The Pope cannot d;J!olve the Council. ~~1~3~~~}0c~!11 ~a;:mE~~~H~r~~ee;~ ~;f~~h,0*::[al; rx:~~~: ~~~\d ~c·=~~~t!~eb~~~~~~~·e\~~ ~~~~~} '»'htcb lw~t.h rebeOu"'JlJ• mJ rr(u[ub both to !tarn anJ to Apofli(S., fer i_c is written, Thr twdvt Apojlles caOing tcgt- cou~~~ Jo gOIJd, H rarbtr a member of the Devil tbtm of thtr themulmuJe, &c. lkfl!"'ftlq <;fo:~1[uinth~ftt!n~w~~~l\i~~t~~~~.~hc1o1:r:\:~i~h rak~~c::~~~:~~~~~ha~f o'ili~tl~m=~i~f ;~ ~~~~~·~ noPo;>e Panormitant (,:alkth lingular, and is ~uch allowed, faith, La":, was gathered together by a gcnenl Jnfpmuion : tbtAfotl1n "''1 and Tfuc if tht crime or offence of the B1fhop. of Ro'?t be for lt is writtrn, Tbt Apoftlu and Elders came zogt- ~\rr' ~!lg~:z~~~~~:E~t:~;~~::f':5::~1:~~g~,:~; ::·~:~2~"~.2;~/;,.d,hr~m~:~i·~ ~~~"h~~~"~ ~:~~ exigent ot the fault depofcd; othnWife he fhould be accu- J~mn, and fo dtfcourling throughout al1, there can n~ t!ltAp<>liln fed inva~n. thmg be found in the primitive Church, whereby 1t Now ts there no more any place of defence kft for .our ~ould appear that the authority of congregating ofCounadvcr.farics,.butthatthc~opcmay bedcpofcd. Notwnh- ctls fhould.pertain only unto Bin10ps ofRmm. Ndthcr llandmgittSnotyetevtdentwhethcr he maybe depofcd · ~c~'i!;. by the Council or no, which we now take in hand to dif- "lJ•:t- courfc. And.lirfiof allthcadvcrfari~willgrantthisunto Gmtnt !h. coJ~n us; that the B1fhopof R.o"!emay bc_dcpofcdby the Church, . ~~la " 110 • forfomuch as the Pope bcmg the Vtcar of the Churc~, no an~ un~erfal SpoJ ~arbrred togtt_her Rt C~alcedon, tbt co~~pt~ hn:~~~f~~~t;l!f~r!\~a~~~4si:ro~ J:b: b~~h~t ~-=!C(Gota::s~~r;:f;ms:;~~!~~;r:a~::/a:l~;~~ ~!: the Pope lS mor~ truly calkd tit<: VICI.r of the Church than Jltan Em~e.r(!r. ~almrmw1 and Mart~an Go not make any Popft. of Chnfi. But tf theChurch may dcpofe the Pope, Ergo, mention of the B1iliopof Rome, although his confmt were T&cP~•i•thcCou~cilal_forru.y~othefa~. A!fothe Glofr,whtch there. lftb!: ~:;~ '.~~ PanormJtant m his wntingdoth fo ~c\y c~mmend, hath Whrn:f?re, if the Pope woo.ld refill, and would have rn ,,':" ~~~~l~~ ~o~c~~1:~1~dfo~L~~~~eili~~~~fa~ d;tJ ~~~~~ ~on~Z ~grfr~~:ff!t rr~~ has:;a:er C::lC~; ;~; ~~;~ J!~nt~7~~~ ~fh1~~al!~~~d u~~e~1 t~j~td~:~taT~~! ~~~~\~d:na~;:::~~~cr;~~ ~il:~; ~~ :~ ;;d~~~;f:t!:~~ ~o~~l~~i~/~~~~;~~~ d~~f(~;~,~~~ ~~:i1;i~n:,l~~;:~j~ ~dft:;~;Ca:CGJfo~a;t'&~ ~- the Bifhop of Romt. Ne~th~ let any man doubt thereof, oft~e CouncilofConftance,whichwasaifemblcd by theaubccaufe this word depofiuon1s n~t mentioned; for iris faid thonty of Pope John, ~ho in refped: of_ rh~ SpaniarJs (uJ;e~f ;~~;fj~::i,~~t~r;,~~;c~~?a\r~j~~f~;~~::J,c;! tt~ ~;:il:~~~o1;h:~~f;~; ;:n~~~;~~=:~t~: Pope fblll be clepo{c:d or not ; for that may alfo come in confent to the congrcgatton o_f the Council of Conftanct doubr. And b«au(ewe will no_tfeek examples fu off, wasofnoelfeCl:. Moreover, it1smorethanfoll~ to affirm, }.t,:{.;;t lr~~is 2t;p~~~ cl~~ tu~~~rl~t~o;;:~~.ce, ~::t~~;.:~ ~a~~;~~:~~0~eh~~~i~efh~d ~1~enco~:;:~· r~:tt~:~~ ~oWe- was he condemned for any Herefic .; bur becaufe he did of- is no more in his pow~ to revoke his COIJ~enr. And ofnefend the Church by his manifold cnmcs, the facred Synod cdlity he mull be obcdJCJtt unto the Council whereof he is thoughtgoodtodcpofchim; ~nd ever fitKe contintl3Jiy a member, and givcplaccuntotht:greaterpan: andifheRontbo t~c Ch~rth hath p~ed_by hkeexamplc, that thtiropi- feparat~himfelffron:' theCOilfCJtt of the greater part! and ~~k. mon mtght ceafe,whiCh affirm,that the Pope cannot be de- dtpar_t from the Umty of the Church, he maktth lumfelf poft:d, butonlyforHerefre. aSch1fmatkk. Buthcreisyet one thing not to be omitttd, that en-- Now, tocomeuntothefmJnd conc!ufl01l; if it be true, ~~~- ~.";~~ :i~r~~ed~~7:~~d~~~ 1c~:,0~~~~~ hi; ~!