Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

no The Praife of Lodovicus. Tbe Anfwer of Arelacenfis. ,~--:~;,,~;;drO:.:',h~,'~~:·t;:,,~fd~;~~n ;;i~~.:n~~;~ ~Foo ~£";~; 'f,;~;l YA,;, !'~h~1h,~~;~;",~d'''~~ {~:~~} r:'l.~:on~i• of any man, The which he alfo requi_re? the Fathers do the .cres of my mind ~hold and ltt? Would God ;;;i"·~ ~~J€~[,~:~;~~~~~i::~~~~~.;~:~~ir:1~it~~~~ ~;;·::~~0 ;:: ~~~~:~:;11 1;;7,,;;.1~~~!b~~~~~: or denied. As touchmg the f~rft pon~t he f~td ; The moll: D«ms_; and whatf~er ~·ou (hall require of them fhall noble Kings and cxcdlent Prmces wah thctr Prclat~ to be bc obt:un_cd. . ~hey Wtll torfake ~'Otlr adverfary, they will of great !Xlwer : and then he reckoned upthc~mg of fptak cvtl of hun a~td abhor bun;_ but you they will Caj/ile, the King of .Arratan, the Duk~ of M1llam, m_td commend ~nd praife,. y~ they w!l! reverence; unto tht Bifhops of tht f~mt Pn1~es, reht;~rlutg alfo the mcnt~ xou they Will wholly fubm1t ~hemfclves; ~~td then £hall an~ g~ dmlsof the !~id Kutgs., and alfo of tl~ Duke of Jol~ow that mofi cxccl!cm fnnt of rcforma~1on and tran· Mtllam. But when 35 he ~~m~ ro make mtnt\On of the qm!lityof the Church. And thus he reqt.nrcd the matter Prelates, he could ~lOt refram hunfelt~ but began to wax to be re!pitcd on all p:urs.. At the bfi he faid, dutexcept fomewhat hot, .faymg, that the gn:at:ft number of Pre- the Ambaff~~ors of the Pnncc:s were heard, he had a pro- ~,~~:e~~u:J,IY:~:~ r!'~rt;f~~~~~r~Jbc~~~~~ ~~:~o;he:J:t~~· which he would command robe read part of them would ha,•e this preknt nutter deferred: and When Pttnomirmtc had nUde an end of his Oration, forfomuc.h as the. ":hole power of the Council doth cot~ifl f:cdwicut ~he Protonotary of Rome rofe up,a Man of fuch :r~~~ tn the Bt!hops, tt IS not to be fuffercd, dmt they ~mg~l.n wtt and memory, that he was thought nor to be ""rho Pr~ negleCted and contemned, that lhould be concluded, whtch mfenor unto any of the famous Mt'n afowimc. Jnfomuch waoury. plt>Jftd the greJter pm of the inferiors. For the Kers that he had always in memory whatfocver he h1d heard ~~~thhe;,~\~~:: ~~~~ ~h:1fo~~~~hc~~da~~ ~~~~(~~to~{ Tn~~na,11~r~e:~!'~~n~1~~~~r:~t Jhl ~1~hfrh~ Synods, Epifcopal, Provindal, and Ge1teral, and none of came but the day before from the Baths, and that it f«med t~~~ ~Ii:~x~;·;r:~f~:~~£~~:;:~~~~;5~~ ~~~~·~~~t~~~~:~y.~:::~~:::~;€~1~~!ii~ wok... the moft famous Ep1flle of Cltmmr, tht B11hops wtte dlfl:ulling of thiS nmttr, in the name and behalf of their the pillar~ and key~ of Heaven, and t~e Inferior;; had no Princes, which Prdat~ were m~n of great eflimation, and drtermimng voice, buconly a confulr::mv~voi~ewnh t.h~m: the Orawrsof mofi mig!tty Prmccs. ~~~~]i~1 if~~~~~~:§!