Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

Arelatenfis's Confla1lCJ, Commendation a11d Oath. t~~~fr~r~~:~~~~~~~:~~~~m~t~l~JA~d ~; ~~~~ ~nC::,u~~~t~~ =~~~h21~1~k':s~ rl:::C: h~ {!~~} na,of the Dtoccfs of Cum1111a, a man JlOI.'I unto the World, through _his manifold rcpro3chtS, was hurtful unro all rntn but rich unto God,whom neither fbttenng 1!or thmtning fo he whtch fuould be ~hofnt,(hould fhc:w himfdf acceptab~~ Tbc A.l>b<>tcouldturnaw:~.yli·omhisgcx:xlpurpofc:andmtent,chufing untoallmcn,throughJUilicc; andasGabritlwascovetQl\5 D-,a 1t11c r:tthcr to beg in the truth ?f the Fat he~ than CO abound in and full ofnpine,fo this man lhould fhcw himfdfcontinmr Abbot. nchc:s with the falfe tlnttnng adverfariCS. . Thtrc: was fo ~cat a number of people gathtttd roge: Whereupon) after th~ Lords ~·ere depart_ed wht~h gave ther ~o behold thiS matter, that neithtt in the Church,ndhim his Jiving, he r_cm:u!ting fhll, was flrtckm With_ the thtt Ill the: Str~, a~y man could paiS. Thl'fe was ptdent Plague and die~. L1kcwJU: a great n~mber 0f t~eReg1fim Jolm Earl of D1erpms, who fupplitd the place of the Emand Dodms d1cd ; and fuch as fell mto that Dlfeafe, fe~ perors Proted:or; alfo the Smators of the City, with ma- ~f~~~:~ ~:. n~~~f~~~ll~~~~~~~~lfj1fc!~:~b;e~~~;r:eZ;;r. ;:~~[~ch~~b!;~f.~g;o:o~~~~~~~~ah~;;:~::.eoft~~- ~:~ :::d~ _ T~isrt?n by ~hree~:tyseven~tthc ~tnt?fdeath, all men tizens were without in Armour, to take care that there 1 bemg ~~~ defp:ur of_hun; notwlthfiandmg ~~ pleafed God to lhoul_d be no uproar made. The Electors rrceived theCorngrant lum longer hfc. Whe1_1 as the ~dl:ilem:e was mo{l: mlUllOn toget~r, and afterwardst~y ttceh·ed thtir Oath 1 ~~:d~1~1:~ ~~:-g~~~ :~~~:;~~~~~~~~::~:~:m~~,~~: :;~ ~h~c;:~~~j£;'i};:hf;~ ~&:!i!e~~~~:cr~j tmjis, that he would go to fome other Town or V!l~e firft of all, he taking the Qath himfelf, began in this nearlund; forthefewerethewordsofall hisfricndsand manner: hOt_dhol~, Wbat Jo you mojf rwrrmJ Father ? Ar tbt lta.ft Mofl rwtrtnJ Fatbm, I promift, Jwtar 411tl vow, ~c't' ~on/ tbu Wane c the Moqn anti [a~e yaur ftlf> wbo ~e- !t~,';J J:;n:r 1~:r:;;;~l':w~f;t:l~t~eoiJ N•'-Fs· z~~:t::ftn:J;iD~:C1t::.. ~:~;;;,%:!1/:;,:'L;~h:t ful fod:? Tbe i1t[eflion bRtb'fJaded t~u-rCbam- tbt CQulrcil "!'' 11re fmt, I_ w_iU Jul. notbi11g t/[t, hut tt ~:fiJ~~~;f/~~~::'J;;~~b::~e1:~~ b:;b a ;;afrtj::~ ~? &:~::J;t &:::b~brt,s;: j~U1:',;7,~Jet,t;;P;,~ Tltclnolnd·us. ButndtGer theiutrcatyofhisHoufuol~nc!tha t_he /fuJJ, thattbt ttutbority u[rl_GtmrttlCouncils he not [\1~Jf: s::~i'r.:~r::\;};~~r~~~~~~t~cE1~li~; f/:;;:p~;,!:.;:y,~7::·;::::;,~{f:~;~~'fi· :t. u..P•· d1d know, that if he fhould deparr,few would have tarried thu, w1~b 11D "!J whole forct an~ p~er, ~iD! bm~ my ~~~~~;: and th~t decti[ Jhould have been wrought in his 1)or~i;;·r;~ :~:. ::1;r~:;Yfo~"tb:~ ~;sr:;:~::/:;;; Wherefore, hke as _in War~ the Soldiers fear no~angn, profit oftbt G_hurch. Wftb tbu mmJ ,.mJ mttnt, ~nJ with w~l-tn as they fee thc!r Capcam in the midfi of theu cne- thu ~tl~rt wsli I talt~ mine Oath before the C~unul. miCS: f? the ~athm of the Council were afuamed_ to fly H1s words _were livdy and fea_rful. After h1m all the o- Tbc o!W from this Pdhl~nce, feting their Prdident to remam wi~h ther Eled:ors Ill thei_r order, did (wear and take their Oath: ~taon Wt them in the 1m<lH of all dan~ers. Which their doings d1d Then they went