Fox - BR1600 .F6 1684 v1

----------:--:-:--:::----;--------;-:::--;:-;~----- Amedcus, though married, cbo{enPofJe, aud 11amed Felix the Fifth. 783 <=·~~~~~r&lll ofthcu·Fathcr, :uidw1!1 help bun 1fhe have need; for theyha\·calrc-adylcarn«<torulcovcrthatpcoplt:.lpray youwhathurtisirfor a Bl!bop of Romerohavevaliam: ~~~~r;~~e::~~~~f~~~~~e~f,ct~~r;a~l~:a~~~~ :~craft~~~~ this mofi povrrfc:md ffoward rirnt, the more 1 do confidathcvexatiousand troubles which the Church is now tormented withal; Idofomuchthcmorethink itprofitahk, yn :and ne<:effary, thlt this man fhould be chor~n PrinceandHrad; lwillthinkthatGod luth fhcw«l his ;;;;;,,~~:;•;l:;;,·,;;,;;b;;,;;;~ ;:;th ;;;g;:.d; j;;;;,, -h;~·f;,;~ I ~Jb~11~~\:~~fi~1~~n1;~~~~;teH~i~·;:;~~~~ ~~~ ~~g~~~~~~~~~;f~~t~~~~ driven, with whlt pc-rils we an: now vexed andtoffcd? Wh"Ptine<i>itd,<isob<di<o><m>tothisCO<mcil' Fot fomc will not confcfs, that the Counci l is h1u, neithtt rcceivcourDccrees; Othnforncconfefsit in their words., butbythcirdttdsthrydcdarcittobcatF/omm. Foralbeitthatbytheirwords:mdU:ncrs, thc:ydonocdcnythat thcChurchishcrc, yet do they procu,c Promotions at ~~~~~~~~~~!~ ~~e~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~.~i~~~;~n~c~~ro~cn~~ ~h;hShf;~~ ~~~g;~':~.' fha~en and bnufc~ ; WJ~ked children have ri(cn up agamfl: thctr Mother, wluch bcmg unmindful of rhm Mothers la~ boursandkindnefstowar~s tht:m, dcfpifc !?er, contemn hcr,andlxathcr, WhatLSW bcdom: hcrcm? Shall we chufeabareman, which !lllll rather be derided of our Princcs,dmthadinre..·crcncc?Thcdaysarcnotnow,that mcnhavcrcfjXd onlyuntovwue,for (as theSJtyrical ~~::~,~::i:~if:~:.:.~r~~~~:~;~~~, ~i::b&.~,~:: 1 ;:H~~~~:;s~~r~rr~:;~~~~;~,:~s:~ lookedupon,whetherirbcinarichrrun,Ol"apoorman; you muft chufe aGovnnour which may rule the Ship not only by counfd, butbypoweralfo. The wind is great; whenforeexceptthecounftlbcgood,andthepowerfirong, thc:Shipfhallbcbrokcnandallputindang«. Thememorialisyctfrdbbcforeourcyes,tharthePrincesdonegkd the aut~ority which is of no_ fon:~ or power. Is there ~:~~;,~}i~:.~~§~~~~~~~~~~;:,:~::~';;~ I not great va!Jamncfsfbcwrd in thiS pomt, m that youfarw ingnopailordanger,dthcroflifeorgcxxls,havcfolong contcndedforrhctruthofChrifl? But the mo!l mighty and high God lookcth down from on high, :m~ will_ r~fift ~:t::~~~::~:.iY?.i~~~~~:;N;~~:;~;!:~1~:~~~~~i~~1 ~~~~~i:~]f£ ~~:.~b!.ii:,l~;~~cl~!~s ~::~~:~:·,:~~i:~i~~;~~~:J;~ ~~I of the World are polfeffcd, partly by Eugeni111, :md partly byotherTyrants, wemnfiprovide that we chufe fucha ~:~i~~,::.:;~~~~:;i:~Jjd~E,~~~~~·'i~~;:,~·;~~~~~~~ I ~:~d·~~i~~~~; ~f:v~~~~i~r~~h~:imy;~,o~!~~~~''t ;~;i conccmm~d ; through the lhidd of whofc power their contumacy m:1.y be fupprrlfcd, which contemnbothvc- ~~[~~~:~~~;]~~:;~~-~-~~!~l·~:~~t~~;~ I riry and rcafan. Whtreunto no man feemeth unto me more apt or meet, than Amtdttrs Duke of Savq, which holdeththconcpartofhispotk:ffiousinJM/;,andthc: other in Frrmu \ unto whom all Chrifiian Princes arc alli~d either by confanguinity, or joym:d by a_mity and fncndlhip, and whofcvtrtue, how f.tmous it IS., I have .o···· ·.:-:·:···.···c:::JialrC'adydcclarcd, Whydowcrhcnlbyordoubttoch~e a ~~2~~~~s;~~~~i~~~~f~~i~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~ctt: ~~~, iD~ B;.~P:c~~~:c ~r:Ja~:~ Now )'(llndcrfb.ndby his former life what mazmcr of Vv\' ;a: mill