath ntitha fpot nor much as the Scnpture fanh, no. nm~ kno~·eth whetha he fo" I• of~ t~S :: ~::~~·t~~0rh':pt;a~~:J r~~~~d3~~;#{he~:~~~~h;~: ~\,:d'~~ ~~~~~~ic~~~:~~:~~r~~f~i:Mul ir;;:~ ~:.C~-; £i~t~· E~~B~ :~i~~:~i~~zt.~::rr:.~;:;;~; ;Jt~7.1~~ f:r~~~;;~~.g~~:g~r~~t:~~·~:~~~:;:ro:;: ~?.~!~; I do go about to prove the Church to be withou; fin. Fo1 11 givtth die ~unto d~e Chur<h, to be cal:rd mofi holy;