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7/;e Catholick._ Faith what it is. P:monnir~n·s Oration. {~:~~} ~~:~~~~~~:.~e itF~v~~~~::ea~1·~~~w~1jd~ :~~ed5~i7~6,~~~~:~ ~~tt~~~1eH~~r~f~~fr~~;J :tlbcic they did confdS thefe two Concl~flOilS eo be true:, other Holy Fathers. And like as the Synod of Chalct-- ytt tlu:y doubtc:d whtther it wcr~ a vttJty of tht CatJ». Jon took ~htir Condu~ions out of the f.!oly Scriplick Faith or no. Thatfore dus fcc~d part m.uft be tum, fo dtd the D?tmol of Ctmjlanft, thts we now confirmtd. And wt mull fte whtthcr ~t lx an ~rue!~ of re:tfon .upon. And hkt as d1e one is an J\nidc of rhe F2ith dut the Popt bt under the Cowtcil, Whi..:h bemg Cathohck Faith, (o is the other ~lfo. And he which provtd, it fh:tll a1foappear to bean A.rtide.ofFaith, holde.thany opinion contrary tOtlthcrofboth, is an thlt the Pope cannot DJffolve theCouncLl ","nhout the Hc-rtt Lck . confent thtrcof. confcgutnt none of the c~t~r,· ~mthmnorc they kern unto ":1~ to d~m and dote, . V l~::~~~~ §t~~~]~{~~ tht Pope of Rome is under the Counc1~, fome .authority 11Scr~j'"""~~i'd~oo~h~:~fo';'~~";m:t;o!" 0~0;I~n";;d~li"tY~,;··~fh~<d~oib<~]lic:~'< doch m()\'eusthcramto: foisittheFauh fhimw ich bclicvttb it. But tht Q.1cftionis noc whether it he: an Article of Faith only, bucwhtthnicbeanArticlc of the . . Catholick F'l.ith. Wherefore wt mull: a~n enquire what 1ud.gtd an HerctKk, ~ t~e dlir Conclufion doth affirm. ~ !;6:tc ~~C::ic~SJ~~~~h!~~i:·ordT~~~:i~ka ~iili; ~cJ~~Jeta:: 1k:3c~:u1:~~i~r;;h cr;~/~~ hJttO:~ ~U1k thlt ~to fay, the Unh·erfal F2ith, is nor (ocalltd bccauft :u'Y thil~g from lhc JX>Wttof th~ gtll~l Council, which t hat every m:m holdcth ir,buc beca~(e c-vcry man ought to IS conhrmcd .by fo many Ttflunomcs and Authorities. !:~;,vb~r; :; ~~~~~~~ f~obe~i~~c~ha~~~~~~ ~~?ch~~;r~~:;~hal~~~t 1r~~~n~l~if;•th~~~h~·c!~ m:tny be againA: this Fait~, ret doth it not ccafc to be fent of the Holy Ghoft cloth require, albeit he do not dc:-- Univttfal. For what wntcththtAponle Wlto the~ partfromthcChurch, maybecalledanHcrctick. ~~~h! :;;:ell ~'4: :£ 1~a"!r/ao?~~b~a7'net 'G~hf~t;;, of '6~~~~~j~~ol~:•hpt:~,:t ~;;'~c~l-ni~he Tc-~~~ ::;;:t ~~::.~ :1:::· tl~;r p;;' i:':~d;r cl~:'6~un~ti~l!; ~:0g~~~r~h~;u:~~t~n~:fia~;d~~r~;l~th~~~~ c~a~~~ point of the Catholick Faith, fome think the fenfe of the Holy Gho!l doth rtquirc, and thereby may COJ:ltrary: forwcareOOumlto bchcvt it, forfomuchasit be noted as anHeretick, And wprovcthatrhcfenfc:of .is taken out of the Gof~l. For wt arc not bound only the H?ly GhoH is othcrwi(t than ht cloth j11dge it, the t9 bdie\•ethoLC things whscl~ arc noted toys in theCruJ, Council of eo,ffanu ~oth drdare: .The wh!ch interprc• ~~~:j a~~~~ t~f~r~f1~ew~~ ~~ 'dt~~~n~ i~~ ~~ g~~~~r~~~f;~~dsby ~:: H~~1b'~t( unJ~:~~d~t1~t~h:: tho{e thinJ;S \~hid1 we :dledge for the fuJXri_oricy of the to be fpokcn of the gcntt:ll Council. By rhdC and many general Council are gathc:rtd out of the faym$-S of our other weightier rc:Uon~ .the three aforefaid Condu!ions ~viour Jcfus Chri{i, and ~he Epillles of Saint P11ul: Kerncd true unto the Dtvmcs, and through them they alfo ~;5;•ch'i'n~r~:t~l~t:,!