The Cou11cil of Balil. The Pope may err. ~~~i ~n'~~i~~~j,o:;.,:J:;a~~t ~~~~c~:m;aJ;#: f{ isc;~!; .f~r r~l:~~g~~tgw~}~~~~ ~~h~~;~e aC:di::~~;;; ~~~~l lsc,nn Eccltfiam, thlt IS to _fay, one hoir Catholick and thcdcllrutbon thrreof; why thm may no~ theChurchcor-•uy drpofe .Ap~ftoluk Church; the whtch Article the ~ynod of Con- rtd ~he Popt, if he abufc the Keys, and brmgall things un- :•.~t.d:! Hantmop(t addtd unto the rdl; wherefore 1f the Church to rwnc? Krf!. beholy,ltisalfowichout fin. Buttorctumtoourformer purpo(c,_ this wor_d Sanfium_, which fignih~th holy (as . ~dd hcrrnnto ai!O :mothu Argument, . A Man in this Mam;bms ~ll~dgmg Trebatw~, altirmcth) lS fonu:times ltft: IS ldfcr _than the Angds, for we read m Matthew of taken for rehgtOtlS, and fomcmnes fo r cltan and uncor- Jobn Barift, that he 'JJ'bicb is ltaft in tht Kingdcm of ~;;i:.:~~~r,;;~;~:~~;~::::~: .::~~:::h:.c~~,;~~~r.: ~::~~~;::~i:~;!£:~~~:1!~~:~1!;~it'~·7; To this tnJ al_fo ~c ndeth that whi ch is fpokm by _S3im c~ed, Me? are lorc~d, by the example of Z11ehariM, to ~h:~;,{~;~~t~t~ii;t~~:1fl;:'rfo~fd ~l~~,:~:ee f~:it;; 1t1~; ~v~ri~k~~tb~~11~ ~~~~e~~~efl ~~1~~~~~e~r ~~~~f~~;h~f H~'ld ClmO:, who 1s m no point dehlcd. This alfo Chnfi · · ~;;:*' '~e :~~l~~~h\~~~~t~~(~i'~:~;:~~~~~ ::;;~~~e~p;lh~ihtr~~~~ ;;:;:~1~h;;a~~hi~:·,~~eJl~:X!{c:;;~~{~cl;l~~~A~ Po~cis~?~e t~vr~~tt~eu~~~c,t~n:fstf:st~nE;~;,~~~ ~~" ~:;k r:;~~:~:~n~:d:~f;re:l~)11sl~:~; t~~~~hc:t% ~~~ ~~~~f~t~.ii~ t~~m~h~hby~~~~~ a~~;:~~n~ :~~n:; unfiumef.tli, that he will~ffirm the Church,which is found· the Sun ; . that like as the Sun by hiS light d01h furmount tbc SW.. eduponChrifi,tobefubjed"tofin? And willnOl rather all other hghcs, fothe Churchisabove all other :mthori· cry out with the Pr.ophct, and fay, Domint, diltxi Juqrum ty and power, . \Vhcrropm Saint .Auguf!int writeth thus, Jomtll tu.e; that IS to fay, 0 UrJ, I havt !MJtdtbt bw~ I wouJJ not b~ltevt the Goj}el, faith he, iftht autlxn-ityof g;G:~{~~t.1~e, H.J;;r:;~,;r:::uJ:!;J~!~~~W:Jra:~~ j~el~~~~;~,~~~:~~:bem~t;t~ft~~~ 1~ffb~ph~F J:o::, td, novtr aa{ttb to bt latd m wal! for; but m the name who reprtfentmg the Church, and being Minif!cr there- ~~~~h:f~/,i:::rtt~ayj:lj ;tP:a:;j:f :r:d~~k:,a;;; ~:~is~~~:~ ~~~:~~~n~~:erth~r w~~~ ~~: ~v~ jfouds do bw alf,ainft tt, JU tbtfotmdatum wht~b u laid our. Lhnfi, do fpecially prove ~he Bilhop of R~me to be up~n tht Rock u not jiJaktn. Slmt Htlary alfo faah, !bar fubj~l to the Church, as we will hereafter ~cclare. For he it 11 the property of the C~rt~ch to vanquijh wken tt is fmdmg Ptter to preach unto theChUICh, fa~d, Go, AnJjity :~;~ ':/Isde;~;;t~:b::/ :; :?:a7,/~iE1:/~~;,/1} 1 fr ~h~/~~;trd~'at;~t~:n~~n~~~~ h~a~~h(~~~:h~:~ feemtrh almoff ovtrtt>mt. Thus by many rca.f011S and erbmr. The which words are not only fpoken unto th~ ~f~~~r~1~s, ~~~~s f;~e~ ~~ta:~;n~~~jt t~~thBi~(h~;of ~bu~h: bur alfo unto their fuccclfors, and unto the whole R(Jmt, fo tha( tlus rca.fon doth make the Pope fi.Ib)ed: WJ~crcuponitfolloweth,thatifthc:Popcdo_nothearkenne Pope f~o~bfi~~r~:~~~ ~~~ :~~r:;~~:m,TI:~~ t~~fo~:; ~-~riW,''~~J ~~~~ft~~~~~~~urh~'ish~odb!hco1~~~~jiV~ C: ;;~ ~~.~ ~~~~ ~~~i;r.:::a~~td rcafons, whereof we will now Come- ~:h!1 ~d~ :e~~~h~;;h ~~~h ~x::~~~~e:nhe~~h~ ;~£!~ • ~; ,Purl::t ,~i~1~i;~P;,~;f~(rtrhis 6~:~tCT~~.~.J:,:o:~J~0;er~ ~h~~h~;Cc~~~~i~s~~~ t~~lf~n,ifi: bch: ~t: n,,,o be ~.~:i~£ ~i~ra~r~~~ ~~~::::1 'jfrJ~:t~o~ai~~~?~~~th:hn~ ~fi~o~:~~~~ tf~k~::a~;.':h:ut~u~ofc:~~~~ i!-q,• ~-:~~~~~~~3~rctL~~!{~~hL~~jla~th:tt~,15~c\; di~~ ~~~er:h~~h h~~:h~:~~h~~~;~~i!;~:tta~~;:~~ not only com_prcltCTld one C1_cy, but atfo the wbo!c: World. fll Church, wherein the Church of ~me :md a1.1 other H~ reul??n it lollowcth, that 1f the Cl~urch be the Mother are '?J ICained? Wherefore it is now evidCTtt, that it is the tfth ot a\l iJHhti.d, theil lb_e hath the. B11bopof Rome for her op~n~on of all men before our days (if it may be called an [i~~tt: ~~&I~I~I~~:;~f~!f~t;~Ji~~~~~tJti ~]I:~~~f~~:;~I~it~h~~h:}~§j.~ ~n he came tO dothcwd!ofhlS Father, fo we: do the thm flattery they look for Come grca: reward) haveeoulldl,&c. will ofcur Mothn, which JSthe~hu~ch . . Whereby it ap- begun to teac_h new and Orange Dodrn~es,_ a~td to expc-aretlt, that how much the Son 16 mfcnom to the Mo- exempt the Bi01opof Rome from the }unfd1Chon of the ch_cr, fo much the Church is fupcriour or abo,·c the Bifhop Gcnml Coun_ci l. Ambiti?n hath bl inded them, w!Jcreof Rome. ofnotonlytlus pufentSchifm, butalfoallotherSchifms, T ilt tllul<h AIIO_ we have faid bcforc,that the Chnrch ~as the Spoufe e_vcn unto this day ha\'C: had their ~iginal. For as in b<,ng th~ of Chrifi, and the: Pope we know to be a Vtear ; but no times p;t~ the greedy deftre and ambition of the Pap:~:~, Tbd< lrt -;~~~~~~~~~i~~§;f kbo(bOM. albeit that he beabo\'C all Ot cr men, yc:t it fccll"l(_th ne- to _JUdge th~ h1gh and pnllClpal Seat~ and that it cannot ctlfuydut heO)()I.i\d befubjeC\ to the Cht~t ch . Net~hnlct ~Judged either. by 1he Emperor, eitherb_Y the Clergy, DIHrlifJol ~~~:;~~~~:1i;~;:1ff1;;*!;:re~,bi~~&:.\~s,~%dP~~~~ ~~rh:th ~~rv~1 ~o ~i!k1r~hc ~~fui:~~ :t~~f;:f:E; ~~~~ *~:;~~~1~~;Ii£z~~~i.fJ10~gj~gt~ ~i~:b~~~if~i::~: ~~£1';;::':~:t~~~ ._.. An~