Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

G;eat Vnity and Cor/Cord ill tbe Council. :!~~~fo~~~~~0as~~~~tu~~~ tois t~~~d:~;~ga~~~~~ ~~;:o 1~:h~ut:t1~~{;s':~c~fo:~J'~~w;h~ {~~J.} ~~~h~~; ~~~r:Sl~i~esPo~~~ ~r~: Parrn~:, ~~~~::n~~t h7i~~ ~:h~~eh~n~~:Jdi~J 2:, h~~\~~~~s;~r1~d Erwio atcly from God : to the deltn~c whcttOf he fhould !)(~- and affifi th~m, thry w~e gready comforted and nKOUcrive the ln!CriorS to be no ldS encouraged dun the Bt- rng(d. Tlus Congrrg_auou was f;~.mous, and albeit that fhops, for that he did wdl und~rfiand and· know, . that t~ere w~re not ~;my IM1ops pxe(ent,yct all dlt: Seats ww: they would not only f~J(nd cheu Temporal goods, b~t hll~ wtt!t the Btfhops ProCt-ors, j\rcbdeacons, Prdidmts., alfo their lives for the ~cfence thereof. As for feme Bi- Pnors, Pn~Jl:s an~ Dod:orsofbOth 1..-tws, which I judged (hops, rather tl~:m they wtll }ofe any part of their Temper to be about the ~umbq- of.,oo or n:wrc: am<.mgfi }V born nltirs, they wtll lcll the hbcrty of the Churd1 unto the then: W?-S no not(r, no clud~ng, 1.10 opprobrious wOJds Cl ~409 ~J~n'isa;~~~~~~~ t1~~~J~~~M;~~~~: d~~~~ :~~ ~~~d . ~~~~~t:h:1,az~d\b~;e':;;:,~ 3~1f~1cra:~ ~fJ~o:t~t ~~~: ~~; fr~;~~c~:h~a~~ ~:;~~a:h=~~~;~tj h!h~%:~~~~ ~h~~'lf~' ~3.1~,1:~ tl~~l~'Q:~!~ , ~~hl!in~:o!~~:te~irv '::<4.- m ~:u~:j~ rbfh!a~t~e~;et~ ~e:h!~rth:tgut~~~:J:kn:~~ ~:~~~~T,• ~:~~~~~J;~:~~~Y~~~it~ith ;'!~n~; entunto> for there is no third Tribumlwhcrcuntoany andgladncfs, andfothe Seffiondzflblved, whicbwasin Oqcdicnce. is due in theft m:urers_which concmt the f.tith numbcrd~ thirry third Sdlion,:md amongtl aU the full the: and fa\vauon of Souls. And finally, that the Church mollquietandpcaccabk. would not fuffCT that their affairs and m~uasof Faith The day fullowing, being the zuhofMaJ,thePrinces fhouldbcdetermined~y the JudgmencofPnnc~: for the Amba.lfadors withOlltall mensex~ti~c.:uru:umorhe H_oly Gho!\ isnot f~b)cd unto Princes, but Princes unto g~l Congregatiou, by dlil.t thezr dOlilg at the !rail h1m: and trpon thlS conclulion he would not _fear either givn_1g their ;JJfnJt unro the ScUion before ~td. In cde- TbeU,. Nom•~ ~~~:s0~a:,~~;; d~t~1~=~e~~ ~~~~~ob. gr!;1 ! ~~~f~t~to~';~ecp~ii~~~1;~at.~~:1~h1!,~Zen~~ ~J~ ~i~ ;.~;::r~~~!Eih!~::~;lE{~~/;:~H':f/:.i :~~:::~"~~~ :1~:!:2~~,~~h~i:i~~~@;',~:;,~~·t. erroro.of labaurand cotmfll, ~oth a dura momlurJ~ and n/fothe not hLdde_n to the AmbaiforsoftheEmpirtandFrllnct. !,';.'::,';,'~;;• foj}tnjiiJts ?vas ndmtiU~ and [et mt ngamft Eugenius. FortheBJ{JJopof Lubulr. faid, Thatthecall{t af hi!ab- ~::fi. de- ~:~t.~~T~~;/Jl~e:~~~~~:~~~r~:::!,~~:af!ft~~~ :~~~;J~~ ~;::m~~J;,t; ~:h;:,,~;t :a~(::r:in;;t:rr~:~r:r,'::;; ~:n~~~~tfi!,;~e;:ij,~ {VJ\e:~~fo~~ h:u~~G~d~~~~ f~:JJt~::;~: ~;~~%~'~:hn~,~~f;e:::;:!fJ t mitnnt <hhgently to conlider, whct~ler he fpake accordmg mtrwtd. Notwithflai~dmg, he_ d1d much cOO)Il\t l\{i th.e to his confdence or not : Far (facth he) rhe C~ncl11jimr Scllion lx-fore holden, and believed the Qccrte thc.rein which ntnl! jl1~ll b ~ tlumtl, art moft gtmral : neither is prom.ulgate to be mofi geed and holy, and the Vq:itits there any m~nuon in them o_f the Pope: and mOJeover ~e thtrem c?ntainro to be undoubtro; and fa,id, 1'h111 h! verity