Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

174 AChrijlian Exhortation to Conflancy and Martyrdom. l)~:t ~~t~i~:~i~t~ ~:~t~~~~~r(.~~ ~~~r~~t~ro;~ ~~r;e t:v .;:e oih;rar;;~d~~~~ =~~:;! :::~ t:: {~~~~~~ ourcowardlintfs, if that by followingPatHJrmirammmd, ~vhofc: Rc:wardlh1lllx: Paradifc:? I am:tfhamtd of your ~~~~~~~~;~;:~;~;~:~;~~:~E?:ii~~.~!ii:~~t.~; !~~~:£~·~.~~~~:~d~~~I·:r~~~~:~1~?Ei;~:0~~ ~h:~i~~ro~~~~~~rc_~hi~~~~t~;;~;;lrfu;;~b~,t~~~d~~ ~l~c:~~!~: i;~~~~;~ 01~a~~t~~;i~h~~~v:1~;:~r~~~~~~;~ lu 1 • or E;:~:or Jr"N!~ro~~h:h:•~:~~~~b~~fr~~~~~~~~~::!a migh~ move: ~~~ ~~~ ~a3:.J:~d,ml;is l t;f;~a(fo~ ~;;;orhe~t~~J =~~*on ~yi~ fot a.1~d thr us to caft off all the: fc:~r of d~ath. \~hac IS to be '~ms) came: mto contc:ntJon who fhould bt: burnt<! with ~ coun· ;~;1;~~hJ;~~~1°YJ~n~~h~ ~~~~ (~;~t~~e ,;ri'j~f~~:f~~~!r:,1g~~;)'S;~~~~~:, :~: poi.fon ? What fay )'0~ UlltO So,raw that mofi excdlent fire wnh ~he dead KarcafS of her Husband, and burnt. The Philofoph~r ~ did he either wctp or fi~h when he fi1ppcd other whiCh were oveKome, departed full of hcvind"s and up the potfon? T~y hoped for that which we are mofi forrow, wi!hing rather to have died than live. c:~~::re1~ ~b:tt~;. dying to die, but to change this pre- fak~~vmh;~~:~ru~~~;:i~~; e~~~n! ~krzsa~:m~:~! Truly we ought to bea!ham~, being admonilbed by anfwertd Pbilip, who when asbyhis l.wershethre1tned fo many Examples, inllrufr«l w1th fo great l..tarning, yea them, that he wou.ld fiop all that which they wmt and rcdctmed with the precious blood of Chrill, (o greatly abou~, tht:y asked !urn, Whtthtr ht w~u/J alfo ltt thtm to ~:~d~~~i~;th not of one or two men, ~t of whole Le- ~~~~: \~~~,j~~~~v~~·i'fr~e~~ ~~i':~~~~n~th~l~~a~:~~:~~~~ gions, whiCh have chcarfully and couragtoufly gone unto ctbk. For }'ou do know that Po~·er is gl\·en of the Lord, thofe plactS, .from whenc~ they knew the)'. !hould not re- and llrrngth from the mofi; who will rake actum. VVith hkecourn~tdld .theLattdtmomans.giv~~m- COI.mtof )'OUI works, and examme your thoughts, unto klvcs to dClthat T/mmoPJlu, of whomS;momJu wnteth ~ho~ ye fhou\d be c:artful to render a good account,judgthus : ~;lgt~lif~y\\~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~a~ ~;e ~~1::'~~~tj: :~~ n~~ accordmgtu thew11loimen. And whereas tbc Amh31T:Kio~s of Eugmius do openly pr.e1chanddeclare a t.u~wDoctnne, extolling the Birhop f/t:l:, ~t:;~;;:,:g;!,~,:,h:,;~~:~~~,:~·::,~:;i wiUi.-/,. ~~~&:~1:~~~?~hfi1~;: 1J~r~~~ ~~~;~~~; ~~a'i~eu:1~~~~a~~~t I1Jh the three firfi ~ndu!ions, followmg th~ example of Tft• noblt Neither judge the contrary, but that the LauJummians the ApotHe Paul, whtch would point g1ve place unto !::,~.. C:~~ai~~v~~~fJ:~f~ld,feo u;;o ~c~~~~o~i~~~~~~n:~~ ~,e;;t~7~~~~~:~~~~ld~ar~or~~~~~o~!;; ~ro~!