776 How far Bijbops ought tojudgeupou Emperors. ArelatenGsbioCouclufion. ~!.~:=.~b1 ~!~;h:; ~oa;1 ~·~tth~:l~:'\~~:ri~a~ ~~~~i:l~=~ 1 ~h~4 ~:~:~~~t!://t:;;?~~/ ,;t:,;P;zefr ~~~e,;!:J; {~~:.} ;:t~th• bry\~~~·~ !~~n~~~Yer,~~:~~~uf~~e;~~c ~~~~~,1 ;~o=;~rit ~ ~;~:/:;::•, ;;;;:o~~~ ~h"::ejwta/{::r;'t:!c,'::::f'!,~h: T.:~~u- :·~:,on by the Author11y of h1s Kmg, Who, he f:uth, Wtli btn.~e tt if nu1fifJ to prrn.nd~ remttl], and if n<ctffiiJ to cmcl 11Je Cwndl. fo. But you moll reverend F~thers, take hc:«< that ye up;n t~t Vmrm '»JhlCb _"Nrt t~ammtd, that rbmbJ the bring in no 1i1ch cutlom > for fo 1t !hall come to pa&, that ttm~'.''J cf the Eugmr:m~ m1f{ht be reprefft1!; which ~J~':l! fu~~f::n~ few f~ward Prehttt lhalllme on.e.tocon- ':;;~::be;:~~:,~;e{0u;:~J~5:~;':n"~~=r:t'bu~:;,~ ;~: And albeitPanormtMIIhlth ~roved (as he thmketh) tlmeftrft: wtnas [alfo (fauhhe) lnre doumdudein ~~c :!~:~~thrfu~d~~;g,thj~~~~~q~f;~t~~~~~~~~~~:~~~rr~~ the Name of the Father, th' Sm, and rhe Holy Ghojf. thers to fOllow the example of the Apoflle, who (as Art- When he had fi nifhed his 0 ntion, with a che:uful and t~;~~d ~f;ts ~~~~ ;;;:;:c~~~;~'ah~f~~~~~ 1f~~iv:h~~~~~hu~ ~«eJh~~~:te~~~~~tfo~~n~f~he1t~ t~~~e~he ~~~~0~}hehTs t1f:!~'!tt the Gofpd•. The Faith is [peedil}' .to be relieved -and Garments. A. gr~t numbc:r foll?wed him, and grearly ~· ry. holptn; neith~ doth any dung fufta1!1 more danger by commended Ins '~tfdom, that bcmg a Frmchmtm bom, ~~.!t. delays., than F:uth doth. For Hereltes except they be hadthat?ayvanqm!l_led thcltalrnns, whichweremenofin, • ~lloll roottd out at the firft, when thq- are once grown,, art: gre:~t pohcy. Howbett this was all mtns opinion, th:~.t it l!o:Po?t. hardly tak~1 awax. Wherrl'or~, I defrre you fpm:hl}' to was done rat.her by die o~ration of tbt-Holy Ghofr, than help and a1d, H01fe up your Satls, . an~ lanch out your br tl.le Cardmals own FQWer. The other of rhe contrary O:us. What. fhould we UIT)' look~ng for .drher the Pre- FaCbon, as men bmft of rhdr ":linds,hanging dov.'ll thC"ir lattsorthe Pnnces? You are now m conllu:~l:: 1 only de- h~d~, dep:uted .e\·ery m:mw hiS Lodging. They wn 1c firtrhatyouwouldhaftenunro theYidory. Rq;:rrdnor norcogether, neither faluted one an01her, fo that their ;;~]~~~~~j~~:·!E~:~1~1J;~;, E:;d~41~t;g:~~~~~e::~~~~~~tr.~%~~ m1 fake; rtjf>JCt an~ ~t J!.lad, for grtat :s JOI!r 1!-eward had c~mpclled h1m tO tlm·e ~gamfi rhe truth, and put ~~ ~~~h~bjeaW!~:i~~ 1~ ?Pfs~~~~~ll~hl~~~J~~~ ~b~ ~~ ~:~I i~~15tJ~e 0~~id~:n~.t~~~~~~~~C~I~~trn~fh~O}!~lJga;Jl:;p~ rake us out of the Furnace of hot b~tming fin:, and deli- and d1d car no meat un~ 1llatc m the eV(]Jing, for very forver us out of the hands of th~fe Prmccs? I bt:feech you row for that he had neither ignoramlylndther unwil!inglr mo!lrevert"ndFathrrs and lovmgBrcthrrn, have no id$ impugned the truth, ~~~al~~ ~~,~l,~c~~~~~ri~~:~h~~tS~]~l{i~J~~b,;;~J~ift;~n~{d Eu;:~~:r.;~lisw~~~~r~~:s ~~c~~ ~n~~:~;i~:~ a:~~n~ftt;r~ J.!~~.:.