ofFa1th is contained m them: againfi the whichzf wculd j}t(! rhtrtunto bath m.w 1111J evtr, tvtn ra rht Eugmizrs did comend, it wne more m~et thJt rhe Pope tltath. Bl1tthe Bil110pof1'~~rnpn, ~man bothkamedand fhould be corrcdcd, than the wity onmted. And thus doquent, (peaking for hit;n and hzs Fellows, faid, T;11.1 ~~~~ ~~l(~t~~'s::ii~~~> ~:·~0~~ :0 'd~~:S~:;r~~:a :: f~~r~~~~h:Ja;:/'ia'::c~:/r~v~~~:~i1 a:::~t~ ~;;; Cowzcil, that none fhould be fi1ffncd to bring any we:~pon facml S~(/ian, _wham i~ bwmtth j}tci~/t ta txllh m~J to rheSellion ; forfomuchas he was reldy to~bferve fhe diftnd tht Faah; 'JJihuh t>lfo for that caufoabuw_ a/J ;~;c'~}d~~ . ~r;1,1etoE~~~~f~e a;~:~:~~ fu~t~~~~~( he~li~f:t~hr; ~:'J:1/:!}~~~~~~~t :n n::::i::tn;';';~ injury. vmunr. that the/> whic~ 'Wfft [tntto mtrtat peace, jhuJJ wh~~~~~~etni~~t~~:~t:~~~~ ~~d,~~~ a'~:b!ed11a:~h~ f;,;:;.hm~i/ah~h:{t 1:::~:;t~;eJ7~~J;:,~f.!;/h~ T- kica• ~~;:;her1~~~~~~b~~~f ~~;~ cllu~~~~ •. p:~·~~;~eft~~~ ;J/;:b~J:rffw~tdgtt a;:ntJ::: ~!:{!::t: d Th:'n;~do~ ofi~iuftl,r. what t~ey c0l1ld do; and fending the BL!llOp of Lubuk and I~Ot always bmd, bccau(e ~~is COitVmlent to have rcfpcd: of ~~:na.~Ya:~~!d r~:.~fe~~e~;~~r:e· P~·r~~r~~1~~! ~:~~~ ~;~: ,~~~~i;, h·~ ~;[o;~Y !:~ t~~t ~pa:~ ~a!~ if that the dcpotition of Eut,enms m•gh~ ya be dcfmcd touching the firfi pomt, they m•ghr feem unto feme to four mo~uhs. Who when thry had r~cn~ed a gmcle an- have err~, ~auf~ they were not _prefenr at the ~lion : fwer ot Arelatenfis and the other PnllCLpals, rettmling but yet m cl11s polllt they had fufticzent to anfwtt, forfo.. a_gain un to .the Ambalfadors, they would only have the much as if they had. lxm prcfcnt at Sdfl(m, thty JzrH Concluhon decreed, and thereupon fent again un_to lhoukl ~:tve bceni,IJ~mect to have entreated any~ with fo;;;~'t~;/}t~~ ~~l~z:oa;~~~;~::~:~~:: ~»,;; ~t::h:Jf: ~:tre:~i:ili~~~~du~h~r~:or~~~~~:;rol;~~~;;:·~;~:pf~ ~ffiJ~:o~~~J':;~{ t';ef:;:, ••t:/~\d ~~~~~~ ~~~a~br:~:c~~~~; ~het!~~t~~/!~:d~;~~~~ that the Concord was broken by them, wh1ch ,..,ould not of the Church, 1t was defem:d. So l1kewilC he (aid, That ob(crve that which they had offered. With which anfwer tiN) h#J now Jont >for thal t~t} Wtr_t not 11b(mt becaufo ~b:~!~! *~d~~~~P:e~~tct~f !~:: p:~~ ~~0it~ne~f!r:~ :~ ~;:;r;:Jfot~'a;;'!;{;,:;~!h~b ~z~~Jt;f !;!; r~ucdt of Spain, nor out of !tal], only the B1rhop of Gr/Jfftrtmt, unt/Jtht Jtt>th) bur btct~uft thq wcuJjnDt bt pmm f~r Fi~~ ~j~~~eg~~till~~~;d;h;v~~~·~fat1~ur~~~~~d ~~~ ~j}J~~~tJ:::e £:;,_u;:i~t!~;m;,~f::s: {ZJt::; o A-•• ::::!..:~c bechangrofrom theirpurpofe: butofDoCtorsandorher fulfiUrJ (Iaidhe) b] tbmStr't~ll!JtsanJ Houfii(J/J, wh(Jtn~~ld ~~~~- :~~i~1l~h~1~~~f~~: ~l~;:i,:l~~~~~.1f:rg;h:'W~~~; ~t~d~:c'tfiat::~J:~~n,:h;;;:~;n~r;:~ ~!7Pre! f~~ ~.:':onU:c ~~~~/~~~~~~e~r~~cl;e ~~~;G1~~~7c~:.~la~~ ~hp~~~ ~~~~J~~~ 1~~ ~oy~b:~l:ve ~~: ~rth\h:~! i:B~ ::~~~:~~~~~~/~rl•LI;;l~:ichqf·~:~d t~~t ~~~;_%~:;~u;h~; ~~~::~;~,0~~~ l~::~ ':~~~~~e~:~:::?as~ ~:r 6~~~~~: ~;NI~ we~c:: only prcftnt twenty 81!hOJ:!S: The r~bdue lurkOO m wh1ch confenteth to lum that dedarcth the truth, as he- ••-;: their Lodg1nss, profdling the F:uth in th.elr hearts,but not doth declare it? W~t !hall we U«d any fm~ ~.!;:.10 tc1ll-