Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

In Councils Priejls as well as Bijhops had determining Voices. 771 {~~:.~} fo:;'~:"M:~: :t:/:o~:~?::h~:"::f4 ;t ~~f:t~;,:; ~.~ic~i~~:~~r"~ ~;~:s;u ~~i~~~~[~;~~~~f f~tg~h:;hd~ ~[c:ff;~~:~Jf}:;e,~;;~{;/z~~ro;;:;"j~i~ :;:;;::~ ~~}~;~~df~YrC:~ro;~X· r~ir1~nd~cno~ without any Tnull(etlc· by the Dtp11tit1; •ndatthetrllthfu£th no~urnn-s,foa/J Neither prr.tdventw-e fltJII it_ be _found untrue:! that ~~ aocor- 'tt;!s;::t;:;;;;: 1 Z;i,;,r,;'fb: P~j;~!::/::;:Cis ~%~,"':~~d~~~~h~;~rys~'f~irh~~~\~~~~ ~~~~ Y~~~r~h~~ r/JI'Itm~utd. For wt cAJ!d flll that wue prtfint at &fi~ ha_vc: the B1fhops btcn m our days, but only !badow~? ~~:~~~~:2~~ ;t ::o;1 l~~t11~in:if"t~J:t:c~f:o ~~g~~;~ ~~~a~v~~dh~~-~y~:~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~sa:Jt~h~!; ;~:;!~: T~gn;;;/ ~ha~~a~';!j ~~~:: ;:;,~ojf:~ ~~:~~1rVe~J;11i~{ r~~u~~~~~:~~C~~:;ht:h~\fth~~t~~~ !n; l~c ;.~:[.ft::ifob·i!:~"';}::; :z:;;[:.t,f.~:;[:~ :~:h~:';,1~, ~~·7J,~~x~':1:1; ~:,:.:~ro';;~i';;;n: 1:£!·!!7;: ';Z~scf:;ftr~rr:~~· Jif(r,:e~W:::/;:~"~I,j(.~;'j ~~;n1 ~g~~~o~~~: ~·ts~;~lC\~ha~tr:i::v~h;~~~ ~~~~ 1 twtuJulnmJr011rminJ, wh;~t routboughrmth;~tm<~t• tionof lxndices:tg~nuntoth~m; weha.verdlor«< unto ttr. Wh;~tJ,1cuJejir~ a.nymtJTt? A/joqmofthtTtr· them the confirmanon of~l_tdions; we have_brou~t rito? of tht Dukt of M1llam thtrt WO/I prtjtnt tht Arc!J. again the cmfes of the Sub~ to ~ hrard mto thm biJIJ/)p if Millain, wbq ".lbeit bt bt no. Ambpf{ndor, Jtl hands, and hav~ tn:;dc thtm BHbops which ~~re none be· tj:{jmf;k~.;rti~;;:!~_:d~':hearA:~bilk;" ~~;e;he~~e31c~~~n~et~Je~~ 1:h~~~~~~i:~e~~(h~at~lj~~ what moved (aid unto lum, My LDrJ Cardinal, you fop-- nous thm~; ha\'~ we at any time done unto th_em? But plJtfNrqqmofaPrtjidtntnobuttr tbP1J/~1Jthtplactof" PaniJY!m/an r~nh) that. forf~much asmo(t Bifhops are :tl:h~O::din:;:d(:s~~l ~3~~ll~~:~nl:~h ;~?I.l~·o~~d ~l ~isd~~~~n~:l1!f~~ f~~~~u\~1tt:Je I':; ~~~U~~':IS~ b: l\~ld ~ be provoktd to ang~r by 31~y tntatlS) faid) l~.t Panormita". rememlxr himfdf, that this is no ntW ~;~~~r f:~:s;~~:;/a:;:_e;;;:,j,;fr;f; n:7.e !~ :::,(e~:bbZ':! ku~h~~ p::cd~fg.Proc«ding, th~ Council ordained f~m """"'"""fi'· plt~tn, whuh b.,Jhu Or;~tor prt{tnt at tht diftuffmr if theft t~~ beginning, _neither hath it bet~ chan_g«l_ at any wne m•tttrJ. hnce. And dus orCer, PantJTtmtan, m umes pafi lmh pla~n.plfsN=ith~~;~:di~1:c~he ~~(e2~;rflf3~l ~l;~r Fo~f~o.Jr0~n~d~l ~~~~tgh~o:~~~uf~1et~~~~~~td~~~~!~ :!• c:;;,. Fran", ~ad there the B11hop of _LtonJ, a grave and lobtr you r ~md, they do difplnfe you. B_ut th~ Dtaees of the :i,';r:U' of M~n, hiS Ambaffador at the d1fpuration. As for other Counc• l ~rcnot (omutable, asth~W11lsof men. Know m~thth• ~:~~~~~~!o:n~0 m~tu7,~f ~t ~~~~e;tetaV~cdl~f; ~;i,h~:'~~,:~.t~o~!:J~1~'~h ~~i~ :,~~n~~~ ~~.;, ~~t~e~~~~~t:~rf~i1:i1 ~~~d tin;~~a~u~~~ t3: ~~~~o\~~e t~~~v~~~~~%~~~h~~?a'~~;; ~~~!~ ~~:. Council ; Wheuupon if they h3d ~n willing to come, Country, that except they would follow your mind 1hcy ! ~;·.~:fd~ thZvhy0~1~t~:~:O:~~:d fu ~~h difculling as fome ~~~.d~~1~~ ;r~;;~ Jlcl1~[~~~rak:~ ~~J: ~'~~7.or J>i~t.