~~: Chdfti1n let the people know, That the mofl· Htgh rrt!ttb over the Some thought good ro depart :md lo::ave rhe Council,orher- ~. oroh ~~th~1fe:he~i ~h~~tf;~~~~i:;v~r.;o:e~~(/{af~t~(r::; ~~.:;; :~~:~~r~\~~:~~~(:f~~th~; ~ 1jo~~t~l~~i~~~h;~~t:~ midH amongfl us ; wherefore arc ye thm afra1d ? Be of I ~"':~'"':i;:~an~d~~':h~o;~~~:p 11~im,;o,~n:~r~m~~'iin~('~.d~~'fm~o:n}gfff!:th:';m!i~· ~~T;h~< goodcounge,andfltcwyourfdv sasaftrongwalifor the - ChurchofGod; fuffernotthefaithtoperilhunderyour hands.TheAlmightyGodisprefentwithyou.Heisprefent Annhor~~-tha.twilldefend yo.u. Fe:~rnotrhemwhichfeekonl~' to lxganmany things as 10udUng peace. cBi!Jlop of ~~~eo~ kill t~e bodr. Do JUfrice and equity, and be atfm«l thlt Bt~rgm J'('rfwaded that there (hould lx ~q>urauons ap- ~~;~:~:t~la~~;: Yo;;g~~,er I in;;Y r~~~t~a~:.o~~~ ~~~; ~C:ftgir;ca~~::; ~~:~k~~~ma~~;~:~.b~OU~r~~X= !~:~: fd\'l:s valiant and !lout, defend your MothC'l' the Church. anfwe~ was made, as they th~ughr v~y ~-oughly, but as ~~e~~~0pl~~k·~~~:~~~~1 ?o~ ~f~~:tJ;urt~~t~ f~~~t~~g~i'fn~J:r~u;o~f;b~th!,:~~;gj{f~~ac:J';:!j~ without a final ronduf101~, know alfuudly that thou !halt hef~e thr Advn:Jaries conftffid thtir fault, and aJkeJ render account in the frra1t J udgm(llt of God. And thus pardon thmfor~. wi~~~o~t:n~~~eti::ds!1~t~~~~;1!d ~~cf~1~~~c~en had oth;~~~otla~~!o;,~~;~zti~~~.~~~~~~o~h:1;:;~:~~,:~~ !;:.~~~op £~1~~~rt:1h~11~ffuo~~f ~~~;:~ 1!~~1~e~vi~1~~~~~~ !~~dc~;~11~ ~=h{;~~~heL;:~hti~~t~~~~f ~~~~?,it~~;~~~~~~~~~: ~·~~& cgn· ~~~F~,~~~h~~~~e ~~~:da~~~~te t~~~i~;:~~~~~o~:~~;d :~~h~~~~ d~~:;~~-lves~l~eth~~;~mrr ~~~c~i~~c(~e~t;~~~~;r~~ ~7t,:r.'" men. But ncithn the Fathers of the Council were de- mtn m wi fdom, which would do 110thmg Without dJli- ~~~~;:~:~t~:.\\~;~~I~~~~~~~g:~~ lf0:;If;ri:~::.r:~ri~J¥.i~s~2~~~;~;;~ led him. So.me W(]Jt ro the Cardmal Art!atrnfis, fome W1rt ~'IJ da,gtr tfiWartl, tt j!Jot.ftl be d~d•.rtd unto tht untoPanormttan, and exhorted them, as1f they had been Councrl, andnot tot he Smau. F~r thq btlwve that tht Princes or Rulers of Armies. Th(]J Ardatmfis knowing Eldtrs of the c,uncil, if rhq wm prmmsiflud, would the matter tO be in danger; and that there was no.rcadr fi)Tefot t~at r.htrejh(!tddno hurt hal'Pm: mf~r tht Stnafe v.-ar to make a condufion, thought to ufe feme policy ro of rht CtfJ, tt was rlmr d"!J cnlj ~o dtfm~ the Fathers, appcafe the mmult. . and t? prt{tr'llt tht prW!i{t of rht Cif]. With tills anfwer t::.:~· ::;,~~:£[,'7:;1t.!~::~:.~!~;f.;1,:~~:~~~:;:; ::~;!~;;!~fE~~~~~~,t:::c~~~:~::.~,':::i E~~ tlnre, which if JGII wtll gwe me 1vrllmg Attdmtct, [w,£ ~:!d appro,·~ the (Jme m the facrtd llipuuuons. By thiS =~~od. ~::5 t~U· ;~::~h~~:a·::~V~~l;~~~;~ ~~:db;'~~is a 1:~~;1 1~~c;: ~~n~;:~~~~~~ ~~d~~g\~C~~:~ile~l!~~~h~h~~r:~~. Cafiilntl. !icy he made all men attentiv~ to hea.r. \~hen he fa.w he they had determined to ler the 0«-rtt'. The nmth dlyol had free liberty to (peak, wtthout eithC'l' Fable or Htfiory MnJ, there WlS a ~encral Convoca~ion holden, whereunto of any Letters fen.t, he optned the whole order of.the all men ~eforced, caber part puumg forth himfdf unto :dttl~~;lea~~ :,~;r ~:i1~;::~ti~o::~r,31(a~~~~Jn~~£~~e11~ti~~ th\h:A~inccs AmbJITadors were calkd by the Bilhor of hiJMeffmgmftllrdaiiFrancc1 pmuhingfln~w DoHrine, Lubed:. and Conrade Je Winfpergt the Proredor ~~~~