Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

766 Tbe Cou11cil of Baiil. The Cowzcil andChurc!J above the Pope. Thff.. wr· t}~~ca~~~~~~ :;~~~~~: ~rc!~~~~~~:i~~\;·~~; ~~·ju~:n~ofmt~ceJ.~~~(~~ ~~u~h i~~~~,;~~~[drc~~ {!!~~} ~:~~~ ~~fi:~~11€i~~~j~€:~J§;n~~r~~E~ ~~~i%~J!i~~?l~~!;~~J:l~t·;f~~~. · ~'::tP~~ lhop of ~qmewasobJ('Ch:d u~tro him, that the Canon ~:lf th_c o.t~ Bilhops. l~wsa\foprohtbtted by the Councils:.;::~ g~;~- ~~fl~~i~]~if[:#J~~~itf~~zi ~i~;,~f£?g~~~~8t~ff:~t~~;;.?.~I:: tl_H': Dw~-c:sof the F~thcrs wh~eh arc ~1fperfcd abroa~ Ct· of the A~flltS, bcoufe he went in to Ccrntli111 a Heathen Acts 31. ti!'S or V~tldcmcfs, tor they do ~lOt bmd the Popt:; ~ut of man, as 1f it had not been lawful for him to attcmft any them wluch ar~ made and pubiiOted by the Fathers m the gr(3ter matt~ without the knowledge of the Congrcgati· Ocnera!Counc:Jl, For themoremanifdldeclaration where- .on; an~yetJtwas laid Wlto him as well as others, ftt of, the words of Pope Lto,the mofi doquentofa!l theBi· & bapm:.~,u,&c. GoanJbaptif~· But this f«:meth to !hops of Romt, are here tO be annextd, who wrote unto m1ke more unto the purpofc, wh1ch St.Paul writeth unto A»atholius, That the Durtu of rht Couneil of Nice lfrt in th_e Gtf!.:rtiam, where !u: faith, ht rtjjftJ Peter t-vtnunttJ ~~~~~~:~1hi~fdf~~:t,h:~~f~hkP:t~i~~~~by (as .it wereJ ex· !j{b;tb~~1."fo\Jhict~v';;;;~~~h~c~~!~~j:rfi:J: ~~~ Thcamhontya~foof Damafirs .upon tlus ft~tence is hgmfie noneotherthingbythevaityoftheGofpel,dfutobo7•b' more manifdt, wnting unto Artlms t~e Archbdhop, as the Cat~ ~£ the Council decreed amongfi the Apofiles ; =:_ ljiJoms declarethinthcBook ofCouncds, w~ofe worthy fort~eDJfctplcslxinggathcredtogethcr, ha\·efod(fcrmitaymg as touching the authority of the Synod 15 this, That ned u. Whereupon S.Paul doth ~ew, that Pmr ought to ~.~·!'bl~ ~~{ ';(~/::f'::a~a~;nzJ:!~ ~;,~;~?;;h:~ro~fo~;r r:WJ; ha~u~6~d :~et1~illi1is~f~"; 1;ion, we will hercadjo)11 ~~~··"1 j"/ :;"fj,;; ~;!:;~g ::t:;a:;;o t~~{;:::/~':nO::s~ ~~:~~~~~.of~tfu~~~~~~~~on~a=~bi~~t;~~~ !:;btO::: ~?t! ;{hortrr~f'rh~ho~f~t:h'b~$1:~t;: ~h!~f!/~ebr~:~: ~~~~~~::\ ~cfr~~:i~~=t ~~r:;~,O:f~;;/~1:~: ;~:;; ;;~:.~ ... wh iCh ?lleth lumfclf Eu~mius, _be preftntly ~rt~ker, let tton (IWf.ltr thq wm, ytlf, t~lthcugb thllt thq wm Popes fr;,~h~~~~~;:~:~~~:~;~o ~~~ ~;h~ ~J;:!a1~o~nc7lstrt:;, :~"£'/,~~G::::;;~;~:~~~~~~:~~~~~'(,':O~h~~;:ni:~scet ~1: ~o:;:~~;rrZ' ;z; h;;:~!t~';;;~~;u:~_;ltfi;:~.if,;::dde~h ;~~;~ ~~~~;~~~. '~l~e::;:r;~~~~~'Jfo{;J~, ~:~"J:b;',!j;~:_ ~~~! yet morcov~r, F(!T thr._ purpo[t, faith he, the rulers cf tton of.tht C~urch, 111 we~ tn head 111 in ~ht members: CWJ~dl, ~;J(a;:1,~;'~:;~·er~~~::/;he'OZZ:f:t~o:JJ,h:;;ir~rt ~;~r~tt~fi~n~~~~:~~~a:~~~%t;:~;b=~u;J ;:,~:;~a~isa:fai;: ~~~~.:,~;,;;;:;~};''z~i1:;,~~1:~:;~:1f~:~f!;~ I wtth aU the appurtmanrs. The whJChaddltlonis folaty, thatitcomainerhallthing5 in it ich maybe imagined or thought. For the Lord faid thus u~ro his Apofilcs, t~gainf any of_t};t Du~tts of tht holy Fathm. Notwlt Go Jt j'fiTth 11nd teach .u pttJp!e. H~ did not fay in three Dhm pt. Jl:andmg wedatly(ec m all the t:'opcs Bulls a~1d L:ucrs, points only, butttach tbtmtoobfir-vtanJ_htp "U thing1 cnffll.m: n.... ~,•·~•• thd_i:: words, Non tJbftantt, that IS to(ay notwlthftanJing_, wht~tfoe-vtr I ka-vt commandttiJiu· And m another place ~t':.f~1, lnl b<Popn whtch no othu n~fity hath brought m, than onlyunktJ- he fattb, not thiS or tint, but "'Vhat[«'tttr Jt jha!Jbind,&c. aKA~ B<llh. abledef~ofgathmngofmony. Butletthcmtakehecdro which all together areall«<gcd for the authority of the~;-:£ theft thmgs which b.