772 The Cotmcil of Bafil. Ahhots not i11j1iwtedhy Cbrifl. do forbid us tl~ecxampks of the Afl?lilcs, I fiay my felf arc not_to ':>c excluded'from the co_nventions of Bilb.ops and {KING } ~~~~ o£ ~t,~:l.l ~~~~~~ ~h~l~~~ ~~~a~~~~: ~(~~~ ~~~~ ~~r~:l~3~~ili~~ ~~~~t;by !~~~~~ ~(Sa~:~rlr;tmbt~~~~ 81:6~nd ;~:::~.~r ~;~,~}~'Z~~~·~~!:,'d~;';;;!~;~ ·~~~~.::,; ,;;~;i, ~h:~: ~~~·~fi~.~:~y ro, \i'~~;~;":rh:"'~~":u'::':":~~:h ::~~~ :r::~~~~~r ~:~~ ~~~ \xfo~ :~~:~J~~~:~~~~~~~;dr~~[fd~~o t~X ~~~tt~crtll~;~r~~~e~~etoBd~~~; ~~1d is de;;~~:~n~~~~:t d~~t ~.~~to· g: 1t:ft l~~E:~:,~~~~:,~f2~i:~r!~~~;~~~~ ::::;~~£~ :~E,~~o~:,,~~":;b~:'fp!:r.::,~,;.,~)',;' 2~.':.~·~,: voice5. ltt another .pbcc alfo of the ~aid Ads, when as fhtuced hts Apofil~. Prophets, l">afiors, and Teachers to the Aponies (hou~d tncreat upon a wetghty matter, they the_work of the muufiery, for the eclifyin~ of his Church, dur!lt~Ot detcrmt~lt by tbemfdves, but the T welve called until fuch time as we fhoulcl mttt him, f?r this purpofe, together the m~tlumcle. . that there rhould be no doubt in the diverhty of dodrine ; Here Lud'JVIUIJ faith, that tt doth not appear that ~he who d~bteth t!tctl , but that the govern~nce of the AporHes cal!cd other of necdft_ty: But I lay unto lnm, Church lS comrnmed unto _others together w1th the Apehow knowdl thcu that they cl1d not fay unto the~ of ne- fdes ? Let thefe our ChamptOtlS now hold their peace, and cd.11ty ? But fo~f~much as both pans are uncercam, no- fttm to be no.wifer th:m they ought eo ~· The m(morial thmg doth_prolubac ~ to follow the A~fd~ For faing o~ theCounCJI of Crmfla"u is yet frdh m memory, where that all thmgs are wnue~t for ou.- lcarmng, u appeareth d1vers of us _were pref~u, and I my felf alfo which was ~;t:·& ~~~~~ ~~~~~hl~d~n~;rrusi ,~f:~~~-e. t~~ :~~;·;~~~~~ d~~t~; ,~~:~::m~:!::'~/>d~:~~~~:~~~.'~~~n~ ;:~ .. su. Prl~~nd. all Councils which were ctlebratc and holden afcmv.nd~, fcriors to be admiued with the Bil~10ps, to the deciding of :'~~quifb~ we find that Priefis wtte alfo prefent; as in the Counol bard and doubctul matters. N(ither Ollght wt to be aihov.A«bbi· of fr;u, which of all ot~tr was ':flOfi famous., At~anafius thamcd. to f~llo. w the example of that moft facrcd and bei1 g then but only a Pridl:, wh~thfiood the Amans and great Council, which alfo followed tht examples of the ir.f nged their arg~mcnts~ albm there were alfo Othtt CounCi l of Pifa, and the great Council at Latmm, Pridls. And aUxtt menuon be made of three hundred wherein it is not to be doubted, but tlm the Pticfis tw~ty two Bifhops, }'et it is not dcnytd but that the 1 1~- did joyntly jud~e togtther with the Bifh~ps. ftnors wrrt thtte, whom I think to be omitted for th1s Moreover, it Abbots, as we do fce t t obfervcd in all Note lhtt ~~~~ ~?e;l~~~~~~h: ;~;r~,:~:~~n~~~~~~O~~; ~~~~ ~~0~~ ~~:~ii, 1\~~~~j::~t ~n~f~\~~~dil~~~l~r~~:: ~~~~~~~w:~~; ~~:~~ taken of the tnot\ worthy. Pnefishavtthefame, whofc ordcrC!mftordamcdby hlS bl 0 " 1 "- 1n the Sy_nod of ChalceJr:n _(which was counted one of Apo!:les? H~rcupon alfo, if only Bi fhops fhoul d hav( a deTb• nln!e the four pnncip:;tl Synods) 1t 1~ faid that there were tht re termming votct,_ nmhing fh?nld be done but what pleafcd ?.]f ~1~'~;~~~o;:r:~~;~~, ;:~:fi,~'~?E]~,:;~: ~~~,~~:,:~~i~:~::~;f:t;~;~J::i~~;;~u~~;~ ~fi~i~: w Pric!b. only of Fathers, which hath the fame lignilicnion that be a work of God, that the lnferiorslhould be admitted to a a.