~t~::~h!~~~o~~;,~i~~dld~~~(~;h;~~n~ ~:!,~ "'' authonty r~mam with thnn. Wh~rcupon they ~i~, that agatnfi the will of th~ fat~? For with what countcnan:e !""'~"!:'w: ::=.or f:Cc~~f ~~~e~~:: ~tt:h~~h~~~!u~~\vf;~ :~ t\f~~ r:: :~~ sn;~~:~ ~:·~o;~i:~:u~ ~~f:: out the authority of the Apofiol1ck Set, .to call a Council may .diffolvc the Synod contrary to the will thereof? tht ... mor at Ephcfus. They alfoalltdge another tdltmony of the Sy- Adrrut that _the Pope be libidinous, CO\'etous, a fower of tb• ftr& nod of Cbalcedon ; where, when mCJttion was made of the war and dtfcord, and a moll mortal CJJ«ny unto the Council of Epbtfus, all th_e Bifb.ops cr!cd out, Caying, We Church_and. the name of Chrifi, how can the Council.reoughr nDt to calltt a f:!'une~l, kttauft. tt wf!4 neither ga- pro\'e h1m, tf he have auth~ity to diffolve the Counal ? rbmJ by the Apoftolldt. authortfJ• netthernghtlJ kept. ~y For~ffoon as ever that the ~tfhopof Rome lball undcrfiand the which authoriti~, they wh1ch fay that die Councils that m the Council they do mtreat or talk of his corrcd:ion ~~~l;~r~!~~~~~~~~~:~R~~~eoo~~~rwh~~hr~~~~~~;~~J~i~ (~~~~~~h~c;u~~:~~;a:;:;;;~;,~erai~h~y~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~- - nion, tf ttrakeplaccand prevail as they dclir~, it fltall hbcrty todomorethanisfitornccdfary, willoftcntimes ~~?n~~bf bring with it the great ruit~e an~ dec:ty of ~he Church. do more than .is lawful. If fo be that the Bifhop of Rome Pope ougha For what remedy fha\1 we lind, tf that a wrcked Pope may exempt hunfe~f from correCtion by dilfolvin~ or tranf.. ::;1~~~~b;p- do difiurb the whole Church, defiroy fouls, feducc the portinf? the Council, it folio wet~ that the Council ~not acoo.m:llo. people by hi.s evil example, if finally he preach conttary hove hun. Therefore ~e mull nther dmy that wb1ch is a· !'..b~rore unto the Faith, and fill the People fidl ofHerefics,fhall we forOaid,that the Pope IS under the: Council,or elfe deny that th!""P" providcnoflayorllopforhim? Shallwefuffn all things thePopeh:tthpowtrtodilfolvethe~wtcil,contrarytothe • :~·~~~':u tO run to ruine and d«3y with him ? Who would think will and determination of the CoullCil. Cou<J~h. that rhe Bifhop of Rome would congregate a Council for Atld as this firll conclufion is moll nut, fo are all other his own corrcd:ion or depofitior~ ? for as Men ar_e prone conclufions falfe, which feemto impt!gn ~he fame. Whereunto fin, fo would they 3lfo lm without punifbment. forcthefccondconcluftOnoftheDrvm~lSalfomantfefi,al-~ttkr ~~~if~, ~~ftt, r:t~lC:~~!~ltthisH~d::S:ha~n~~~~ :~~~~~ti;0;i~_~F~~;f!!.~~d~~;;i~{~taf; ~:~:~ur~ ~~di ~~of(~~ t~~~l ~~ll~al~n~t:rt th~:~tt~~~h~!ofu~ ~~~:~~u:~~~~~~f.~~~S~'%nfa~,:'~~~t~/t~;J~~~~ lbc:Apol\lf• fiitute in the place of Judn.r) was not congregate atrhe of the Counci~ it were c!Qn contrary umothetirfi:concommandmCJlt of Ptter, but at rhe commandment of ..,.clufion. Chrilt, who commanded theApofilcs that they ~ouldnot Now iris f'Il?vcd thar the Council. is alxlvc thePopt, d~plrt from Jerufakm, but look for the prorrufe of the ~ and cannot ~ dJffolved by the Pope Without conftntthucFather. • I of. Now wemull fi.~rther fe~, whethe-r it lx- an Arric~