778 Contemion in tbeCouncil ofBa!il about reading the Protej/ation. ~.~!~~~ :rr~~:ct!{;;~hl::g ~~~ ~~i;hi~' ~~~ ~~(c~:~~~~ft ~:e~: t:;~ ~h~~:::h~rid ts 1 i: ~l~:,:w~Jn~:~lg;~~~gis \ ~~~} ··~·· 5f~:~~:;~;~!:.~~n:,~~ r~~;;;::~;~i:~i,~ ~~f:~~~·.~~~r:~:~;(,:I;:·~1~t:~~;;;:dJ~~~ ~J!:§[f, coul~ uo more be brought into q~diion, that the Sdhon ther ht- fa id, That he did not conclude crafdly and dectit· Gttbe l'roTotbtBI· :~n~~y~~:\&~~~- raA~,J~~:u;~~~~e~~~ ~~~~~he 1~~fu~~ ~~~p~~~~~~~y~~f~~~1~1;t ;:~~;~it~( ~~~tl~;~::: ~·"· ~~ore.,.. ofConcen (o greatly compl:nncth of, hedoth not much ~either hath any tmn any ]Ufi cau(e to complain upon n.r, rOIIlr marvel: !Or he could not know the procefs ofthematrn, ]urn, for fo much as when he was made Prclident he d.•P'It•llooo when he was abfenc; who being better inllruCl:cd, he fup- ~as fw.orn that always when three or four of the dcfura~ ;.;,.~:; :r• ~fedwouldfpeaknomore;my ~.eh words, forfomuch~s ttonsdtd agree, he fhouldcondudethereupon. Andfordoo!fnlllftl, a JUft m~n would re~uire no llllJUft thing: Alfo that hts fo much as he had already concluded, in divers caufcs ~~~~~ ~~t~:~~01~ch:~t:d11ef~~~ o;n:h1i~~1,g~~l~~~~~isK~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~h~0~'u!': !WF~ft~uf~, 7~It ~: ~~u~d2a~ r~r~~~r if :my. off~e fbould rife upon theCondufiO!lS· Noiwi.th· dinal, and did wear his red Hat for this purpofe, chat he •~:.:"dtdl<l Handmg, 1t is not to be f~r«l, tha~ any ev1l fho~ld ~pnng lbould lhed his blood in the defence of the Faith, Nei- ~~ To LW. of good Works. ~t unto the Bt!hop of. M1ll11m, he ther hat~ ~e done any thing now :~gaintl :he Pope, for~:~~;:~ ..... rbt would anfwer nothmg, becauf~ he faw him fo ~oved that omittmg the five Condulions tcuchm~ E•gmi,t, J..;c.reu. ,,_,_,, and tT?ubled, for ftar of mulnplyin~ of more gr~vous he had concluded but only the general Conduhons: wh_ich ~'d-1: ~. and hamous words. As for Pt~norm1tan he rcfcrved unto except he had done, the Fathtrs fhould have had Jufi lllf.cuiatr the Jafi. ~ut unto b1Jrn~ims the Pr~umot~rJ, which d~- ':lufe to compl.ain againfl him (in that. they nufiingi~ his ~:.""'a.'JJ.•· fired t?bcmC\rud:ed, h~ faid, HtwJ!leJhtm tob.efatif ti?elity and fa1thfulndS, had chofen h1mPrefident) 1fby H•fpukotb fiulwttbthtumJswb~ehwmj}ol:muntorbtBijhop of h1m tMy lboold now bc.forl'akcn in this mofi necdfary ~~~}: TuN':~virhrtandin~, he left not this untOuched which ~~;:[~ha~t~:ath~~d :~r~n~l~~~~U::~%~~c r~!o'e~;~ Coun(IL ;t~i7:h;: ~:~~~fe~.~~~~~~~i~~/~l~eA~:;dt~;7~~: ~~;,~~~~~: 1 fo:c.he f~~k~i~~~~~is ~~rh 1:~~~I~ty~: be only named, yet 1t doth .not follow (fa1th he) th~t they the Council, whtch he fhould obferve and keep: neither Ol'lly were prcfcnt at the feumg forth thereof. For Jt hap- fhould :my mans flattl"ry or thrc::~mings put him from his pcneth oftCJ~rimes, that Princes arc. commendcd and purpofe: :hat he would be always ready to do whatfoeva praifed :lS ch1ef authors and detrs of thmgs., when as not~ the Council !hould command him,and neva lt"a\'e the comwithflanding they have other helpers ; as .i t appea~eth in mandmcnts .of the Deputies by any mcaJlS unperformed. battels, whi~h although they arc fought With. the torcc of As touchm~ that ~ anormitan had extolled the authority all the Souldicrs, yet the VJtl:ory thereof is J.mputed. but of the Council, he (lld,Tbat he was ,r;nat f] tobt tba'!'hd. unto a few. Asmthefconrdlysthcydoafcnlx_alithmgs Butycthe.oughttoundc:rfiandandknowthe aut?orJtyof . which the Army doth either fortunately or wifely, unto the Council to be fuch as cannot be augmented or mcre:~fed !:'~;~;~~:·· Nicbaim Picmiur, that mo~ va!iant Ca~tain, which ~ath by any mans praife or commendation,. or be diminifbed by ,,,m,, obtained fo many famous Vu~lor1es; albeit that ofti:n!Unes any opprobry or ll.mder. Thtfe thmgs thus premifed, 01her have been the Jnventcrs of the Policy, and Workm he commanded the form of the Decrt'e tc be rnd. £~;:~fKi: :~~~~r;:~~nl1~ta:1~he~~~e ~~~:;~,~~Xst :J ;~~h. ~~~ ~=t~~:~na~o;~~~~i;h~~h :0~~~~~ T~ ~E;bJ ;:a~:~a~d;~~~~~~~~i~~e~~~~~~~~~t~~hfai~~.teN~t ~hegr~~ c;;~~:~;:;,s ~i~,1~nd t~0=1fi~dcl; , ~.CO®- ~~ISw~%~~~:~~~~(~ :~~~;e~I:~-:,At~~~~~.: ~~~ ~~;&c~~c~ u,;~,~h;;;:~~:':rfi~;~P; \~:JdlS.! ~ .