~. this word E!Jm hath in the At1s of tb~ Apo_!"fla. \Vt t_he dttermina_tions; for G_od hath now revC3lcdthat Wl\0 have alfo a T diimony of the Ecclc!JaftJcal H!ilory, how Jade ones whtch he hath htdden from the wift. ~~d ~h~~~~;a:,~c~u~~~~~~s a~;:~ ~~!i~~~~~~: ma~~~~~n1:7o1°t~~:'fu,::1:S.con~t~;;J: fhtJ1:~~~~~ which alled thtmfelves Ca~har;. Alfo, when Paul the cilnow be, if only Bifhopsand C1Tdinalslh0uld ha\'C their ~f·~~f. ~~~~h~· j~;;o~h;~~ t~~i~ ~;~~~~ie%~~~0~~~::: ~V~~~ ~~~~e r~~t:!l~c~F!~~t6e o{ \~~~j~~~ the Council a_lfemb!cd. againtl: him in Antirxh; ~vhereunto Decre~ and Reformation be~ For all thi1_1gs have now a then: came Btfhops out of Ct[arta, CappaJocta, ?ut of long mne_ bttn ~ndc~ the will of Eslgm:m, and he had Pont~u, ..Afia, and from 'Jrrufalem, many other Btrhops, now obf3~ncd Ius wtcked and naughty purpo(e, except Priefts and De:t.cons; and 1t isfaid, that for that caufe the thefe lnfenors, whom ye now contemn, had withfiood. Council was oHtn holden. him. Thefe are thty which havt comcmned the privation And at the la(! in the fame pl:u:e, under -:4unliflt the made by Eugrnifls , !hd"e I fay, are thty wh~ch hlve not ,...1 tltc Emperor, Paul wa5 condemned of all Chrifiun Churcht:S rega rded Ius thro~nmgs., fpoil and pcrfecunon. Theft Nott tlot ;~g~J~2h~~~~;~~~~~ 7"U>S d.N . upon the _words of A1attlmu, where ~hnft fa11h ro Ptttr, thar_chefe me11have n?t W11lmgly fuffercd for the Ilg_ht and ;:,~,:?~' &;:'h:1 -f~:: b~h~~:ofehtw~r~; ~l:t~d~i~f~~e1w~'~i:; ;i~~'Zr~~ ~~~n~u:h~1;iJ;~t~~~: ~:i~~~~~~s~:~~;~~ noton!yuntoPeter,but alfototheothert\poffit:S,and loudvoicecryoutandfay, .Aibtitrharal/Mm bwnnt to the wl10lt _ C~~rch, the Bifhops and Priefts. If then obulimt unto that Subvtrttr of the Churc~ Eugtnius, a_ml Pridls have a )lid:cta! Power in the Church~ what !houldltt that tVIrJ Atan do Jtpart from tltt vt~Jt} of tht Fatt~ that they have not alfo a determining voice m the Councils. and ctmjhruttonJ of t~ Fathrrs, confmtmt "lmto tht ~om- ~~~t fi~:J:tn~:Cc~~~~~l::~m ~~~h ~~~a~~ E~: :;;:::~~~~~1Jo~tr0~~~~/~/:;:;t~~:.!r;~~;aJ//{;~ ~~t~~ ~~;fgi:~~/~t;:'~;lfiig~=~/~~ trv~:: ~~~ ~:~co:a ~7:;'b:·f:~~:;,t~~~::~tr7gsb~;d~~~ ~~~:!.. it was fpok~n amongft the prople, I hold of Paul, I with anr fpoils, neither could any fear or hope tun1 them .,.,...,. of !r!~: ~~.A~!~l'e :~~~; ;c%f:; a~~e~:~~f~he~P~~~~ ~:~ne '~fr~~~~efio~~~~d0r~~~the~1~~Y (~a:~r::~ ~~r· f~~: ~~if~5~1~~~~:~~j~~~~;~;:rzg~~ ;~·:ffff;:o;,;,~{!K~~f(.~f:~':~ i~~£,/rf. 7 • ~'" ~:~~;:;~;;~~:~:~:~~~i~,~',:i;;~~~~i.i.! ;[i~~:~~i:~~;~~:~~~~~;!~~n::~~~J?~?.:?3~: RJi.: Bifhops; whereby it doth c"'demly appear, that Pnefls pkafure? But the lnfcnorsaJe thcy wluch havt had;~~~ no Go<t.