With great folemnity unto the Conclave, o1d1 utterly fttbvert the opinion of them,which babbled abroad, where they remained {even days. The manntt of their Elothat the F arh_ers tarried in Rafil, to feek t~ir own profit Chon was in this fort. lkfore the Cardinals Seat was fet a andcommochty, andnctthevtrityoftheb.ith; for there Desk, whtteupon there flooiaBafonof Silvtr, intothe is noconunodityuponearth which men would change whichBafonalJtheEl~orsdidcaHtheirScheduks;which for their livi'S; for that al l fuch as do fen·e the World, do the Cardinal receiving, read one by one, andf~otha of fu~~~l i\l:f:1!:~~vti~~~ fi!:1~ 1~~~~ fur ~a~~~ the~~o~r~~heSc~~~~em~ in rim manner: I ~B~v~~~~%lli~~~ga~~lt~~\ItS~~~~hwt~~\~~~ ?::n:;orBtjlp ~:~:~·~~t:n::~ed{;~h: ::td~~Je~~i~l{~tarbei~~t~~~ ttrf~a~·~ t:~~ ~0 ~h:J:Jtili~f~e;::~~~er~':~ his hi;~:.~~ :ill dangers, and have not doubted with moll confb.nt fay nay, if it were contrary to that wbich was fpokm , mind~todefendtheverityoftheCouncil, even unro this whaebyalldo:eit wasutterly excluded. The firll fcru· prefent. tiny thus ended, it was found that there were many naThe riffie ?f the Decree being paffed, after the Depofi- med to the Papacy; yet no_ne had fufficimt voices, for tionofGabml, itfeemedgood.u_ntotheFathm.., to pro- ~t daytherewere17 ofd1versNationsnomimtc. Not· cced to the EleCtion of another BJthop•. And tirfi o~ all, WJth!bn<ling, .Amedttts Duke of SaWJ, a man of finguhr ~:= they nominated tho(e that t_ogether With. the Cardm:tls) vertue,furmounted them a !I ; for_ in the lirllfcrutiny he had S•Vf7· lhould eled: the Pope. The firfi and prinCJp:ll o~ the ~le-. the voice of 16 Ekdors, which judged him worthy to gof.i~7. §~~r;,,~~~:~:~E~~t:r~~;;JJjs~~~f!;! ~~:f~~~~~!;~:.~~&~~:~~~ pofc,ndther could thefhadowof auy Prince h:tve fo defend- or difcommeJtd thofe which were nominate. Notwithed them. ~his man c:tme not to the Eletbon by any favour funding, there was fuch report made of .Ame km, that in .&ti:nti.1J or dtnommation, but by hisown proper_riglu. 1l1e refi of the next fcruti~1y, which was holden in the N~tS of No- h • prny the EleCtors w~e chofen out of the Jtaltan, Frmcb, Gtr- 'fJmtkrr, the frud .Amttleurlud 2 r Voicts, and likewife in :~: bJ man and Spanijh Nation.~' and theu: Cells ru1d Cha~ the 3d and 4th fcruriny,21 Voices. And forfomuch as there appointedtothemby!OtS., withoutrefped ofdigmtyor wasnonefoundinallthefcrutiny tohave2pans, all the perfon, and as the lotsfcll,fo were they pl:J.ced; whm_by it odl(r Schedulrs were bumt.An~ forfomuch as t~ere lacktd ~~~:~;~~ ~~~;t~1~:fui~~i~~nl~,~~~~~a !IS::;:, ~le~~~ ;~Y':,~~~~~~~~eJ~ha~ ~~t~\~!~t'J~b·d=~t~ t~~a~;;~tSlx~ ~~~~~~:f:1:mrow~tc~n~~~;;~~ili:~.:r:hi:ertoth; ?it Chambers appointed for thernfelves, and had eamdHy c?n· flock ofGod. Forfomuch as Amttltus fttmed to be neam rendedbefOietohavethei rChambcrsappointcd accordtng U~ltO the Papacy than all other, th~c~vasgrca~com~uThe~r.t to *h~ ~~~:i!r~y after there was a Sdlion~olden, wherein ~~cn:a~d~b':~\f:yr·~=~to~~~~;g~~; 1 _ % (~~~~fr'~% 0~ <>I Mu<••· MarcttJafamous Divine, made an OratJOnunrotheEle- chofen; for itwouldftema Hr:ut£,e tlung, for a f~br dors, wbert:in he reckoned up the manifo!d crimes of Ga· Prince to be called unto the B_ithoprick of R~m~ i wh1ch i>tid, which was dcpoftd. He endGvourcd to perfw~d~ the would alfo too much derogate trom the &cltlialhcal fiat~;