~ojt!1f.;e g~r:Lndm!0 t;:;;tJ albJ;: '~;;r:.~fut&icmly f3id, as cooching that which T 11 ~ :!:t::F~~:;h~~~,!':T:~r~ · ~r!;e:~~: ·;:~: ~~\:~~~=::N;;.: ~i~: togethu.iu my !Wile, ~c. And, Wh:ltfocvtr ye fhaJ1 bind, thok thmgs which happen«! aficr rht Conclufions of &c. wsth other fuch ILkt texts. the Divines; roe: there are man~ things worthy of re- ~;:~.;:~ Con~!:,~~~~:.~of:e1~4~t;;Co~. :~~·~~ ~:~~, whteh alfo may happdy bt pro1itableumo the Yoi•f•tr•• Bulls, which do rt<:kon up the Articles, whereupon they When rhe Jifputation was endt:d, and a final Conclufiought to bt txammtd wh.ich fud fah1 into any Hcrcfic; on. of lheCc mauers evc-n .at hand, the Archbifhop of Mi/- amongll the which Arocles he puncth this Article; lamandP~normitilnt WJththcrdiducoftbdrfellowAmWhethcr he .cloth ~licvc tht facrcd gent:ral Council to baffadors of the King?£ Arragr:n, and Dukt of Millain, havt power llll.JllCd!atcly fr~m God, a~d that the Or- anncd them(dvrs wnh .powtrtolct thc matltt, dlllil.llCO: c}}(rcof arc to be rtt:cmd of all faithful Chriflians; exhorting al l men of thtlr faChon w withfiaud it with whi0ifanyManwould deny, he fhouldbt ·cowttedan ftout:tnd.valiantflornachs, Hercuck. Wherefore, whc.n as the facr~ Synod of ~on· And tirfl: of a!!, as(~ as the Congregation was a(- {;'::/ !~cl~~~~f~~~~:r~~ha~fh~~hi~, t~~/~;;:; 10~; ~~mf~: t~c~~c1~fo~~~~ ~oB~nf~h:~~tf- !;';!~~ :tlfo fhould oonfc& tht fame to bt a verity of the Carholick fadors of oth(r Pl'Ovinm, which would return from Fa.ith? For the Gatholick .Church being Congr~gatc at Mmt~ ~~~~~~~~~;i~vycdorrl;~i~:~t~i~!:hf~~c- ~~ ~~~t t~~Ch!~ o!~:. hf;k~(?.7am~':~)v~hfo~1~~h.and Rh~toric41 ~=.-o:- .. and his Saints. I have (flid hd had :t Commandment by rhc Pro- tlao:l. Tht-* To this purpofe alfo ftrVc ,.~ wdl the words c1 rht phct, to cry wit~ ctafing. Which Prophet (aid; ~~~~£!~:~~~"~ .:~~~~ism~:~: i;n~~~ ~7t~~.~~~;:· ~;~!n?ti:~ ~~~~~io\a~! !·~d:,:~lk t~~~th J~cd=natt~: te~~~~~ ~·:s ~::~~~~=~:~~~~~~ ~~; ~l~~~::r~ == ~n~~p~~nc::~:~ ~~ulis:a=fr~m~hc~~ ~h~~~~'~:~~:t~ndr:;i~~~hbtafjfu:~chor;:~ ~~L an~~';'{~;;Y;:!ifdt wimdS of this mo~ facred S)nod, ~fi~ 11:f'h!~i~~ !hr~~~fa~~,~t t];J;r;j ~£~:,:~::; whs~h faid, tlut he is an Herttick, which holdcth any funt fa8_.e [11uw mtd; I have laboured, crying ~t, opimon conta.ry unto the Cowtcil : But he is no Heretick, that u~ become hoo.rft. t:Kecpt he refufe the Catholic~ Fa.ith: Ergo, it was the Notwlthfbndmgthath~would, bothn~w~ andasofrcn ~~~~ K~:~ ~~~~~~ th~~~l h:vn~~a;;:~ul ;~~~~ ~~/:~~~ ~~~~~> ~~~~lodiffi:~i~~t~!~~tyo~~~:~~ pomt of the C:.uhohcl1Faitb_? Verily forfumuch :IS the whcremhcrequlredrhefacrtdCounolgcntlytohearboth T t t him,