~? mine the matt~'T uf?rc fully, he comphmed greatly how Handing, he was nothu~g mot•td the~ewith, nor took it unworthy a thmg 1t w:1s that theyfl101~d be contemned or robe ol any dfed:, albetr it was faid, Jt fcemed good wtto dcfpiftd. . the Holy Ghoft and to us; whmas both the Apofiles and . Aftermanyrhmgsfpokento~hisendand df~, heJXlf.. theElderswmgathertd ~ogether: ~hereby it appeared, [§.i{ ~~~~ig~~~i~~;~;~~i]~:~:;,i£d~:~~~ ;~:!~i~:~~~~~~~~:~~~;~~f~~i*~ flcred Council was required, and that the Fathers would ;;tppt:~r there, that the Apofiks calkd che Elders of Duty, flayintheprocefsagainllthePope, and in thecondufion but that it is onlyd«brcdthattheywerethtreprefcnt; and determination of mattas which arc: now in hand~ Nei- wherrnpon nothing could be infmtd. And tbat itfccmtd theirlllOUldthe dt'bybe long, but only until the return of wtto him., that tht' in~criors in the .Council of Bafil the AmbalTadors from Mtnf7..., \\horn he km:w well wereadmttttdtodettrmmewit~theBlfhops,butof~ce wouldr~um\·erylbonly. Thattltiswasbutafmallmar- and f:~vo~ only, becaufc the .Bi(hops mar commumcate ter, and needtd but fmallintreaty, hecaufetherewas no theauthomyuntoothers. He:~lltdgedfor Teflimonythe danger in it. Andalfo itfhould.fcem h~jurious, not to Bilhop ofConcm, a Man of.great Authority, who tarry for the AmbalTadorsof the Prtnccs whKh ":ert' then at would not fuffer any incorpora~!l'lll, or fellowllup of the g1:~tft.~~:;t~tz~i.~,~~:~~?t~~~~~~~~~ ~:~i~:~;:t~!:~.i~;;t~~~;s!J~f~i~g~ tll(Jf abfcnce there lho.u\d be notltmg re11ewtd concemmg tll:lt the Bdl10ps fr:llie agamfl it, he required the Council thcmatte:rsof E:ugenuu.. that they would.ot n«el~ty flay and tanyfortheAmbaf.. §~~~~1~iil~~t~~~!. ~~~.w ~~~~r;Jl;sp~~~~n~a~:~;·~fib~r~~f~h~~:g~: J;7~t t: ~~~~:. ~jOlJ~;rcd:~~: 1fu~:~l:nt :!:! ~;;;!'1 i~~~;i~1~~~:·~~~~~~~~;rw;~~1~~~:~~~f· rb1~ :n~ :n r~k~ \;~!f!1 r!:l1:r~: ~;· ro ~~~ :J: ~~~'!= thould grant ?r..dtny.thisrcql.ltfl.For(fatth he).tfydhall.dcny that they might protraCt: the time, and defer the condufi. :::"!''.. this fmall pet1tt011 et the Princc:5: ~hey all u ill be ag~1evtd on of rhe!C ffiltltTS. ck:t< tt. ~.::.=. :~~£~i::::~::~},~;~~l E~::,~S~~:;~ TH,~:,~~;,~~~'~'~,~t1,;'f::Jt'go~:,::: ~~ Law~>, except the Prmccsdoexmuethem,, and all your ofthegeneraiCouncils, g<lt.hermgtogtther the wordsof ~ee~i~~~ ~ 1bdi/~~: tb~ ;:!! ~~~~!~~,tl~~ ~~(u~ :2e~~: ~i~:~~:~~~~~;,j;;;~g~ "fufou}e::;Z~~:: Wlmt if they lbould JOYil themfdvcs Wtth Eugtmrn, . daj or ytjl(rdaJ• For lt u n'l'W mnn1 'Niuh A,C9 fmc~=