= tht ~uthors thereof. . Church and General Cowtcils. For theprefermentwhm· tMCR<dt ma~\~~~e t£;~;n~t~~"~:foo:a:~a{?M~u:~~~~r ': z;a~~;~c ;';~ssA~~oa:~~ i~tr:a~-v!e ::t:r 1:ar;;h~ 5~~~ ;J~ eO: ::n:~P)~g~v~~;~~sJa~y :~e~:~~~e~f ~~f~;.":~ ~~:rt"J,~t:;s !~:,J&c.Al[~:;!~e ~::;:V';e~!' j:O Pof'. t.o~0m. •- he dtclar~th that tt IS not his office to n:«<dle wuh a_ny aslt,&c. OhofJFat_htr,ft~":t thtmwhtmthouhafl gi'rlm Po~. fa}~i~;,~~~d~r1~~a~}~~ro::p~1~:~i1t~:~rc ~~h; ;~~~~ ~~>/t~iJ. An; /a~~~~[&.~!u~~~e';~ccs":'~ t~t(:'a:i, and fay, . the BT_fhop of R!Jmt tO be abo\"c the Council. Wt_ ~rt helpm if God, &c. Which hath madt uJ apt The '~·Inch, if rt r:ere true, Damafus migh: have mken M_mijhr1 of the New Ttjlanunt, &t. And ht t~~ into ~Ts ha~tds the c:mft of Bon~fitrs the B1~0p to de· pcJ~tttl fome Apojllts, anJ fome Proplxts, &c. In all ttnhmc,whr~h '~':lS be_forc btgun by the Council ; bur for~ wht~h places, both Chrifi and the Apo!fksfpake of the au· fomuch as tht Co1_m_cll is above the Po~, D~ma_{trs knew rhomyof many, ~hich all together an~ allcdged for the auhimfclf to be prohibited. Whmupon flilari :n alfo ac· thority of the Umverfal Church. lmowl«<gin~ the Synod to be above him, would have his But forfomuch as that Church, bdng difpcrfed and fkcrccsconlirmed by the Council. Alfo the famous fcancredabroad, CJnnotdecreeorordainanyrhing;there- ~or Saint A_uguftine in his Eplfi!e .._,..hich he did fore, ofne~ffity it is to be Clid, that the chief and prind· wnt~ unto Gllll'ms and Elcufius~ _and Ft!tx ~Jt Gram- pal aur~omy of the Church doth confifi in the Gene~l marrmt, cl((:hrcth the ~fc. Cmlumus ~he B1fhop was Councrls where theyaffe~ble together. And therefore lt :t[~,:;~~:~~~~,~;;:~~r:~:,{~&~ ~;~~~~;~~;:~~~~~:~t:~~t~~ra~ s¥-z~ doing"' made a Schif~ in tbe partS of Ajhca, S . Aug".J~int be ?hCtn·«l. aftenrord.. For when as the Churches were :tc......- npro'>'eth them, wlucb IJ:J.Vi~1g a_nother ren"ll':dy agamft d_iv1d«<, General Councils wtre holden, A~d in d!C Count hi:: fentmce of the Pope, did ratfe a Schifm, and doth cil of Niu we do find the Hadie of Armu condemned. invl'igh ag;r.infi them in this •~mltl : Btlw!J, In u1 think Ji~ the Council of C~nflanrin,pft the Hcrefie of Mace~~ tho{t Rijkp1 v1h1Ch gave 1uJgm~m at Rom~, nct to mus. l11 the Counnl o{ Ephifos lhe Httefte o{ Ntft<m~l· h.1 ... .:t bun gOQJ."fu.lgrs, tbtrt rtmamtJ ]tt t_IN ptdgmmt In the Council of Chaludrm the Herdics of ~:lchtus fu~~Y::v~;L~/,~;;;cJ:~~~::;h;~',;t. r:~t~::Je,t; ~~~~~ or;~~~~h~;o7::~:~t~o t~Atc~h~Co·~~ :!'?! ;:,:~; '::,.b~f~;';,~;;t!~vt g•-vtn 1uff 1 uJgmmt, thm Jm· ~f~h;~~ict~t:~s0;f ~~~~~~f~;:t~~:~~~ t~r:;~nd fSi~ Pa~~~~~~:·~~~~~a~r;h~1p~~\:~% ~;~~~~t;1~~~~d~v~~h ~~ ~~ir0~~~~~~;~ ~ :a.~~:n '~er~ ;t~:/ ti. ~t~:C