•r "" b~~a;;~r!!~~~ ~~~"~(~d£uJ!:!s I l~v;~~t;~~ ~~b;i: 1i?t~:; ~~~~r~:u~0 £rfuo~:~~~dr~~~~~~fl~ c:rlJro:: ,..~cndrd affirmtd. m th!S~Iac~ev~n. the very fatmthmg_whtch the they would not doub.t to put thct~ livts m v~ntur~ for thdr ~ i!'~~ Conduhons ligmli:e. And tfany of themnow Will go ~bout Shn:p,neither be afmd to nlcd their bloud for their Mother ;~~~~i~ ~§§i.~~~w~~~~ ~~~~n:~~~~~\~is~ih~Ya~ ~;=I ~~~~~ ~';;;~P~r'£~~~~~:~ fai~f ~~otha:h~~rgc;h;;t~~ ~Ji;n ::: andDmces oft~is.Council, wh1ch arefull_of fiJChCon· rore Men, Iwdl oonf~ ~~before my Fa:herwhich is ~~d"~:}! du[IOrlS. What lS Jt then whereupon any dtfficu!ty can be ll~ Heaven. And contran~1fe, the lord Will not confd"s •nd. m<>lt ~~: ~:~~i:~ :~ tld~~~~:y !hii~lf:a~~e1: o~~~~11b;;111d: ~fur~:~~~is ~:~3::; ;h;'~~~~ 3,~~~~ht~:~~~,:~~-~~hd f~!~~ dared, affirmtd, and decreed? But(fay ~hey) the Princes mollBifhops to be on his part; for hertar~m~nyBJfbo~ B.~. and Ambafl"adors are abfent, which are B1fhops., by who(e ProCtors w_hom he ?oth not r«k?Jt, lxcaufe they ar~ noc prcfmce the drottS !bould be of more authOrity. Well, of his opimon. Nenher ~the Dtgn_icy of th~ Fathm to they are ~t only abfmt wl1ich are g"?e to Mentz:., but be refped~ in the Counc1~ as he fJ.1th, but only rcafon: ~~h~?e1~:~:~ ;11~= fr :~;t:; !~':~1~: ~:~~fit1;·.~~~re;tbep~~ :te ~~:l:~n:~~ :~~i; nothingatany~lme!boukl be decreed. Th~:trca!lcall«< never fo nch, ~ore ava1ty ~r~th of a p:xn- Pridl. unto theCouncli ; th~y might have come tf they would. Ndther cught a Bdhop to di(d3m, if he ~ rude or un· To thofe that ~re prd(nt power is giv~n, an? they learn«!, that the multimd~ doth not follow him, or that ~~~h!h: ~~~~ ~!:f~b~:r: a~~nrhem:~ai;;'1~f ~j,Y; ~~~f;~i~ ~fo~:1: ~~:~v~~d~~l~uc~~~hp~~;~~~~r~ ~:',bd~:l. Common-wealth; ~ly we fe~t them not thither, but bare and nggcd Cloak, tl1~n in rich Oriutnents and ~;:.h,:;:~ they wmt ratha agamfi the will of the Counci~ than Apparel. clokc. wirh the co1U:~nt thereof. · Wher~fore I pray yon my lord ~ifhops? do not fo su.... .o. And adm1t that they hadb«nfent byth~ Cou.ncil, muchoontnnnyourlnferiors; forthefirfiwluchdredfor&r«Mt"Jf- }·~were not our powe-r fo much rdhai.ned. but that we Chri.fl1 the winch a\(o opened unto all other the way ci. mJght~d"onntheC~urch, forotherwUC:therefhouldnev~r Martyrdom, W3S ~o Bifhop but~nlyaLt'tlitt. As for any thing be done m the Coun?l: forfomm:h as always that which Llld~tclfsand Panorm1tan doall«<getouching fome :u~ fcnt Out by the Couoo.l, and fome art always to the voices of Bifhops, I know not where they have it. ix looked. and tarried for, and thmfore we mufi either do Wherefort: I ddir~ them that they would t~ll m~ where nothing at all,_ or fend out no Ptdates from the Council. they have found it. But if we reptat th~ examples of old Whereas he: fa1d thlt ?relates, !nd efpccial!y BHhops are Cuuncils, we fhall _fi nd that the: Infenors were: always contemned, that is mofr fur from thc: truth, forthey have pre(ent with the B1Chops. And :~lbcit that Lw/O'Vic111 Ttt 2 , d~