&ttld~ put to by the AJX>fllcs, but afterward by gt~lCral Councils; fuffer it to heard any fUrther: AJ«< the Bilhop of Ct~tt~vi• t~~~~11 as that (lJrt wherein mention is made?ftheHoly Ghoft, CTJ~d outfaying, Tbar.it 'Mills unu,mrl.J that ArdatenGs, lll ~J tbt which the Council of Lirms did add:, 111 ~hich ~unci! wuh a fnv ~thtr. Bifll~ps bJ namt, JI.NJu!J ccnci•Jt tbc ~ndlof alfo it is n~t to be d?Ubtcd,but that the lnfer1ors did JUdge m~rttr. · The hke d~d alfo all thofe which favoured P11~ • to~etherwtththeBilhops. Butforfomuchash~had{uf- mllan.• The Cardmal ofT~~raco_nia alfo (which um.i]Eon~- ~~~~yh~~~~~~ ~~~t n~:~~~ci:~ t~~~e~~~re~~~:~~o~~;~ ~~~~~~~h:~a~~de~~s ~~~)ag:p~~~:a0Jr~~~k~h~; ~:g::. unto Pan~rmJtan, he rehearfed hiS words, 0!1 tx Deo tft, did not .reJd t~e.Protdlauon, andco~manded by and by turconti. , • .....,.;,.,. vtrba ~u auJir, HtthRr is of Gotl, ht11mb GoJs WorJ; one ofh~s Famillars to rtad i:. But hkt as the Adverfarics ~~·•tmion =~~i~ whi~h IS very well taken ?ut of _che Gofpd, but .not well before did perturb the readmg of t~e Cmcortlanm, fo ID rboCOII"' on11 d.lrh. ~ppl1ed umo the Counctl ( fatd l.le ; ) for he firmly be- would no ~~d1~,u!r heved,,thathis ~cdccclforshaveJU?gcd the Holy Ghcfl rhoprotcto he m the tmdft of the ComlCLIS, and therdOrethe lbtlon. wo~d'> of the Councils t~ be the wor.ds of the Holy Ghoft, unto him, and as he began to fpeak, fuddenly .Arelatt11jis wh1chifany man do rcJi=tl:, !Jedt~ueth ~imfelf :o be of rofe.up, w!th a great number of the Fathers to ~epart: God•. Neither dorh the Councrl hate t!.tc hght, wh~ch doth Wh1ch . thmg pleafed the CardinaJ of T ll'fACtmfll and. :ei~~~i~~b~~f~~~~:~e~k~1~~t~;~t~= ~&~~~:~~~fcsa~f ~7tnhm;~;f;~~h?rc~~·~:~~h:;!fX lX ~:~t:Y~:; t?c Adverfarics., ad~it fome,and exclude otherfome. More- exhorted Artlatmjis to revoke the conduf10n and to over,thethingwhJchisnowinhandwasbeguntobc in- makeauother. ueated~fornvomont~ago,andtirtlthecondulioJlSwere There was in clk!t Con.grcgation in his place Gt~ largely difputed upon m the Divinity Schools, and after- t~e Prctonotary of BarJaxmal firtii.IS fomewhat beneath ward ftnt unto Mtnt%. and ()(her places of the world. Ius Uncle, the Cardinal ofTflracomR, a fi1:3J1 but }'~g After all this the Fathers were called into the Chapter- of age, but grave in wifdom, a1~ noble m humamty: ~~(~~~~~~;;s;:i~u~~= ~;,:::,,of;hi~~~~~~: ~~~n:~~r: t~e ~r:;r~~a~r~~~~~1\tl~if~~ complaincth, was alroprefent, and according ro.h1s man- h1m, commanding h1m t~ tarry, he f:ud, ~oJ forb~J farner did learnedly and filbtilly difpute, an? had ~ilxrt}' to tb~r that I j/JO,Jtl tarry m ro~r ContrcgatJon, or Jo a111 ~~ f~h:; ~:~s~:~·rre!i~~e~~~e ;;~ ~~~ ~;{~~~~~\~~:~ :;~:r~:~:Ja:;;tis~~~!!k;~;'tfr~~en~t"td,!~7~: ~., PanormitRn was, the matter was thrtt~ays d1fcuffed. Af~ admomfhed our ~en .whtch rema.n.ted, of thofe rhm~ ter this the twcl~e men did a,gree uP?n u, and the general they had to do. H1s votce was the VOICe of the Holy Gho1~, Congrtgation dtd conclude 1t. Netther harh there been and words more necc!Tary thait could be thought. For ~f at any time any thing more ri~ly or exactly.handlcd, hchadnotfpokcn that word, the Fathers o~ the Council both openly and al(o withow.t any traud or decetr. And had peradventure departed , and &one thctr on-ay; ~