Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

In matters of Faith ought to he 110 delay. Decrees •f tbe ComJCi/ o[Conltance. 773 { ~::.~ } ~~~t=~;!c1/~~~~:~~~d1~~!fhe~~!~ d;~kf~: ~~~~~~: 1:~,;~ r~f:·~f~ri:~:;':h~ ~~or';;:!, ~~~.~;; fuchMrn umotheChurchof God. Burwhyd.o I defend dus d~hy bt:mg obt1mtd, he would af<erwa.rd confcm tht caufe of thcfe Inferiors? When as fomc will alfo ex· with Ius Fdlo\\'S uuco the Condufions; for •he denyeth elude thofe Bifhops which are bur Bilhops by name and that he hath an~mm:md!l\ellt thereunto: and(whkh is ~~~~~~ :;~;eu~rlk~~!~~~;1:h~[~~~~~lc~~~~hgof~l~~~ ;~~~lt~~'~;~~~~~.; ~ 3:i~;~hfutc~1~1~~~~~~~~b;t~~tc put back cho(e men, they do condemtl Ptter, an~ the Conclllf1ons may lxomtttcd; as though any thmg wm: .%z!·:.:!}~;;~h;;s,~::::~;;::,~!£f~l;~~,;~;~; ::;~~;~~;:;~;.\;~i~J,~·:~;~;~~:~::,~~:; ~r',\,:;~; ..: that tim~ no great number of ptople, but a (mall flock but for to unpugt~ the Couclul_tons the more.llrongly. Netbel~~~i•~:;;~~~> what is that we fhould enquire ~f thdC ~~~c11° ~~:~i~ fl:~~~d ~f::Jch~~r' rf~~ ~~~~~~~~~g?:~cr::L~: TbtB!lllopt Bi!hops? They have no flock; but that is not thcLrfuu\~. of the ~tqu~hs; For I fee noc:~ufc why the PrnMs fhould But now to return to~ more full Declaration of P(lnr:r- bring to pa!S, that the _PoJ:!C being Chrills Vicar, _and (as a:;t,..~1• ;:r;;~;~,~~d. 1 i~ctt~m~~~~in~s :C'%s ~~~::tstl~~~~~: ~~~y~}~Jc~J~f1~~~cg;;;gia::~~t~hc~~;i;u~~~c!;~ :~:,~•; ~1pttant, &,urptttmt, thatlS, whomakc~b thepcu- to obey worldly P_rmas? But I pnyyoulook fornoGod~ tLon, and for whatc:mfcthcymakc their petition. We flKhthmgsatt~Pmnshands. Donotbclievctlutthcy grant that they are great Mm, and Men of power, and will forfotke r~e11 Mother rhe Church. Do not think ~h~~~~~::e~.~;;n~~~td~lt h~~ ~h!"~~~yg= !~~ j~~/fu~~~ed_ute fron, the truth, that they would ha\'c thereunto with a lineae affcd:ion. But whether it be a The Conclutions, whereupon the contro\·erfie is, are limlltll3tter that is required, or that the fame elf ~its would mofi true, mofi holy, moll allowable. If the Princes do :!r'F? ~rd~~(l:r~~ h~~,~ ~eeq:~~f: di::y ro; :fe~ ~~i~i~ H~r~e~~;~r;,t}~~~ ~l~~ ~;~n~r~~~~i~· h~~r:1~in\~h~~~ t!f.~·· ~;::~~: ~~~;~~~~~~~~~::~E~:r:ZfJ~~~~~ r.~i+~:·;J~·~rfi;.:~~~:;:~zr~:~r~~.:~~~: ~ vcrmesarealrcadydccl:utd; theybealrcadydtCcutTedand youfccmtogoaboutany othcrmme' thantomculc:ne determined. If nowcherefhould bcbutalirtledclay, it terrorandfarinrothemind;oftheFathers : foryouhave would grow to a long cleby: for oftentimcs the deby of rehd&d grc:lt perils and d:lUgers, except we fubmit our one Moment, is the lofs ofa whole Year ; hereof we have ftlvcs unto the Princes. ~~~~~~~~~~~ wluch for our fakes hath fuffered fo cmd and gnevous Hrma. Hanntbal thou knowtff Villory to g(t, death? Who when hr. wasan immortal God, void of all ButhowtoufouthoulmMP'/f7WtJtt. Pallions, c~k upon him theflupeof a morca!MJn, and . . . feared not tor our redemption ro fuffer torments upon the ~~b~;~~!: likew1fe the Frtncb-mtn? a(tcr they had tak.en Romt Crofs. Set b<fore your eyes the Prince of the Apofil~, ro(OolllbnrJ and htf~tged tht Capitol, wh1left that tht}· gretd.tly _fought Ptttr, Pa11l, A•,Jamn,and Barrbclomew, and (not :;:!;_"-•IJr· to have grt:~.t fums of Money.• and delayed the tune ~n to frea~ onlyof Bi!hops) .mark what Sttpkn, Uturmu, making of their -.:-rucc, CPmd/u, co~1ingupon them did Stbajftan and Fab1an did. Some were Hanged, tOme mofilhamefullydnve them out agam, But what need Beheaded, fomeStontd to death, othn: fomc:Bumc:d,and Thr ~lgh~b !r: 0ruit:~c: r~!d ~(ri~ ~·~':~~~ ~Ol~ufd~:h~~~~~~ fu~~l~~~!f~ ra~; ~n;~:;:~r~td~~c:Te~r~e;~~ ~::~~;s~~~ ~~sf?Ji~~ being this day dilhubtd, we know not whether 1t will be ncfs and ddire of lifr> do .;r:~~g 3 the C!mfl an R.ehgi~: :t:':.~~~o