·o~sk~ fi~;f;:ff.' 1&:h,: ~fi~~{~~~"}.;t{f~td:~~/~;~;; fh:'J\i~~~~t~~~6;:r;;~a:1~~~o 0~~ :;~~d~) ~! you umo clte l~1fmuls, as he dtd. his Lactdtmr'!m~s, but !hall defer them f~r this prefent. unto the cclefi1al and ever\Jiiing JOYS of Para.dtfe, 1f. that ~hen as Card1113l .Art!tJtmfis had ~ade an end of this you can fuffer death fllr the truths fake, and ~t1cntly ~r.J.tton, then: was a great noife, cr), ng out and brawlabide the thrratnings of thtfe Princes, if there bt any mg en:ry where. The Prcfidents Commandments were threatnings at all. I call}'OU unto that · eternal Glory, not regarded, neirhtr was the accufiomcd order obwhere there is no alcerationofSrarc, nothingdecayerhor fcrved; for fometimG they fpake unto Panarmitan, fadeth ; where.all good and pcrptrual things do abound : fometime unto LuJr;vicus; no man was f~ffercd to (peak, where no 111.111 wameth~ no man cnvieth another, no man but i~1 haf~e the ~J!ltops bnwlcd with Bdho!,'S> and the fiealeth from another, no m:lll violently raketh from ano- Jnfmors w11h the1r Fdlows. All was full ol contention thtt, no ~an banifheth, no man murdereth; and finally and de~te; \~hich even as LuJO'I.Ii,lls the Patriarch of r.:,&!ftt~e ~~ ~~~~~~7~~~;d a~;J~~~e a;!c~;d: a~f1 b~;~t;:r~~~~r,· ;~ ~~~~~~[ ~;~~~t~«~;,~ ~:~~~~~~nkfSafe~~SM! •. fifo~~~; ~~;~rr:- w,,.,_, :~~~r~:~J;:nJ~~;;~:i~T:~~:;~;~~y~~~~:~:~~~~: ~~.:~; '?.:~~F;;;~dm~~~~:~~~,:~:s~:~,;~E !S!r: t!or:IJ Cptntnjis is faid to ha\'C anfwcrcd LJfi.mach:u the not Jrf tht .mamurs of th.t GeLmans, for if )'OU go f~rKing,whenht: thr~tncd t.o hang him; who !a1d,J pra; ;ou ward on thuf~JI!~~n, tt un!J not bt /a?l.'[~tl for JOHto dt- ~Jg.f~B~~~:7.:k;;~ ;:~;;p~~i~::E;E~l~rf~ S~EYfi!~~;,;~:!·~~;,;:;;t;:~:~~~~t~~t~ fi•· WltothePrmces, iftherebe anythacdothreatenus, and Heaven,) rofcup,andfatd, Isourftb(rt;thustalemfi'om let us uot fear their Torments. 11s? What mtanrtb it that tht Patri.1r'h doth thmum us, hattV~i~~dd~~(h~~~~i;n~:c,~h~~ilh~~~1~:l~~~e ;~~ ~~~~~ 'j:f;af;J~[~;:~;;:~t~l~c~.~~~e111uful;~]~h;;:r~: L~~;:~:or feet gift cfVerme. And if the death which a man fulttt- tcdors place, tho/ demandc:d of hnn whether ~e .would cth in the quarrel of his Country, feemeth not only to defend the Council, and pr&rve all men in their hbeny, be gloriow amongU the Rlmorictans, but al(o happy or no? r::r~3i~c~~ t!~!}a~~~~;·c:;;lf~~~~i~r~e'2~~ch~ anlPo~e~~i:~ 3,'! off~~~~tr~~ ;Pf~rn:h~~~!: !!~~~ ~or~:.~~ 10 ;;g~:'! r;r~~t~~~;:~kJv~i~/~uJ~~~h~~a)u~:~! ::ij"~ff=~~~;h~~~s ,~:r~~tdt:ZuM~!t~J:~(f~: fit. for Chrilia fea.rful, Ouggifh and faint-hearted> and therdcre they ~o fon:ftc1~1g fp«ia.lly that no mmulls lhould rife, otherw1fe c~~rc.!l. objeCt Princes unto you, be~ufe the}' think that you wdl than With words.. They u(cd always fuch a. marvdous net fuffer hunger, thirfi, ~Xlle in th~ quarrel ~1d defence fordight and ~rovtdence, that no m:m unto tlus day could ~a~::2~~~rc~he ~~~il!i~~m~?~~er~;!:~~~~~~k, ~~ndoh~~! 3~;;; ;Zmif~e ~~~~'o~~cr:f, a: 0 "~m~~~~ ~~:}' ~~~~~~111~ fame which Ship-men do for the obt311llllg of tranli~ory d~fer.vcd well. at the hands of the Church, furcly riches, to put chem(eh•es in danger of the Sea and Wmd, this praJ(e 1s. to be gt.Vtll unto th~ BaJi.ltam.. Thefe m~ i:!~- 1~, or an~~~lf~~:~~!~scrl~~~a~:d\1 the nights in t.hc Snow, in ~~~cX~:mbJ~~~~f~~:hfa~;~~~a~:~~(~~·ot~;:?;;~~~~ ~f :~:Hutu- thcH1lls and Woods1 and arc tormented wlthco!d; )et their libcrt)'• Tht Earl (albeit he was moved at the fital1gc·